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Text Chapter 334: The Confused Colonel

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    After a melee in the middle of the night, there were only two brigades of troops. The commander of the regiment went to the division headquarters to report, but he never returned. The remaining officers were still unable to contact their superiors. The position of the 39th regiment was first overwhelmed.  The signs of collapse are beginning to appear.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Although they are still resisting passively, it is already the spontaneous resistance of each squadron captain. As a whole, the 39th Regiment has fallen into chaos. Some troops are still resisting in place, and more are standing aside.  The resisting side retreated, and the entire defense line was cut into pieces.

    After receiving the news that the 39th Regiment had collapsed, I tried several times to open up contact with the 39th Regiment. I paid a lot of money, but to no avail. A large number of enemy troops also appeared on my flank.  Next, Colonel Miyashita Kenichiro, who realized that he was in danger of being surrounded, had no choice but to issue an order to retreat across the board, no matter how reluctant he was.

    At this time, he had lost 30% of the troops he could still control. When retreating, Miyashita Kenichiro had less than one brigade of troops. In other words, in just a few hours of melee, the 10th Regiment lost 30% of its troops.  Almost two-thirds of the force.

    Although the sound of gunfire and artillery continued to confirm that he still had troops resisting from the enemy's rear, Colonel Miyashita Kenichiro, who had lost his main force, looked at the pursuing troops behind him who were biting his butt and holding on to at least one regiment of troops.  , although his heart was bleeding, he did not dare to rescue him anyway, and could only let the scattered troops left behind by his opponent, who did not know how many people there were, to fend for themselves.

    Colonel Miyashita, who had very few troops on hand, did not retreat towards Muleng while fighting like the 39th Regiment. Instead, he turned around and headed east, desperately trying to join up with the 8th Division that had not yet completed the defense.  , because he knew that after the main force of the Eighth Division was transferred to replace the Fifth Division, there were not many garrison troops there. Even if they were lucky enough to get there, they might not be safe there.

    If Miyashita Kenichiro had moved closer to the Eighth Division when Du Kaishan launched his attack, there might still be some hope, but at this time a full five hours had passed since Du Kaishan launched his attack. If he wanted to move closer at this time, it would be impossible.  It¡¯s not that easy anymore. After reluctantly withdrawing from the front line, the 10th Regiment, which had just reorganized the troops it could gather, was stopped by the Third Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 4th Division in charge of the flanks as soon as they took off.

    Seeing that the road ahead was cut off and the opponent's troops were not many, Miyashita Kenichiro, who was feeling confused because of his defeat, also commanded all the troops at hand unambiguously. The two men and nine who survived the opponent's firepower attack  Under the full cover of the Type 2 infantry artillery, a Type 41 mountain cannon, a mortar, and several Type 92 heavy machine guns, they came forward.

    In fact, Kenichiro Miyashita understood that he took the initiative to meet him because he knew that this battle must be fought whether it was a fight or not. The opponent's battalion was blocking his way to the Eighth Division.  On the route, the idea of ??getting closer to the Eighth Division without defeating them would be impossible to realize. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to bite the bullet.

    Seeing the Japs approaching, Lin Yongjian, deputy commander of the 1st Regiment of the Fourth Division, who was commanding the intervening troops, was happy. He was Du Kaishan's guard platoon leader at first. Du Kaishan rose from regimental commander to brigade commander, and his position also went from platoon commander to  I reached the rank of battalion commander, but after I became the battalion commander, I never got promoted again.

    This time the army was expanded to nine brigades at once. As one of the first batch of people to join the army in Wudaolingzi Iron Mine, he was very qualified to be promoted to regimental commander. However, this guy failed several exams, so he could only  He can continue to work as the battalion commander, but he doesn't care whether he can be promoted. As long as he can fight the Japanese, it is enough for him.

    During this battle, the deputy commander of the first regiment was transferred to the division as deputy director of the logistics department. He, the oldest battalion commander in the entire regiment, was temporarily mentioned by Du Kaishan as the acting deputy commander. This guy has been in the army for such a long time.  I have been a cadre for a long time, but I just don¡¯t like to study, and I still can¡¯t understand the map very well.

    However, although this guy has a low level of education, he is born with a good mind. He will never forget any terrain as long as he sees it once. He served as a guard platoon leader for Du Kaishan, and he has learned 100% from Du Kaishan's agility in fighting.  , rich in actual combat experience, coupled with his clever thinking, he also fought quite well. This time Du Kaishan personally named him to lead the roundabout troops.

    Seeing the Japanese troops coming up, Lin Yongjian, who was listless when he heard about learning culture and immediately became energetic when the gun was fired, rushed forward with his battalion without hesitation. He did not passively seize the commanding heights and defend it, but fought with Miyashita  Kenichiro started an offensive battle, and one of his battalions was evenly matched against a brigade of Colonel Miyashita.

    The assault battalion led by Lin Yongjian is an old unit he has led since he was transferred to the Fourth District. He is still the current battalion commander. As for the battalion he trained first-hand,Lin Yongjian was extremely confident in his fighting power. With six French heavy machine guns and six mortars, Lin Yongjian was extremely confident that he would eat up this Japanese brigade in one go.

    Lin Yongjian, who has rich combat experience, knows very well that if he relies solely on rifle shooting or hand-to-hand combat, his troops will definitely suffer. Even if the squad leaders, deputy squad leaders and backbones of the troops have received professional training from Japanese instructors at the Fujin Synthetic Base, time will not be enough.  It's still too short. If it comes to fighting with a bayonet, I'm afraid there's still a big gap compared with the little devil who has been rigorously trained for a long time.

    So this guy never thought of fighting a regular hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese army. After commanding the heavy machine guns and mortars to seize a commanding height nearby to suppress the opponent's artillery and heavy machine guns, he personally directed the troops to move forward as much as possible.  He wanted to use the large number of submachine guns and speed machines equipped by his troops to defeat this Japanese army in close combat.

    Lin Yongjian's idea of ????wanting to rely on close combat to defeat his opponent as soon as possible coincides with Miyashita Kenichiro. Listening to the intensive sound of gunfire from behind, Miyashita Kenichiro knew that his opponent would not leave him much time to break out unless  The Eighth Division can come up with reinforcements as quickly as possible, otherwise once it is delayed by the opponent, it may fall into a situation where it is attacked from both sides.

    Looking at the opponent's elite equipment, which even has more light and heavy machine guns and mortars than his own, I know that now that I don't have the firepower advantage that the Japanese army is accustomed to, I can't use firepower to destroy the opponent like in the pass, and I can't stay here for too long.  Under the premise, Miyashita Kenichiro decided to use the methods he usually used on the battlefield in the Kansai region and adopt the hand-to-hand combat that the Japanese army was very good at to defeat the opponent's resistance as soon as possible.

    The two sides, who had the same idea, first concentrated their artillery to desperately suppress the other's artillery. After a burst of light and heavy machine gun fire, the two sides soon entered into a hand-to-hand encounter. Due to the gap in the quality of the soldiers on both sides and the newly formed troops' little actual combat experience, the artillery  Although he gained a certain advantage in the battle, Lin Yongjian, who suffered a lot from the heavy machine gun fire, regained the lost face in the close combat.

    When he was the battalion commander, he went out of his way to find Du Kaishan. He changed the previous configuration in which only squad leaders and deputy squad leaders were equipped with submachine guns. He used his status as a guard platoon leader for Du Kaishan to defraud the divisional logistics director of an extra 90 yuan.  A submachine gun.

    Other troops have two or three submachine guns per squad, but the weapon configuration of his battalion is exactly the opposite. The ratio of submachine guns and rifle equipment has been adjusted exactly one by one. Before setting off for this roundabout operation in the mountains, he considered the roundabout operations in the mountains.  , the possibility of a short-distance encounter between the two sides was extremely high, so they privately made an adjustment to the weapon organization of their troops.

    All submachine guns were gathered together, and each company had one. Except for the squad leader and deputy squad leader who were equipped with calibrated rifles for long-range precision suppression, and the squad light machine gun as the main squad suppressive firepower, the rest were all equipped with the same equipment.  A platoon with a submachine gun.

    In order to strengthen the supporting firepower of the company and platoon, before setting off, each person was given two additional grenades on top of the original six. Under such circumstances, if this close combat really started, I'm afraid there would be no hope.  The Japanese army, which is desperate to fight with bayonets, will suffer a loss.

    Sure enough, as soon as the two sides fought, the Japanese soldiers who did not fight with them suffered a big loss. From a distance of 30 meters, each of them pulled the string and paused for two seconds before throwing two grenades.  They were already close, and based on their experience on the battlefield in the Guanci Civil War, the Japanese officers and soldiers of the 10th Regiment, who were busy removing bullets, had a good lesson in what it means to be prudent.

    Let them understand that when they fight this army again in the future, don't think that when the two sides are close, they can just stand and unload the rifles in their hands and prepare for hand-to-hand combat, because the opponent will not be stingy and can use the existing weapons in their hands to greet them.  of possibility.

    At this time, the Japanese Type 97 and Type 91 grenades originally equipped by Yang Zhen's troops have been decommissioned as their stocks have been exhausted. The troops are now equipped with Type 39 grenades that are imitations of the Type 67 grenades produced in later generations, as well as some imitations.  A simplified version of the Soviet F-1 grenade.

    The power of these two grenades is no less than that of Japanese grenades. The pull-type fuzes and delay fuzes they use are much more reliable than the impact-type Japanese grenades in terms of safety and reliability. After being used proficiently, the detonation time will be greatly improved.  It can be effectively controlled. According to the configuration standard of Yang Zhen's command, each soldier carries four 39-type pull-fire grenades and two F-1 grenades on his tactical vest.

    The Type 39 grenade is completely manufactured according to the Type 67 grenade of later generations. All the processes and materials are the same. For later generations, the power is a bit excessive. The instruction manual states that the killing radius is seven meters. In fact, it is still lethal within 35 meters.  Hand grenade, Yang Zhen's memory is extremely profound.

    So when he was choosing grenades for the troops, Yang Zhen directly chose this kind of grenade, which was simple to produce and extremely powerful, as the main weapon for the troops.Type equipment, and the imitation Soviet-made F-1 grenade is only used as a match. Although it was also put into production at the same time, in terms of output, the average daily output of this type of grenade is 6,000, but it cannot be compared with the average daily output of 39-type F-1 grenades.  Compared with the daily output of 30,000 pieces.

    When performing missions in later generations, as long as he can carry domestic weapons and is not fighting in places with a lot of rain, he will usually choose this relatively bulky but powerful grenade instead of carrying the domestic Type 77 or Type 82.  grenade.

    Just like when he chooses a pistol, he always chooses the 54, and will never use the 64 or 77. Even when performing secret security missions, he would rather choose the 54.

    Each person in the vanguard company has two grenades, which adds up to three to four hundred grenades. According to the number of Japanese vanguard troops, this standard is enough for each person to evenly distribute two grenades and still have some leftover. The huge power of the Type 39 grenades is also  The performance at this time was undoubtedly that the leading company quickly fell down after throwing the grenade in his hand to avoid being accidentally injured.

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