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Text Chapter 500 Surprise Attack

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    Although Yang Zhen closed his eyes, the thinking in his mind did not stop for a moment.  ¡¾., I have been thinking about the weak points and loopholes in this combat plan.  As for the situation that has not been reported so far, Yang Zhen is not too worried.

    He knows Guo Bingxun¡¯s character. He will not speak until the most difficult time.  Tao Jingfei is now under the command of Guo Bingxun, and he does not easily skip the command, so any situation will be reported to Guo Bingxun as soon as possible instead of directly to himself.

    If Guo Bingxun thought there was no special situation, he would not report it to himself.  Because he knew that he was currently negotiating with the Soviets and the United States, which related to the ability to continue fighting the war in the future, he almost did not have the energy to take into account too many other aspects.

    Under such circumstances, he will make a comprehensive judgment in the shortest possible time regarding problems or accidents he encounters, and make his own decisions before reporting the situation.  If Guo Bingxun did not report the situation, it means that at least he has not encountered too many difficulties so far.

    However, despite his confidence in Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen has been considering possible loopholes.  Because no matter how perfect a combat plan is, it is impossible to predict all changes on the battlefield, and it is impossible to have no weaknesses at all.  The difference is only in the morning and evening of exposure.  And if this weakness is seized by the opponent first, then it is the most dangerous.

    According to the telegram report from Guo Bingxun that he received before departure, if no major accidents occurred during the interleaving process, the rapid detachment led by Tao Jingfei should have arrived in the suburbs of Harbin by this time, and had even begun to fight with the Japanese and puppet troops in Harbin.  Fierce fighting.

    Bayan is only more than 80 kilometers away from Harbin. For Tao Jingfei¡¯s advance detachment, which is fully mechanized, apart from the time it takes to cross the Songhua River, the rest of the journey only takes two hours.  According to this calculation, according to the situation reported by Guo Bingxun, Tao Jingfei should, no, definitely arrived in Harbin by this time.

    The focus of the second phase of this campaign is Harbin. Once it starts there, it will mean a new change in the situation in northern Manchuria.  The center of gravity of the entire battlefield will shift from the Sanjiang area to the surrounding areas of Harbin, which means that his first strategic attempt to push the entire battlefield into enemy-occupied areas has been successful.

    Tao Jingfei single-handedly established the Fujin base and received basic mechanized combined command training there. He is the only senior commander who has received mechanized combined command operations training.  This is why when selecting candidates to go to Harbin, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun first considered him instead of Wang Guangyu, who had a stable temperament and was more suitable.

    ¡°It¡¯s just that although I received preliminary training, the training time was too short after all, only one and a half months in total.  Yang Zhen himself didn't know much about how much effect it could have.  Although the surprise attack on Harbin was not a tough battle, the subsequent Japanese counterattack was definitely a tough battle.

    Harbin is the military, political, and economic center of the entire Northern Manchuria region. Regardless of the military morale, morale, or stability of the so-called Manchukuo, the Kwantung Army will not allow Harbin to be lost.  What's more, as a water and land transportation hub, Harbin is also responsible for the logistical supplies of the 30,000-strong Japanese First Division stationed in Heihe Province, and protects the retreat route of the First Division.

    Once Harbin is lost, for the Japanese army, it will not only mean the loss of the entire Binjiang Province, the most economically developed area in Northern Manchuria.  The First Division in the Heihe area will also become isolated.  Unless they cross the entire Greater Khingan Mountains and retreat westward toward Hailar, the First Division can only sit and wait for death.

    Regardless of whether it is for political or military purposes, the Kwantung Army will never allow such an important town as Harbin to fall into its hands.  Perhaps it is not a big problem to seize Harbin, which is currently empty of troops, but the next defensive battle in the face of the Japanese army's crazy counterattack is the top priority.

    Tao Jingfei and Wang Guangyu still need to maintain a certain offensive to the north. Whether they can save Harbin under the siege organization of at least three Japanese divisions is the key point of the next battle plan.  It is precisely because of the high stakes in the Harbin battle that Yang Zhen could not relax even though Guo Bingxun was commanding from the front.

    As Yang Zhen was speeding toward Tonghe County where he was preparing to set up a rear command overnight, he considered whether there were any omissions in this operation.  Over there on the other side of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains, Tao Jingfei commanded two tank regiments as the main force of the armored brigade, plus a self-propelled artillery regiment, and Guo Bingxun used an entire automobile regiment to transport an infantry brigade plus an infantry regiment, as well as the main force of the cavalry brigade.  The rapid column formed has rushed into Harbin.

    Tao Jingfei penetrates very fast.  After capturing Bayan County and having his strategic intentions exposed, Guo Bingxun's order to Tao Jingfei was simple. His target was Harbin.  what he has to doThe purpose was to take advantage of the fact that the Japanese army had not fully grasped its true strategic purpose, and took advantage of the fast movement of mechanized troops to seize Harbin, a strategic town in Northern Manchuria, before the Japanese army could react.

    Before Tao Jingfei set off, Guo Bingxun repeatedly told him not to be wary along the way, and not to be delayed in any way because of the obstruction of a small group of Japanese and puppet troops.  The small groups of Japanese and puppet troops in Acheng, Binxian and other places along the way were left to the main force behind to deal with them. His action was to rush to Harbin desperately.

    After comprehensively analyzing the current enemy situation, Guo Bingxun found that the number of Harbin defenders at this time was not large.  After the failure of the first phase of the battle, part of the independent second garrison that was originally responsible for Harbin's security mission was sent to the area north of Harbin to serve as security to ensure the security of the first division's flanks and rear.  On the way to reinforce the 14th Division, the main force was blown to pieces by aviation in Founder territory.  At this time, there was less than one brigade of troops in Harbin city.

    The main force of Harbin's defense now is an infantry brigade and a cavalry brigade in the Fourth Puppet Manchukuo Military District. In addition, there are also some Puppet Manchukuo military and police officers, two marine regiments from the Jiangshang Army, and more than 700 sailors left after last autumn's battle.  , as well as miscellaneous armed forces such as the Self-Defense Group, with a total strength of approximately 12,000.

    However, although the number of defenders seems to be large, the only ones with combat effectiveness are a brigade of the Japanese Independent Second Garrison, the 23rd Independent Mixed Brigade of the Fourth Military District of the Puppet Manchu Army, and the Teaching Team of the Fourth Military District.  and two marine regiments of the puppet Manchuria Army.  Taken together, the total strength is less than 4,000.

    As for the other military and police officers, it is okay to deal with the common people and bully the Anti-Japanese Alliance who have few soldiers and poor equipment.  If they were allowed to fight formally face-to-face with large forces, I'm afraid they wouldn't have that strength.  What's more, Tao Jingfei's rapid detachment currently contains 76% of the tanks and 60% of the cavalry in the Jidong Military Region.  Facing a large number of tanks and combat vehicles, one can imagine the combat effectiveness of these military police who basically have no field strength.

    In fact, not only Harbin¡¯s defense strength is weak, but also the strength of the Japanese and puppet troops in the entire Binjiang Province is now not as good as before.  Especially when the Fourth Military District, which was originally responsible for the defense of Harbin and was said to be the strongest puppet Manchu army with ten brigades, had been defeated, the defense of the entire Binjiang Province was very weak.

    In the first phase of the battle, the main force of the Puppet Manchukuo Fourth Military District and the three most powerful brigades were wiped out one after another in the southern part of Fangzheng and Yilan, and the two brigades surrendered on the battlefield.  Among the remaining five brigades, due to some unstable factors, another brigade was disarmed by the Japanese army.

    As for the remaining three infantry brigades and one cavalry brigade, with less than 7,000 troops, they are scattered throughout Binjiang Province for defense. In Harbin, there is only one infantry brigade and the 36th Cavalry Brigade with only two battalions.  .

    Although there are complete fortifications built by the Japanese army to rely on, such a small force is very inadequate to defend Harbin, the largest city in Northern Manchuria.  Moreover, Tao Jingfei ignored the Japanese and puppet troops in Hulan, Acheng and other places and took advantage of the speed advantage of the mechanized troops to attack with all his strength, leaving little time for the Japanese and puppet troops in Harbin to defend.

    When the Japanese tanks of the vanguard of the fast column commanded by Tao Jingfei appeared on the north bank of the Songhua River in Harbin, they had no idea that their original opponents already had an armored force and the puppet Manchukuo bridge guarding force, and they still thought these tanks appeared.  and a large number of cars belonging to the Kwantung Army, without any obstruction.  Tao Jingfei easily captured this vital bridge without firing a shot.

    After originally thinking that the Kwantung Army had done something wrong again, and being disarmed without firing a shot, the Third Marine Regiment of the Puppet Manchuria Army, which was tasked with guarding the bridge, disarmed the emblems on their uniforms.  Knowing that these tanks and cars in front of them are not from the Kwantung Army at all, but from the Anti-Alliance.

    Seeing the large number of tanks and cars passing through the railway bridge at full speed without stopping for a moment, these puppet Manchukuo troops were dumbfounded and couldn't help but draw a big greeting in their heads: "Weren't the Anti-Japanese Alliance been hit hard? How could they still hit it?"  Coming from Harbin? When did the Anti-Japanese Alliance become so wealthy? Not only did they have a lot of cars, they also had so many tanks? "

    After the first phase of the battle has basically come to an end, in order to avoid affecting morale, especially to prevent the puppet Manchukuo army from wavering.  After learning that a large number of enemy aviation and tank troops appeared on the battlefield, the Kwantung Army Headquarters not only strictly sealed the truth about the heavy casualties of the Japanese army, but also immediately issued a hush-hush order on the fact that the Anti-Japanese Alliance already possessed a large number of modern weapons.  .

    Although the news of the loss of Bayan County has been received and Harbin City has begun to prepare for war, they never expected that their opponents would appear in front of them so quickly. The Japanese and puppet troops were even the only one connected to Songhua in Harbin.No explosives were even placed on the bridges north and south of the Yangtze River.

    After receiving the report that the leading troops had completely captured the Songhua River Bridge, Tao Jingfei, in addition to leaving a battalion to protect the bridge, which was related to the lifeline of future operations, directly ordered the rest of the troops not to stay. The entire army used the Japanese and puppet troops to paralyze the carelessness.  situation, occupy Harbin in the shortest possible time.

    Somewhat careless, most of the troops were still sleeping in the barracks or fortifications at this time. They did not expect that their opponents who should be still a hundred kilometers away, such as the Japanese and puppet troops, would appear in front of them like magic soldiers descending from the sky.  When he discovered that his opponent had already hit him, it was already too late to react.

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