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Text Chapter 384 Personality and Quarrel

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    Peng Shilu's worries are not unreasonable.  [.Com text] At this time, all the main forces of the four divisions were taken away by Du Kaishan to join the battle.  The remaining troops are only a basic regiment that is being formed, a backbone regiment, and the Baoqing County brigade that has just completed its reorganization.  The total strength of the troops is only more than 3,000.

    And among them, the fourth divisional regiment has the most abundant troops.  Because according to the plan, all the reserve soldiers of the seven companies transferred have not yet arrived, and only the strength of two companies has been reached.

    Even after receiving the telegram from the headquarters, Peng Shilu urgently added three squadrons from the Baoqing County Brigade and two platoons from the divisional guard company left by Du Kaishan to this basic regiment, which only had a strength of seven and a half companies.  .  Among them, the only ones with combat experience were the two and a half companies left by Du Kaishan to form new troops and a platoon from the divisional guard company.

    As the main force, the Baoqing County Brigade was organized into this basic regiment before the armbands with the word "security" on the military uniforms could be replaced.  Since it was formed for the second time mainly with the basic militia transferred from Fujin, the equipment was still very weak.  The main equipment is still Italian rifles that have been replaced by the main force, and each squadron only has three crooked machine guns.  The entire county brigade only had three heavy machine guns and five grenade launchers.

    Although the core regiment has been replenished, the weapons and equipment have been somewhat strengthened through mixing and reserve equipment allocated by Peng Shilu from the division, it still appears to be very weak.  In particular, there is a large gap in the number of artillery.  Compared with the main force and the original backbone regiment in the division, this backbone regiment only has one Japanese-style 90mm mortar company and one 92-type infantry artillery company.

    Each company only has six crooked machine guns and twelve submachine guns that the main force has gradually begun to phase out.  Each battalion only has four Type 92 heavy machine guns and one or two refurbished Vickers water-cooled heavy machine guns.  The infantry was equipped with Italian-made rifles from stocks allocated by the military region before the battle began.  Compared with the main force, which is equipped with grenade launchers at the squad level, each company of this basic regiment only has three grenade launchers.

    In fact, compared with the fact that even after temporarily strengthening the three squadrons of the county brigade, there were only six companies in total to train the backbone regiment for the military region. After the main force was transferred, this backbone regiment was temporarily formed to take on the task of guarding Baoqing.  The military strength is actually quite sufficient.

    Originally, according to the overall combat plan, Baoqing County was a chess piece that could be discarded when necessary to disperse the Japanese forces, and it was not intended to be held for a long time.  Even in the entire Baoqing County, except for the western mountainous area and the Qixing River line in the north, Yang Zhen had no intention of holding on.

    The purpose of these two regiments is to form new troops.  Second, it is also intended to have a certain deterrent effect.  The most important thing is that Baoqing County still has to leave some troops for defense before the Japanese army moves north.  When the Japanese army entered Baoqing territory, a county could not resort to an empty city strategy.  Moreover, the Logistics Department also has a field hospital and a material delivery point here.

    Although most of the residents of Baoqing County have now migrated north, apart from soldiers, there are very few residents in the entire county who have moved away.  But as a support point on the eastern front, even though we are ready to give up at any time, we still have to keep our troops when they should.

    But the situation suddenly changed, and the Japanese 11th Division gave up its westward advance and marched northward.  With two dissatisfied regiments, with huge disparities in strength and firepower, trying to block the main force of a Japanese division, one can imagine the pressure.  In three days, to be honest, Peng Shilu really didn't have much confidence in his heart.

    In fact, the Japanese army did not leave much time for Peng Shilu to adjust his deployment.  Just half an hour after Yang Zhen's two security companies entered Baoqing County.  The vanguard led by Colonel Asakawa, who came all the way on a forced march, has arrived at Jiaxinzi, a small town southwest of Baoqing.

    Those holding Jiaxinzi were two companies from the first batch of troops airlifted from the pass, plus the reserve troops mobilized by the Production and Construction Corps, and a battalion of the fourth division's backbone regiment composed of three squadrons of the Baoqing County brigade.  It is said to be a battalion, but the actual strength is only two companies.

    Now for Peng Shilu, the most advantageous thing is that after Du Kaishan was transferred to the commander of the fourth division, he built a lot of defenses along the periphery of Baoqing, which was the support point of the entire eastern battlefield.  Although these fortifications are somewhat fragile due to the lack of reinforced concrete, after all, they are much stronger than nothing.  In particular, the anti-tank trenches and communication trenches that surrounded almost all key parts of Baoqing's periphery bought a lot of time for this battle.

    He was ordered to lead a battalion, but actually only two companies arrived at Jiaxinzi. The front line was Liu Yihu, deputy commander of the basic regiment and commander of the first battalion. He was temporarily replaced by the director of the regiment's political office who acted as the instructor of the first battalion because the instructor was still studying.  Feng Haishan.  Liu Yihu is a veteran who joined the army in Qunce Mountain, while Feng Haishan is a cadre transferred from the pass.

    The temperament of these two partners is exactly opposite to that of other ordinary troops.  Although the battalion commander¡¯s name is ?Liu Yihu joined the army when Yang Zhen captured the Japanese and puppet Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station.  Although his qualifications in the army are not comparable to those of the group of people in Lao Heidingzi's secret camp.  But before being arrested as a laborer, he went to middle school in Guan Nei.

    This guy has a lot of character.  As long as I'm not fighting or training.  She is generally silent, gentle and quiet like a big girl.  But he is not only smart and capable, but also willing to use his brain when fighting, and he also has a vicious perspective when looking at problems.  He is usually silent, but once he strikes, he goes straight to the opponent's vital points.

    Once the war breaks out, the attacks are extremely vicious.  Moreover, he behaved extremely boldly on the battlefield, completely different from his usual performance.  His old superior Wang Guangyu once said to him: "There is a needle hidden in the cotton." It clearly explained his problem.

    He has a problem, that is, the more difficult the task assigned by his superiors, the more excited he becomes.  The expression of his excitement is that the expression on his face is like a cement block, without any expression.  When he was a battalion commander, if the soldiers below saw his face light up, they would know that a fight was coming without asking.

    This is not because he meant to show off. In fact, when he was working as a laborer at the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station, he was whipped in the face by a Japanese supervisor because of a slight negligence during work.  A nerve on my face was damaged, and because I had no money for treatment, I was left with this problem.  Couldn't laugh at all.

    However, although this guy usually looks calm on the surface, he is actually the kind of guy who does nothing but make a big splash.  In Du Kaishan's words, this person is a typical two-kicker type of person.  If you don't order it at ordinary times, it will explode if you do.

    Originally, when the Political Department of the Fourth District was selecting cadres for the formation of a new cadre regiment, it planned to directly appoint him, who had just graduated from the training class, as the deputy regiment leader. It did not intend to let him serve as the battalion commander concurrently.  But this guy didn't want to be the deputy, and said he would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.  I would rather be demoted to a company commander with the right to make my own decisions than to be someone else's deputy.

    Although Huang Yuqing, the district political commissar in charge of cadre deployment, was extremely dissatisfied with his character, he was also very embarrassed by him.  But his personality suited Du Kaishan's taste, and he immediately decided to make him deputy regimental commander and first battalion commander.  Du Kaishan, who was about to lead troops on an expedition at that time, was still doing his work personally despite his busy schedule.

    Du Kaishan told him directly, if you can bring this regiment to me, I will personally find the commander and give you a regiment to take with you.  But he must serve as deputy leader.  In order to ensure the quality of the troops, especially the middle and senior commanders, Yang Zhen stipulated that all military commanders above the regiment level who had not served as deputy regimental commanders were not allowed to be promoted to regimental commanders.

    However, on the surface, this guy was done by Du Kaishan. In fact, is it true that he has to ask himself.  Since taking office, this guy has spent most of his time in his own camp and rarely goes to the regiment headquarters.  From this incident, we can see how stubborn this person is.

    The instructor Feng Haishan was originally a military cadre and later became a political cadre.  He graduated from high school and was considered an intellectual among the Red Fourth Front Army, which lacked intellectuals in its early years.

    But it is far from his status as an intellectual.  Not to mention his fiery personality, he rarely speaks out and talks like other political cadres.  On the contrary, when he opens his mouth, words like ***, GE Lao Tzu, Turtle Son, and ** Immortal all come out.

    It turns out that one of the two people is the battalion commander of the third regiment of the first brigade, the deputy regiment commander and battalion commander who was just promoted.  He was also the first deputy regimental cadre among those who joined the army in Jingbo Lake.  On the battlefield, fighting should be flexible and not rigid, but also ruthless and accurate.  I have never known what rigid execution of orders is.  People with his personality are also the kind of cadres that Yang Zhen is most proud of.

    "The other one was a battalion political instructor of the 129th Division of the 18th Army when he got on the plane in Yan'an half a month ago. He was a veteran of the Red Army.  He once served as a battalion commander in the Red Army and has rich practical experience.  After the defeat of the West Route Army, he dragged a leg that was chopped off by the Ma Jiajun cavalry and trekked nearly a thousand miles alone from the Hexi Corridor, begging for food all the way back to Yan'an.  His character is generally tenacious.

    ¡°One of these two people is a cadre trained by the Jidong Military Region itself, and the other is a cadre who has just been transferred from the pass and has not yet had his butt warmed up.  Before being transferred to the fourth division, I had never heard of each other, let alone met each other.  After being transferred to a regiment, because Liu Yihu rarely went to the regiment headquarters, he didn't meet much.

    When Feng Haishan was temporarily appointed as the acting instructor of the First Battalion, he had only met twice.  After leading the only two companies in the battalion to Jiaxinzi, the two partners, who were still strangers, discovered that they could only get to know each other on the battlefield.

    Having barely finished looking at the terrain, they arranged for the troops to enter the preset positions. Before the Japanese troops arrived, the two people took the time to sit together. People who were familiar with each other had not yet figured out each other's temper.Nature.  Before even finishing a cigarette, a heated argument broke out between the two partners.

    The reason is very simple. Both of them are people with strong personalities. They both believe that this battle should be fought according to their own ideas.  The reason for their quarrel was, in one sentence, who had the final say.  They are all used to meeting people who have the final say in their own troops, and it is impossible not to be passionate.

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