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Text Chapter 338 Final preparations

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    Although Yang Zhen's tactical intentions were always unclear, Hata Juichi did not dare not to save the 10th Division. In fact, according to Hata Juichi's own ideas, he was the 29th to take over the defense of the 8th Division.  The divisions are blocking the opponent who has broken through the 10th Division on the front line of Muling. The other divisions are temporarily holding back until they figure out the opponent's next move.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    However, the situation of the Tenth Division and the current development of the situation made him dare not do so. The Kwantung Army Headquarters and even the Tokyo Base Camp have repeatedly emphasized that the current frontier of the confrontation with the opponent is a high-voltage line, and the opponent must not be allowed to highlight this line.  One step in the line of defense.

    Moreover, if the situation of the Tenth Division is not changed as soon as possible and the Tenth Division is allowed to make the same mistake as the Second Division, he will not be able to handle it at the Tokyo base camp. Although he is somewhat reluctant, except for the Eighth Division, Namada Juichi has  The reinforcements were sent, and the Eighth Division was ordered to reinforce at least one or two more infantry brigades.

    The main force of the 13th Regiment of the 6th Division was also mobilized, plus two squadrons of the 23rd Regiment, the division's 120mm howitzer battalion, and two mountain artillery squadrons to strengthen the 7th Heavy Artillery Regiment and the Battle Squadron.  The 5th Che Regiment formed a fast column and marched eastward in the shortest time to reinforce the 10th Division.

    At the same time, the 14th Division was ordered to immediately march eastward to take over the troops of the 6th Division with no less than one regiment and mobilize troops to reinforce the Baoqing front line. After the regiment arrived, it was transferred to the command of the 6th Division and immediately  Be prepared to go north. Two days later, according to the original plan, the Sixth and Fourteenth Divisions will go north first.

    The 11th Division, which was not originally intended to participate in the war, was ordered to prepare for battle. In addition to serving as the defense from Mishan to Hulin and closely monitoring the movements of the Soviet troops east of the Ussuri River, at least one regiment was mobilized to prepare for the battle.  Prepare for the battle and coordinate with the Western Front troops to move north at any time. The 29th Division, which has already arrived at Muling, is ordered to mobilize at least two regiments to arrive at Mishan within two days.

    With his overall deployment already disrupted, Namada Juichi simply made a complete change to the original combat plan as quickly as possible.

    Not only did a brigade of troops be added to the eastward marching force of the Sixth Division, in order to form an east-west advance situation with the westward marching force of the Eighth Division, and strive to first eliminate the opponents around the Tenth Division, according to the wave field heavy  One's new plan not only mobilized all four front-line Japanese divisions, but also involved the 11th Division, which was originally a reserve force and was planned to fully defend the Soviet Union during the war and did not directly participate in the war.

    This adjustment and deployment by Namada Juichi indicates that Yang Zhen's first tactical intention has successfully achieved the result he wanted, and this result at least seems to be a pretty good start for Yang Zhen.

    Just when Hata Juichi was adjusting his deployment urgently, the bandit leader Yang Zhen, who he scolded in his heart for being a bloody bastard and who vowed to personally chop off his head and make a specimen and put it on his desk, was sitting in Yilan County.  Outside, in a small mountain village at the foot of Zhushan Mountain, he was waiting for him to adjust his deployment.

    According to the prior plan, Yang Zhen's two main columns and a large amount of equipment have been secretly deployed and have been deployed. They can follow orders at any time to go south to the area where the final attack will be launched. The two columns plus some independent brigades  Level local troops, nearly 70,000 troops, thousands of artillery pieces and mortars of various calibers, are like a wolf about to prey, waiting for the Sixth Division in front of them to start taking action in order to find the next entrance for themselves.  Chance.

    In fact, for Yang Zhen before, the most difficult thing was not whether Namada Juichi was deceived, but the issue of reaching the hidden ministries that were less than 20 kilometers away from the front line.

    All the commanding heights in the southern mountainous areas were controlled by the Japanese army. Except for the remnants of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the north of the Yangtze River and a few mountainous areas in the Wokenhada Mountains on both sides of the Woken River, most of them were under the plain terrain along the Songhua River. How could  The concealment of these tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of artillery pieces was not noticed by the Japanese army, and the suddenness of the battle was perfectly achieved. This was undoubtedly a huge test for Yang Zhen, the commanders of the two columns, and even the entire army.  .

    Fortunately, although the Songhua River Plain in Yilan County has been developed on a large scale, it is far less developed than in later generations. There are still many birch forests and a large number of shrubs on the Songjiang Plain. Yilan County and the  Although the Wokenhada Mountain in the east is not high and the area is not large enough, it is enough to provide some hiding places for the troops.

    In addition, Yang Zhen's troops have received special and strict concealment training, and the concealment standby time is not very long. In addition, all the people south of the Yilan Songhua River have been relocated to Jiangbei, and the entire Jiangnan area has become a no man's land.  , so the Japanese army did not detect any movement.

    Although the Japanese army concentrated a large number of aviation forces after the attack on Dukaishan,The front-line positions where the two armies were facing each other were bombed repeatedly, but the main bombing targets were concentrated on various transportation lines and exposed targets. Those places that might become the hiding places of Yang Zhen's troops were only occasionally lost when passing by.  Next small bomb or two.

    Although due to proper preparation measures, the Japanese army has never noticed that tens of thousands of troops and a large number of artillery and other equipment are deployed more than 20 kilometers deep in the opponent's front-line position. However, if it is not discovered now, it does not mean that it will not be discovered in the future. Tens of thousands of troops  It is hidden in such a small area, and it is impossible not to expose even a trace.

    If the Japanese army still fails to take action, then Yang Zhen can only launch an attack first. After receiving the report that the Japanese Sixth Division has mobilized a reinforced unit to march westward, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.  After that, he immediately ordered the troops to deploy across the board according to the original plan.

    Yang Zhen's plan is that on the Western Front, if the enemy does not move, I will move first. On the Eastern Front, although the strategy of attacking instead of defending has been formulated, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy moves, I will definitely attack you.  seven inches.

    For Yang Zhen, it is not a question whether to reinforce the Sixth Division on the Eastern Front or not to reinforce the Tenth Division, nor is it a question of how many troops to dispatch. The key question is whether he can disrupt the original battle plan of the Japanese army by taking the lead.  Mobilization will basically complete the deployment.

    When he received the information at 7 a.m. on the 27th that the Sixth Division had dispatched a reinforced unit to support the West, Yang Zhen, knowing that the purpose of his first step plan had been achieved, immediately struck while the iron was hot.  The Third Regiment strengthened the westward detachment composed of the 23rd Regiment. As soon as the westward detachment set off, Yang Zhen immediately struck back.

    Order the regiments of the 1st, 2nd and 6th brigade, which are hidden in the eastern area of ??Yilan and are ready for battle at any time, to strengthen the 107th Rocket Artillery Battalion, the 105th Howitzer Battalion, and the 105th Field Artillery Battalion.  One each, and the brigade-affiliated artillery was under the unified command of Second Brigade Commander Li Mingfeng and Political Commissar Xiao Yongzhi. They immediately showed up at the station from Shitouhezi and attacked southward. They must forcefully cross the Woken River before 4 p.m.

    After the forced crossing was completed, they immediately continued to forcibly penetrate southward with no less than one reinforced regiment. They cooperated with Du Kaishan's troops to seize the front line of Qinglong Mountain and blocked the westward detachment of the Sixth Division from reinforcing the Tenth Division. The main force was  After crossing the Woken River, the entire front was deployed to besiege the westward advancing troops of the Sixth Division.

    After deploying the flanking operations, Yang Zhen personally issued orders to the two columns of Wang Guangyu and Wang Xiaoming commanding at the front, ordering each unit to immediately enter the attack area and complete the final deployment no later than 7 p.m. to prepare for the attack.  The final preparations for the attack by the Japanese Sixth Division and the Fourteenth Division are to launch a full-line attack at 1:00 tomorrow morning against the Japanese enemy.

    During the direct call, Yang Zhen repeatedly asked the commanders of the two columns to ignore the threat of Japanese aircraft and enter the designated attack areas as quickly as possible. From now to three o'clock tomorrow morning, it will be less than ten hours. Even if  His tactical intentions were exposed, and the Japanese army had no time to change their deployment.

    In order to enter the designated attack launch area on time as required by the headquarters, the two columns immediately took action after receiving the order, braving bombing and strafing from Japanese aircraft that passed by from time to time, and forcibly marched to the attack launch area issued by the headquarters.

    The main combat range of the Second Column is at the junction of Tonghe and Yilan. It is located at the junction of the southern foothills of Xiaoxing'an Mountains and the northeastern foothills of Laoye Mountains. The terrain is basically mountainous, and it is not the main combat direction of Japanese aircraft, which is okay.

    However, although the entire final march route is not long, most of it is in the plain area. When attacking from the hidden area to the south and advancing to the final launch area, most of the march route is exposed on the Songjiang Plain, and the sky is  As soon as the Japanese aircraft saw the large group of marching troops below, they immediately swooped over like flies that smelled blood.

    Fortunately, the column chief of staff Xiao Yongzhi, who was transferred from the pass and had experienced the Red Fourth Army's three grassland crossings, and who had served as a regiment-level cadre during the Red Army period, was rich in experience. Before setting off, he freed up more than 20 trucks and loaded up the anti-aircraft guns.  The machine gun and 20mm anti-aircraft gun were mounted on the vehicle and converted into a simple self-propelled anti-aircraft firepower point, accompanying the marching brigade to provide air defense cover at any time.

    A large number of air defense observation posts were deployed along the march route, as well as a fixed fire network composed of regiment-affiliated anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy machine guns, to closely monitor Japanese aircraft and provide fire cover at any time.

    In addition, most of the Japanese aircraft were transferred to the Baoqing and Boli front lines to support the 10th Division at this time. The number of Japanese aviation units with the Yilan area as the main combat direction was not large, and most of them were reconnaissance aircraft and light bombers.  , and the straight-line march distance from the front and rear Antlang and Tulongshan original hiding places to Changqingshan, Linjiatun and Qianzhamugangzi in the northeast of Daotai Bridge to Yanjia Village is anotherNot far.

    Although the Japanese aviation force posed a certain threat to the various units of the First Column, the losses caused to the various units of the First Column were not too great. Except for the loss of a Qiwu Mountain Cannon due to the frightened horses pulling horses, and a car carrying food was destroyed.  In addition to the hits of Japanese bombs, heavy equipment did not suffer much damage. Instead, they used fixed and mobile anti-aircraft firepower nets to shoot down six Japanese aircraft that were conducting dive bombing.

    Each unit of the two columns braved enemy bombings and arrived at a large number of simple offensive and defensive positions that had been built by the frontline troops as quickly as possible. They immediately carried out final mobilization and preparations before the war and distributed ammunition as quickly as possible.  , and conveyed the attack order to each company and platoon commander.

    By ten o'clock in the evening, the two columns and brigades had completed final preparations, and the attached artillery units had also completed final preparations for fire strikes, waiting for the general offensive order to be issued.

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