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Text Chapter 336 Confident Juichi Namada

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    Unknown to him, he had already been honored to be one of the first victims of tactical radio jamming in this era. Kenichiro Miyashita, who was furious because of the failure of the radio, was not in the mood to feel this honor that he did not know he had.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Seeing that the radio station had lost its effectiveness and could not contact his superiors or subordinates, Miyashita Kenichiro, who knew that he had no hope of reinforcements in a short time, simply gritted his teeth in desperation and concentrated on the only one remaining in the artillery battle just now.  A 90mm mortar, a Type 92 heavy machine gun and two crooked handles launched an indiscriminate attack at the center of the two armies in the melee.  A wall of fire.

    Although this indiscriminate fire attack, coupled with the melee for more than an hour before, the third battalion of the 10th Regiment commanded by Miyashita Kenichiro lost half of its troops, but after all, the general successfully held on to himself.  The opponent at the mouth was forced back. Seeing that the two armies were finally separated, Miyashita Colonel was so angry that he didn't even have time to relax. He led the remaining troops to retreat to a small high ground on the right side of the battlefield, pretending to be taking risks.  A defensive posture.

    Miyashita acted like a coward and waited for help. Lin Yongjian really had nothing to do with him. Several strong attacks failed to capture the small hilltop where the Japanese army was holding, so Lin Yongjian could only stop.  , looking at this Japanese army with a single force.

    As soon as the gunfire rang out here, the small group of Japanese troops that had been scattered over there moved closer. Although they could not pose much of a threat to themselves, the appearance of a squadron or a small team would always involve  Lin Yongjian had a lot of energy, so he could not concentrate on dealing with this Japanese army.

    Lin Yongjian, who was very annoyed by these small but annoying skirmishers, simply left a group of troops to watch these Japanese troops. He led the two companies that caught up later and swept towards the depth of the Japanese troops.  Taking it out on the Japanese troops who were scattered by the brother troops who were charging frontally, in his words, this is called clearing the periphery first and then dealing with the middle.

    Although a large group of Japanese troops like before did not appear again along the way, the scattered Japanese troops that gathered in this direction after hearing the gunshots and were scattered in squadrons or small groups were indeed not visible.  Although the big fish was not completely eaten, Lin Yongjian was half full of the small fish and shrimps.

    Lin Yongjian was annoyed that he could not completely swallow the big fish he got. The Japanese army, from the headquarters of the Fifth Army stationed in Mudanjiang to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army in Xinjing, failed after Yang Zhen launched the first attack.  There was chaos, and Yang Zhen's unexpected move by the Japanese army suddenly disrupted all the Kwantung Army's combat plans.

    Compared with the several division commanders who rushed back to their divisions' headquarters after receiving the news, the one who was ordered to command the campaign had always been known as a brave general in the Japanese army. He had just been dismissed from the 19th Division of the Korean Army.  In his long term, he was transferred to the Kwantung Army to replace the frequently disappointing Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara as the commander of the Fifth Army. At this time, Lieutenant General Shigeichi Hatada, who had not even become familiar with his own subordinates, was much more stable.

    After he ordered his staff to report the situation on the frontline to the Kwantung Army headquarters immediately, he stopped several division commanders who were about to return to their troops, especially the 10th Division commander who was very anxious because all the main forces of his 10th Division had lost contact.  Lieutenant General Tokawa Erlang, commander of the Tenth Division: "Don't be too anxious, Tokawa-kun!"

    "Although the Fifth Division on the flank of your Tenth Division has been transferred, the Eighth Division has been put in place one after another, and the Sixth Division on your left wing is still as stable as a rock. I have just ordered the former Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara to  Order the No. 3 Detachment assigned to the Fifth Division to return immediately. Don¡¯t forget, the No. 3 Detachment has the strength of an entire reinforced regiment! "

    "At the same time, I have also ordered the Kwantung Army's Army Air Forces assigned to this campaign to dispatch all enemy positions in Yilan, Boli, Baoqing and Mishan as well as in depth, all positions, communication lines and towns.  Bomb all the way, focusing on the Baoqing and Boli lines where your 10th Division is located.

    "Furthermore, Lieutenant General Tsukada, the commander of the Eighth Division, has taken the initiative to order the Eighth Division to deploy two brigades from the 31st Regiment, and four squadrons from the 17th Regiment, plus two artillery squadrons from the 3rd Regiment.  Captain Shirogane Yoshikata of the 11th Regiment unified the command and rushed to the 10th Division urgently. With the support of aviation, coupled with the rapid reinforcements of friendly forces, and the combat effectiveness of the 10th Division, I think even if the ruthless bandits will  All the energy is focused on the 10th Division, there will be no danger to the 10th Division!"

    "Although your Tenth Division only has two regiments, the Kwantung Army headquarters has strengthened and given you a tank regiment and a heavy artillery regiment with such heavy weapons!"

    "There are still two brigades in your artillery regiment. With such powerful troops and firepower, what do you have to worry about? The Imperial Army is not a Chinese army that refuses to save others and is trying to dismantle each other. Your 10th Division is not  Something will happen, something elseCome on, wait until the results of the aviation reconnaissance come out before making plans!  "

    Namada Juichi seemed very steady. After appeasing Lieutenant General Tokawa Jiro, he said to the remaining division commanders: "Everyone, don't be too nervous. Only the 10th Division is under attack now, and the fronts of the other divisions are still very dangerous.  Calm, so this attack is probably a trial attack launched by them, or launched to mobilize our troops to disrupt the overall deployment of the imperial army! "

    Having said that, Lieutenant General Namada Juichi stood up and said: "Everyone, the Imperial Army has been generally deployed. The various divisions involved in this battle are not fully in place except for the Eighth Division which is taking over the defense.  The remaining divisions have been deployed according to the scheduled plan, and the field heavy artillery regiments, tank regiments and aviation units attached to the Kwantung Army Headquarters are all in place! "

    "In order to march north to suppress the bandits that have seriously threatened the security of Manchuria, the imperial army mobilized four precious tank regiments alone, as well as a large number of heavy artillery and aviation. For this, unless the opponent is a fool,  They won¡¯t be unaware that this sneak attack on the Eighth Division should be just a tentative attack by them!¡±

    "So, don't pay too much attention to this harassing attack, and don't divert your attention from their small diversionary attack. Each division must strictly follow the predetermined plan and make final preparations before the war begins.  , we can¡¯t let the other side mess up our position and mess up our original plan!¡±

    "Their harassing attacks may have a certain effect in the short term, but in the long run, they have no ability to shake the imperial army's current advantage on the battlefield!"

    "Although the other party inflicted heavy losses on the imperial army in their so-called autumn campaign last year, they took advantage of the situation to occupy all the land in the Sanjiang Province of the Manchu Empire centered on Jiamusi, and controlled a population of millions, allowing them to expand their army.  Three times as much!¡±

    "But the expansion of the army does not mean that its military strength has increased. Whether an army is strong or not is directly related to its national strength. China's population exceeds the empire several times, and its land area is dozens of times that of the empire. However, it does not have a strong national defense.  Industry has made their military equipment extremely backward!"

    "Although many Chinese soldiers are not lacking in blood, no matter how much sacrifice they make, their seriously backward weapons and equipment, especially the shortage of heavy equipment, make them destined to be just the objects of massacre in this war. Now  War is not a war in the Middle Ages where victory or defeat could be determined by the number of people alone. It is a modernized war, and the basis for winning this kind of war is not the number of people in the army, but whether it has powerful modern weapons!"

    "The China Incident in the past few years has proved this. An army without a modern industrial base, no matter how large the number, will not be an opponent of a country with a complete modern industry. In the China Incident, the Imperial Army was often at a disadvantage.  We defeated an opponent who was several times or even ten times more powerful than we invested. Not only did we have an army with a quality much higher than that of the Chinese army, it was also due to the fact that the empire had a complete national defense industry that could provide all modern equipment.  equipment!"

    "No matter how stubborn the defense is, the Imperial Army can use steel to wipe them off the ground. The Empire has modern weapons and equipment such as heavy artillery, tanks, and aircraft that can be replenished at any time. Coupled with our tenacious Bushido spirit and our soldiers' long-distance  The quality that is higher than that of the China Army is the reason why the empire was so successful in the China Incident!¡±

    "Yes, in the previous stage, the opponent did take advantage of our tactical loopholes and the poor performance of certain divisions to achieve a certain degree of success. However, their success was more due to the mistakes of the Imperial Army itself than to  They have truly built a modern army themselves!"

    "Have you ever heard that without your own military industry, you can win a war by relying only on capture? Without your own modern industry, a powerful army is nothing more than a sand sculpture built on the seashore.  When a huge wave hits, they will collapse instantly!"

    "Judging from the intelligence we have received so far, although the other party has its own arsenal, it can only produce some light weapons, rifle machine gun bullets, grenades and other light weapons and equipment. Although it has a certain amount of artillery, most of them are mortars, rapid-fire  Mainly artillery and infantry artillery, the number of mountain field artillery is very small!¡±

    "Although the number of its light weapons is barely sufficient, it is extremely short of heavy weapons. A unit with only four light mountain cannons that the Imperial Army only uses as regiment-level artillery can also be called an artillery battalion. It can simply be said to be in trouble.  Daji, this is even more bragging than their Chinese government troops!¡±

    ¡°The field troops of their six brigades, plus the so-called military division cadre regiments and other local armed forces, together have less than a hundred artillery pieces, although there is evidence that they possess?One hundred and fifty millimeter heavy howitzers, but judging from the fact that they had never been used during the so-called autumn campaign last year, there should be no shells for these artillery!  "

    "So please don't have any worries about this battle. In order to prepare for this battle, the imperial army invested four divisions at once, four heavy artillery regiments, four tank regiments, plus attachments  The total number of Manchurian police and police forces is 120,000, more than 200 heavy artillery pieces over 100 mm, nearly 300 tanks, and a large number of aviation troops!"

    "The Imperial Army not only has an absolute advantage in equipment this time, but also has a relative advantage in strength. As long as you strictly follow the deployment of the Army Headquarters and uphold the Imperial Army's consistent bravery and fearlessness, and the decisive spirit of not fearing death, we will fully  Carrying forward the glorious tradition left by our predecessors, there is no fear of war!¡±

    "Strictly follow the military headquarters' combat plan, attack steadily, and leave no openings for the opponent to seize. The Kwantung Army's suppression operation will definitely achieve a comprehensive victory and completely wipe out this bandit from the face of the earth.  erase."

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