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Text Chapter 514 Two Cities of Flesh and Blood (8)

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    Colonel Shoji Tatsumi couldn't help but be startled when he heard that the division commander, who had always been very cautious before, actually changed his previous cautious style and wanted to capture the twin cities before the ninth division.  ¡¾.Com The head of the text division said before that he must pay attention to his opponent's combat effectiveness and must be more careful not to fall into an ambush by his opponent.  Why is it that now that the 70th Regiment has been severely damaged and the available troops are insufficient, why is it that it is uncharacteristically continuing to go north?

    Seeing Shoji Tatsumi who didn't understand what he meant, Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi could only smile bitterly and said: "Every troop has its dignity, especially as a member of the Imperial Army."  The dignity of a warrior. I did say before that our attack stop line is located in the Twin Cities, and we will wait for the arrival of the new division to decide what to do next. "

    "But I didn't say not to occupy the Twin Cities. No matter how we fight next or decide, we must always give the Kwantung Army Headquarters a clear answer. And we must not be in front of the Ninth Division, too  Losing our dignity as an Imperial warrior."

    "Regardless of whether the 70th Regiment can still participate in the war, we will continue to attack northward until we capture the Twin Cities. Whether the 25th Division can become a powerful force of the Imperial Army in the future? Yixue lost in the first battle last year.  Shame, just look at our fight.¡±

    When Suzuki Teiichi said these words, his tone was very firm.  But Colonel Shoji Tatsumi could only smile bitterly. He couldn't figure out whether his division commander wanted to compete with the Ninth Division, or whether he thought that when the Ninth Division arrived, he would have nothing to worry about.  For the 25th Division at the moment, waiting for the arrival of the 9th Division should be the most prudent strategy.

    A Kong family shack held back the 25th Division for a full four hours, and now the rapidly advancing fighter planes had passed away.  In a situation where the enemy was almost certainly ready, the division commander not only failed to act steadily, but instead underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly.  Does this dignified lieutenant general, division commander, understand how to command troops in combat?

    Thinking of this, Colonel Shoji Tatsumi suddenly remembered that Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi was selected to study economics at Tokyo Imperial University after graduating from Army University.  In addition to serving as a junior officer in the army for several years before attending Army University.  Most of the time he is either working at the staff headquarters or traveling abroad.

    The only experience above commanding a battalion is that he served as the infantry battalion captain in the 48th Regiment for four months.  and infantry captain for less than a year.  And when the captain of the 14th Regiment took office.  This lieutenant general has never done anything, not even commanded a wing-sized exercise.

    Thinking of this, Colonel Shoji Xun could only shake his head and smile bitterly.  He really didn't know how the Army Ministry considered letting such a person who had never even conducted an exercise, let alone actual combat, serve as the division commander of a field division.  Judging from the lieutenant general's resume, he should be far better at economics than fighting.

    It¡¯s just that no matter how awesome Colonel Shoji Tatsumi is, he is still just a captain.  No matter how incompetent Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi was, he was still the division commander.  No matter how reluctant he is as the commander of the regiment, he has to listen to the division commander.  Listening to Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi's unchangeable tone, Shoji Tatsumi could only bite the bullet and continue heading north.

    It turns out that the arrogant Colonel Shoji Xun tempered his arrogant character and became cautious after the battle in the Kong family shack.  On the contrary, Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi, who had been cautious before, became bolder and repeatedly urged Shoji Tatsumi to speed up.  The personalities of the two people were completely reversed in a short period of time.

    Shoji Tatsumi didn¡¯t know the reason for the division commander¡¯s sudden change of temperament in a short period of time, but Suzuki Teiichi himself knew it very well, at least it wasn¡¯t as high-sounding as he said.  The reason why he changed from his previous steady and steady tactics was actually related to the personal grudge between him and the commander of the 9th Division, Kiichiro Kuchi, who was one grade above him at the Army Sergeant School.

    Actually looking at the resumes of the two people, they are of the same age and their jobs have overlapped for a considerable amount of time.  Many times, the two of them have been in the same place.  Although Kiichiro Kuchi graduated from the Military Academy one year earlier, he was admitted to the Mainland University one year later than Suzuki Teiichi.  From senior to junior.

    Both Kiichiro Kuchi and Teiichi Suzuki spent time in the Army Ministry¡¯s journalism class.  One has served as the military attach¨¦ in Britain and China, and the other has served as the military attach¨¦ in Poland.  They also all worked as secret service chiefs, a job that was so shameful.  The conflict between the two people arose when Lieutenant General Kiichiro Kuchi was appointed as the head of the Harbin Secret Service and Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi was appointed as the Minister of Government Affairs of the Koya Planning Agency.

    When he was serving as the head of the Harbin Major General Secret Service, Lieutenant General Kuchiichiro Kuchi once proposed a plan.  They hope to take advantage of Germany's anti-Semitism and use Manchukuo to attract wealthy Jews to settle and even establish a country, so as to use Jewish funds to help Japan develop and strengthen itself.The purpose of strength.

    Lieutenant General Kiichiro Kuchi knows that the Jews, who have controlled the direction of the world economy for a long time, are rich.  And it's not just ordinary money, it's quite money.  He did not know how much money was controlled by the Jews.  But what he knows is that if Jewish funds can be fully utilized, it can greatly ease Japan's finances, which have never been well-off, and help Japan expand its invasion of China.

    Of course, Lieutenant General Kuchi Ichiro's generosity to others and the use of land from other countries to formulate a so-called plan to attract Jews to settle in Manchuria or even establish a country was not out of his so-called charity to save the Jews.  But it was purely because of the Jewish purse.  I want to borrow Jewish money to support Japan's finances so that the Japanese army can better prepare for war expansion.  After all, Japan, whose financial resources have always been tight, can hardly support a war for a long time.

    But Suzuki Teiichi, who was the political affairs minister of the Koya Planning Institute in charge of war planning at the time, firmly opposed this plan because Suzuki Teiichi was a die-hard supporter of the alliance with Germany in the army.  He believed that this incident would greatly arouse German dissatisfaction with Japan and threaten the Three Kingdoms Alliance being negotiated.

    Suzuki Teiichi believes that as a rare strong ally, Japan should never offend the Germans who have protested for those Jews who have been trying to control the world with money.  The two people have always disliked each other since then.

    Despite the strong support of the then Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Hideki Tojo and Manchuria Railway President Matsuoka Yosuke, this so-called blowfish plan to attract Jews to settle in Manchuria was still secretly implemented.  Before the Soviet Union and Germany occupied Poland and the eastward flow of Jews was completely blocked, the Japanese puffer plan attracted more than 20,000 Jews in total and arrived in Northeast China via the Soviet Union.

    Although Kiichiro Kuchi¡¯s original plan was partially successful, the feud between the two people was forged.  Kiichiro Kuchi believed that if this guy without strategic vision hadn't stopped him, talking nonsense at the Five-phase Conference could have attracted more Jews.

    It was the obstruction of the so-called top economist within the Japanese army that made the embassy in Germany timid when issuing visas. The number of visas issued was far less than what he had imagined, which seriously hindered his plan.  Not only did the plan progress slowly, it was also noticed by the Germans.

    Because of this incident, Lieutenant General Kiichiro Kuchi, who was a staff officer, has been ridiculing that although he has as many diplomas from the Army Sergeant School and the Army University, he has never commanded even a regiment-scale performance.  Suzuki Teiichi, who has been wearing a suit for much longer than wearing a military uniform, is a soldier in a suit.

    ¡°And as a graduate of the Department of Economics of Tokyo Imperial University, my narrow-sightedness is worse than that of a street vendor.  This guy probably didn't learn anything in the Department of Economics at Imperial University except how to calculate how to spend money to play with women.  Compared with being a soldier, Suzuki Teiichi should be a kindergarten teacher or an elementary school teacher.

    And the rift between the two, coupled with Kiichiro Kuchi's ridicule, made Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi dislike Lieutenant General Kiichiro Kuchi who actually had a resume similar to his.  He was especially ridiculed for being a soldier in a suit, which made Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi, who was still an authentic Japanese soldier at heart, very uncomfortable.

    The reason why Suzuki Teiichi forced the attack on the twin cities even though his troops suffered heavy losses was because he wanted the guy who had been laughing at him to take a good look at whether Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi was a real emperor.  people.  Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi will use facts to prove that since he was able to pass the Army University as a junior from the Army Sergeant School back then, he was admitted to the Army University ahead of him, Lieutenant General Kiichiro Kiichiro.  Now as the division commander, he can still beat him Kiichiro Kuchi in terms of record.

    Under the urging of Suzuki Teiichi, Colonel Shoji Tatsumi did not dare to delay.  Concentrating all the troops he had at hand, under the cover of artillery fire, he crossed the line of Kong's shack and launched a continuous fierce attack on the line of Zhang Zheng's shack, the most important stronghold on the outskirts of Shuangcheng.  I hope that I can meet the expectations of the Division Commander and seize the opportunity to capture the Twin Cities before the Ninth Division.

    It¡¯s just unfortunate that the opponent is not defeated at the first touch.  In addition to the fact that the resistance was still extremely tenacious, the counterattack artillery fire was also extremely fierce.  The first wave of charges organized by the squadron that Shoji Tatsumi launched did not even touch the edge of the opponent's main defensive position before being blown back by artillery shells.

    The squadron that rushed to the front was blocked by intensive artillery fire and could not retreat. They all fell under the cross-deployed machine gun fire of the opponent.  The first wave of charges didn't even cause a stir, and they were beaten back cleanly by their opponents.  Not to mention the failure of the attack, a squadron was lost in the first wave of the offensive, which made Shoji Tatsumi's nose almost crooked with anger.

    Shoji Tatsumi, who was so angry at the dismal outcome of the first wave of offensives, could not care less about the steady warning he had been telling himself secretly.  Use all the artillery assigned to him by Lieutenant General Suzuki Teiichi and concentrate onAll the troops that could be concentrated at the front launched successive attacks on the defenders' positions regardless of casualties.

    At the same time, the only remaining infantry brigade of the 70th Regiment was also mobilized to attack from the flank of the defenders.  Anyway, the Ninth Division was about to arrive, so he didn't have to worry about the safety of his retreat.  In order to suppress the opponent's artillery, which caused a lot of trouble to him in the first wave of offensive, Shoji Xun even concentrated two artillery squadrons to specifically suppress the defender's artillery.

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