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Text Chapter 528: Iimura Rang¡¯s Advice

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    In the Japanese Army, the Guards Division has a preeminent status as the emperor's personal soldiers.  [.Com/Text Then the First Division, which has been stationed in Tokyo since the end of the Meiji era and has been serving as the capital's guard, can be said to be a top priority.  Its code name is Jade, which is enough to explain some problems.

    Although the Japanese have always been proud of their own national culture, in fact their so-called national culture was greatly influenced by the styles of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China.  For the Japanese, jade is no less valued among treasures than for the Chinese.  The code name of Jade, the First Division, is enough to explain its status in the Japanese army.

    Although every political turmoil in Japan is inseparable from the participation of the First Division, which takes advantage of the station.  But unlike other standing divisions, this First Division has never been on the battlefield since it was severely damaged in the Russo-Japanese War.  And its performance in the Russo-Japanese War was also very worrying.  After being disabled in the battle of Lushun, he basically missed the subsequent battles.  As the Tokyo Guard Division, this first division performed far more bravely in political struggles than on the battlefield.

    As the commander of the Kwantung Army, Umezu Yoshijiro, he would not dare to sit back and watch the First Division being crippled within the Kwantung Army's structure.  Although he looked down upon the First Division, which was always causing trouble and even causing political turmoil in Japan.  This is why he insisted on using Lieutenant General Isamu Yokoyama, who was known for his bravery and tough methods, when he replaced the commander of the First Division.

    In order to regain Harbin, the core city in Northern Manchuria, to open up the transportation lines throughout Northern Manchuria, and also to rescue the First Division who had repeatedly caused trouble and was dispatched from the bustling Tokyo to the desolate Northern Manchuria at his own initiative  .  Umezu Yoshijiro had to use the Ninth Division, which was originally intended to be used as the general reserve of the Kwantung Army, to cooperate with the 25th Division to regain Harbin.

    Originally, in Umezu Yoshijiro¡¯s view, the loss of Harbin was a crisis for him, but an opportunity also appeared.  In his opinion, the opponent's current strength is too scattered.  Heihe in the front of the First Division, Qiqihar where the 51st Division is located, Weihe and Yanshou in the middle, and Muling and Dongning in the west are full of opponents' offensives.

    They have stretched their hands too far, and their forces have been extremely dispersed.  In Binjiang Province and Longjiang Province, although the so-called two columns and eight brigades were concentrated.  But they have to face the two-sided battle of the Kwantung Army's First Division and the 51st Division at the same time.  Its logistical supplies will be affected by the Lesser Khingan Mountains.

    As long as the Ninth Division and the 25th Division cooperate with each other, plus the First Division in Heihe, the 51st Division in Longjiang, and several brigades from the Manchuria Army.  Four divisions plus nearly 20,000 Manchurian troops were used to deal with the opponent's two so-called columns.  With the superiority in troops and equipment, even if they cannot be defeated, it may not be impossible to inflict heavy damage.

    "If the Kwantung Army can defeat these two lone columns, which are its so-called main columns, it will severely damage its development momentum.  Even if it can't completely turn the tide of the battle around, it can at least look better on the surface.  The most important thing is that I finally have a reason to go to the base camp.

    And there is another reason why Umezu Yoshijiro is eager to regain Harbin that cannot be brought to the table.  That was the Japanese germ warfare unit that was taken over by Yang Zhen. After Umezu Yoshijiro took office, it was rebuilt in secret after painstaking efforts.  It's just a matter of talent, and it's still far from recovering.

    ????????Whether it is for evil or for self-development, it is easy to build the infrastructure, but it is difficult to replace the lost experts.  The so-called former Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department that Yang Zhen conveniently took away during his breakout contained almost the most famous bacteriological experts in Japan.

    The loss of this group of experts is even more harmful to the Kwantung Army and even the entire Japanese Army than the possible leakage of secrets.  After all, hundreds of outstanding experts cannot be re-trained in a short time.  Especially for a less popular subject like bacteriology, finding hundreds of outstanding experts is not something that can be done in a short time.

    Therefore, the reorganized Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department only managed to meet the needs by transferring some experts from the 100th Unit in Xinjing, the so-called Kwantung Army Military and Horse Epidemic Prevention Department, which was also engaged in bacterial warfare research, and several domestic medical universities.  But the quantity is incomparable to before.  Therefore, the re-established epidemic prevention and water supply department has been slow to recover.

    But recovery is slow, and the reorganized Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department is a hope for the Kwantung Army to regain its germ warfare capabilities.  The loss of Harbin means that the reorganized Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department has been lost again.  This is even more unacceptable to Umezu Yoshijiro.

    You must know that this reorganized Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department has almost concentrated the last germ warfare experts in the Japanese army.  Once lost, let¡¯s not talk about the issue of leakage.  At onceIt is a matter of talent loss, and it is enough to make the base camp angry.  For General Umezu Yoshijiro, what happened in 38 years must not happen again to him.  Regardless of the situation, this germ warfare base must be retaken.

    It¡¯s just that Umezu Yoshijiro didn¡¯t expect that the 25th Division would be defeated so quickly.  It took less than two days from the attack to the defeat.  It can be said to have created a record for the defeat of the Japanese army.  Although this included the fact that one of the main wings was severely damaged by the opponent's aviation force and the shadow left by last year's failure, it could not help but make Umezu Yoshijiro greatly annoyed.

    And now the Ninth Division, which he had high hopes for, actually requested to suspend the attack and wait for reinforcements after only three days of fighting.  This undoubtedly made Meizu Yoshijiro, who was eager to regain Harbin and even hoped to save some face by severely damaging his opponents and diverting his troops, even more anxious.

    If the fact that the 25th Division was defeated and returned in a short period of time just made him angry, then the Ninth Division's request regardless of the overall situation was not something that could be described as irritating to Umezu Meijiro.  For him, it can be said that he was very angry.

    After the angry General Umezu Yoshijiro found the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Iimura Jo, his first words were: "Iimura-kun, the Ninth Division is afraid to move forward now. I hope you can go on behalf of the Kwantung Army Headquarters.  Supervise the battle on the Shuangcheng front. If Lieutenant General Kuchiichiro refuses to carry out the order to continue the attack, I have decided that you will replace him as the commander of the 9th Division."

    Hearing Umezu Yoshijiro's words, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, who had received the transfer order and was about to be transferred to the General Staff Headquarters, seemed somewhat hesitant.  After a long silence, Iimura Rang finally said: "Your Excellency, Commander, I think it is time to terminate this operation. The Kwantung Army is no longer able to bear the huge losses of personnel and materials."

    "From the end of May to now, in just over three months, four powerful divisions have been completely destroyed. One division suffered 80% losses and has basically lost its combat effectiveness. Two divisions suffered more than half of their casualties, and the  The 1st Division and the 51st Division are overwhelmed by the opponent's open-ground attack and fire attack. "

    "And the Manchurian army, who was once considered the right-hand man by the Kwantung Army, now seems to be extremely unreliable in the face of superior opponents. The results of His Excellency Sasaki's previous transformation plan were still limited, and could even be said to be very unsuccessful. Many troops were killed.  After the Japanese officers were removed, the Manchu soldiers trained by the empire became an important supplementary force for the anti-Manchu armed forces. This can not but be said to be a great irony for the Kwantung Army. "

    "At present, the Kwantung Army suffered heavy losses in the first stage and the Manchurian army is extremely unreliable. Unless there is a large-scale supplement, we no longer have the ability to carry out the next step of the operation. Your company is currently stationed in Rehe.  The 24th Division has been transferred back, what will happen to Nanman and Xinjing?¡±

    "Your Excellency, Commander, unless the Korean army is mobilized now, with the current strength of the Kwantung Army, we have no ability to reverse our current situation. The losses of the Kwantung Army in the first stage were too serious, and that idiot Juichi Namada almost lost everything.  Half of the elite troops and most of the technical equipment of the Kwantung Army."

    "Once we suffer even a minor defeat, we will no longer have the troops to defend from Harbin to Xinjing. Your Excellency, Commander, you should know the reason why the base camp transferred me back to the country at this time. You should also know that the base camp will not  It is impossible to mobilize another soldier for the Kwantung Army, at least in the short term. "

    "For us now, the most important thing to do is to withdraw the First Division and the 51st Division to the Hailar line, shrink together with the 23rd Division, and hold on to the entire Xing'an area. Then ask for new ones from the base camp  Reinforcements. As for Harbin, we can only give up in the short term.¡±

    "Judging from the obviously European-made German weapons and equipment currently owned by this resistance force, the Russians have now begun to openly intervene. Those French heavy artillery and tanks, unless they fell from the sky. Otherwise, how could they be on the current European battlefield?  Under the control of the Germans, will it appear in Manchuria, which is far away? "

    "During the first phase of the operation, we also captured a large number of Polish-made light and heavy equipment. Your Excellency, Commander, you cannot think that these Polish-made rifle machine guns, anti-tank guns, anti-aircraft guns, and mountain field guns have their own legs.  From thousands of miles away, Poland, which was already controlled by the Germans, ran into the hands of the resistance alliance, not to mention the huge number of empires with a complete military industry and no new fighter jets with excellent performance. "

    "Without strong external support, they have new fighter jets and a large number of trucks? There is also gasoline for these planes, tanks, and cars, as well as a large amount of military raw materials. Does your Excellency, Commander, think that they can win the battle with their own strength alone?  With almost nothing, they were able to build an airplane in just two years.A completely modern weapon and complete self-sufficiency in military industry?  "

    "You must know that the Empire of Japan used all the strength of the country and it took decades of painstaking development to realize that weapons and equipment no longer need to be imported. And without modern steel plants and raw material production bases, they just  It is simply a fantasy to be able to produce a large amount of ammunition and equipment with some captured machinery and equipment?"

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