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Text Chapter 526: The Ninth Division Can¡¯t Stay Calm

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    With the cooperation of the underground party, the screening operation went relatively smoothly.  In just three days, more than 130 past graduates were identified.  In addition to the more than 70 or 80 Chinese recent graduates who almost all passed the screening, more than 40 previous Chinese graduates were also screened.

    This group of formal science and engineering graduates is a huge asset to Yang Zhen and the Anti-League League, which is short of professional talents.  Especially the urgently needed graduates in mechanical and electrical majors and chemistry. Although it cannot be said that they completely meet the needs, they can solve the urgent need.

    It is precisely because of this selection of such a large number of young and promising young and promising male and female technical cadres that the army urgently needs to work in the army.  Regarding Ma Qichang's request for an engineering student, Guo Bingxun not only satisfied it, but also exceeded it.

    From among the fresh graduates of Harbin Institute of Technology who had just joined the army, Guo Bingxun assigned him six young students who had not yet worn warm uniforms and had just joined the army for three days, as well as a Chinese teacher.  There are also train drivers, all of whom were carefully selected from the old base area and transported by air.

    As for this technical information that should be the most difficult to obtain, it is actually the simplest. When Guo Bingxun turned his mind to these captured Japanese heavy artillery, he asked the first officer of the Military Region Intelligence Department who followed the activities of the Four Columns to  They seize the opportunity to interrogate the Japanese vehicle-mounted artilleryman who was inadvertently captured in his sleep.

    In order to obtain the required technical information as soon as possible, under the order of Guo Bingxun, the first department responsible for the work of the New District Intelligence Department, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, used all necessary means to target these Japanese train gunners.  In particular, the officers and technical personnel among them were subjected to rigorous interrogation.

    Facts have proved that although the Japanese have always been proud of the Bushido spirit, not all people are really not afraid of death.  It does not mean that all Japanese people can endure the tortures invented by their compatriots to deal with those who resist the Chinese.  Especially those technical personnel, there is no way to compare with the officers who have persisted for a while.

    After requisitioning the execution chamber of the Japanese Harbin Military Police on the spot, within a few hours the Intelligence Department came out to pry open the mouths of several technicians in the Japanese artillery on board the vehicle.  These Japanese technicians who could not stand the torture invented by their compatriots, although they knew clearly what their opponents needed the technical information for, they still happily handed over what their opponents needed.  A structural diagram was even drawn.  After careful verification, Guo Bingxun sent someone to hand over the technical information to Ma Qichang.

    With Guo Bingxun¡¯s full support, Ma Qichang lived up to the high expectations of him and Yang Zhen.  After Ma Qichang didn't sleep a wink all night and carefully debugged and fumbled with the personnel transported by air, the train gun was finally ready for use.  Although it has not been tested yet, it is still clear how to use this train gun.

    Twenty-six hours later, this huge train gun slowly started to move, carrying an engineer battalion and a temporary artillery battalion and slowly drove towards the Twin Cities.  At this time, in Shuangcheng, after three days of fierce fighting, Ma Fengqi, who had suffered one-third of his casualties, had abandoned most of his peripheral positions and entered the most difficult street fighting with the Japanese army.

    Just as Ma Qichang set off with the train gun and headed towards the Shuangcheng battlefield.  The battle in the Shuangcheng City is entering a fierce state. Under the desperate and crazy attack of the Japanese army, the strength of the Second Independent Brigade is being exhausted little by little.  After three days of hard fighting, Ma Fengqi had less than two battalions of reserves at hand.

    Ma Fengqi, who had been standing at the observation port of the headquarters for half an hour, put down the telescope in his hand, shook his body slightly from the dust that had been blown up by the Japanese shells, turned his head and said to Huang Shengbin beside him: "Political Commissar Huang Shengbin  , This is the first time the Japs have attacked today. ***, the little Japs don¡¯t even care about the loss of the shells.¡±

    "***, this Higuchi Kiichiro is much more cunning than that Suzuki Teiichi. After these two days of artillery battles, the intensity of the Japs' artillery fire has not declined, but has an upward trend. And among them are large calibers of more than 100 mm.  There are quite a lot of heavy artillery.¡±

    After hearing Ma Fengqi's words, Huang Shengbin, who was lying on the map watching the progress of the Japanese army, said: "Old Ma, judging from the battles in the past two days, the Japanese seem determined to retake Harbin this time. The Ninth Division is not only  At the beginning, three regiments launched a full-scale attack, and more than ten tanks were used to cover the infantry in each attack. "

    "And the Japanese artillery does not count the artillery below the regiment. The direct artillery alone has at least two regiments. When we turned to street fighting, they actually brought the heavy artillery into the city and used it as infantry artillery. This intensity is not seen in other areas.  It is probably rare to see a 150mm grenade in this small building on the battlefield.It doesn't take much, just one shot and the shadow will disappear.  They even resorted to the so-called mutual destruction tactics at all costs, and carried out indiscriminate bombardment when the enemy and our armies were fighting.  "

    "Old Ma, you have to think of a way. If we continue to fight like this, we will suffer too many casualties. The little devil has made up his mind to use artillery fire to blow up the entire Shuangcheng County bit by bit. And from the Japanese army on both wings  Judging from the more powerful attack, they want to separate our troops inside the city from those outside the city."

    "Our casualties are around two battalions every day. It has been less than three days since we lost a single regiment. If we continue to fight like this, we can only shrink our troops, abandon our flank positions, and defend the county seat. Once this happens, the Japanese will  If one force surrounds us and the rest bypasses the twin cities, then Harbin will be in danger."

    Having said this, Huang Shengbin smashed his fist on the map and said: "This Higuchi Kiichiro is too cunning. The artillery not only adopts the tactics of dispersed deployment and concentrated firepower, but also deploys a large number of preset positions. It is just a trick to set up a base of firepower.  They moved their bases. When covering the infantry attack, they mostly used small artillery groups, but they were unable to inflict serious damage on the artillery."

    "Compared with the Japs, the basic skills of our artillery are still somewhat different. The number of large-caliber artillery is not as good as that of the Japs. The artillery battles in the past two days have suffered a lot. Lao Ma, if this situation continues, our artillery will  It¡¯s all over. Without artillery fire support, it¡¯s difficult for us to hold on. Until now, the enemy¡¯s firepower has the advantage.¡±

    "Now we lose our positions during the day and mobilize troops from outside the city to take them back at night. If we continue to fight like this, it will become a tactic of refueling. With two battalions a day, how many people do we have on hand to add more troops? We don't have the enemy's strength.  The Japs are obviously using a lose-lose strategy this time.¡±

    Huang Shengbin was right, Ma Fengqi is also getting angry because of this matter.  The brigade artillery group suffered heavy losses in the artillery battle with the Japanese artillery, losing one-third of its mountain field artillery.  The political commissar of the artillery regiment was also shot and killed while commanding on the front line.  If Huang Shengbin hadn't stopped him, he would have almost not dismissed the commander of the brigade artillery regiment.

    Regarding the commander of the artillery regiment, Huang Shengbin had a very firm attitude, one is one, two is two.  If there is a gap, there is a gap, and it must be faced squarely.  Don't blame your subordinates because of excessive losses.  Removing an artillery regiment commander cannot change the facts.  Don't hurt a comrade just because of impulse.

    Thinking of the losses suffered by the artillery, Ma Fengqi angrily grabbed his hat and wanted to throw it away, but hesitated and put it on the table again.  After a long silence, Ma Fengqi smiled bitterly and said: "Old Huang, you are right. Under the current situation, we are using a tactic of adding fuel to the fire. The Japs are pressing forward across the board, and we do not have enough strength at hand. The area of ??Shuangcheng is not large.  If you put too many troops, all the Japanese artillerymen may be captured."

    "Now that the Japanese troops are stronger than ours, they are playing a lose-lose tactic. We can still sustain it for a while by using the tactics of adding fuel to the fire. If we really fight hard with the Japanese, we can even cripple the Japanese 9th Division."  . But who knows if there are reinforcements behind the enemy."

    "There is no other way to fight like this now. Let's fight like this first. Our casualties are not light. I don't believe that the Ninth Division can recover? Now it depends on which of us can hold on first.  The commander is now fighting against the 51st Division, and the fight against the Yizong is going smoothly. "

    "And judging from the increasing intensity of the Japs' attacks in the past two days, I guess the battle situation is almost clear. Although the number of Japanese and puppet troops in Qiqihar is large, we do not have a numerical advantage, but in terms of equipment, the Japs are not  Yes. Commander Tao is almost on the edge of Harbin now, and the little devil will soon lose his temper. "

    Ma Fengqi is right. Under the increasing pressure of the Kwantung Army, Higuchi Kiichiro is living a very sad life now, and he is indeed a little out of sorts.  After three days of fierce fighting, Ma Fengqi's Second Independent Brigade wiped out one regiment, but the ninth division's casualties were not light.  Despite the cover of heavy artillery and tanks, the Ninth Division suffered nearly 2,000 casualties on the first day of fighting.

    Using indiscriminate artillery attacks is not a good thing for Higuchi Kiichiro.  It's a tactic that hurts others, but hurts you even more.  Even under this style of play, the blow to the Ninth Division was even greater.  After all, being wiped out by one's own artillery fire is a very demoralizing thing.

    But for Higuchi Kiichiro and his Ninth Division, under the repeated urging of the Kwantung Army Headquarters and in the face of stubborn resistance from their opponents, almost every house had to go through repeated battles to determine its ownership.  Under the circumstances of power, there is no other way.

    For the Ninth Division, in the face of the fierce opponent's fireUnder this, and under this two-evil tactical play.  The 9th Division's casualty ratio on the first day was much higher than in its previous battles.  The casualty ratio was so high that it would be unforgettable for every commander.

    The 7th Regiment that attacked the station alone suffered more than 270 casualties and 360 wounded on the first day of battle.  Among them, the proportion of officers killed in battle was as high as thirteen.  The casualty rate of the 35th Infantry Regiment that attacked Shuangcheng County was similar.

    Coupled with the battle casualties on the east and west fronts of the county, the three regiments deployed by the Ninth Division on the first day lost more than 700 people and injured more than 900 people.  This means that the Ninth Division, which has three regiments, lost more than half of the regiment on the first day.  These were casualties on the first day of combat.
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