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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 480 Gambler¡¯s Character

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    For Saburo Endo, who was pale at this time, the pilot's report confirmed his previous concerns about the true aerial capabilities of the mysterious opponent.  [:.Com text Now, although he already knows that his opponent has a powerful aviation group, this is exactly what he least wants to see.

    He signaled to the adjutant behind him to take the camera handed over by the pilot, and asked someone to send the pilot away.  Saburo Endo told his adjutant to immediately send it to the technical room of the 15th reconnaissance aircraft team at the airport and flush it out in the shortest possible time.  And he was waiting outside the technical room, showing it to himself as soon as the photos came out.

    After the adjutant who took the order left, Saburo Endo declined the request of Takesan Aoki to go back and rest.  Instead, someone moved a chair and sat on the edge of the airport runway waiting for the follow-up plane to return.  Although he knew there was little hope, Saburo Endo still looked forward to the heroic pilots under his command being able to create a miracle and escape from the superior enemy forces.

    But as the hands of the pocket watch passed by minute by minute, Endo Saburo's heart became colder and colder.  But it was past noon, and there was no sign of the plane that should have returned long ago.  Not to mention returning, there is no news at all.  Even the Type 98 dive bomber that was crippled did not return with injuries.

    At the same time, he sent a telegram every hour asking if any fighter planes had returned from the airports in Mudanjiang and other places, but the other party gave the same answer that no fighter planes had been seen.  Saburo Endo, who was originally unwilling to give up, completely understood that the planes dispatched to bomb Fang Zheng had probably encountered an unexpected incident and would never be able to return.

    Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, it was already pointing to three o'clock in the afternoon. Even though he was sitting under the scorching summer sunshine in Northern Manchuria, Saburo Endo's heart was colder than the three-foot freezing weather in Northern Manchuria.  He knew that by this time, there was no possibility of those planes coming back.

    Even though Harbin Airport is less than 200 kilometers away from Founder, in such a long time, even the Type 97 heavy bomber with the longest range has already run out of fuel.  It has not returned at this time, and there are no reports of aircraft landing at other airports that do not belong to this airport.  Now he could be sure that all the planes dispatched to bomb the enemy forces in Founder's territory in accordance with General Umezu Yoshijiro's request had been lost.

    What he knows more about are the more than 200 planes, plus the hundreds of planes blown up by the enemy at Qiqihar Airport, and the more than 300 planes lost during the previous attacks at Mudanjiang and Muling Airports.  , already constitutes almost 90% of the combat strength of the Kwantung Army Aviation Corps.

    After the loss of these aircraft, the once strong army still had the power to carry out combat. In addition to the more than 200 primary and intermediate trainer aircraft in several flight schools directly under the Kwantung Army, which were basically without combat effectiveness, the remaining  More than thirty fighters and more than twenty dive bombers of the Second Flying Regiment stationed in Hoinyong, North Korea.

    ¡°That is to say, in just one morning, Saburo Endo of the Kwantung Army Aviation Corps lost almost all his flying power.  It seemed that it was still full in the early morning, but now it was empty except for the Type 98 dive bomber that was actually scrapped.

    Saburo Endo could no longer control the emotion in his heart, whether it was anger or pain. He opened his mouth and spit out blood, rolled his eyes and passed out.  Seeing that the Commander was so angry that he vomited blood, Colonel Aoki Takesan hurriedly carried Saburo Endo into his special car and drove to Harbin Medical University without any delay.

    At this time, Saburo Endo was not the only one who was tortured by the unfavorable battle situation.  Saburo Endo, who was in a coma, didn't know that while he was waiting for his men to return, there was someone in Founder who was in more pain than him.  Although there was no vomiting blood, it was almost the same.

    Not only did the long-awaited air support promised by General Umezu Yoshijiro not arrive, but in the afternoon battle, he was bombarded head and head. Naturally, Kita Seiichi's mood was not much better.  The heavy casualties suffered by the troops in the air raid made him even more worried about the next battle situation.

    Especially after receiving the news that the second regiment was desperately trying to cross the Ant River and had even seen hope of breaking through. During the forced crossing, they encountered an air attack by the opponent's large aircraft group that was obviously carefully planned and could be described as perfectly planned.  The telegram sent out a telegram indicating that the general's vitality was severely damaged due to the loss of his troops.  Kita Seiichi almost became brothers with Saburo Endo on the spot.

    During the forced crossing, the entire Second Wing encountered multiple batches of repeated bombing and strafing by large aircraft groups.  Under the attack of the opponent's ground and air fire, the second regiment was blown to pieces.  Not only failed to support the Hedong battle, but he was bombed and lost his combat effectiveness.  Not only was the rescue division unsuccessful, but now the main force of the division was needed to rescue them.

    ????????????????????The reinforcements promised by the general have arrived at Yanshou's independent second garrison.  They didn't even reach Fangzheng territory at all. They were bombed on the way here and lost their combat effectiveness, so they had no choice but to go home.  The reinforcements were crippled and returned home.  The loss of air superiority made the Fourteenth Division's situation even more difficult.

    Since the Japanese army itself always has superiority in firepower in the air and on the ground when fighting against Chinese troops, not to mention the independent garrison of garrison nature, it is the general field division except for a small number of 13mm anti-aircraft machine guns.  , there are at most four 88-type 75mm anti-aircraft guns.  Even a large part of the divisions are not equipped with anti-aircraft weapons at all.  Because they have the powerful Imperial Army Air Force cover, bombing is the exclusive domain of their opponents.

    Now the situation has turned around, when facing the opponent's air attack.  The 14th Division, which only had a few anti-aircraft machine guns, had almost no power to fight back and could only endure the beating passively.  The Fourteenth Division is not without anti-aircraft guns. As a standing division of the Japanese army, when the Fourteenth Division is in combat, it is usually strengthened with a 75mm anti-aircraft gun squadron and one or two 20mm machine gun squadrons.

    But unfortunately, after the Mudanjiang Airport was hit by an air attack, in order to ensure that the Mudanjiang Airport, which had been repaired with great difficulty, would not encounter an air attack, as well as the safety of the enemy headquarters.  In addition to transferring all the two independent field anti-aircraft artillery brigades directly under the Fifth Army back to Mudanjiang to serve as anti-aircraft defense, that Chuichi Namada also transferred all the anti-aircraft artillery squadrons of the 14th Division.  In other words, except for a few anti-aircraft machine guns, the 14th Division currently does not have a piece of air defense equipment.

    Under repeated bombing and strafing by the opponent's large fleet of aircraft, the 14th Division tried its best to break the blockade, but its efforts to rejoin were shattered like a soap bubble.  When the radio contact with the Kwantung Army Headquarters and the Fifth Army was finally restored, and he learned about the situation of the reinforcements, Kita Makoto almost didn't come up.

    The Second Independent Garrison was blown to pieces in the air raid and lost its combat effectiveness.  The 29th Division was almost unable to move under the opponent's aerial attack.  Reinforcements have been unable to arrive for a long time. For Seiichi Kita and his 14th Division, which had been divided into three non-connected parts, it was like a bolt from the blue.

    His reinforcements were slow to arrive, and during the daytime battle, Kita Makoto was keenly aware from the intermittent and limited contact with his subordinates that his opponent had already arrived with a large number of reinforcements to join the battle in Founder's territory.  Especially after learning that a large number of enemy troops were also present in the south and southeast of Fangzheng County, Kita Seiichi knew that the opponent's encirclement on the east bank of the Ant River had been completed.  For the Fourteenth Division now, if they don't think of a solution, it's not a matter of nine deaths, but ten deaths and no life.

    Standing at the entrance of the division department, Kita Makoto looked at the enemy planes flying across the sky from time to time, and almost cursed the Kwantung Army intelligence department in his heart.  With such a powerful aviation force in the hands of the opponent, the intelligence department was not aware of it before.

    It¡¯s good to know now that when fighting in the China Pass in the past, the Imperial Army used its absolutely superior aviation power to blow up the China Army that had no air cover.  But in Manchuria, which was still an imperial paradise two years ago, it has completely changed its position.  Now it was the Imperial Army that suffered heavy losses from the bombing, not those damn Chinese.

    Didn¡¯t the Kwantung Army swear that its opponent was just a bandit force with poor equipment and no better equipment than the Kwantung China government army?  They failed in last year's autumn battle. They were just lucky enough to make mistakes in the deployment of the Imperial Army.  So where did the fierce artillery fire that hit him on the head at the beginning of this battle come from?  And where did the plane hovering above his head come from?

    Kita Makoto understood that the opponent had never launched an air raid on Fangzheng County, not because they had any compassion.  It was because there were tens of thousands of Manchus in Fangzheng County, so they had to be cautious.  Otherwise, the outcome of ourselves currently in Fangzheng County will not be any better than the troops outside the county.

    Looking at the circling planes in the sky and the bleak battle situation on the ground, Kita Chengyi gritted his teeth knowing that the 14th Division was completely defeated in this battle. On the contrary, it aroused the eagerness to lose in the hearts of the Japanese.  It was the bachelor's natural gambling character. He said to the division's combat staff behind him: "Tell each wing to wait until the enemy planes withdraw at dusk to abandon all positions and throw away all equipment that cannot be carried. The entire division will concentrate its forces and move towards  The direction of the 59th Regiment is approaching."

    "Telegram to the captain of the 2nd Regiment, Colonel Oniwu Goto, that there is no need to cross the Ant River by force, abandon all the baggage, and immediately break out from the current position in the direction of Yanshou. The captain of the 59th Regiment, telegraph to Colonel Yumi Nasu, concentrate all forces and support the division.  The regiment breaks out. As for Colonel Takayama Turtle, let them decide what to do based on the situation."

    "You immediately notify the division directly under theTroops, seize the time to distribute additional ammunition and dry food.  Blow up all weapons, artillery, cars, and ammunition that cannot be carried.  When breaking through, all artillery except grenades and weapons below heavy machine guns will be abandoned.  "

    Having said this, Kita Seiichi hesitated for a moment and then said: "It's better not to blow up the equipment that cannot be carried. Once it blows up here, fools will know what we are going to do. Remove the running bolts and sights of all artillery.  Take them away, destroy all the engines in the car, and dump them all in Fangzheng County. Leave all the wounded who cannot be carried away, and give them weapons to delay the enemy's pursuit. "

    "We can no longer wait for the flashy promises of General Umezu Yoshijiro, let alone wait any longer at Founder. Our reinforcements are still arriving, but the opponent's reinforcements are gathering more and more. If we wait any longer, the 14th Division will really  The whole army will be destroyed here."

    "I just trust General Umezu Yoshijiro's promise too much. We have only reached this point today. If I had been like Lieutenant General Uemura and retreated when the situation turned bad, we would not have ended up like this. Instead of the whole division being here,  They are being used up bit by bit, so we might as well fight to the death, maybe there is a way to survive, and the further away we are, the better.¡±

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