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Text Chapter 460 A solid foundation

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen paused and said: "Lao Li, you send a telegram to the central government. In addition to reporting the preliminary content of our negotiations, you also want to ask for instructions on two things. ['. One, we will directly send overseas students.  , I¡¯m afraid the Americans will not agree. Even if they agree, we will not be allowed to enter the latest technological fields such as aerodynamics, aviation, high-energy physics, and metal materials.¡±

    "Please consider whether the central party can secretly select the underground party in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and adopt the study abroad system based on the Boxer Indemnity to avoid interference from other parties. We will try our best to facilitate this matter, and we will also try to choose some of the latest scientific and technological fields for negotiation, but we  I think that in addition to these, we should focus more on other majors such as shipbuilding, electronics, machinery, communications, etc.

    "In addition, if the United States agrees to our selection of international students, we suggest that the selection within the Guanhai area should be distinguished from the local selection in the Northeast. Students sent to the United States should try to focus on the selection within the Guanhai area. Due to geographical factors, the Northeast is recommended to mainly select foreign students from the Soviet Union.  ¡±

    "In addition, the talents selected within the customs should try their best to complete undergraduate studies at home. Those who go to the United States should mainly pursue master's and doctoral education and participate in its various equipment development activities to increase their practical experience. Northeastern locals, rely on their  Due to geographical advantages, we mainly select international undergraduate students who have completed twelve years of education. The two complement each other and adopt a two-legged approach to complete the training of basic university subjects and more advanced talents.¡±

    "In addition, our Northeast Bureau and Jidong Military Region are planning to establish the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Military Polytechnic University based on this year's graduating students and lecturers mobilized by the Central Committee to come to the Northeast, specifically to train a group of military talents for our army. I hope that the Central Committee can start from staying in the Northeast.  Private and church universities in occupied areas mobilized a group of students and lecturers to come to the Northeast."

    "Especially Yanjing, Fu Jen, St. John's, Hujiang and other well-known universities in science and engineering. If possible, we hope that all science and engineering graduates from these universities this year or last year will be mobilized to the Northeast. If there are any previous graduates  Those who remain in occupied areas and do not act as traitors can also consider recruiting talents to create a good talent base for our army to develop its own military industry. "

    "In addition, due to the relocation, merger and bankruptcy of arsenals and various raw material factories in Kuomintang-controlled areas, a considerable number of workers have been displaced to occupied areas and have lost their jobs. Only half of the more than ten steel-making companies in Chongqing have closed down or are close to closing down. Please ask the central government  As much as possible, when the National Government's military industrial enterprises in Chongqing and occupied areas relocated, among the unemployed workers who did not follow the relocation due to various reasons, we mobilized a group of unemployed technical workers to transfer to the Northeast to enrich our military production capacity."

    "The main ones should be steelmaking, chemical industry, and mechanical workers, with the focus on Chongqing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. In addition, if our Polytechnic University is established, can we entrust the central government to secretly recruit students in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and occupied areas? If the central government approves, we will recruit students  All students will be provided with food, clothing, housing and transportation by the military region. This is the key to establishing and developing our own defense industry. I hope the central government will think twice."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen pondered for a moment and then said: "One more thing, only by relying on our own efforts and not placing our hopes on others can we build a strong national defense industry of our own. And rely on our own  We will completely defeat Japanese imperialism¡¯s ambition to invade and occupy China. Pies in the sky will not fall on us, and even if they do, they will not fall on our heads.¡±

    After dictating the telegram, Yang Zhen picked up the telegram recorded by Yuan Zhiruo and read the contents. He signed his name on the telegram without saying a word.  Five triangle symbols were heavily marked with a pen on the corner of the telegram, indicating the importance of the telegram and the difference from ordinary urgent telegrams.

    The five triangular signs, in accordance with the central regulations stipulated by the central regulations, are required to be opened by the chairman.  In other words, these telegrams are different from those generally sent to the Military Commission.  They are all sent directly to the chairman, and only the chairman has the authority to give instructions.

    Yang Zhen didn't know that his two requests for instructions today were related to the implementation of all free compulsory education and the selection of a large number of science and engineering students from the Soviet Union. These actions would be praised by later generations as laying the foundation for China's own defense industry and science.  Four major measures for technological foundation.

    Through this negotiation, Yang Zhen spent all his money and invested almost all the foreign exchange obtained this time.  Later, using several new weapons and US dollars in cash, the Soviet-made T-26 tanks and BT-7 tank production lines were introduced from Jiangbei. During the Pacific War, US aid was used to aid a variety of machinery and equipment in exchange for a huge defense industry.  system.

    Relying on these equipment, China established the first real aircraft manufacturing plant, the first steel plant with an annual output of 500,000 tons, and the first automobile manufacturing plant with an annual output of 30,000 trucks for China, which has a weak industrial base.  , the first large-scale tank manufacturing plant.  In addition, there is the first largeThe first large-scale synthetic smelting plant, the first large-scale engine plant that could produce diesel and gasoline engines, the first large-scale chemical complex and the first large-scale radio manufacturing plant were a series of defense industries.

    In addition, after the improvement of the original foundation, one year's ammunition production exceeded the total production of the major arsenals under the National Government in the Guanzhong during the eight-year war of resistance. It can produce everything from pistols and bayonets to various light and heavy artillery, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, etc. All the army needs  Weapons and equipment, and two large arsenals that can basically be self-sufficient for all light and heavy artillery.

    These factories together produced 100% of the explosives, 100% of the ammunition and equipment, 100% of the radio communications and detection equipment, 100% of the new equipment, 60% of the automobiles, 57% of the steel and 100% of the steel and equipment needed to sustain the subsequent war.  47/40 aircraft.

    By the end of the Anti-Japanese War, coupled with the seizure of aircraft, automobiles, and steel industries left by Japan in Northeast China, the entire Northeast of China had become a veritable production center for metallurgy, chemicals, equipment manufacturing, automobiles, defense industries, and energy in the country.  base.  In later history, Northeast China did not appear to be looted and looted at the end of World War II.

    Although the trucks produced were just imitation American Studebaker three-ton and IWC five-ton trucks, the tanks were first Soviet-made T-26, BT-7 and other light tanks, and later they were produced through material exchange after the outbreak of the Soviet-German war.  Early Soviet-made T-34 drawings, imitation of the 76mm T-34 tank.

    The aircraft were just imitations of the American P-39 fighter jet, then the A-20 attack aircraft, the B-25 bomber and the TBD dive bomber, and finally the B-24 bomber and the C-46 transport aircraft.  These aircraft, coupled with the assistance provided by the United States and Britain, enabled Yang Zhen to have a large-scale air force in the second year after the outbreak of the Pacific War.

    Although before the B-25 and B-24 bombers that could carry out strategic bombing against Japan were produced in 1942, Yang Zhen's air force was only a tactical air force at best.  But it was this tactical air force that contained 70% of the strength of the Japanese Army Air Force two years later.

    The heavy artillery is only based on the captured objects, reverse mapping and imitation of the Japanese 105 cannon, howitzer and Japanese 96 type 150 howitzer.  As well as the 120-weight mortars, 57- and 85-mm anti-aircraft guns, and the American 40-mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns produced using Soviet drawings.

    Although these equipment are not that advanced, especially in terms of fighter jets, they are still lagging behind the new fighter jets equipped by the US military itself.  During the five-year cooperation between the two parties, the Americans have always refused to transfer the latest aviation technology, and even after Yang Zhen's department had its own production capabilities, they were not even willing to provide physical aircraft.

    For example, the United States will not transfer the American P-51 Mustang, P-47 Thunder fighter, P-38 fighter, and B-29 bomber under any circumstances.  They are only willing to provide P-39 fighter jets and P-40 fighter jets, which the US military is unwilling to equip and have been eliminated in the middle of the war, as well as B-25 medium-sized bombers.

    Even the production technology of the B-24 large bomber that was later transferred through technology exchange and strategic needs, many reservations were made.  That is to say, only the airframe production technology will be transferred, but the Norton bombsight for precise targeting of this bomber will never be provided.

    ??????????????????????????????? But the technology for the engines provided is also very slow.  The aircraft factory to which Yang Zhen belonged was able to produce the body of the B-24 bomber on its own in 1942, but it could only use engines aided by the United States.  It was not until the end of 1942 that the United States began to transfer the 1,200-horsepower engine production technology it used due to the need for strategic bombing of Japan.

    And although the United States also carried out strategic bombing against Japan and used several airports in Yang Zhen's control area as alternate airports for B-29 bombers, it has always refused to provide B-29 bombers to Yang Zhen's headquarters.  Even the aircraft providing assistance did not have such a bomber with such a long range and large bomb load.

    On the contrary, the British were very generous. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, they not only provided thousands of Hurricane fighter jets from North Africa, India and China, but also provided more than 500 hurricane fighter jets in Lancaster and Halifax.  After the two large bombers entered service, the Stirling bombers and the Wellington bombers took a back seat.

    Looking at the second-hand goods provided by the British that were not as good as the new Japanese aircraft, Yang Zhen couldn't help but accept it.  In any case, they were all in vain, especially those Stirling bombers and Wellington bombers, which became the main force of strategic bombing against Japan before the B-24 bomber was mass-produced.

    Although the Hurricane fighter jets were no match for the Type 1 fighter jets later invested by the Japanese army, they were still competent for ground attacks and against bombers and attack aircraft.  And ster? and Wellington, two bombers that the British army has gradually begun to phase out, are still much better than none, aren't they?  At least they had enough range for bombing Japan. Although the United States and Britain have always retained their hand in the type and quality of the aircraft they provide, and they always have their own calculations when transferring technology.  But it was these imitations that enabled China to initially form its own tank, aircraft, and automobile manufacturing industries.  By the end of the war, even after the war, when they saw that the Chinese used the production lines transferred from the United States to produce aircraft of various qualities that were not inferior to those produced by the United States, Americans could not help but exclaim that the Chinese's imitation capabilities were almost the best in the world.  of.

    Although these aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery and cars were all imitations, many of them were quickly eliminated in the subsequent Soviet-German War and Pacific War.  But after all, we have solved the problem of availability first, and also solved the urgent need for military equipment.  It also laid a solid foundation for subsequent development.  Moreover, most of these aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery, and anti-aircraft guns were the standard equipment of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Britain during World War II for a long time.

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