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Text Chapter 318 The reason why you can buy an airplane

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    In fact, Yang Zhen was surprised when he heard that the Soviet Union was so efficient. Not only had they signed a purchase agreement with the Americans, but they had even paid half of the payment as a deposit. With their stingy character, how could they do this?  How reckless. Could it be that they ordered this batch of aircraft for another reason? Hundreds of new fighter jets are obviously not something that can be achieved in a short time.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Yang Zhen had no idea that this batch of aircraft was not originally ordered by the Soviet Union specifically for him. In fact, negotiations for this batch of aircraft had already begun at the end of last year. The original number of these aircraft ordered by the Soviet Union was not so high.  Big, but only five.

    The performance of my current main I-5 and I-6 fighter jets has lagged behind. The new fighter jets are not only still under development, but also encountered many problems during the development, especially in terms of high-power engines.  Due to the difficulties, the engines developed were either too bulky or the performance simply did not meet the requirements.

    In order to speed up the progress, after the British refused to sell new aircraft engines due to their invasion of Poland, they turned their attention to another aviation power, the United States.

    Capitalist Americans are relatively clean and tidy. After receiving the purchase request from the Soviet Union, they readily agreed to sell a batch of advanced engines and aircraft technology. However, there was one condition. Buying engines alone was not enough. If you wanted to buy them, you had to also buy them with aircraft.  Buy together.

    And at the beginning, the Americans were only willing to provide F-2 Buffalo fighters or P-36 fighters for sale to other countries. These two aircraft were not even better than the I-16 fighters. The Americans were smart, but  The Soviets were not stupid. They spent a lot of money to buy aircraft with similar performance to their own, and it was not like they had their heads kicked by donkeys.

    The two sides have been arguing over what kind of aircraft to sell. The Soviets asked by name for two new types of aircraft under development in the United States, including the P-40 fighter jet that the Americans had just put into production.  I disagree. You can buy it, but at most you can only sell the P-36 with much lower performance and the upgraded version of the Hawker 75 fighter ordered by France.

    What the Soviets, who were disappointed with the Americans' actions and were about to give up, didn't expect was that things turned around after the New Year this year. The Americans didn't know why, although they didn't agree to sell the P-40 fighter jets, they suddenly agreed.  Provide another new type of P-39 fighter.

    The Soviets, who were eager for new foreign fighter jets, heard about the capabilities of the aircraft that the Americans were willing to provide, especially when they heard that the aircraft was unprecedentedly equipped with a 37 mm caliber cannon and two 12.7  mm large-caliber machine gun, he immediately agreed to order a batch of such fighters without saying a word.

    It's just that the Americans are smart and the Soviets are not stupid. After sending people to see the test flight of this latest aircraft even in the US Army at an unprecedented speed, they placed a large order in one go, enough for  The Americans have just completed the purchase contract for five P-39A fighter jets, which are Bell Twelve aircraft.

    The number of aircraft ordered was not large, but the engine order was one hundred. All of them had to be turbocharged, the 1,090-horsepower Allison engine used in the prototype aircraft. As for the fighter jets, only five were ordered.  They were not willing to buy more than one. After all, the Soviets bought American aircraft to solve the bottleneck they encountered in developing new aircraft, not to use them as standard equipment. Why did they buy so many.

    The Soviet Union's practice of buying pearls in exchange for caskets made the Americans extremely angry. The Americans, who were well aware of the Soviet Union's ideas, proposed that they could buy them, but at least 200, but considering the tradition between the United States and the Soviet Union,  Friendship, the last hundred can be sold at half price, and if the Soviets purchase the number of fighter jets set by the United States, the Americans can consider selling the engine technology used in the aircraft.

    The negotiations that had already turned around were delayed due to the number of aircraft ordered. At this time, Yang Zhen happened to come forward. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the Soviets quickly reached a purchase agreement with the Americans. Not only did they all follow the American  According to the requirements, all the aircraft were ordered, and an additional number of up to 1,000 engines were also ordered.

    Both parties in this deal were happy. The Americans got rid of this aircraft, which they considered to be of poor performance and had been criticized a lot even for its use as a training aircraft. They also guaranteed the contract for 300 aircraft previously ordered from Bell.  It can be completed smoothly so that we can use external sales contracts to increase the production capacity of our own aircraft and prepare for future wars.

    The Soviets got the aircraft engine technology they wanted, as well as Western technology that could provide a reference for the production of their new fighter jets, especially its 37mm aerial cannon, which made the Soviets, who always liked large-caliber weapons, extremely fond of it.

    You need to know the equipment of this kind of fighter in this era.It is the only one equipped with a large-caliber machine gun. You must know that most tank main guns in this era are only 37 mm. This kind of aircraft equipped with a large-caliber machine gun, a self-sealing fuel tank, and wireless communication equipment is in the eyes of the Soviets.  , is nothing more than an aerial tank.

    In fact, the Americans had their own reasons for agreeing to sell these aircraft!  !  After the delivery of this batch of fighter jets, which were produced in accordance with the cost-saving requirements of the U.S. Army and reduced their performance, the U.S. Army Aviation suffered a lot. American pilots were extremely uncomfortable with this new-structured aircraft, and even used it as a trainer aircraft.  pilots are willing to use it.

    The Americans originally ordered more than 80 aircraft, but half of them were destroyed in less than two months. The remaining more than 50 aircraft had to be sealed and the rest of the orders were canceled.  Mass-produced aircraft, Bell put considerable pressure on the Army by wooing members of Congress.

    But the U.S. Army is unwilling to spend money to buy this unpopular aircraft. You must know that after the Polish campaign, it is looking for a fighter that can compete with the German Messerschmitt 109 fighter to replace it.  For the old P-36 fighter jets, the U.S. Army, encouraged by Bell Company, subsequently ordered as many as 108 aircraft. For the U.S. Army, which had been severely blocked by Congress in terms of funding, it was far from being a wealthy and wealthy U.S. Army in later generations.  A lot of money.

    What's even more terrible is that the Americans have already entered the war in order to solve the problem and found that their fighter production capacity is far from enough to meet the needs of the war. It is too late to temporarily expand production capacity. Although there are Spitfire fighter jets whose performance far exceeds that of American fighter jets, the number of production  There is a problem of insufficient British aircraft production capacity that far falls short of demand.

    Of course, there is also the reason for the transfer of trouble to the east, including the reason for wanting to transfer this hot contract. After blowing up the performance of this aircraft, he not only generously transferred his subsequent orders to the British side, but also made his own decisions.  I ordered 200 aircraft for others in one go.

    It's just that although the British went to the doctor for an emergency, they were not stupid. After discovering that the performance of this aircraft was not suitable for them, they immediately proposed a return. However, they were worried that the same result would happen to the US Army. They took advantage of the sufficient production capacity of the United States to fly the aircraft in a short time.  Bell Company, which completed the production contract in just a few months, firmly refused.

    After being resolutely rejected, the helpless British promised that they could pay for these aircraft first, but the Americans had to find a market and then return the funds to the British after they were sold. When the two sides were quarreling, the Soviet Union happened to catch up.  When people come to your door, both parties, in fact, all three parties will be happy.

    In order to prevent the Soviets from regretting like the British, the Americans even promised to transport these planes within two months. Of course, within two months, the Soviets would also have to pay the remaining payment in one lump sum.  Those turbochargers are simpler. They can be removed from the P-40 fighter engine ordered by the U.S. Army and installed. Anyway, the Americans are not in a hurry to use them for a while.

    Although the transfer of new technology such as turbochargers made the Americans feel a little distressed, considering such a large contract, they did not pursue it. As for when these fighter jets appeared in the sky over Northeast China, Japan was furious.  When people protested to the United States and the Soviet Union respectively, they enjoyed the treatment of kicking the ball.

    The Americans said that these aircraft were sold to the Soviets, and how the Soviets used them had nothing to do with them. However, the Soviets emphasized that these aircraft were sold by the Americans, and it was a completely commercial transaction. They could not interfere or control this.  The batch of aircraft is not our own standard equipment, and we have not violated the agreement with the Japanese. If we want to protest, go to the Americans.

    Being pushed back and forth by both sides and playing football, the Japanese, who could not find any other way except to protest, had no choice but to swallow such a big fly, which strengthened their determination to go south.

    The Americans thought they had taken advantage and got rid of this batch of rubbish. The Soviets thought they had purchased a new fighter jet, but they did not expect that they ended up getting an advantage over Yang Zhen. Although this was not the fighter they wanted most, they were confident about this kind of fighter.  Yang Zhen, who has a certain knowledge of fighter jets, believes that he can guide his pilots to make good use of these aircraft, which are actually quite good in performance.

    However, what the Americans did not expect from subsequent developments was that the Soviets did not transfer all 358 fighter jets to Yang Zhen, including the more than 50 remaining ones that were donated by the Americans.  Thirty of them were captured simply.

    When the Soviet-German war broke out, the Soviet Air Force, which had suffered too many losses, remembered the twenty-five such aircraft that had been left in reserve after being dismantled by itself. The Soviet Air Force, which was seriously short of new aircraft on hand, did not care about anything and took them out directly.  I used it, but I didn't expect that this kind of fighter jet, which was criticized in the United States and Britain, would be extremely popular in the Soviet Air Force.

    When accepting fighter jets from the U.S. aid bill,After the orders for hundreds of aircraft were completed, the Bell Company, which almost went bankrupt because there were no follow-up orders, not only recovered its strength, but also took advantage of the situation to make a huge fortune. And when it came to the performance of this fighter  In the hands of Yang Zhen, who has some knowledge, this kind of fighter that is not popular because of its avant-garde design also shines.

    Later, when the Pacific War broke out, Yang Zhen learned about these things from the US military observation team stationed in the Anti-Japanese War, but he didn't take it seriously. Although the Americans did not do it gloriously, they got themselves a batch of high-performance weapons after all.  A fighter jet, isn't it? Besides, it's not the first time that Americans have done something like this to benefit themselves at the expense of others, but this time they are much luckier than their last victim.

    Although the fighter jets they resold to them this time were goods that they did not want, it was better than taking advantage of them before the First World War, taking advantage of Greece's hunger for new battleships to the point of panic and making people buy them at a high price.  I returned home with two cheating ships. The Mississippi-class battleships, which were not even daring to go to sea if there was a slight storm, were much better.

    Of course, that's all for later. Now Yang Zhen doesn't care about why these planes arrived so quickly. What he is now concerned about is whether the Soviets will put forward other conditions besides loan interest. If  If they don't change their original intention and still demand that they hand it over to the intelligence network, then there is no need to discuss it. This is a matter of principle.

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