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Text Chapter 345: You must not fall in love with war

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    Regarding Yang Zhen's preparation to adjust his deployment, Wang Guangyu looked at the current situation of the two armies at the junction of Boli and Yilan, as well as the situation of the entire battlefield, and hesitated for a moment and said: "No. 1, they have now reached Boli and Yilan.  It¡¯s at the junction of Yilan, and beyond that is the heartland of the Japanese army in southern Yilan, the Weizi Valley line!¡±

    "As long as we reach Weizigou, we can go straight to the Erdaomiao Ridge line to the south to join the main force of the Fifth Brigade, and we can go straight to the Youzigou and Zhi'an Tun lines to the northeast to outflank the main force of the Sixth Division that is currently fighting with the First Brigade there.  !¡±

    "After half a day of fierce fighting, they have less than two squadrons left in front of the enemy. They are trying their best. I think there will be no problem for them to forcefully penetrate to the Weizigou line before midnight today. As long as they can hit the Weizigou line,  We will win the entire battle in southern Yilan!"

    "Moreover, if they can seize the Youzigou line, they can defend against reinforcements from the enemy in Linkou to the south. Not only can they threaten the rear of the Sixth Division to the north, but they can also free up the main force of the fifth brigade to launch defenses in the south to prevent the Japanese troops in Linkou from behind.  Come forward and ensure the safety of the entire southern front of the battlefield!"

    "And even if the fifth brigade cannot return to position at the designated time, as long as He Zhishan seizes the front line of Weizigou, it can act as a needle to stabilize the sea. We are at least 70% sure of the entire battle situation in southern Yilan. No. 1, I  Do you mean to give them one more night? If they don¡¯t make much progress after one night, it¡¯s not too late to consider turning around and heading south!¡±

    "The most important thing is that I'm worried that if they turn around and go south, leaving only two companies on the Ping'an Tun line, then the southern battlefield of Yilan and the fierce battle with the eastward advancing troops of the Sixth Division in the Nianzi River area northeast of Boli County will  The door between the two brigades is open. Once the Japanese troops in the southern area of ????Yilan are aware of it and break out to the east with all their strength, the strength of the two companies will be impossible to resist! "

    "The little devils have always reacted very quickly on the battlefield. If they leave behind the troops currently entangled with the first brigade, and the rest of the troops attack eastward with all their strength, then the second brigade will be attacked from both sides, and from Yilan,  From the junction of Boli to the Nianzi River, there is basically no danger to defend, and the Second Brigade is currently unable to mobilize troops to advance westward to block the Sixth Division! "

    "The gekko tail-cutting tactic has not been used rarely by the Japanese army when needed. And judging from the combat effectiveness of the Sixth Division, if they really march eastward with all their strength regardless of the situation, the two companies will simply not be able to resist it.  There¡¯s not even a chance to stand still and wait for help!¡±

    "If we look at the situation on the entire battlefield, the Sixth Division is the key core of the Japanese army, then for us right now, the Second Brigade, which plays a connecting role on the entire battlefield, is the key point. The strength is only a slight  Advantage, facing a reinforced regiment equipped with heavy artillery and tanks, the Second Brigade is already struggling. If the Japanese troops in the south of Yilan are pressing forward, I am afraid that the Second Brigade will be there! "

    "Once the Second Brigade collapses under the attack from the east and west, the entire battle will have a chain reaction. Our previous efforts may be in vain. No. 1, I suggest that He Zhishan fight for another night. As for  It¡¯s not too late to decide whether they should go south or not and wait and see how the battle develops tomorrow morning!¡±

    Wang Guangyu originally thought that he would need to spend more words to convince Yang Zhen, but he did not expect that after his words fell, Yang Zhen just thought about it for a moment and said with a smile: "You are the commander of the first column.  The battlefields in southern Yilan and western Boli are all under your command, and you have the most say in judging the battlefield situation! "

    "You can decide for yourself how to make this determination. Sometimes I don't always see things correctly, and I can't cover everything. You can make this decision however you want. The headquarters only puts forward the bottom line and goals.  Commanding the overall situation [.Com text]

    As for how to deploy, it is what you, the commanders of the front army, should do!  "

    "I take back my suggestion. You two can go ahead and do it with confidence. Just do whatever you decide to do. Don't change your original plan just because of my opinion. However, I still say the same thing. I just want to do it."  I can give you twenty-four hours!¡±

    After listening to Wang Guangyu's analysis, Yang Zhen did realize that he had been too hasty in changing He Zhishan's original battle plan. For Yang Zhen, a mistake was a mistake. There was nothing to hide. In terms of grasping and judging the battlefield situation,  Yang Zhen, the top commander, often does not understand things as thoroughly and clearly as the front-line commanders.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen suddenly realized that it was unnecessary for him to stay here. Wang Guangyu had matured. It was time for him to let him go. Interfering with the determination of the front-line commanders was not what he should do now. He still had control over it.  The overall situation is good. As for those front-line commanders on the battlefield, I can no longer intervene in everything.??.

    ?????????????????????????????? How do you say that when you employ people, you don¡¯t trust them, and when you doubt them, you don¡¯t use them? Isn¡¯t this exactly the way I have always behaved? Why did I suddenly seem a little worried about gains and losses at this time?

    In fact, neither Yang Zhen, who was somewhat self-deprecating, nor anxious Wang Guangyu and Chen Hanzhang knew that while they were studying the development of the war situation, two regiments of the fifth brigade detoured from the border of Yilan and Fangzheng, after more than ten hours of long distance,  Rushing, we have reached the front line of Jiaxin Mountain and the logging greenhouse.

    Located on the west bank of Mudanjiang River, at the junction of Yilan and Fangzheng counties, it is the commanding height between the two counties. Overlooking the entire junction of the two counties, Jiaxin Mountain faces the Erdaomiao Ridge in the east and west.  Seizing the commanding heights on the boundary between Linkou and Fangzheng counties is tantamount to controlling the junction of the three counties.

    I don¡¯t know whether it was because of the lack of troops, or because after the battle started, all the effective forces were mobilized to fight at the front, but the focus of the Japanese and puppet defense was not here at all. In the entire Jiaxin Mountain area, the Japanese and puppet troops except for a forest policeman of more than 100 people.  Outside the team, there is almost no active force.

    The Erdaomiao Ridge between Xinshan Mountain and Jiangdong is familiar to many people in Yang Zhen's army who were originally from the Third Brigade. Last year, Du Kaishan led a team to meet the troops of the First Army going north, and turned Yilan upside down.  At that time, he once waited in hiding in the mountains and forests of this area, and while he was waiting, Du Kaishan and his people drew a detailed map of the terrain in this area.

    The main force of the fifth brigade was on the circuitous route. Although it encountered small groups of Japanese and puppet troops many times, for the experienced Yi Liangpin, this was not a big problem. He never made contact with the column because of the forced march.  There wasn't that much time to set up the radio station, and since we were marching in the mountains and forests all the way, the radio signal wasn't very good. Setting up the radio station would not only waste time, but would also be easily exposed.

    The logging greenhouse, as the name suggests, is a place built by logging workers to rest. Now this place is located on the border between Yilan and Linzhou. It is where the Puppet Manchukuo Yilan Forest Police and the Linkou Forest Police Brigade raided the Anti-Japanese War and assisted the Japanese army in attacking Yilan.  , an important base for plundering forest resources in Linkou.

    Although this mountain village is not big, there are quite a lot of puppet Manchukuo soldiers and policemen in it. Although the Japanese and puppet troops have not deployed defenses in the Jiaxin Mountain area, they have deployed two forest police brigades, as well as a part of the Belarusian road protection army and Congyi.  A gendarmerie unit withdrawn from Lan County.

    On a hilltop to the north of the logging greenhouse, Yi Liangpin, who was observing this small mountain village with a telescope, was constantly calculating in his mind. The Puppet Manchukuo Forest Police was not enough evidence. Regardless of the two police brigades, it was not enough for him.  Even between the teeth.

    But I don¡¯t know the combat effectiveness of those Belarusians very well.

    Yi Liangpin once heard from an old Anti-Japanese League veteran from the Fifth Army who had fought with these White Russian road guard policemen. These White Russians were very powerful in combat, especially in close combat. Although the Japanese did not trust them as much as the Puppet Manchukuo Army.  , but they attach great importance to them. Not only are all commanders Japanese, but their weapons are also very sophisticated.

    From the telescope, Yi Liangpin could clearly see the deployment of the Japanese and puppet troops here. On the outside were the puppet Manchukuo forest police, on the inside were the White Russians, and in the middle were the Japanese military police. In addition to two 90mm mortars, the heavy weapons  In addition, there are quite a few light and heavy machine guns, more than twenty.

    Judging from the number of people, the three groups of Japanese and puppet troops together should be about a thousand people. Among them, the most powerful ones are the White Russian troops. As for the Japanese and puppet military police, Yi Liangpin really doesn't pay attention to them.  Those military police with only light weapons are not the kind of military police drawn from field divisions. Compared with ordinary Japanese troops, their combat effectiveness is almost the same. These professional military police are almost the same as police.

    For these Japanese and puppet troops, if they did not fight in roundabout ways, Yi Liangpin really didn't care. If he fired a shell and mobilized a battalion to outflank them, he was sure that the battle would be resolved within two hours, but the current situation did not allow it.

    In this roundabout battle, I only carried six mountain cannons that were disassembled and carried on horses, and I only brought two basic shells. I don¡¯t know how long the subsequent battle will last. Each of these shells is precious.  Cannonballs cannot be wasted here.

    The most important thing is that time does not allow it. Once it is delayed here, it will affect the column's next combat deployment. The order given by the column to itself is to seize the Nongnonggou line on the west bank of the Mudanjiang River before 22:00 no matter what.  , and crossed the Mudanjiang River with no less than one regiment of troops and penetrated directly into the Bangchui Ridge line, completely cutting off the Japanese retreat route in the southern area of ??Yilan.

    Judging from the current time, as long as I am delayed here for more than two hours, I will not be able to complete the task assigned by the column within the designated time. However, this logging greenhouse is stuck on my only way to the east.  Come down here and base yourself?You can't go eastward.

    After hesitating for a moment, Yi Liangpin put down the telescope in his hand, called the two group leaders over and pointed to the small mountain village below: "Now we have no time to delay here. It will be dark in three hours. If  If we cannot reach Nongnonggou before dark, all our previous efforts will be in vain, and this is indeed the only way for our army to advance eastward! "

    "I decided to have the Second Regiment strengthen the four mountain guns. Under the cover of the artillery fire, the entire regiment mounted bayonets and pressed forward to forcefully open a passage for the Third Regiment within thirty minutes. After the Second Regiment opened the passage, the Third Regiment should not delay and immediately  After forcefully marching through, they forcefully crossed the Mudanjiang River at the Yangmugou line and went straight to Erdaomiao Ridge!"

    "After the Second Regiment and the Third Regiment pass, don't get entangled with the Japanese and puppet troops here. The whole army will immediately turn around and go north and march to the Nongnonggou line. I don't need to annihilate them here. If I can defeat them, I will drive away the Japanese and puppet troops here."  That¡¯s fine. If you can¡¯t drive them away, you definitely can¡¯t fight. I¡¯m stressing again, what we need most now is time, not eating these sons of bitches.¡±

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