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Text Chapter 368: Terrible Opponent

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    Several important railway bridges were blown apart.  [.Com text] cannot be repaired in a short time at all.  The day before, the most important Ducao Tunnel on the Binsui Railway, known as the choke point, was completely blown up, completely interrupting this artery for the Japanese army in the entire Northeast Manchuria region.

    Several railway regiments that were repairing the railways were running around all day long under the almost unlimited and unscrupulous attacks from the other side, and suffered heavy losses in personnel and materials.  Often one side has just been repaired and the other side has been bombed.  The rails here had just arrived, and the sleepers there were completely burned by a fire.

    What is even more unacceptable to the Railway Regiment directly under the Kwantung Army, which is rushing to repair the railway, is that the attackers not only blew up almost all the railway bridges and tunnels east of the Zhuhe River on the Binsui Line.  The sleepers and rails were burned to the ground, and a large number of mines were placed on the upper part of the roadbed.

    The officers and soldiers of the railway regiment who were repairing the railway suffered heavy casualties from the mines buried on the roadbed.  Because of these abominable landmines, and those abominable thieves who use cold guns and artillery attacks from time to time, the railway team has to dispatch a large number of personnel and troops to clear mines while repairing the railway, and also dispatch troops to cooperate with the railway garrison to conduct inspections along the line.  Clean it up to ensure the safety of emergency repairs.  In this way, safety has improved, but the progress of the emergency repair project has greatly slowed down.

    The interruption of the entire Binsui Railway has disrupted the supply of ammunition and materials for more than 100,000 Japanese troops in various forward Japanese divisions, including the 12th Division in Dongning.  Now all combat supplies can only be transported by the Kwantung Army's small number of transport planes and trucks.

    Although after the Hamasui Railway was interrupted, General Umezu Yoshijiro will mobilize the Kwantung Army as quickly as possible, and even all military and civilian trucks in Manchuria, to provide supplies for the Japanese troops fighting on the front.  However, firstly, the number of trucks of the Kwantung Army was limited, and secondly, road transportation was not safe, and it was also attacked repeatedly.  This has caused a rapid downward trend in the supplies that can be replenished to the front line. From the original replenishment to the amount used, now it can only be described as a drop in the bucket.

    The Manchurian military police, whose noses and faces were bruised and swollen after several raids, had no choice but to ask for help from the Kwantung Army headquarters.  However, Umezu Yoshijiro, who did not have any troops at the moment, forwarded the request for help telegram with a stroke of a pen to Juichi Namada, who now had the troops at hand, accounting for nearly 70% of the Kwantung Army.

    But now that the war situation on the front is almost eroding, Juichi Hata, who only hates the lack of troops, can mobilize no less than 20,000 troops as requested in the telegram.  Not to mention 20,000 people, not even a single brigade can be mobilized.  But it's not possible without sending troops. The Binsui Railway is the main artery for all Japanese troops in the entire theater.

    With no squadron available at the front, the helpless Namada Juichi could only send the 14th Regiment of the 29th Division who stayed behind in Muleng, plus the 11th Division's remaining troops in Mishan.  The three infantry squadrons formed a detachment, under the unified command of Colonel Watari Iwaji, the captain of the 14th Regiment, and went south to Ning'an, Weihe, and Mudanjiang to clear up the First Army that was active there and now had the potential to start a prairie fire.

    The 14th Regiment was transferred from the 12th Division, and its combat effectiveness is the strongest among the three regiments that formed the 29th Division.  The dispatch of the Fourteenth Regiment should be able to curb the attacks on the railway lines by thieves who have no warrior spirit and only know how to sap the cold.

    After the telegram to mobilize troops was sent, Namada Shigeichi sat down on the sofa in his office in frustration and did not speak for a long time.  Constant attacks on the rear and successive defeats on the front made him extremely exhausted physically and mentally.  It has only been a few days since the battle started. Two regiments of the 10th Division have been completely destroyed, and the life or death of the division commander is unknown.

    The entire Sixth Division collapsed, the two regiments were all shattered, and less than one squadron escaped.  A wing is still hanging on, although it relies on the full support of the aviation force, it is still barely able to survive.  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the time for their existence as an organized force is already counting down.

    Judging from the farewell message just sent by Colonel Shimatsubo Fumio, the commander of the 13th Regiment, under the full attack of the opponent's superior artillery fire and military strength, the time they continue to exist surrounded in the central mountainous area of ????Boli can no longer be calculated in days.  It can be calculated in hours.

    "Intelligence, damn intelligence. All the people in the Kwantung Army's intelligence department should commit seppuku and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor. Up to now, we still haven't figured out how many troops and equipment the other party has. Could it be that those artillery pieces that appeared on the battlefield, especially the large-caliber ones,  Are the artillery pieces falling from the sky? And the increasing number of troops."

    When Shigeichi Hatada once again cursed the Kwantung Army intelligence department more than 10,000 times for not having figured out anything, Major Hashimoto Ryuichi, leader of the 1st Field Intelligence Squadron directly under the Fifth Army, shouted a report and walked in directly.  .  He is the only person in the entire Fifth Army, other than Chief of Staff Tanaka Seichi, who can walk into Namada Juichi's office at any time.

      Seeing Major Ryuichi Higashihashimoto come in, Shigeichi Namada waved his hand and said: "Tell me, is there any news about funerals? Just tell me directly. I am now completely immune to losses of one regiment or less.  I¡¯ve heard so much bad news that I¡¯m numb now.¡±

    Major Ryuichi Hashimoto looked at the listless Juichi Namada, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your Excellency, news just came from the aviation force that there is no sign of resistance in the direction of the 13th Regiment. The 13th Regiment failed to stand out.  , and failed to hold out until reinforcements arrived. In other words, the Sixth Division, as an organic division of the Imperial Army, has now been completely wiped out. "

    Major Hashimoto Ryuichi, who originally thought that Shigeichi Namada would be furious for the loss of an entire division, was shocked to find that there was no trace of ripples on the calm face of the lieutenant general in front of him.  It was as if the lost Sixth Division was not part of the imperial army.

    Seeing the astonished expression on Ryuichi Hashimoto's face, Juichi Hata stood up and walked to the window. He looked at the main road of Mudanjiang outside the window and was silent for a long time before saying: "We have been passive from the beginning of this battle.  Even now, the 29th Division as a reserve force has invested, but it still cannot change the passive situation. "

    "Judging from the current development of the situation, we have completely lost strategically. They have been plotting against us since the end of the so-called autumn campaign last year. They hid their troops and equipment and deliberately showed weakness to us. In terms of intelligence,  We still haven¡¯t figured out exactly how many troops and equipment they have.¡±

    "Thousands of artillery pieces with a caliber of 75 mm or more, and the total strength of the front and rear has accumulated to at least more than 100,000. We knew nothing about these. By the time we learned about it, they were already on the battlefield. Hashimoto  Jun, you are a soldier and one of the best graduates of the Imperial Army Military Academy. What will happen if these tens of thousands of people appear on the battlefield out of thin air? "

    "We have become accustomed to using the old thinking to deal with these Chinese people. When facing this cunning and tenacious anti-Manchu armed forces, we still use the old perspective of looking at the Chinese government forces and the so-called Anti-Alliance.  To look at it. There is a saying in China: take one step and see three steps. The empire can go from being so poor and weak to today, relying on a long-term vision. "

    "The empire has always been far-sighted in doing things, but this time it has stumbled. We have always been known for our meticulous intelligence work, but you have seen the results this time. I always have a feeling in my heart that one of them must know something about us.  Very profound people. Their every step is very targeted.¡±

    "Their deceptive tactics not only deceived the Kwantung Army intelligence department, but even their own people did not know it. The Eighth Division captured one of their so-called battalion political instructors during the battle. You can also see the interrogation results.  Arrived. Except for his own direct troops, he doesn¡¯t even know the total strength of their troops.¡±

    "This is a terrifying person. He sees every step of our progress clearly. He knows almost everything about the technical and tactical characteristics of the Imperial Army. In his eyes, we are like being put under a microscope. We are being looked at.  It's so thorough. Not only are they targeting our weaknesses in terms of strategy, but they are also specifically targeting us in terms of tactics and weapons and equipment.

    "Tactically and strategically, we are almost completely passive. They have studied us very thoroughly. But we know nothing about them except what is on the surface. Until now, we know nothing. They  Where does the equipment come from? Where do so many weapons and ammunition supplies come from? We don¡¯t know how much equipment their arsenal produces in a year. How can we change the passive situation?  If you lose, you lose quite cleanly, and you don¡¯t even have a chance to make up your losses.¡±

    When Major Ryuichi Hashimoto heard what Juichi Namada said, he quickly stood at attention and said: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I am here precisely for this matter. This time they were able to expand so many troops at once, but the weapons did not have any  The shortage does not mean that the output of their military factories can meet their needs, but that there are channels for foreign aid.¡±

    After saying that, Major Ryuichi Hashimoto walked outside the door and waved his hand. The two soldiers behind him placed a few things on Namada Juichi's desk.

    Hatada looked at the weapons in front of him and frowned: "What's going on with these things? Is there anything special about them? These are German rifles that have been used by the government forces as standard equipment, and  Our standard Type 38 rifle? What¡¯s so strange about this?¡±

    As soon as he finished speaking, Namada Juichi's eyes suddenly fell on a thick pipe with a large caliber that went straight up and down and had no bottom. He picked it up and looked at it carefully for a long time, but he didn't see anything interesting about it.  He pointed at this ordinary-looking pipe and said, "What on earth is this, an artillery piece? We"??This is the first time I have seen this kind of artillery that is transparent on both sides and does not even have a base.  "

    "The caliber of this kind of artillery is not small. It doesn't even have a basic gun mount. How can it be used? Is it to shoot birds in the sky? This is the first time I have seen such a strange weapon in so many years in the army.  Was this also seized from them?"

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