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Text Chapter 308 You are the hope

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    Looking at Kovalev's hurried back, Yang Zhen showed an imperceptible smile. He turned his head and looked at Sun San and Yuan Bin and said: "Learning to fly airplanes and chariots is only the first step in a long march of thousands of miles."  .Com text] The most important thing is not to drive, but to use it. No matter what kind of weapon, if you only learn to use it, it will be a pile of scrap metal. "

    "You can learn to drive these weapons from the Soviet army, but you cannot learn their tactics. The Soviet armored tactics are extremely rigid, and their air combat tactics are not very good. They are third-rate at best. But they are not even third-rate compared to armored tactics.  The Japanese army is not that strong. The Battle of Nomenhan depends more on quantity than on quality. We don¡¯t have that much capital, so we can¡¯t learn from their tactics and can only use them as a reference.¡±

    "But most of the current armor tactics of the world's major powers use tanks to accompany infantry and cover infantry. Evenly distributed, that's nonsense. Don't say that we don't have that many tanks. Even if we do, we can't do that. This  Armored troops are not powerful if they are used in a concentrated manner in the main direction or by relying on their extremely strong maneuverability to make flanking maneuvers. "

    "For armored troops, equipment is not the most important. What is important is the use of tactics. Only when tactical movements are successful can the greatest power be exerted. It is necessary for you to learn driving and maintenance techniques from the Soviet army. But they  You must not learn other tactics, but you must find a set of tactics that suit your own characteristics. Remember, equipment is dead, but people are alive.¡±

    Having said this, Yang Zhen glanced at Sun San who had a thoughtful look on his face after hearing his words: "After studying for the past two months, how is everyone's progress? You can't just learn driving skills. As an armored soldier, you must comprehensively  The quality must be comprehensive. The military region did not send you to be ordinary tankers. If this is the case, I will just teach you. Why spend money to send you here?"

    Hearing Yang Zhen ask about the study situation, Sun San quickly stood up and said: "Commander, all the personnel sent by the military region to study this time have completed preliminary driving training. One hundred percent of the tank drivers can now perform sixty percent of the driving training."  Driving on complex terrain, the artillery shooter¡¯s hit rate against stationary targets also reached Soviet standards.¡±

    "Now the troops are focusing on learning the semaphore used by the Soviet armored combat, as well as integrated combat tactics, long-distance march training, tank-to-tank frontal combat, and simple repair and maintenance of tanks. In addition, various types of tanks are now being trained in accordance with the Soviet  We will make appropriate modifications according to military standards. The original in-car intercom system will be changed from the original French one to the Soviet one. In addition, we are also planning to install vehicle-mounted low-power radios in the vehicles of commanders at all levels.¡±

    "It is estimated that in another month, all the training will be completed and we can bring the equipment back to China. During the period of study in Jiangbei, we will strictly follow your requirements and not be students, but prepare to be coaches. Those of us who go back  It must be able to bring out the standard training of a tank army.¡±

    Yang Zhen was very satisfied with Sun San's answer: "Comrade Sun San, you are the first batch of formally trained armored personnel in our army. It can be said that you have placed high hopes on the central government. In the future, our army will always rely on millet and rifles to fight."  "You have a heavy burden on whether your army can have its own armored troops."

    "I have a request. While you are learning the driving skills of the Soviet army, you should also pay more attention to the development of our own research on tank tactics. It will not work to imitate a cat and a tiger. Our armored troops must have their own combat style, especially  Jiangbei¡¯s combat experience must not be copied, but our reality must be the starting point.¡±

    "Although the apprentice himself is learning from the master, he cannot copy the master everywhere. When learning, the fittest must survive. The good side must not only be learned, but also learned thoroughly. But the bad side must not be learned, and absolutely not all  The experience is copied from Jiangbei.¡±

    "Comrade Sun San, during your free time during training, you should take the time to study the German army's use of armored forces in the Polish campaign. Their tactics are the development direction of armored forces in the world today. Concentrated use is the future development of armored forces.  The main theme. It shouldn¡¯t be weighed down by slow foot soldiers.¡±

    "After you have completed all basic training, you will return home with your equipment. We have built a large collaborative combat training ground in Fujin, and all your tactical synthesis training will be conducted there. You must hurry up to improve the tanks here.  Time goes on.¡±

    "I have brought a batch of vehicle-mounted wireless communication systems with me this time. Each of your tanks will be installed. Don't worry, they all use whip antennas. They are much better than the loop antennas used by the Soviet army and can be used directly.  Secret voice communication. The vehicles used by each company and platoon leader can communicate directly with your combined command headquarters. Every vehicle must be equipped with it, including light combat vehicles."

      "Comrade Sun San, I have read your resume. You are from the old Anti-Japanese League and learned tank driving in the Soviet military academy. But now you must complete the transformation from a soldier to a combined commander in the shortest possible time.  . It¡¯s up to you to let our tank group, which is currently probably the largest in the country, play its role. Remember, it¡¯s a group battle, not just a tank battle alone.¡±

    "You go to the Soviet Army and ask for some data on the use of armored forces by the German Army in the Polish Campaign. Compare it with the data on the Soviet Army's armored force movements in the Soviet-Finnish War, oh, what they call the Winter Campaign. If possible, you can  Some information on the tactics used by their armored forces in the Spanish War."

    "After returning to China, I will allocate five infantry battalions and some trucks to form an armored brigade with you. Of course, as the technology and tactics are not yet mature, this armored brigade can only be experimental. The Fujin base is located in a  After a month, we will all be vacated for you. I will give you three months to carry out synthetic training. Remember, this is the task that the military region has given you to complete."

    Yang Zhen¡¯s tone was very firm, leaving no room for negotiation, which made Sun San and several other cadres somewhat scratch their heads.  The time was too short. It was really difficult to train an army of white soldiers into a synthetic army within a few months.  The current army is at best just getting started.

    We have just learned how to drive and use tanks, and the long-distance mechanized march and artillery shooting training have just begun. We are about to conduct combined training. Isn't it a bit too hasty?  This requires long-term training and synthetic training skills. Only three months are given, and even formulating a synthetic training plan is not enough.  This is not a simple coordination of rifles and machine guns, but involves training of tanks, artillery, and infantry.

    Regarding Sun San¡¯s silence, Yang Zhen ignored him.  Yang Zhen once saw a famous photo in later generations, which was captured by a reporter accompanying the Japanese army.  During the Battle of Songhu, a single tank rushed toward the Japanese position with heavy firepower without infantry cover.

    Under this photo, a line of writing clearly explains the final outcome of this tank.  Car crashes and fatalities are the only and inevitable result.  War cannot be won by courage alone.  The backward tactics and single combat mode have not played their due role at all except for sacrificing in vain.

    There was no collaborative training at all, not even basic infantry-tank synthesis tactics.  It just relies on the courage and determination of the crew to fight.  The already extremely valuable tank troops did not play their due role at all.  In this kind of single fight, everything was lost.  Undoubtedly, this is the tragedy of all the people in this area.

    In this case, Yang Zhen must not be allowed to appear in his army.  Three months of synthetic training is a bit tight, but it is also a helpless choice.  As the situation develops, you won¡¯t give yourself too much time.

    Yang Zhen looked at the silent Sun San, shook his head and turned to Yuan Bin: "Old Yuan, what I said to Old Sun also applies to your aviation force. Aviation tactics must be flexible and changeable, and more attention must be paid to overall cooperation in combat, and  You cannot fight alone. You must develop an effective set of techniques and tactics based on the performance of the Type 97 and Type 95 fighters that the Japanese Kwantung Army is currently fighting, and the performance of our aircraft."

    "You also don't have much time. Although you are used as seeds, you still have to go to the battlefield. There are many things that can only be truly understood through personal experience. You have now completed the basic training, and you will be ready immediately  It¡¯s time to actually get into fighter jets and bombers.¡±

    "I still know a little bit about air force tactics. The Soviet army is still using three-plane formations to fight, and this tactic has lagged behind. Two-plane formations, with the fleet of planes in a trapezoidal configuration, are the development direction of future air combat. You must use actual combat  "

    "Also, our aircraft cannot match the Japanese army in terms of quantity, and perhaps their performance cannot match them. But how to win in an air battle, we still need to think carefully. Altitude, speed, maneuverability, and firepower, I think are necessary to win in an air battle.  Factors. Occupy height, dive attack, and escape quickly.

    "Find the weakest point of the Japanese aircraft and take advantage of the speed of the dive. The first bullet will go to them. After hitting, don't fight with them and get away as quickly as possible."

    "The manufacturing level of Japanese military aircraft is backward. Most aircraft fuel tanks are not self-sealing. In order to maintain mobility, almost all aircraft are not equipped with protective armor. You can use tactics based on this characteristic of the Japanese military. Your pilots must be on the first  It can hit their fuel tanks and their cockpits at once."

    "Of course fighting also requires training,"Isn't it nonsense that a fighter pilot can't engage in air combat?  However, in air combat, attention should be paid to utilizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and the mutual cooperation between the lead aircraft and the wingman.  You and Fang Ziyi are both veterans of the Red Army. They have experienced the anti-encirclement and suppression war, the Long March, and many of you have even experienced the severe test of the Western Route Army.  He came to Xinjiang after a narrow escape to learn aviation technology.  "

    "Since you are all from the old Red Army, I think you are all good at guerrilla warfare. Think about it, can we apply our guerrilla tactics to air combat? Our ground guerrilla warfare has achieved many victories in which the weak defeated the strong. Can we  Can we achieve this advantage in the air where we also face powerful enemies?¡±

    Yuan Bin quickly recorded these words of Yang Zhen on paper while thinking about them.  After a long time, he said: "Commander, our transferred personnel all have good foundations. Many of them are graduates of the Puppet Manchukuo Junior High School, and many are even company platoon cadres. Everyone is working hard and making rapid progress. In just a few  They completed basic flight training in just one month, and most of them have accumulated more than 30 hours of flight time.¡±

    "Our training is so intense that even the Soviet flight instructors who lead the flight are overwhelmed. But we have not yet entered the air combat tactics training. What you said, we will take it into consideration in the next step of air combat tactics training. But Commander  Members, none of us have personally flown Japanese aircraft, let alone fought against them, so we don¡¯t know much about their actual flight performance.¡±

    "However, on the airfield here there are two relatively complete wrecks of the Type 97 fighter jets that were shot down behind the Soviet positions by the Japanese during the Battle of Nomenhan. However, the Soviets locked them in the warehouse and did not allow us to get close. If we want to analyze  They are relatively weak there and have to communicate with the Soviet army.¡±

    "The old-fashioned bi-wing Type 95 fighter jets of the Japanese army have gradually begun to be phased out. Now the Japanese Army Air Force has replaced a large number of Type 97 single-wing fighter jets. As far as we know from the Soviet army, the maximum level flight speed of this type of fighter is the same as that of the main Soviet army.  The I-Sixteen fighter jets used are similar, but their maneuverability is much higher than that of the I-Sixteen fighter jets.¡±

    "But our understanding of this kind of fighter is limited to this. We asked the Soviet army several times about their experience against this kind of Japanese fighter in the Battle of Nomonhan, but they kept silent and never disclosed it to us.  Just a few words. Commander, it¡¯s up to you to communicate this matter.¡±

    "If we really go to the battlefield and use our old aircraft to engage in air combat with the extremely maneuverable Type 97 fighter jets. In addition, we fledgling pilots lack actual combat experience, we are seeking death. Fighting with this kind of fighter jets, we  The situation we face is that we can¡¯t run and we can¡¯t fight.¡±

    "Commander, even if they follow the one-shot escape tactics you mentioned, we at least need to know all of their capabilities. At the very least, we know nothing about their flight altitude and horizontal flight speed.

    Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "We can't count on them on this matter. The combat performance of Japanese fighter jets is generally relatively high, which is an indisputable fact. And we are indeed old aircraft. As for the performance of the aircraft after modifying the Soviet engine, we don't know yet.  But I know that the Soviet Army has had first contact with this kind of fighter jet. Who did they ask for it?¡±

    "In a word, you still have to explore on your own. Use I5 to practice combat tactics, use I16 to simulate their horizontal flight, and then find a way to deal with them. Again, as long as you can combine height, speed,  Combining firepower and maneuverability, this fighter is not invincible.¡±

    "It's just that we must find ways to improve the shooting level of moving targets in the air. If we have to hit accurately, hit hard, and hit it with one hit, we will have a chance to defeat them. This batch of aircraft is for you to adjust.  And explore tactics. So don¡¯t worry about the service life of the aircraft and try to mature it as much as possible.¡±

    "But you can't just focus on the Japanese Army's Type 97 fighter jets. Don't forget that the Japanese Army has its own research and development capabilities. You must focus on new aircraft that may appear in the future. I have two other types of aircraft that the Japanese Army is already testing.  Rough performance. Just rough performance. You should take the time to memorize it. Once you are familiar with it, destroy it immediately and don¡¯t spread a word about it.¡±

    Yuan Bin took the bag handed over by Yang Zhen, took out the information inside and looked at it carefully, then nodded with an extremely solemn expression.

    Looking at Yuan Bin and Sun San in front of him, Yang Zhen said solemnly: "You are the seeds, the seeds for us to create our own air force and armored forces, and even more hope. Many tactics in the Soviet army are quite rigid and not suitable for us.  The current situation is also under a situation where we are restricted in many aspects, so we can rely on you to explore many things from scratch.¡±

    "I hope you can shoulder this heavy responsibility, do not let down the hopes of tens of thousands of soldiers in the army, and lay a good foundation for our future development. Remember, you are the ones who enable us to catch up with the world."??Hope?  "

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