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Text Chapter 458: Strange goods may not be habitable

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    He just thought that he had done a good thing and could use this matter to threaten his opponents as much as possible. However, James, who agreed too quickly, did not see Pearson next to him and heard about Yang Zhen's selection of overseas students and purchase of stocks, as well as his  Without careful consideration, he had a gloomy expression after agreeing.  ¡¾,ka~.Com text

    Although he knew the reason for Major Pearson's gloomy expression, Yang Zhen stood up unconcernedly and took the initiative to extend his hand: "Today we reached a basic agreement, which is something that can be celebrated, but  It¡¯s a pity we¡¯re too poor to afford champagne, but it¡¯s always something to celebrate, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    "I would like to apologize to everyone here. The battle on the front line is urgent. As a commander, I cannot stay here for too long. I think everyone, especially Major Pearson, will understand this. I will not participate in the negotiations on the details tomorrow.  Now, our political commissar and this Miss Yuan will conduct the next step of negotiations with you on behalf of me and our side, and since you are here, you should also take a good look around our place."

    After shaking hands with James symbolically, Yang Zhen turned his head and said to Pearson, who had a sullen face on his side: "Major Pearson, I know that some things are not so easy to make up your mind, so I hope you can finish visiting our base.  Then you have to decide whether to invest the capital or not. It should be one of the tasks assigned to you by your superiors."

    "You Americans are proficient in business and will not invest in vain. I understand this. But I also hope that you will think carefully about what is in the best interests of the United States under the current circumstances. Don't wait until other resistance forces have arrived.  Destroyed, the United States will only regret it when it faces powerful opponents in Europe and Asia.¡±

    "There is nothing wrong with money being important, but money is not everything. Just like the lives of you American youths, no amount of money can buy it, right? There are many times when evil is still in its infancy and its growth is not controlled.  , then when they are in their expansion stage, it is best to completely cut them off at all costs and continue to develop, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    "Major Pearson, I hope you remember that we are friends now, not enemies. Maybe soon, no, it should be said that we will have a common opponent soon. And I am a person who treats my friends wholeheartedly.  I don¡¯t want my current friends to become allies in the future and impose a technical blockade on me. I think you should understand what I¡¯m saying.¡±

    Hearing Yang Zhen reveal his old background, Pearson, who was not a businessman after all, and was very thin-skinned, blushed slightly, stood up, took the hand that Yang Zhen offered to him, and answered the question: "  Yang, it's my honor to meet you this time. But rather than visiting your rear, I also hope that Yang can give me a chance to fight with you.  "

    In response to his request, Yang Zhen shook his hand and said: "Yes, I think the day when we can fight side by side won't be too far away, isn't it Major Pearson? Well, I'm going to leave first,  You should also go to bed early and we will discuss the details tomorrow.¡±

    Looking at Yang Zhen's back as he walked away, Pearson, who had barely smiled just now, turned completely gloomy. He hit the table in front of him with his fist and cursed: "Damn, this son of a bitch is worse than  Those nasty foxes are even more cunning."

    "Looking at Pearson who was a little out of sorts, except for James, the rest of the people were not familiar with him, so there was no reason to wade into this muddy water.  Several people looked at each other and left in a hurry.  Although American businessmen are not afraid of officials, let alone worry about being troubled by officials.

    But it is obvious that as a member of the special department, Pearson is still a certain threat in the eyes of ordinary businessmen like James.  Most of them are just working for others, and they can't afford to take the blame for that guy James and be a scapegoat.  Their company, Pfizer, has deep pockets, but their own company does not have that kind of capital.

    This time, because they had just emerged from the Great Recession, almost all companies had insufficient financial resources, so they formed a group to negotiate with the solicitation of the US government.  Since Pfizer accounts for the majority of future technology sharing in this team, you will naturally have to share the responsibility if something goes wrong.  What's more, you have monopolized the special drug technology for treating tuberculosis, right?

    After a few people left, James, who was left alone, felt that something was not good, and was about to follow the crowd and run away.  Just when his hand had just grasped the door handle, he was called by Pearson.  Hearing Pearson calling him, James was slightly startled and turned around: "Major, do you have anything else to do? If not, I will go back to rest and prepare the details of tomorrow's negotiation."

    Looking at James who looked a little unnatural, what Major Pearson saidAs if coming from hell, it was so cold and scary: "Stupid, I really don't understand how the board of directors of Pfizer could use such a stupid guy like you, and even more stupid enough to send you to face that cunning  Fox. He's not like a soldier, he's more of a businessman than you are. You fool, you don't even know it."

    James was stunned by Pearson's scolding, but he also became a little angry: "Major Pearson, I want to remind you that no matter what the purpose of the White House is, this business is a partnership between several of our companies. As an executive  Director, I have to work for the best interests of our company.¡±

    "While the economy is still in a difficult situation, it is what every company will do to reduce capital expenditures as much as possible to save costs. I think our company's board of directors will also be happy to see the results. And according to U.S. law, private property  It¡¯s protected. As long as we don¡¯t violate the U.S. Constitution, I don¡¯t think I need anyone from the military to teach me what to do.¡±

    Pearson said angrily: "Mr. James, there is nothing wrong with you being a private company. But your actions must be in line with the interests of the United States. I can tell you that the White House will not allow the sale of either Boeing or Douglas shares. I think.  For more than 10 million US dollars, they can even obtain a controlling stake in one of the companies.¡±

    "Also, we can sell products, but we cannot transfer technology. We are absolutely not allowed to transfer the latest technology. We must use these 300 million US dollars to stimulate the U.S. economy from the outside, use it to expand our military industry, and eliminate outdated technologies and equipment.  , not a clearance sale.¡±

    "The international students they selected are completely different from the international students trained through the Boxer Indemnity. They are all people who have been educated in certain aspects, and they are different from those students who simply want to study. And this is very important for us and the National Government.  The relationship between them is very unfavorable. In this wonderful country, we cannot be like in the United States, you should understand this."

    "We can help them establish a basic industrial system and transfer part of their technology, but we cannot allow them to obtain their own research and development capabilities. These people are completely different from the people in their national government, and you cannot bribe them. As an ally  They feel more at ease.¡±

    "But it is not in the interest of the United States to make them too powerful. At least now we have to maintain a balance among the various factions in this magical country, even a superficial balance, to ensure that they can deal with the Japanese in a unified manner, so that the Japanese can win in the short term  There is no way to escape from China.¡±

    "For us now, it is unacceptable for the Japanese to completely defeat and occupy China. But it is also not in the interests of the United States if a powerful red China emerges. A red Russia has already made the world scared.  "If a strong red China emerges, it will not be a good thing for the United States, or even a terrible thing."

    "We use the Boxer Indemnity to train Chinese students because we hope that the Chinese government will be more pro-American and that their government's actions will be more consistent with American values. It is not to serve a potential rival of the United States and become a weapon against the United States and threaten U.S. interests.  Do you think the United States of America will train a large number of international students for the current Russians? There is no problem if you want to save costs, but the premise is that the interests of the United States of America cannot be harmed. "

    Having said this, Pearson looked at James who looked disapproving, but shook his head and said: "You go to rest and think about how to discuss the details tomorrow. I want to draft a report to the Department of War and the White House.  I will write down the results of today¡¯s negotiations.¡±

    Yang Zhen naturally won¡¯t worry about Pearson¡¯s dissatisfaction with James.  For Yang Zhen, what he considers now is not so long-term, but more about how to use this matter to strengthen his arms industry and strive to develop his own strength.  To be honest, he was not as satisfied with today's results as he had imagined.

    Major Pearson¡¯s face was gloomy, and Yang Zhen¡¯s expression when he returned to Li Yanping¡¯s office was not very good either.  Looking at Yang Zhen's gloomy expression, Li Yanping said curiously: "Old Yang, what's wrong with you? The gap of 20 million US dollars is indeed not small, but for us, we can get 180 million US dollars.  Cash is as good as it gets.¡±

    "It is said that the technology is in our hands, but the initiative is not in our hands. Because we have no way to find other buyers. Except for the Americans, no country has such great strength to spend 500 million US dollars at once.  Cash and equipment to buy our products, and even if we have them, we can¡¯t sell them.¡±

    "That is to say, our trading scope is actually very narrow, and the initiative of whether to buy or not is in their hands. But for us, there is no other choice. You are right, sometimes rare goods may not be habitable. You don't  You know, they are negotiating with the central governmentAt that time, the initial bid was only one million US dollars.  "

    "Even after we started clinical use in several hospitals in Chongqing, they saw the efficacy with their own eyes, and it took several efforts to reach five million US dollars. They also persuaded the National Government to continue to put pressure on the central government to force us to sell according to their bid.  Our technology.¡±

    "I have stayed in Guan Nei for such a long time. Except for occasionally giving speeches and raising funds in other places, I spent most of my time grinding teeth with them. If the central government had not withstood the pressure of the National Government, we would not even have sold five million US dollars.  No. These capitalists are simply eating people without spitting out their bones. If the U.S. Embassy in China didn¡¯t intervene out of nowhere, I would still be fighting with them in Chongqing.¡±

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