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Text Chapter 295 Accidental Encounter

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen moved his finger a few steps eastward on the map and said: "Especially Hulin in the southeast of Baoqing. In this direction, you can abandon our military-controlled areas in Raohe when necessary.  Retreat to the large swamp area at the junction of Raohe, Tongjiang, and Fuyuan as the last line of defense. Even Fuyuan can give up when necessary."

    "As long as we keep the base area west of Tongjiang, we can give up some areas where the terrain is not conducive to our defense. Try our best to disperse the Japanese troops and make more use of the terrain in the northeast. All the people there have been moved to the Songhua River by us.  To the west, except for our few border guards, there are almost no people in Fuyuan."

    Du Kaishan pondered for a moment and then said: "One Zero One, since you have decided to abandon some locations that are not conducive to our army's defense, where is your core area?"

    Yang Zhen shook his head and did not answer Du Kaishan's question. He just said: "My idea is far from mature. It is just a preliminary idea. When the whole plan matures, I will naturally let you know. As long as you know, your position  It¡¯ll be important.¡±

    Du Kaishan looked at the map and pondered for a long time, and quickly started working on the map as Yang Zhen asked.  Du Kaishan's work on the map was the best among the original three cadres above the brigade.  Even Guo Bingxun admires the pictures he made.  Moreover, he has a sharp mind and thinks comprehensively, and his thinking is also very broad.  For Yang Zhen, it is appropriate to hand over the Eastern Front to such a person.

    Yang Zhen was watching Du Kaishan operating on the map. Before Du Kaishan finished, Yang Zhen already understood his general intention.  After pondering for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes, your idea is very good. But is it too conservative to set the focus of your west side on the line of Lanbang Mountain?"

    "Laoheibei and Qiliga Mountains in front are not as high as Lanbang Mountain. You occupy the commanding heights, and your western defense line can appropriately advance to the west."

    Du Kaishan pointed at the map and said: "One hundred and one, whether the Japanese army marches east from Boli or goes north from Mishan, the line from Lanbang Mountain to Laohuangdingzi is a natural danger that they must cross. This is what I used on the Western Front.  Lanbang Mountain is the central point, and the rest of the mountains are only selected to set up necessary defensive positions in dangerous places, placing the main force between Lanbang Mountain and Laohuangdingzi."

    "One hundred and one, if you put them here, you can support Baoqing to the east, and you can reinforce the key points in the western foothills to the west at any time. Even when necessary, you can go straight south to cut off the Japanese army's retreat. It is better to set the key points here than if the troops are in  It is much better to consume one hilltop at a time. My plan is based on your plan at Jiangjunshi.

    Du Kaishan lived up to Yang Zhen¡¯s hopes. This plan was simply too satisfying for Yang Zhen.  What he was most worried about was that Du Kaishan would spread his troops to various hills, fight to the death with the Japanese army, and consume the troops bit by bit.  Yang Zhen was completely relieved that Du Kaishan had this idea.

    Yang Zhen braved the severe cold of -30 to 40 degrees below zero in the northeastern Manchuria region, and took Du Kaishan starting from the mountainous area in the southwest of Baoqing, along the defense line where the two armies were confronting each other, county by county, to see the topography of every mountainous and plain area.  Read them all carefully.  Everywhere he went, Yang Zhen would ask Du Kaishan to make defensive positions and postures on the map.  It even includes Fuyuan and Tongjiang, two jurisdictions that are still under the one-district system.

    When we reach the last Yilan, the defensive posture Du Kaishan made on the map, if implemented, can form a mobile and flexible overall defense line in the four-district confrontation area with the Japanese army.

    What Du Kaishan didn¡¯t expect was that Boli and Yilan, which were close to the mountains in the southwest of Baoqing, the first place they chose, would be the last place Yang Zhen visited.  After entering Yilan territory, Du Kaishan breathed a sigh of relief.  After reading this, I finally completed this survey without any danger.

    It is obvious that both parties are very restrained and are now licking their wounds and conserving energy.  No one wants to stir up trouble at this time.  Both sides are making preparations in their own control areas, but they are trying their best to control the front line.  Strictly order his subordinates not to cross the line.  Therefore, there is basically no big trouble in Yang Zhen's business.

    However, the Japanese army did not expect that the few men wearing ordinary military uniforms who sometimes appeared in the sight of their telescopes were their big bandit leaders who were currently offering a bounty of two kilograms of gold and one kilogram of meat.  It doesn't take much. A few rounds of 92 infantry artillery shells can solve the most troublesome problem for them, from the Emperor of Japan to the Kwantung Army Headquarters and even all Japanese officers and soldiers.

    "These are things the Japanese army doesn't know."  But what Du Kaishan didn't expect was that nothing happened along the way, but he encountered a small group of Japanese troops in Yilan, the last stop.

    And this time it¡¯s differentIt killed Yang Zhen and almost changed the situation in the Xiajiang area and even the entire Northeast Anti-Japanese War. The scale of the encounter was not large, but it was a puppet Manchukuo army commander who wanted to make extra money and encouraged the fourteeners who were supervising the war beside him.  A squadron leader of the division came out to make a fortune.

    With Daotai Bridge as the dividing line in Yilan, to the south is the area heavily fortified by the Japanese army, while to the north is the area controlled by Yang Zhen.  But one disadvantage is that the territory of Yilan is bounded by the Songhua River, and the Xiaoxinganling Mountains to the north are in the hands of Yang Zhen.  All the commanding heights of Zhangguangcai Ridge in the west, south and east of the southern line and Bangchui Ridge in the Wanda Mountains were in the hands of the Japanese.

    Therefore, in order to prevent the condescending Japanese army from spying on the actual strength of his troops, Yang Zhen deployed only one trapezoidal guard force on each wing with Daotai Bridge as the center from the Mudanjiang River to the Woken River in the south of the Yangtze River.  The real focus of defense is on the Dadingzi Mountain line in the north of the Woken River.  A brigade of troops was deployed there.

    Precisely this situation allowed Liu Zishan, the commander of the Second Regiment of the 17th Brigade of the Puppet Manchukuo Army from the Fourth Puppet Manchukuo Military District in Binjiang Province to go north to participate in the blockade of the base area, to take advantage of the loophole.  Liu Zishan is one of the very few bandit-born officers still serving in the Manchukuo Army. He is extremely greedy and all-rounded.

    Within a short period of time, the deputy commander and advisor sent to his unit by the Kwantung Army were seduced by him with money and women.  This is also because he has no backing. During Sasaki's reorganization of the puppet Manchukuo army, he became one of the few officers with bandit origins who still remained in the puppet Manchukuo army.

    This guy was transferred to the front line. After learning that the defense on the opposite side was not very tight and there were not many troops deployed on the front line, he felt that it was a good time to make a fortune.  Yilan has been a famous land of plenty since the late Qing Dynasty, and it is also the economic and political center of Northern Manchuria.  In his eyes, this place is full of gold.

    The Japanese army had extremely strict control over these puppet Manchu troops, and the main forces were in the hands of Japanese deputies and advisers.  Even though his regiment leader couldn't drink the blood of his soldiers, he couldn't take advantage of the opportunity to go to the countryside to clean up and plunder people's wealth. This made him, who was used to living and drinking, really short of money.

    He was crazy about wanting to get rich. When he found an opportunity, he immediately encouraged the Japanese military adviser to his army, Captain Matsumoto Harajiro, to go out and pack some wild food.  He was addicted to gambling. During this period, he lost too much and was short of money. Captain Matsumoto, who was eager to get some money for gambling, nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

    However, he did not have much faith in the combat effectiveness of the Manchurian Army, so he also roped in a fellow countryman from the 14th Division who served as a squadron leader, and led a Japanese squad to follow Liu Zishan's two companies from Lijiatun to Xinlitun.  The two pretentious warning positions set up by Yang Zhen's troops sneaked across to the Tuanshanzi line in the southeast direction.

    Liu Zishan still had some brains. He did not dare to go in the direction of Yilan County, but chose the Tuanshanzi line in the northeast.  He knew that there was a reinforced battalion of the 1st Brigade on the Houantlang line northeast of Tuanshanzi. The real line of defense was actually here.  But before he arrived at Tuanshanzi, he encountered Yang Zhen and his party at Xinglong Mountain.

    When the Japanese and puppet troops were discovered ahead of the warning, compared to Du Kaishan and Xiao Huzi who immediately seemed nervous, Yang Zhen calmly directed the guards to collect all the maps before going up the mountain.  In fact, it is not a mountain, just a few large earthen parcels connected together with an average altitude of fifty or sixty meters.

    Xiaohuzi quickly arranged the crossfire points according to daily training. The firing range of the two Type 96 light machine guns could cover the entire open area in front of the mountain.  It's just that it's freezing and snowy, and it's impossible to build fortifications.  All firepower configurations can only be exposed on the bare mounds.

    Yang Zhen raised his telescope and looked at the Japanese and puppet troops who were gradually walking in, but felt something was wrong.  As soon as he received the report from the security post in front and discovered the Japanese and puppet troops, Yang Zhen originally thought that the Japanese army had discovered his whereabouts.  But judging from the actions of this group of puppet soldiers, it makes people feel sneaky, like thieves.

    Du Kaishan, who was next to him, also felt that there was something wrong with this small group of Japanese troops, which included two companies of puppet Manchu troops.  It always feels a little weird.  It's not like he's here to fight, but like he's here to steal something.

    Yang Zhen put down his telescope and looked at Du Kaishan beside him and said: "There is something wrong with this Japanese puppet army. They don't look like they are here to reconnoiter, nor do they look like they are here to fight. Rather, they look like they are here to touch and pack some wild food."

    Du Kaishan nodded slightly, took out the speed machine on his body, opened the nose of the machine and said: "One hundred and one, I only feel this way. But whether these Japanese and puppet troops are here to hunt for wild food or to conduct reconnaissance. The puppet Manchukuo army  Although we are not afraid of the police, it is still not safe for you here.¡±

    "The horses in the guard platoon are good, they are all authentic Japanese war horses. You take the guard platoon and withdraw first, and I will take my guard squad to cover. As long as you withdraw to the front line of Tuanshanzi, you will be safe. There is a brigade there"?Force the camp, as long as you get there you will be safe.  "

    As soon as Du Kaishan finished speaking, the chief of the training section of the first division who had just returned from assisting Xiao Huzi in setting up defenses took a Type 44 rifle from a guard and said, "Chief, Commander.  Commander, you leave me a guard squad with machine guns, and I'll cover you before you leave. According to our equipment and the terrain here, I can hold off the troops for at least an hour, which is enough for you to reach the Tuanshanzi line safely."

    Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "No, there are still several villages behind the Xinglong Mountain line that have not yet had time to relocate, and there are thousands of people. It is safe for us to withdraw, but the people will be unlucky. Chief Cai, you come right now  Ride my horse to the front line of Tuanshanzi immediately and ask them to deploy troops behind us to cover the transfer of people in these villages."

    At this point, Yang Zhen turned his head and picked up a pen and immediately drafted a telegram and handed it to Xiao Huzi: "Tell the confidential staff to send it immediately. Lao Cai alone cannot mobilize them. Ask Wang Guangyu, a vertical officer, to forward it immediately to  First brigade, tell him that reinforcements will not arrive within an hour and the people cannot be protected. I will punish him. "

    After saying that, he took a Czech-made rifle from the guard beside him and said: "Tell the snipers to show me their daily training level. Bring the swordsmen and machine gunners in the Japanese and puppet troops, especially the  It's the little devil's grenade. Keep him pinned down."

    Yang Zhen urgently deployed his defenses, and Liu Zishan and Matsumoto Haranjiro over there also discovered the situation here.  After all, they were operating in so-called enemy-occupied areas, so their vigilance was still quite high.  Although they immediately realized that there were only a few dozen people standing in front of them, the first thing they thought of was to retreat.

    The superiors have given repeated orders that no one is allowed to cross the battle line without permission from the division level.  The main task of the imperial army now is not to fight, but to replenish soldiers and restore their strength in the shortest possible time.  And we cannot allow a grain of grain or a tael of cotton to go north.

    The Japanese army now has no ability to move north, so it is naturally worried that the other side will move south.  Therefore, although there is no written order, all Japanese military divisions at the front strictly prohibit unauthorized provocations.  Severe penalties will be imposed for unauthorized border crossings without the approval of the chief of staff of each division.  The Kwantung Army no longer has the strength to engage in unnecessary consumption.

    ??For Liu Zishan and Matsuhira Jiro, if they really start fighting, whether they are defeated or victorious, severe punishment will be indispensable.  So both of them thought of quitting.  Just because you can't catch it this time doesn't mean you won't be able to catch it next time.  As long as you are still ahead, there are still opportunities.

    But this time Captain Jianchuan, the captain of the third squadron of the first battalion of the second infantry regiment of the 14th Division, who was cooperating with them, was determined not to do it.  You can't come back empty-handed this time. Besides, there are only about forty troops on the opposite side. It would be too embarrassing for the emperor to flee without firing a shot.

    Jianchuan Ersan¡¯s stubbornness forced Liu Zishan and Matsuhira Jiro to bite the bullet and launch the attack.  But as soon as the offensive started, they felt something was very wrong.  The opponent's firepower was too fierce. Not to mention automatic weapons, which accounted for half of them, there were actually two of the Empire's latest Type 96 light machine guns.  You must know that even the 14th Division does not have a single light machine gun with such excellent performance.  They are still equipped with old-fashioned crooked handles.

    Several attacks were suppressed by two machine guns that formed cross fire. A company of the puppet Manchukuo army that was the main attacker suffered more than half of its casualties in less than half an hour.  The machine gunner was shot to death before he could even raise his machine gun.  More than half an hour passed, both Liu Zishan and Matsuhira Jiro were getting colder and colder.  I didn't get this extra money, and I gave up my old capital.

    ¡°If the Japanese and puppet troops could just settle down, this emergency would be over.  But at this critical moment, Brother Jianchuan who insisted on not retreating was inspired by the casualties of the puppet Manchukuo army.  What was even more unfortunate was that at this time, the only one who could compete with him, Jiro Matsushitahara, was shot in the head by a bullet fired from the hillside 300 meters away during an attack.

    We lost the only person who could still contain Captain Jianchuan. Although he was a lieutenant colonel, he was nothing compared to the Japanese army's captain, a captain.  He had to listen obediently to what others said.  If Captain Jianchuan, who had a bad temper, got angry, he might be chopped alive with a knife.

    A series of intersections of luck and misfortune for both parties, but Yang Zhen almost ended up on this small hill that could not be found even on a 1/50,000 map.

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