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    Seeing Yang Zhen stand up, Mr. James said quickly: "Yang, I hope you can give me ten minutes. Let's talk privately, just the two of us, and of course Major Pearson. In addition to being  In addition to being the military attache of the United States of America in China, he is also the representative of our company¡¯s second largest shareholder privately. With him as a translator, I think we can communicate effectively!¡±

    Hearing his request, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "I can communicate with you privately, but I insist on using my own translator. As for Major Pearson, since he has such a public and private status, he can serve as a bystander,  But as a crucial translator in the negotiation, I have the right to doubt his position, so I asked for my own translator!¡±

    After Yang Zhen's words fell, James looked at Yuan Zhiruo on the side with some embarrassment. After looking at Yang Zhen's insistence, he shrugged helplessly and said: "Okay, since you asked this beautiful lady to also  If you participate, then she must be very important to you and she should be someone worthy of your trust!¡±

    Seeing that James agreed that Yuan Zhiruo should stay, Yang Zhen turned to Li Yanping, who seemed a little worried about him after hearing James' request for a private discussion. He nodded slightly, indicating that he knew what he was thinking. After receiving the reassuring look from Yang Zhen,  Li Yanping shook his head slightly, but said nothing. He turned around and left the scene with several other representatives.

    After the door of the reception room was closed from the outside, James looked at Yang Zhen and remained silent for five minutes before saying: "Mr. Yang, you know your request is too high and it will be difficult for us to meet it, even if all the money is spent on  in the US market, but due to diplomatic considerations, the US government will not approve this export plan!¡±

    "In this way, we are taking a step back and paying 100 million US dollars in cash, 50 million US dollars for trucks, high-horsepower agricultural tractors, combine harvesters and required spare parts. In addition, I promise you that I will do my best to help you get what you need.  transport aircraft, but for others, we still hope to implement them according to our suggestions!¡±

    Having said this, James hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If you agree, we can provide you with a villa worth fifty thousand US dollars anywhere in the United States, a luxury Cadillac car, and a boat in the Caribbean."  A luxury yacht on the sea, help your family immigrate to the United States, and arrange a well-paying job for your family in one of our companies! ¡±

    "In addition, we will provide you with goods worth 50 million US dollars in each transaction, and give you and your family an additional 1%, which is a rebate of 500,000 US dollars. Yang, you should  I know what kind of life I can live in the United States with half a million US dollars. You know, as an executive director of a large company, my annual salary is only US$7,000 a year!¡±

    "With this money, you and your family can enjoy a luxurious high-society life in the United States. Moreover, this half-million US dollars is not just a lump sum, but 300 million US dollars provided over six years according to our plan.  Among the spot winnings, there is a rebate of US$500,000 for each transaction.

    "I think the rebates accumulated from these three hundred million US dollars will be enough for you to spend the rest of your life in the United States. If you don't want to go to the United States, you can choose from all the countries in the world. With one hundred million US dollars in cash and one hundred million US dollars, you can live in the United States for the rest of your life."  US dollars in supplies are enough to give an explanation to your superiors. This is a win-win cooperation for us, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    Hearing the benefits proposed by this guy, Yang Zhen smiled slightly. Now that the stick has been beaten, it's time to add the carrot. Each transaction of 500,000 yuan, according to their thinking, can accumulate three million US dollars. According to the current exchange rate of the US dollar,  This money is indeed enough for me to live comfortably in the United States and even spend the rest of my life luxuriously.

    If you make good use of these three million US dollars according to your poor understanding of the little economic development in the United States after World War II and what you have in your head, you might even become a rich man. In order to achieve their own goals, these Americans  The purpose is really no expense spared.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen tapped the table with his fingers habitually and said: "There is a 1% rebate for each transaction, which means that each transaction is half a million US dollars, which is really a lot, but if you do this, it will not  You're being generous, isn't the kickback you give to our National Government procurement officials generally 10%? Why did it become 1% when it came to me? This is a bit unethical, is it because I think my position is low, or because  What I am offering is not worth the price!¡±

    When he heard that he was exposed, Mr. James quickly realized that although the negotiating opponent in front of him was young, he was extremely difficult to deal with. Unlike his colleagues in the party who were honest but not very proficient in business negotiations, he  It is clear that he has the means to make a fortune when his compatriots who work in the government purchase goods, and the most important thing is that this guy is obviously veryGood at business calculations.

    It's just that when James heard that Yang Zhen's background of Americans doing business with the Nationalist government was exposed, he didn't look very embarrassed. Instead, he looked at Pearson with a hint of joy that his plan had succeeded and said, "This kickback."  If Mr. Yang is not satisfied with the ratio, we can discuss it again. As long as you agree with our suggestion, we can increase the rebate ratio!"

    "However, you must also know that medicines are incomparable to the huge profits brought by arms. We cannot give you 10%, but we can increase it to you by one or two points at most, such as 100%.  One and a half or two percent, which means your rebate, not counting other benefits, can get up to one million US dollars!¡±

    "Yang, I have to tell you that the one percent rebate provided to you is not one percent of the profit we obtain, but one percent of the entire value of the transaction concluded with this technology. Taken together,  After all, even if you don't mention it, it is much more than the 10% profit provided by those arms dealers. Yang, I hope you won't be too greedy!"

    Compared to James, who was looking happy, Yuan Zhiruo, who was acting as a translator, was shocked but also a little disgusted after hearing the conversation between James and Yang Zhen. She did not expect that the Americans would actually do it in order to reach an agreement according to their own wishes.  With such a big capital, I never expected that the chief would be so greedy.

    What is the concept of three million US dollars? Coming from a business family, she still has some impression. This guy actually wants more even when his opponent proposes to give three million US dollars in kickbacks, regardless of the party and the  interests of the country and nation.

    Although she suppressed the disgust in her heart and translated the conversation between the two parties, Yuan Zhiruo had already made up her mind to expose his ugly face to the Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau immediately after this matter was over, so that all comrades in the party could take a look at this guy.  The true face of not even giving up national justice for money.

    Seeing James still asking for the price, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Mr. James, since you have the idea of ??providing me with a huge kickback, why can't you put this idea on how to raise the materials we need for us?  Not those greedy national government procurement officials, I have no interest in the kickbacks you offer!"

    "Mr. James, I hope you can remember, and I say it again, I hope you will not use the same method you use to deal with National Government officials on me. I have many shortcomings, but one of them is that I never  When the nation is in crisis, if you take another step, it will harm the interests of the nation and enrich my personal pockets!"

    "These things we want, how do you know that the U.S. government will not issue an export license without discussing it with the U.S. government? Everything must be made after hard work, right? And I do like money, but there is a saying in China  It¡¯s called a gentleman who loves money and gets it in the right way!¡±

    "Mr. James, Major Pearson, I can say bluntly that if I want to get rich, the world's richest man can't do it within five years. But I am confident that I can become the richest man in the United States. If I want to get rich, I can't do it."  I will put on this military uniform and continue to fight the Japanese. People can¡¯t live just for money, after all, they still have to pursue something, right?¡±

    After that, Yang Zhen stood up, picked up his military cap and put it on his head: "Mr. James, you don't understand us. I can give you a chance, but if there is another time, I think I can choose to end the relationship with you."  Let¡¯s continue talking. If we have different opinions on the agreement, we can resolve it through negotiation, but privately I don¡¯t want to see any little moves from you anymore. This is my warning, and don¡¯t take my warning as a show of pretence!¡±

    "I'm sorry, if you keep me here just to bribe me, then I won't accompany you. We are engaged in a life-and-death war with the beasts that invaded my land and enslaved my people. I don't have much time.  I¡¯m arguing with you here!¡±

    "I hope you can think carefully about how to deal with us the next time we meet. Mr. James, before the agreement is reached, because of your actions, I think there is no need for us to meet in private again!"

    After saying these words, he turned to Yuan Zhiruo beside him and said: "Xiao Yuan, let me go. I will leave it to Mr. James and Major Pearson to think carefully. I hope that through this negotiation, you can understand that the Chinese are not  They only know money, gentlemen, let¡¯s meet at the venue after dinner!¡±

    Seeing Yang Zhen's leaving back, he was teased by Yang Zhen. Realizing that he had been tricked, James reluctantly took off his glasses, wiped the lenses and said to Major Pearson who was watching Yang Zhen's back with interest.  : "Major Pearson, look at how this matter should be handled. This guy is not only soft and hard-hearted, he is also moreThose greedy compatriots are much more difficult to deal with. This damn cunning guy actually dares to play tricks on a citizen of the United States of America!  "

    "You are specially sent by the State Council to assist us in negotiations. I hope to listen to your opinion. Do we really have to comply with their requirements, not only to pay 200 million US dollars in cash, but also to run errands for them and pay them?"  A huge amount of US$300 million was used to buy these things for him. Damn the Chinese, can¡¯t he be like his compatriots in their government?¡±
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