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Text Chapter 399 The Nightmare of the Eleventh Division

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    Compared to Qi Zhibiao, who was frightened by the huge power of napalm bombs.  [.Com text] Colonel Tabota doesn¡¯t have to worry about this fright.  He escaped the first wave of explosive bombs, but he did not escape the second wave of napalm bombs.  A 100 kilogram napalm bomb landed near his command post, cremating him and his wing on the spot.

    And the cremations were so clean that even if someone wanted to collect the ashes for them, they couldn't find them.  Of course, the biggest advantage is that it reduces a lot of trouble for both the enemy and ourselves, at least there is no need to collect corpses for them.  Not to mention worrying about the plague caused by the rotting corpses in the early summer weather.

    Before the Japanese troops, who had narrowly escaped the raging fire, could wake up from the horrific blow that fell from the sky, the plane that had dropped all the bombs dived down again, using its onboard 12.7 mm large-caliber machine gun.  , and carefully sorted out the Jinshagang front line.  The Japanese soldiers on the ground who survived the air raid were beaten to a pulp and suffered heavy casualties.

    After all the aircraft used up all their ammunition and began to return.  Zhang Yi, who was a little worried about the results of the battle, swooped down again, carefully observed the results he had created on the ground, and then walked away with his subordinates with satisfaction.  Behind them, Jinsha Gang was left a scorched earth and a 12th Regiment that had been completely destroyed.

    And this bombing almost became a nightmare experience for all the surviving officers and soldiers of the 12th Regiment.  They were horrified to find that the new bombs dropped by the other party could not escape even if they hid in the safest place.  When your body is ignited by an incendiary bomb, you cannot extinguish it even if you use various methods.  He could only watch his comrades being burned alive.

    In particular, the most terrifying scene when the new bombs burn is that even if they are lucky enough to escape the attacks of all high-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs, they will still be suffocated to death by the inexplicable lack of oxygen.  .  A large number of officers and soldiers of the 12th Regiment were not killed by bombs or burned to death, but suffocated to death due to severe lack of oxygen.

    "The officers and soldiers of the 12th Regiment, who were in hell, didn't know that compared to their comrades who also suffered roughly the same treatment in Qingyuan, their experience in Jinsha Gang was not the worst.  Because the number of napalm bombs that fell on their heads was far less than that of their colleagues in Qingyuan.  They still had survivors, but almost no Japanese officers and soldiers in Qingyuan could escape during the bombing.

    Less than five minutes after the bombs fell on the Jinshagang front line, Qingyuan, where the division headquarters of the 11th Division is located, also enjoyed roughly the same treatment.  The only difference is that compared to the Jinshagang front line, which only had light bombers and attack aircraft modified from fighter jets, the Qingyuan front line suffered more intense bombings.

    Taking off from Jiamusi, at such a short distance, these bombers, which carried tons of bombs, all took off with full loads.  In order to ensure that there were enough bombs for this bombing, at Yang Zhen's suggestion, Yuan Bin not only cleared out the inventory of bombs at one time, but also asked Zhang Zhenhua to specially approve 150 rounds of 150mm howitzer shells  The warheads were urgently modified into seventy-five bombs.

    "If Yang Zhen hadn't disagreed because it hadn't been tested and was worried about being unsafe, this guy would have directly attached the 107mm rocket or the 122 rocket to the aircraft and used it to attack the ground.  However, although Yang Zhen did not agree with his plan, this guy's idea reminded Yang Zhen.  At this time, the rockets are not suitable for air combat because of their poor accuracy, but they are a very good weapon for ground attacks.

    Jiangbei had already used rockets as airborne weapons during the Battle of Nomenhan, although it was unsuccessful.  But in Yang Zhen's opinion, it's not that this weapon is not suitable as an airborne weapon, but that they used it in the wrong direction.  Although the unguided rockets at this time are powerful, their accuracy is far behind compared to other airborne weapons, especially the airborne machine guns currently used on a large scale.

    In addition to having some power against heavy bombers with large targets and slow flying speeds, they are quite inadequate for various types of fighters and light bombers that are much more flexible, both in terms of accuracy and firepower density.

    This weapon is actually more suitable for ground attacks. It is quite lethal in attacking marching groups and vehicles, especially trains that are inconvenient to move.  Even for tanks, the king of land warfare, they are extremely threatening.  On the European battlefield in the next few years, this weapon, which seems very inconspicuous now, will become a star.  Even in the next few decades, it will become the most cost-effective weapon for large-scale use by ground attack aircraft and armed helicopters.

    Those unguided air-to-ground rockets even performed extremely well in several large-scale local wars after World War II.  Even a wealthy and powerful machine equipped with a full range of preciseThe US military, which has guided weapons, has not eliminated this weapon.  Instead, it has been used as the standard equipment of armed helicopters.

    It¡¯s just that this kind of weapon, which has just entered the battlefield, still needs a step-by-step maturation process.  Especially since our own troops have not yet had time to undergo adaptive training, the weapon launch platform is in the air and not on the ground.  Once any accident occurs, the only thing waiting for the pilot is a plane crash and death.  So although he was very excited, Yang Zhen decided to give up for the time being.

    However, although it is not mature yet, Yang Zhen will not give up this extremely powerful weapon for ground attack easily.  In a situation where there are only fighter jets and a lack of ground attack aircraft that have been converted to ground attack, these rockets are very suitable for being mounted on fighter jets to perform ground attack missions.  It just takes a certain amount of time to find a way to make it more mature.  As for now, it is not used yet.

    Although they are not equipped with rockets, these two dozen medium bombers plus five light bombers with a bomb load of up to 700 kilograms are enough to destroy a small city with more than 20 tons of bombs plus napalm bombs.  The small village of Qingyuan was completely razed to the ground.

    Of course, the reason why we chose this place as the focus of the bombing was not because we knew that this is now the headquarters of the 11th Division.  In fact, it is because this is the transportation center of the 11th Division, and the 11th Division headquarters is just taken along.  In other words, the bombing of the 11th Division Headquarters was just an unreasonable disaster.

    Ushijima is very cunning, and the general headquarters is hidden in the baggage regiment station.  The reconnaissance force that set out from the north bank of Qixing River failed to find out where his division headquarters was despite a lot of effort.  But it was not difficult to find the baggage, which included horses and a large amount of supplies.

    It is different from the Jinshagang front line where high-explosive bombs were first used to clear out the Japanese artillery units, and then napalm bombs were used to bomb the infantry.  Since the supply teams of the Japanese 11th Division are all deployed in Qingyuan Town, the effect of using napalm bombs in such towns will be better.  Therefore, the planes that bombed Qingyuan carried napalm bombs.  Only five light bombers and two Type 97 medium bombers carried more than four tons of high-explosive bombs as backup.

    After An Zaijiang led the Chinese bombers to arrive in the sky over Qingyuan, according to the daily training pattern, the two DO17 bombers as the lead aircraft took the lead in using napalm bombs to cross-drop bombs, and lit two blazing cross fire dragons on the ground as a follow-up  Bomber bombing instructions.

    Other medium-sized bombers carrying napalm bombs followed up and dropped bombs after a fire broke out on the ground.  Drop what is carried on the fuselage exactly where the two fire dragons cross on the ground.  More than ten medium-sized bombers, plus several transport planes modified to carry one and a half tons of bombs under the wings, dropped all 20 tons of napalm bombs into the small village of Qingyuan.

    In order to ensure the accuracy of bombing, the bombers commanded by An Zaijiang dropped bombs at a height of less than 700 meters.  His tactics were simple. After dropping bombs at low altitude, all aircraft quickly climbed to a safe altitude and returned.  After regrouping at high altitude, they returned collectively.

    Like the 12th Regiment on the front line in Jinshagang, the division headquarters and baggage troops of the 11th Division in Qingyuan Town never thought that their opponents actually had aircraft.  Not only did they not make any air defense preparations, but they were lightly equipped and did not carry any air defense weapons at all.

    Not to mention anti-aircraft guns, they didn¡¯t even bring anti-aircraft machine guns.  Even the muzzles of the Type 92 heavy machine guns that can be used in the air are always pointed outside the town.  As for Tian Tian, ??I never thought there would be an opponent.  Compared to the heavily guarded defenses on the ground, the air defenses were not deployed at all.

    In fact, as the lieutenant general commander of the division, Ushijima Mitsuru was very clear about the air attack on Mudanjiang Hailang Airport.  But he was stubborn and did not believe that his opponent would have the ability to carry out air strikes against field troops.  The reason is simple. Before setting off, he had consulted information on various weapons used by his opponents since the battle began.

    The opponent has used a large number of artillery of various calibers in various battles, but has never found any case of using aviation for ground support.  In other words, although the opponent has a certain amount of air power, this power is not perfect.  In other words, their air power can only carry out bombing of fixed targets, but does not have the ability to directly support the ground.  There is no comparison with the experienced Japanese Army Air Force.

    The most important thing is that Namada Juichi once promised him that the Kwantung Army Headquarters has agreed to mobilize new aviation forces from Harbin and Qiqihar as soon as possible to cover the 11th Division's operations.  When the 11th Division moves westward, the newly arrived aviation forces will form an airtight air defense network over the 11th Division.

    With the assurance from his superiors and the fact that Mitsuru Ushijima had always had confidence in the empire¡¯s aerial warriors, when he formulated this combat plan, he never thought that he would encounter an aerial threat.  Ushijima just didn¡¯t think about itWhat happened was that this time he was really swayed by his boss and his boss's boss.

    "The price paid by the 11th Division was not only that it had great hope of success, but also that the northbound operation that might have restored the previous passive situation failed completely because of this air strike.  More importantly, Ushijima Mitsuru and his 11th Division also paid the price with their lives.  After the battle, less than one or two of the 11th Division officers and soldiers were able to return.

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