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Text Chapter 451: First impression is very important

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    However, what happened next did not make him doubt for long, and it quickly proved his judgment.  ¡¾¡®.On the night before his departure from Chongqing to Northeast China.  He flew specially from the United States, and some of the conversations of his immediate boss, the brigadier general, directly confirmed his suspicions.

    The president's confidants at the War Department told him that the White House has begun to decide to adopt a licensing system for Japan's export of steel and petroleum products, as well as for all weapons and ammunition, aircraft parts, optical instruments, various metal processing equipment, involving military production  A trade embargo is imposed on supplies.

    At the same time, the White House is preparing to draft a bill to provide military material assistance to Britain in Europe and China in Asia based on the requirements of the British and the current world situation.  In order to enable the two countries with financial constraints to obtain the necessary military supplies from the United States to maintain the war without having to pay in advance.

    Since the United States is likely to be involved in the war sooner or later, it is necessary to provide necessary support to potential allies and strengthen their determination to fight on, so as to reduce the pressure on the United States to participate in the war.  For the White House, it is something that must be prepared in advance.

    ¡°For China, the aid targets will not be limited to their government.  Because the U.S. government is still very skeptical about the Chinese government¡¯s determination to resist.  Especially after the U.S. government received information that the Nationalist government had secret contacts with Japanese military representatives from time to time, the U.S. government and even the president doubted the Nationalist government's determination to resist.

    Some people even think that the reason why the Nationalist Government is still resisting is just looking for a relatively decent way to surrender.  Therefore, for the White House, which has always adhered to the belief of not putting all eggs in one basket, it is also important to find another spare tire.  After synthesizing all kinds of intelligence, the White House had great expectations for this army hanging alone in the rear of the Japanese army.

    It¡¯s just that the other party is a non-governmental organization or a national military. The U.S. government cannot directly provide assistance, let alone directly intervene.  Especially when the White House bill is still under preparation and the president has not yet convinced Congress that the neutrality law cannot be violated.

    Instead of using government-to-government actions, adopting a situation of private trade and economic cooperation, just like providing loans to the National Government in the form of economic cooperation some time ago, can effectively spare Congress and is more in line with the interests of the United States.  .

    The immediate boss also specifically told Pearson that if the combat effectiveness of this army is indeed as heroic and heroic as described in their documentary, and their results are real, then Pearson, as the plenipotentiary representative of the White House, must go all out to promote this.  transaction.

    But there is a premise. Under the circumstances that the United States does not want and cannot have a direct conflict with Japan, it will refuse the other party's direct request for weapons and equipment.  Just try not to let this money leave the United States as much as possible.  In other words, they should spend as much of this money in the United States as possible.

    In situations where the other party is a non-governmental organization or a national military, the U.S. government cannot directly provide assistance, let alone directly intervene.  The White House believes that through this private trade, taking the situation of private trade and adopting a curve-saving method to save the country, it can not only provide certain economic and military assistance, not only less irritate the Japanese Empire, but also improve its ability to maintain war.

    ¡°At least based on the limited intelligence collected so far, it can be determined that the Japanese army has no intention of continuing to advance north, and it is necessary to enhance its basic resistance capabilities as much as possible.  In order to contain the main force of the Japanese army, it was unable to mobilize enough troops to go south.

    Americans have a very keen sense of smell and are very realistic.  They now feel the importance of Northeast China in maintaining Japan's national power, especially in maintaining Japan's ability to continue the war.  As long as Northeast China, the rear area of ??the Japanese army, becomes more chaotic, the more chaotic it will be, the more it will be able to contain the Japanese army's movement southward.  The more beneficial it is to the interests of the United States.

    ??For Americans, confine this war to China's borders.  While allowing the Chinese team to persevere as much as possible, it is best and undoubtedly the best not to involve the United States in a war with Japan in a short period of time when the war in Europe has fully broken out.  A choice that serves U.S. interests.

    By limiting the war to China, the Chinese can weaken Japan's national power and contain the Japanese elite troops so that they cannot pose a threat to Southeast Asia, where the United States has huge interests.  And while Japan is fully involved in the war, the United States can fully support the British war in Europe.

    With this authorization from the White House, Major Pearson was naturally dissatisfied with James who only cared about taking advantage.  According to their thinking, the White House's idea can only be wishful thinking.  Of course, in Pearson's view, if Yang Zhen really agreed to James' suggestion and accepted James' bribe of millions of dollars, then Pearson would not?Keep talking to them.

    ¡°In Pearson¡¯s view, if this military, like their government, only has an eye on Americans¡¯ wallets.  However, he has no intention of making progress, and only knows how to ask for arms and material assistance from the United States, and even some people in power take the opportunity to make money.  If we don't take the opportunity to build our own military industry, then no matter how much assistance the White House provides, it will only be in vain.

    In Pearson's view, under the current situation where the people generally reject war and the White House is unable to provide direct military assistance at all, whether it is the National Government that knows how to extend its hands all day long, or this army, it does not enhance its hematopoietic function.  , simply unable to resist the Japanese attack.

    Although the negotiation time this afternoon was not long, it was a surprise for Pearson.  They need everything from rifles to aircraft and artillery.  Compared with the government that only thinks about blood transfusions from the outside and has never thought about relying on its own strength to defeat its opponents, they are in a more difficult situation and only need various machines and equipment that can make their own arms.

    From the list of everything from steel mills to automobile production lines, including metal cutting machine tools necessary for the military industry, various stamping equipment, and a large number of raw materials urgently needed for the military industry, Pearson clearly understood that they wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity.  Yes, we may not have the opportunity to create our own military industry in the future.

    It was after seeing Yang Zhen provide the details of the needed supplies that Pearson made up his mind to really facilitate this negotiation.  Because in his view, only by establishing one's own military industry and no longer relying on external forces, that is, foreign armies, can one have the determination and perseverance to continue fighting.

    And even though it had only been two days since I arrived in Northeast China, I could only see the city of Jiamusi, or even the road from Jiamusi Airport to the hotel.  But Pearson already had a preliminary and very good impression of this army from the well-nourished soldiers he met along the way, as well as the full set of Japanese equipment in the hands of these soldiers.

    ¡°At least their troops are not like their government troops. The soldiers¡¯ uniforms are in tatters and their faces are full of malnutrition.  These soldiers looked well-nourished and healthy. Although their military uniforms were simple, they were very clean.

    Along the way from the airport to his place of residence, he encountered several convoys transporting the wounded and two large field hospitals.  With Li Yanping's permission, Pearson got off the car and went to the field hospital to check it out. He didn't expect that although the medical conditions here were not as good as those of the U.S. Army, and he thought it was a bit crowded due to the excessive number of wounded, it was  It's much better than the National Government's hospital for wounded soldiers.

    Judging from the tens of thousands of wounded people placed in two large field hospitals, as a soldier, he can easily go out. The battle ahead is quite fierce.  From the doctor's mouth, he also learned that this was only part of the wounded.  There are also some seriously injured people who have been transported across the Songhua River to a safer rear area for recuperation.

    What surprised him most was that the director of one of the field hospitals proudly told him that they had not abandoned a single sick or wounded patient.  All the wounded, as long as they could be rescued, were not left alone.  Because their troops not only have strict regulations, but if they abandon the wounded, their commanders will be severely punished.

    And all the wounded are comrades to them, brothers who stand under the same flag and fight for a common goal.  Abandoning one's own wounded is a crime for all commanders and will never be forgiven.  This situation is incredible for him, who has studied in China for two years and worked in China for three years.

    Major Pearson knew that due to insufficient evacuation capabilities and shortages of medicine and other necessary equipment, it was very common for squadrons to abandon the wounded.  During the Wuhan battle the year before last, he had seen a dozen abandoned wounded soldiers of the Chinese government army starve to death in a house because there was no one to manage them.

    After seeing the meals for the wounded, he could hardly imagine that the wounded were actually eating better than their second-in-command.  Not only are there three meals a day, but all of them are what they call refined grains, as well as rich meat.  Even to increase their nutrition, each person is provided with a boiled egg per day.  He once heard a wounded man say to his fellow patients that he was almost vomiting after eating eggs for the past few days after he was injured and hospitalized.

    What surprised him the most was that, as a general, the office location Li Yanping chose in Jiamusi was actually a small Puppet Manchukuo police station.  Several of the Japanese barracks with the best conditions in the city, as well as the original Sanjiang Provincial Government of the Puppet Manchuria, were all converted into field hospitals to accommodate the sick and wounded from the front line.  Although it seemed a bit crowded due to the large number of wounded, this was already the best-conditioned building in the city.

    As a sentiment? Analyzing the officer, he could see that all this was not a temporary arrangement.  Because he could tell from the surprised expressions of the medical staff and the wounded when they saw Li, that the people here didn't know they were in Jiamusi.  The good first impression made Pearson full of curiosity and surprise about this army.  After seeing the simple life of the commander of this army, he was even more impressed.

    Thinking of this, Pearson rubbed his head that had a headache due to overthinking. He turned his head and saw the list of supplies in front of him. Thinking of his arrangements for the car, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

    With such a large contract, which is enough to consume most of the trucks in the inventory of Universal Harvester Company, my father and brother, who hold a large number of shares in the company and are members of the company's board of directors, will not always complain about not using their status.  , help Universal Combine Harvester Company seize supply contracts from the U.S. Army with Ford and General Motors.

    And he helped Stypunk Company sell a branch factory with an annual output of 10,000 trucks that they had always wanted to cash out.  Presumably, my immediate boss, who is a staunch supporter of Stypunk Company, will also be quite happy.

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