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Text Chapter 261 Equipment Adjustment

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    Guo Bingxun studied in France in his early years and was no stranger to mechanized troops based on tanks. The large-scale use of armored clusters in one battle was unprecedented in the French army.  [.Com text] Although the French Army has more than 2,000 tanks, they are all assigned to infantry and cavalry units just like the Japanese army.  There is no precedent for centralized use, and there is no organization like an armored division with tanks as its main battle equipment.

    ??????????????????????????????? Although he is not a professional in this thing, he has had some experience with it.  He still has a certain understanding of this kind of weapon, and he still understands the general performance of this kind of equipment.  In his opinion, this kind of equipment is just a gas tiger. Without strong national strength, this kind of weapon, let alone equipment, will bring down an army even with its fuel consumption.  Not to mention the tedious repairs and maintenance.

    In Guo Bingxun¡¯s view, the current foundation of his army is to form a mechanized brigade according to the German combat model in Poland, let alone participate in the war.  With the pitiful fuel reserves in hand and the lack of any technical support, even if they can barely scrape them together, the combat effectiveness will probably have to be weighed and weighed.

    Although Guo Bingxun studied in France in his early years, he studied staff business at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy and also majored in infantry command.  But I have never studied mechanized warfare, let alone studied it specifically.  They have absolutely no understanding of mechanized warfare and the use of assault tactics by tank groups.  As far as we know now, Yang Zhen commissioned the central delegation in Moscow to collect it.

    After taking over a large amount of information transferred from the central government, Guo Bingxun, who was commanding the battle on the front line in Luobei, once took the time to study it carefully.  He has a strong interest in this new tactic that can defeat an army known as the fifth largest army in Europe in a short period of time.

    He still knows what kind of army the Polish Army is, having had some contact with many Polish classmates in the military academy when he was studying in France.  Although Poland is an agricultural country, it relies on some industrial areas left behind by Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire before independence.  With the exception of naval ships and a small number of large-caliber heavy artillery, most of the army's equipment can be produced by itself.

    Although most of the army's equipment is imitated from other European powers and cannot be compared with the Japanese army's own development, it is far superior to the average European army.  Even in Europe it ranks high.

    Such a country actually perished without persisting for a month.  Even if the Soviets stabbed them in the back, everyone could see that even if the Soviets didn't take action, almost all of the main army forces would be surrounded and the entire air force of Poland would not be able to hold on for long. It would be a matter of time before it was destroyed and occupied.  matter.

    The German army¡¯s tactics of combined ground and air attacks, with tanks as the main assault force, were an eye-opener for Guo Bingxun.  This was the first time he had seen this type of mechanized combat.  He was not surprised that Yang Zhen had this idea after capturing more than 30 Japanese tanks.

    But you have to eat according to your belly size. You can¡¯t just raise a chicken, and before an egg is laid, you have to make chicken stewed with mushrooms.  Without the support of strong national strength and modern industry, if you want to form a mechanized army, even if it is small, it is definitely not something that your own army can support at the moment.

    After thinking about it for a while, Guo Bingxun said: "Commander, according to our current situation, I think it is better not to rush to form a combat force such as a mechanized brigade for the time being. We cannot eat a fat man in one bite. We should start from the basics, be down-to-earth, and take one step at a time."  Do it step by step from the root.¡±

    "The way I see it, we will first form a teaching team with these thirty tanks, and first train a group of tank drivers. After training enough drivers, we will step by step carry out the training of tanks, artillery, and combat vehicles.  Vehicle and infantry coordinated combat training. As for the coordinated training of troops, I think it is better to deploy a battalion first. As for the next step, we will wait and see how the situation develops. "

    Guo Bingxun¡¯s words silenced Yang Zhen.  Yes, I am still too impatient.  They only saw the huge power of the mechanized combined force, but they did not see whether they had the ability to support the operation of the mechanized force.

    Guo Bingxun is right. The fuel required by a mechanized army is an astronomical figure.  Not counting various accessories and supplements.  We don't have a strong industrial foundation. Let alone tanks, we can't even produce a simple component.  Even when Jiangbei has made it clear that it will not sell active equipment, the only channel for outsourcing has been blocked.

    There is a shortage of fuel, and there is no other source for replenishing equipment and parts other than relying on seizures.  And all this is the basis of a mechanized force.  Without its own industry and stable source of oil, setting up a mechanized army is a utopia.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Political Commissar, Lao Guo, I am too impatient.We ignore our own current situation.  What Lao Guo said is right, the food must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step.  In this way, the expansion of the troops will still be carried out according to the original plan, and the matter of the mechanized troops will still be handled in accordance with Lao Guo's opinions.  Let¡¯s slow down for a while and form a teaching team first.  "

    Seeing that Yang Zhen listened to his advice, Guo Bingxun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.  He was really worried that Yang Zhen would become stubborn and insist on fighting regardless of reality.  It's not that mechanized troops can't be built, but now is really not the time.

    Guo Bingxun, who breathed a sigh of relief, pondered for a moment and then said: "Commander, although the mechanized troops can be postponed, we must strengthen anti-tank training. This time we captured so many Japanese tanks on the front line of Lianjiangkou, and we also gave them a  We have a reminder. This time Sawada used tanks for defense. What should we do if the Japanese attack with a large number of tanks next time?

    "Many of our soldiers have never even seen a tank. Although they have received some basic anti-tank training, they have not undergone physical drills after all. Since we are temporarily unable to form our own tank unit based on these tanks,  But we can use these tanks to strengthen the anti-tank training of the troops, at least to let the cadres and soldiers see the real thing."

    "There is also the issue of the allocation of weapons and equipment for the newly formed troops. After the artillery units directly under each brigade were decentralized from the field artillery regiments directly under the headquarters, and all the artillery from the artillery training regiment were distributed, the equipment is now barely enough. The mortars are now  There is a slight shortage of heavy mortars. The number of Japanese 90mm mortars, based on the inventory and those captured in several battles, is sufficient according to the current establishment. "

    "It's just that the current quantity of Japanese equipment is somewhat insufficient. In addition to the equipment that has been equipped for the First Army and the equipment reserved for the Korean Independent Division being formed, there is not much left in the original inventory. And the weapons we seized must leave a certain amount.  of inventory as reserves.¡±

    "We captured 20,000 puppet Manchukuo troops in Jiamusi, but we only captured people. Because the equipment of this batch of puppet Manchukuo troops has not arrived yet, we have almost nothing. Commander, can you see if the shortage of light weapons can be temporarily replaced by other weapons?  Weapons replacement? The number of 79 rifles currently in stock is relatively large, and together with the Liao 13-type and Czech-type rifles captured from the puppet Manchu army, it is enough to equip four brigades. "

    "I think the main force can be divided into two types of equipment. One is all-Japanese equipment, including Type 38 rifles, Taisho 11-year light machine guns, and Type 92 heavy machine guns. The second is semi-Japanese equipment, using the Liao 13 in stock  "

    "In addition, use those American-made water rifles and French-made rifles to replace all the Japanese-style equipment in the units of each military division. Use the first and second divisions to replace the American-made water rifles, and the third and fourth divisions to replace the French ones.  Equipment. In this way, rifles and ammunition made in other countries that are incompatible with Japanese rifles can be effectively used. In addition, some Japanese equipment can be saved as inventory.¡±

    "Our arsenal has overhauled and modified the weapons in good condition among the nearly scrapped weapons shipped from Jiangbei, mainly light and heavy machine guns, and selected some machine guns to be converted into 79 bullets with a large inventory. A total of German-made Maxin heavy  Fifty-four machine guns, 43 American-made Browning heavy machine guns, and 57 British Vickers heavy machine guns have all been refurbished and can be used to equip the division."

    "It's just that there is still a considerable gap in the number of light machine guns. Only some French-made 1909-type light machine guns were selected from those shipped over, and the number was less than a hundred. As for the rest of the Lewis light machine guns and Chauchat-type light machine guns,  The machine gun is either completely scrapped or its performance is extremely poor and cannot be used at all."

    Regarding the shortage of light weapons, Yang Zhen really didn't notice it for a while.  These days, he has been thinking about how to expand the troops so as not to cause excessive recruitment in the base area, but also to ensure that the military strength at least reaches the minimum support line.  And how to match heavy weapons to achieve the best effectiveness, and how to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops as quickly as possible.

    When Guo Bingxun mentioned the equipment, Yang Zhen remembered that the Japanese weapons in stock and the weapons captured in these battles were really insufficient after such an expansion of the army.  After all, the total strength of the field army and the basic regiments of each divisional army was less than 40,000, which suddenly expanded to nearly 100,000.  With its own small arms production capacity still limited, the equipment gap can be imagined.

    After pondering the feasibility of Guo Bingxun's suggestion, Yang Zhen said to Guo Bingxun: "Old Guo, this matter will be handled according to your wishes. If the quantity is insufficient, in addition to ensuring the quantity used by the main force, it will first be transferred from the inventory  Transfer. In this way, those light and heavy machine guns made in Fengtian will not be used by the main force, and the number will not be large. They will all be used by the armed forces of each division.??¡±

    "In the mixed-equipped troops, all light and heavy machine guns are Japanese-style. Don't there still be some Type 96 light machine guns in the inventory? Take them all out. Think of more ways to ensure the use of equipment for the newly formed troops. We can't give  Our soldiers provide aircraft and combat vehicles, but the minimum infantry weapons must be sufficient.¡±

    "As for the lack of regiment-level artillery, there is no need to worry. We have now begun mass production of 60-mm mortars, Japanese-style 90mm mortars, and Soviet-style 120mm mortars. In this way, the production quantity  Before reaching the required number, the artillery units of each regiment will be temporarily reduced."

    "The artillery of the three regiments of each brigade will be mixed according to the advanced model of infantry gun four, 90 mortar four, 120mm or 150mm mortar two. When our arsenal's output reaches scale  Later, the 90 mortar was changed from regiment-affiliated to battalion-affiliated.¡±

    After thinking about it secretly, Guo Bingxun nodded and said: "I think it's okay. The firepower of our current infantry company can still meet the needs for the time being. The battalion's firepower is mainly heavy machine guns, which is somewhat weak. One brigade of the Japanese standing division  It is equipped with four 92 infantry guns, four 37 rapid-fire cannons, and some mortars are often strengthened during wartime."

    "However, our battalion-level organization does not have a single mortar. In the competition at the battalion level, we suffered greatly in terms of firepower. At the regiment level, there is an infantry artillery company and one light and heavy mortar.  A company of 37 rapid-fire artillery pieces seems a bit too concentrated.¡±

    "I think it is more appropriate for the fire support at the regiment level to be based on the 92-mm infantry artillery and the 120-mm or 150-mm heavy mortars in the future. The 90-mm mortars are decentralized to the battalion level, and the company  In addition to the grenade launchers as fire support at the first level of the squad and platoon, it is also suitable to strengthen some 60mm mortars.¡±

    Guo Bingxun, who was aroused to talk about sex, was about to continue, but was stopped by Li Yanping.  Li Yanping pointed to the watch on his wrist, indicating that the time was up.  After Guo Bingxun looked at the time on his watch, he stopped talking: "Commander, it's time for you to rest. As for the remaining matters, we will study them tomorrow."

    After saying that, Guo Bingxun stood up, poured a glass of water for Yang Zhen himself, and called Xiao Huzi in outside the door: "Huzi, have you got the medicine I asked you to get? Give it to your leader."

    Xiao Huzi heard Guo Bingxun's shout and walked in. Looking at Yang Zhen's face, he hesitated and took out a small medicine bag from the bag behind him and said: "Chief of Staff, I got this from Dr. Zhou."  What kind of medicine? Doctor Zhou has repeatedly warned that the commander can only take two pills at most."

    ??Looking at Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, who showed that they would not give up until they watched him take the medicine into his stomach, and Xiao Huzi who stood aside with a worried look on his face.  Yang Zhen shook his head with a bitter smile, picked up the medicine, picked out two tablets, and swallowed them with the water Guo Bingxun poured himself.

    Seeing Yang Zhen take sleeping pills into his stomach, Li Yanping turned his head and said to Xiao Huzi: "Just watch me outside the door and don't allow anyone to disturb the commander's rest. Just say this is my order. Remember,  No one is allowed to disturb you. Also, if the commander doesn¡¯t get up tomorrow morning, you are not allowed to scream. This is my order for you.¡±

    Maybe I don¡¯t know if I¡¯m really tired or if the sleeping pills are taking effect.  After Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun left, Yang Zhen gradually felt sleepy.  Yang Zhen, who was lying on the bed, didn't know that he slept for two whole nights and one day.  When he woke up, it was already dawn on the third day.

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