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Text Chapter 426 An ending beyond expectations

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    Although the lethality of this kind of fuel-air bomb against hard targets is not as good as that of ordinary high-explosive bombs under the same tonnage.  [.Com text] However, its lethality against soft targets, especially live forces, is several times higher than that of high-explosive bombs of the same weight.  The massive vacuum created when it exploded made it almost impossible for anyone inside the fortification to survive.

    The two air-fuel bombs that fell into the interior of the Miaoling Fortress, and the huge high-temperature and high-pressure fireball produced by the explosion, produced heat energy with temperatures as high as thousands of degrees. They not only caused huge losses to the Japanese troops inside the fortress, but also drained the entire interior of the fortress.  air.  All the Japanese soldiers in the fortress suffocated to death before they could close the protective iron doors of each partition.

    The mushroom cloud caused by the explosion soared into the sky from the skylight penetrated by the Wandashan bomb, and the scene was spectacular.  Although the two 700-kilogram air incendiary bombs that landed outside the fortress did not cause too many casualties to the Japanese army, they cooperated with the two bombs that exploded inside to form a huge vacuum zone around the Miaoling Fortress.  .

    The shock wave generated by the explosion, due to the unique geographical conditions of the Wanda Mountains, caused violent earthquakes to be felt along the Honey Mountain line two to three kilometers away.  This violent explosion and the huge shock wave caused the Camelback, which had experienced a huge internal explosion, to transform from a mountainous area with beautiful scenery into an unrecognizable big stone.

    The successful use of bomb tactics not only completely destroyed the Japanese resistance from Honey Mountain to Miaoling area, but also created a successful experience for the subsequent dealing with other Japanese fortress groups.  However, the success of this tactic was not only due to the huge power of these bombs, but also to a certain extent due to the Japanese army's own mistakes when building the fortress group.

    In order to achieve maximum combat efficiency, the Japanese army hollowed out the entire mountain when building fortresses.  Then, by building underground passages and bunkers at various levels, the entire mountain formed an effective combat unit.  Generally, the upper part is for heavy artillery and artillery bunkers, and the mountainside is for various permanent and semi-permanent fortification groups.  On the legs of the mountain, there are secret attack points and various bunkers and warning fortification groups used to prevent enemy attacks.

    And the various hills covered by the fortress group are not only connected by public roads, but many even have secret underground roads to communicate with each other.  Some underground passages can even accommodate trucks and tanks.  In particular, Miaoling is the location of the so-called main fortifications of Dong'an's frontal defense. During wartime, its tanks can be fired directly from the attack point inside the mountain.

    As the outpost of the entire Honey Mountain Japanese fortress group, the 458th Highland, the internal underground passages not only have a large number of convenient external passages for personnel to attack.  There are also two underground roads that allow tanks and heavy equipment to pass directly.  Its widest version can accommodate two military trucks in parallel.

    What the Japanese army did was to transform the entire mountain into a large-scale fortress group that could be used as both an offensive starting point and a national defense fortification.  Honey Mountain looks like this, and the Miaoling area that is the deepest part of Honey Mountain also looks like this.  Including the entire fortress group in Northeast Manchuria, basically all have this specification.

    For this kind of fortification, although it is extremely strong and concealed, its frontal strike resistance can even withstand direct hits from 500 kilogram bombs and about 150 millimeter artillery shells.  But one disadvantage that is difficult to overcome is that the interior of the fortress cannot be breached.

    Once the inside of the mountain is attacked by an opponent, the opponent can use the large number of convenient passages built inside the mountain to quickly attack the inside of the fortress group.  The Japanese army may not have thought about this shortcoming when they were building fortifications, or they may have thought about it but not paid attention to it.

    Because the Kwantung Army built these fortifications, in addition to a small number of defensive tasks, most of them were used as starting points and fire support points for attacking the Soviet Union.  For the Kwantung Army, the responsibilities of these fortress groups for attacking garrison points and firepower fortifications were far higher than their defensive capabilities.

    Therefore, with more focus on offense, it is not surprising that necessary passages are built within the fortress group to allow a large number of personnel and equipment to quickly enter and exit.  But in this way, as long as one place inside the fortress is detonated or is broken through by the opponent.  The entire interior of the fortress is in danger of being captured by the opponent and completely destroyed from within.

    After Qin Zesheng's two companies broke into the fortifications, the Japanese troops on the 458th Highland of Honey Mountain were forced to blow up all the upward passages from the bottom of the fortress, preventing their opponents from completely capturing the entire 458th Highland.  .  However, it was also because of this reason that the Japanese troops on Camel's Hump caused the entire fortress to collapse after the ammunition depot was detonated.  As for Miaoling Fortress, they won't talk to you at all, they will directly use new bombs to talk to you.

    Only three bombs hit, completely destroying the entire fortress inside Miaoling Mountain, killing almost all personnel.?I am afraid that this is something that the senior officials of the Kwantung Army did not think of when they first built these fortresses, and they should not have thought of it either.  Because at this time, glide bombs and air-fuel bombs were almost epoch-making weapons and equipment. No one had even put forward ideas, let alone experience.

    Looking at Du Kaishan who was a little stunned by the power of the new bomb, Yang Zhen put down the telescope in his hand and said to Du Kaishan: "What are you still thinking about? Why don't you immediately take advantage of the fact that the Japanese army has become a lone force and concentrate its forces to attack four or five people?"  Take the Eighth Heights quickly? The remaining Japanese troops, who no longer have heavy artillery support, don¡¯t need to put in any effort. But one thing is that the remaining Japanese troops are not allowed to escape. "

    Hearing this, Du Kaishan nodded quickly without any hesitation and said: "No. 1, please rest assured. We will resolutely follow your request and cleanly eliminate all the twelve Japanese garrison troops on the line from Miaoling to Honey Mountain. We will definitely not  Will let a Japanese soldier escape."

    Du Kaishan here nodded and agreed to Yang Zhen's request without thinking about it, while Qin Zesheng over there moved much faster. As soon as Yang Zhen gave the general attack order, he had already taken action.  The two companies commanded by Wu Ruofu, who were already north of the 458th Highland at this time, adopted front and rear pincer attack tactics against the Japanese troops on the 458th Highland.

    Since there is no longer the threat of Japanese heavy artillery, all Japanese reinforcement routes have been cut off.  To deal with the remaining Japanese troops on the reverse slope of the 458th Highland and the ridge connected to Camelback, Qin Zesheng's full attack did not expend much effort.

    Although the remaining Japanese troops on the 458th Highland resisted tenaciously.  However, without backup, the main force may have been completely destroyed. The morale of the last remaining Japanese troops on the 458th Highland has dropped to the freezing point. At this time, even I have lost the courage to resist, and I am just relying on  The Japanese army's customary Bushido spirit still persists.

    In order to deal with the remaining enemies in front of him as soon as possible, Qin Zesheng devoted all his main forces and adopted front and rear pincer attack tactics.  The two companies led by Wu Ruofu, who had restored contact, launched an attack on the reverse slope of the 458th Highland.  He personally commanded a battalion and launched an attack from the front.

    Attacked from two sides, plus there was no threat from the opponent's heavy artillery at the foot of the mountain, he could let go of the artillery and attack with full force, but it didn't make him expend too much effort.  However, after the battle, a lot of effort was spent on clearing out the remaining Japanese troops on Highland 458.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The Japanese Fortress Group from Honey Mountain to Miaoling Line was originally planned to be solved in two days, but never expected that it only took less than twelve hours from the launch of the attack to the approximate end of the battle.  This result is probably no small miracle in the history of world fortress conquests.

    Of course, this was not just Wu Ruofu¡¯s good luck. A bundle of cluster grenades that hit the ammunition depot inside the Japanese Army¡¯s Camelback Fortress destroyed the Camelback Fortress from the inside. It can be fully explained by his luck.  It can be said more about the use of new equipment and new tactics.

    First of all, rocket launchers, which can not only carry out anti-tank operations, but also destroy enemy field fortifications, and even semi-permanent fortifications, are lightweight, low-cost, and much more powerful than the rifle grenades currently commonly used.  The shooting accuracy is relatively high, and this kind of portable weapon can be used on a large scale under any terrain conditions with almost no restrictions.

    This makes it possible to destroy various field and semi-permanent fortification groups and armored vehicles of the enemy in combat, especially in mountain operations, without having to rely solely on relatively bulky artillery, especially direct-aiming artillery.  There is no need to use cluster grenades and explosive packs to destroy local fortifications and armored vehicles head-on, which can cause heavy casualties during battles.

    In this attack on the Japanese fortifications on the front line of Honey Mountain, it was the large number of rocket launchers that destroyed most of the Japanese army's civil fortifications serving as flank cover. This allowed the troops to use a large amount of concrete to shoot down the Japanese army's permanent fortifications.  The hole is blocked.  This created prerequisites for capturing the front of Highland 458 with little casualties.

    The use of two weapons of mass destruction, fuel-air bombs and napalm bombs, has also drastically reduced casualties in the attack.  Otherwise, in the absence of the large-caliber heavy artillery and special concrete-destroying bombs of the armies of the great powers, with such a short time and casualties, it would be almost impossible to take down these permanently prepared fortification groups with concrete that is generally more than two meters thick.  Possible things.

    A variety of powerful new weapons have appeared, and there are effective regulations for their use.  And on the battlefield, the relatively successful use of tactics made the cost of capturing the Japanese fortresses in the Miaoling area far less than expected.

    Originally, according to Yang Zhen's budget, if he wanted to take down the entire Japanese fortress group from Honey Mountain to Miaoling without having an absolute advantage in firepower, he would probably have to do a good job.The group was mentally prepared to be crippled.  But judging from the casualties that have been calculated so far, the price paid has only reached less than one-third of his bottom line.

    A considerable part of the casualties occurred during the battle for the ridge and when reinforcements were sent to the mountains and passed through the firepower network composed of Japanese heavy artillery.  If these are not taken into account, the casualties in the entire capture of Highland 458 as the main battlefield would be less than one company.

    The most important thing is that this time it can be said to be a relatively successful battle, both in terms of equipment use and tactical application.  These relatively successful experiences gained this time have also laid a good foundation for the future fortification groups built by the Kwantung Army almost all over the northeastern border areas.

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