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Text Chapter 313: They really dare to ask for a price

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    Seeing that so many troops were transferred away at once, the few veterans were a little reluctant. The leader smiled and said: "Don't be reluctant. The Central Committee knows that it is not easy for you to develop so many troops behind enemy lines. How can you manage such a severe enemy situation?"  Perseverance depends on this capital. But you must consider the overall strategic situation. [.Com text] The situation in the Northeast will directly affect the deployment of Japanese troops in the pass. "

    "The situation there is very serious. From last autumn to now, the Japanese army has been continuously increasing its troops. It faces nearly ten divisions of the Japanese army with hundreds of thousands of troops. There are complete aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery, and several  With the cooperation of 100,000 puppet Manchukuo troops, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region has the most say as to how far the real combat effectiveness of the puppet Manchu troops is compared to the puppet troops in the pass.¡±

    "We are a whole, a game of chess. I hope that you will all proceed from the interests of the party and the overall situation of the national war of resistance. Don't be petty, bring out your best troops, and let them see the elite soldiers and generals of our old troops."

    Having said this, the leader smiled and said: "As I said, your soldiers are not in vain. The equipment of one regiment is exchanged for the soldiers of one regiment. After all, it is still a good deal for you. As you just saw, they  The firepower of one regiment is equivalent to that of one of your divisions."

    Several veterans have been veterans for many years, so how could they not understand what the leader said.  But these troops named by the leader are all the absolute main force of their respective troops and their real darlings. If they are transferred out at once, few people will believe that they are willing to do so.  Several people looked at the 129th Division, which had the largest number of troops deployed.

    The 772nd Regiment and the 14th Regiment are both the main force of the 129th Division, and they are the two most advantageous fists of the 129th Division.  Two of them were transferred away at once, and the losses of the 129th Division were quite heavy.

    But the division commander who served as three chiefs of general staff in the Red Army and was known as one of the three and a half military strategists of contemporary Sun Wu did not bargain at all.  He took off his eyes and wiped them carefully, then put them on again and said firmly: "Chairman, I will send a telegram immediately to ask the 772nd Regiment and the 14th Regiment along the Zhengtai Road to go north immediately. They are far away from northwest Shanxi.  The military area is very close and can be reached in the shortest time.¡±

    "But Chairman, our 129th Division will allocate these troops in full in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee. But we have a small request, and we hope that the Central Committee can meet it. I have allocated these troops, and I hope  One hundred qualified artillery instructors and fifty surveying and mapping staff officers will be transferred back to us in one year.¡±

    Having said this, Commander Liu smiled and said: "Chairman, our army has developed now, but the gap in artillery and technical personnel has become even greater. Although Japanese artillery was captured only a few times, it was rare.  However, the troops below lacked talents and could not use the captured mountain artillery. Sometimes they could only bury the captured mountain artillery on the spot.¡±

    "Except for the main divisions and brigades, which have surveying and mapping staffs at the level, most military divisions and all regiment-level organizations do not have a surveying and mapping staff. Operational maps can only be captured. This is very detrimental to the development of the army. They need our soldiers.  , I think we can rely on their strength to help us train some urgently needed technical arms. Otherwise, the number of graduates from the Anti-Japanese University is too small."

    Ginger is always spicy after all.  The request made by this division commander, who was later known as China's three and a half military strategists, was not big, but quite realistic.  One hundred artillery instructors, this requirement is not really high, but the focus is very accurate.  These one hundred artillery instructors can greatly alleviate the shortage of technical personnel in the army.  It can be regarded as recovering some losses.

    As soon as Mr. Liu said this, several other veterans also agreed.  It is hoped that when allocating troops, the other party can assist in training a group of technical arms.  In particular, the army is in urgent need of professional artillery and surveying and mapping talents.

    After the words of the veterans fell, the boss looked at the senior generals present, turned to the leader and said: "Chairman, I think this request can be agreed. After all, is this also a solution to the specific difficulties of the troops below? And it also counts.  It¡¯s some compensation for them.¡±

    "Also keep that batch of equipment. Judging from their documentary, these equipment are indeed their surplus. Now the army is in short supply of equipment, especially the number of light and heavy machine guns. With this batch of equipment, especially the light and heavy machine guns,  Machine guns can solve a lot of problems."

    The leader looked at the veterans who looked eager, hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, except for leaving a small part for the river defense force, you and the deputy commander-in-chief will arrange the distribution of the rest. But these  Not a single weapon from the Central Guard Corps should be retained, all of them should be allocated to front-line troops.¡±

    The deputy commander-in-chief, who had been distracted during the meeting and didn't know what he was thinking, said: "Chairman, as you said, these weapons are for the Central Guard Corps to re-equip. It is unreasonable not to keep any of them. Such and suchWe kept the portable machine guns they made themselves, all the pistols, and some of the speed machines.  The remaining two hundred were left, ten light machine guns and two heavy machine guns.  "

    "As for other weapons, one hundred and fifty light machine guns and thirty heavy machine guns, plus three hundred rifles and two hundred portable machine guns, as well as those replaced from the Central Guard Regiment, can be drawn from this batch of weapons.  Some of the weapons with good performance were selected and distributed equally to the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, the 129th Division, and the 115th Division.  , all left to the river defense troops.¡±

    The deputy commander's suggestion made the leader frown: "No, don't keep a single weapon from the Central Guard Corps. Those for the Central Guard Corps are reserved for your headquarters special agent battalion and guard battalion. You are commanding operations on the front line, which is more dangerous than here.  We are in the rear, what do we need so many good guns for? I don¡¯t have a lot of equipment, so why do we need so many light and heavy machine guns?¡±

    Regarding the leader's persistence, the deputy commander-in-chief smiled openly and said: "Chairman, my headquarters spends most of its time working with the troops of the 129th Division. When the 129th Division is there, there is also a headquarters. This  This batch of equipment must be left as part of the Central Guard Corps. Chairman, the fact that the Japanese army is now blocked on the edge of the Yellow River does not mean that they will give up their attempt to move westward in order to bypass Chongqing. "

    "With so many institutions and schools in Yan'an, it would be a huge burden to relocate the Japanese troops once they cross the river. Now in the entire Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region, apart from the left-behind regiments responsible for thousands of miles of river defense, there is only the 120th Division in northwestern Shanxi.  There is only one Central Guard Regiment in the entire Yan'an area."

    "We all know that the political stance of the Central Guard Corps is firm, but the equipment is really poor. When the main force of the 18th Army went out, you transferred all the good guns to the front-line combat troops. The weapons left behind were all tattered.  Damn, the entire security regiment only has five light machine guns. How can we deal with emergencies? Especially now that there are a large number of Kuomintang troops around us, and the troops in Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia are facing double pressure."

    "The guard regiment is an important force responsible for the close protection of the central government. What should you do if an abnormal gun jams? The guns of your guards were captured in Jiangxi before the Long March. After so many years of use, the guns are not old.  My teeth are broken, how can this be done?¡±

    The upright and stubborn deputy commander-in-chief said decisively: "Chairman, this matter is not up to you. I will send someone to the General Office of the Military Commission and ask them to arrange for people to exchange guns immediately. Your safety is not your own.  This matter is a major matter affecting the whole party and the whole army.¡±

    Seeing that the deputy commander-in-chief was very resolute, the leader smiled and let him go.  After sending away the princes who were eager to return to their troops tomorrow, the leader kept the chief and deputy commanders behind: "In addition to recruiting soldiers, they also have some things that need help from the central government. I want to discuss these things with you."

    After that, the leader turned around, took out a piece of material from his desk and handed it to two people: "This is the material that was obtained from the Japanese secret base where they were detained when they broke out from Harbin. You guys take a look first.  These."

    The deputy commander-in-chief was stunned for a moment when he saw the rare seriousness on the leader's face.  This expression, which they had only seen in Jiangxi and during the most dangerous periods during the Long March, made them immediately take the materials handed over by the leader and read them carefully.  The two people's brows became more and more tense.  The leader sat quietly smoking a cigarette and watching them.

    Before the two of them had finished reading, the grumpy deputy commander had already slapped the table hard and said angrily: "These little bastards, do they have any humanity at all? They simply don't regard us Chinese as human beings."  People. So many of our compatriots were injected with viruses and then dissected alive for research? I thought their poison gas was inhumane enough, but I didn¡¯t expect them to have such a vicious plan.¡±

    The words of the deputy commander made both the leader and the commander-in-chief silent, because they knew that the ultimate reason why the Japanese dared to do this, besides not treating the Chinese as human beings, was because they knew that the Chinese treated them  There is no ability to retaliate.  There are no taboos in what I do.

    After a long silence, the commander-in-chief said: "I really don't know how they came out from there and completely eliminated this Japanese demon base. Although we don't quite understand this germ warfare, what is plague and what is cholera?  I understand. Judging from these data, once the Japanese bacteria enter the actual combat scale, what kind of harm will they bring to the Chinese nation. "

    ¡°Fortunately, when they emerged, they eliminated the Japanese bacterial warfare base, thus saving our troubled nation from the threat of national annihilation.¡±

    The leader put out the cigarette in his hand and lit another one.Finally nodded: "Yes, if it weren't for them, once this Japanese bacterial warfare base is completely built, I don't know what consequences it will bring. They can carve out a world in such a difficult environment, and we should give our full support  ¡±

    "They are now forming aviation and armored forces, and want to purchase a batch of American-made fighter jets from the Soviet Union. I hope the central government will come forward to coordinate with the Soviet comrades and provide some help. Also, they will transport this batch of equipment along with manpower  The technology for synthesizing penicillin was developed by them themselves and has been put into formal production and use. "

    "They hope that the central government will come forward and sell this technology to large foreign pharmaceutical companies in exchange for us and their urgently needed foreign exchange. They are in urgent need of foreign exchange now and want to re-export a batch of American-made transport aircraft through the Soviet Party. If these all rely on the Soviet Union  When it comes to loans, it¡¯s not just about whether they can apply for the loan, but whether they can apply for it will also cause a huge financial burden for them in the future. The main thing is that they have to solve it on their own.¡±

    After hearing this, the commander-in-chief and the deputy commander-in-chief looked at each other and said: "Chairman, all ports in the country have been blocked by the Japanese army. All kinds of western medicines including penicillin, especially antibiotics that are extremely valuable for treating trauma, are almost entirely sourced from Hong Kong.  It is imported from the Yunnan-Burma Highway. In Chongqing, the price of this medicine is one per day, and you can¡¯t even buy one with one tael of gold.¡±

    "Because of the shortage of Western medicines caused by the Japanese blockade, the people in the country lost their lives in vain for many diseases that could have been cured because there was no cure. Chairman, can we consider purchasing a batch of equipment to produce this medicine ourselves, for use behind enemy lines and in Kuomintang-controlled areas?  sales to the common people.¡±

    "In this way, firstly, it can solve part of the funds, and secondly, it can also greatly alleviate the shortage of medicines for the domestic people. This is extremely beneficial to our ** work. The profit is no less than selling to foreign companies. We should support  It¡¯s time for an ethnic pharmaceutical industry.¡±

    Hearing the words of the commander-in-chief, the leader smiled and said: "Don't worry, boss, they have already thought of this. What they mean is that we should make it ourselves, make it ourselves, and sell it. They sent a total of two pieces of information this time, one  The portion is for our own use.¡±

    "What they mean is that we currently lack pharmaceutical equipment, and even if we have the information, it is difficult to produce qualified products. They suggest that the central government can use the foreign exchange from the sold technology to purchase a batch of production equipment through American companies and then produce it on its own. The entire customs  The central government is responsible for the sales.¡±

    "As long as we agree not to sell the technology to outsiders when we sell it, this technology should be able to be sold at a good price. Because this kind of high-quality antibiotics is not only lacking in China. Due to the difficulty of extraction, there is not enough in the world. Western countries  In pursuit of profits, this technology is definitely a piece of meat in the eyes of Western countries and should be able to be sold at a good price.¡±

    The boss nodded after hearing this and said: "Have they considered it in detail? But we are not businessmen. How much this technology can be priced at is not our specialty. If it is sold at a low price, we will lose money.  . But what is the appropriate price is not something we can figure out.¡±

    The leader smiled and stretched out two fingers and said: "They are big talkers. According to their intention, this technology will cost 500 million U.S. dollars, and the minimum cannot be less than 200 million U.S. dollars. And they also proposed candidates to negotiate with American companies.  . They hope that Comrade Li Kenong will be fully responsible for this matter."

    The boss laughed when he heard this and said: "They are really good at selecting people. I think it is possible, but the price is really too low for them to ask for. At two hundred million US dollars, the National Government's annual net export foreign exchange income may not be like this. But if we can really negotiate  With such a large amount of money, we will be much more confident, and we can use penicillin as a weapon to effectively break through the blockade around us."

    "As for the Soviet Union, let Vice Chairman Zhou, who is still in treatment in the Soviet Union, come forward to coordinate. Try our best to facilitate it. This is the first air force of our army, and we should do our best to assist them. If they can really succeed, we will also have  own air force."

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