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Text Chapter 257 The End of the Battle

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    After hearing Ma Chunsheng's answer, Yang Zhen did not answer him immediately. Instead, he stood up and walked outside the door to look at the stars in the completely dark night sky. After thinking for a long time, he turned back and said: "Order the second and third brigades.  Stop the attack and switch to defense on the spot. Take the time to rest and deploy the alert troops. [.Com text] Tell them that until there is no order from the headquarters, their future combat operations will be based on small units. "

    "Order the main force of the first brigade to strengthen a battalion of the headquarters field artillery regiment, a company of 100mm light howitzers, and a company of 150mm mortars, all of which will enter the territory of Yilan and Boli to stand by. All forces will be under the unified command of Wang Guangyu.  Looking for fighter planes in Yilan and Boli.¡±

    "Tell him to pay attention to the scale of the battle, control the rhythm of the battle, and not to fight too hard. First, find out the combat effectiveness of the 14th Division of the Japanese Army as soon as possible. Second, if he can't defeat the little Japs, let him use the two puppet Manchukuo troops to fight against the human power.  Let me deal with it. Even if our spearhead has lost its sharpness, it will become a rasp and weaken the strength of the front-line Japanese and puppet troops.  Kill those dogs and cut off the little devil¡¯s arms.¡±

    "In addition, order Gao Yumin and Zhang Zhenhua to ascertain the physical conditions of the rescued workers as soon as possible, and select those under the age of twenty-eight and those over the age of seventeen to form a new supplementary group. The rest will be sent to Luo  Relocate to the north and form a new production and construction headquarters with the original reclamation troops."

    "Seize the time to complete the screening, education, and physical examination of the 20,000 captured Puppet Manchukuo recruits. Within half a month, I will see new regiments equivalent to at least ten main regiments."

    Hearing the order issued by Yang Zhen, Ma Chunsheng breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Yang Zhen was extremely clear-headed at this time and was not dazzled by the victory in front of him.

    Before, he was really worried that the young commander would be dazzled by the previous results, and the whole army would attack in excitement.  This is for the troops that are now exhausted from fighting, most of the troops are in disarray, and have suffered heavy casualties. Although they have been replenished several times, most of the troops are still incompletely organized.  Facing the Japanese army, which except for the 14th Division on the Western Front, was almost waiting for work, it was definitely not a good idea.

    Yang Zhen stopped heading south and calmed down to replenish his troops.  For the Japanese army, what was unforgettable this time was not only the number of casualties, but also the loss of Jiamusi, the most important strategic support point in the entire Northeast Manchuria region.  They now discovered that the opponents they might have dismissed before, who in their eyes could only fight ambushes and did not dare to face the imperial army for a decisive battle, had now become a monster that could threaten their rule in Manchuria at any time.

    He is well-trained, well-equipped, and has a tenacious will to fight. Although his technical and tactical skills are still a little raw, he has reached the highest level among all the opponents he has ever encountered.  Even the most elite German weapon masters of the Nanjing government at that time still had a certain gap compared with them.

    All of this, and of course the loss of troops and generals on the battlefield, made the Japanese army regard Yang Zhen's troops as an opponent more difficult to deal with than the Soviet army.  To be honest, the Japanese army was not too convinced by the Soviet army that had fought against them twice in Zhanggufeng and Nomenhan.

    In the eyes of some people in the Kwantung Army, especially some young and fanatical officers, the Soviet army, in addition to relying on tanks, heavy artillery, and aircraft to fight tooth and nail, had very poor technical and tactical levels, especially the quality of its individual soldiers.  Without the support of strong firepower, these white men have grown into big, round-waisted men, and may not be their opponents.

    ¡°These Japanese may have forgotten that if they lose their absolute advantage in fire support, wouldn¡¯t they be able to run arrogantly on the battlefield inside the pass when they usually fight more with less?  From the beginning to the end of the Battle of Songhu, hundreds of thousands of heavy artillery shells were fired.  It was not because they had an absolute advantage in firepower and even poison gas compared with the Chinese Army, which had poor firepower and was in serious shortage of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, that they could rampage on the battlefield in Guanhai.  Regarding the Soviet army's assessment that it has no other advantages than relying on superior firepower, it can be said that it is a typical crow falls on a pig, and it is easy to see that others are bad but not oneself.

    ¡° Many actual battles have proven that if the Japanese army can take advantage of firepower to eliminate its opponents, they will never be stupid enough to fight with bayonets.  They can use shells, bullets, and even poison gas to destroy their opponents, but they will never use hand-to-hand combat.

    The Japanese army is indeed extremely tenacious in combat. This is something that Chinese people should learn from.  But it doesn¡¯t make him stupid enough to think that a strong spirit can replace everything.  Otherwise, why would they manufacture so many aircraft, heavy artillery, and tanks?  Wouldn't it be more fun to be handed a katana when going to the battlefield?

    ¡°I don¡¯t know if the Kwantung Army¡¯s brains were mixed with water.  When facing an opponent with powerful firepower, I completely forgot how I relied on my superior firepower to bully other weaker opponents.The Kwantung Army stubbornly believed that its opponents only relied on powerful firepower to bully a vulnerable group of their own.  Without the advantage in firepower, he still has an advantage due to his superior individual combat capabilities and excellent officer qualities.

    After Zhang Gufeng, the Japanese army once believed that one Japanese division could defeat three Soviet divisions.  They still thought so after Nomenhan suffered a heavy blow from mechanization and ground and air firepower.  But there is a premise added in front, that is, the firepower of both sides is equal.

    It was the Kwantung Army, which believed that the Soviet army had nothing but great firepower and a high degree of mechanization, but believed that Yang Zhen's army was too far behind the Soviet army in terms of fire support and had no tanks or aircraft in terms of other combat skills.  But it is to surpass the Soviet army.

    An officer of the 11th Division who once participated in the Qunce Mountain battle and was lucky enough to withdraw from the front line. In fact, it should be said that he escaped and returned. He once said that the opponent was not a guerrilla-like ragtag group that the Kwantung Army Headquarters had always considered.  It is a regular army that is well-trained and well-equipped.

    Its infantry and artillery cooperative combat capabilities, individual combat capabilities, battlefield adaptability, and tactical application capabilities far exceed those of the Soviet army that fought hard.  The participating troops of the 11th Division have encountered barrage covering fire from the opponent's artillery more than once during the battle.  Its mortar firepower is not only strong, but also extremely accurate. At first glance, it looks like a strictly trained unit.

    It¡¯s just that these warnings fell on deaf ears during the so-called autumn campaign. It was not until after the first phase of the battle that I discovered my miscalculation.  It's just that the Kwantung Army realized its mistake, but used itself to save others, wishfully thinking that its casualties were heavy, and that its opponents' casualties could only be heavier than their own, not less.  Even if they urgently mobilize new recruits to join the war, everyone knows the true combat effectiveness of untrained recruits.

    Although the Kwantung Army received a heavy beating in the second stage of the battle, it has already stopped looking down upon it.  But it wasn't until the battle was over that the mistake was fully realized.  This is also the reason why Umezu Meijiro turned his offensive into a defensive after the loss of Jiamusi.

    Three lieutenant generals were killed, and two divisions lost 80% of their strength. Although one division finally escaped, its strength was reduced to barely one-third of its full strength.

    This kind of loss is like a heavy slap in the face for Umezu Yoshijiro, the Kwantung Army and even the Japanese army who have always looked down on any Chinese army.  Not only was it painful, but the most important thing was that the shame was brought back to my hometown.  After this battle, the entire Kwantung Army changed their previous contempt for this unit that appeared under their noses and attached great importance to it.  It actually cultivates an excellent mentality.

    After this battle, the Kwantung Army was basically immune to losses of less than one regiment of the Japanese army and one brigade of the puppet Manchukuo army when facing this force.  Officers below the rank of colonel were killed in battle, and it can even be said that everything was calm.  This mentality is expressed in the self-deprecating words of Umezu Yoshijiro: "I can be said to be the one with the strongest mental endurance among all Japanese generals."

    Umezu Yoshijiro made this private statement. Yang Zhen, who had already made up his mind to stop the offensive and was seizing the time to adjust the defense zones of various departments. A considerable part of his attention was attracted by the Japanese 25th Division on the Western Front, naturally did not know it.

    When the gunshots fell on the Lianjiangkou line, the 25th Division on the Haoliang River line on the western front almost became the only Japanese army north of the Songhua River that was still an organic unit.

    In the first stage of this battle, instead of assisting the Japanese army in the middle route, the 70th Regiment was lost. The 25th Division, which was severely reprimanded by the Kwantung Army Headquarters, changed its previous dilly-dallying style and almost  For the first time, they concentrated their forces and launched an attack to the north and west.  During the attack, the 25th Division did not spare any effort, nor could it be said that they spent a lot of money.

    ¡°However, the three-division basic regiment and the attached troops, which had been expanded before the war, were under the command of Commander Zhao Shangzhi and Political Commissar Yi Jianping, who were good at mountain warfare. Under the situation that the enemy and our field forces were roughly equal.  Adopting the tactics of cold guns and landmines, frontal blocking warfare and mountain mobile warfare, not only successfully stopped several offensives of the 25th Division, but also gave the 25th Division the remaining 14th Regiment.  Huge damage to the team.

    Frustrated by the opponent's weird tactics, they looked at the dense jungles of the North Manchu mountains, which in their eyes were full of cunning Manchus and full of terrible landmines. They had not received any training in anti-guerrilla warfare, as well as mountain and jungle warfare training.  The 25th Division was at a loss.  They paid a heavy price of casualties, but at the end of the battle they failed to play the role that the Kwantung Army headquarters had hoped for them to play.

    After learning that a large number of enemy troops had appeared in Yilan, his original station, Shiro Kuwahara, who was obviously unwilling to repeat the mistakes of Toji Yasui and Hiroshi Nemoto, blew up all the enemies.Unable to carry the supplies, they did not dare to walk the way they came, but headed west across the Xiaoxinan Mountains.  After running all the way, I stopped until I retreated to Suiling County.

    Although Shiro Kuwahara chose a retreat route that was beyond everyone's expectations, the commander of the third division was almost caught off guard.  But then a pincer pursuit was launched. The three-division cadre regiment, which had painstakingly trained in mountain marching operations before, under the command of Zhao Shangzhi, bit the broken part of the 25th Division's baggage regiment, and due to its heavy weight  Artillery left behind.

    After a fierce battle in the middle of the night, the backbone regiment of the third division, with the cooperation of strengthened troops, surrounded and annihilated the Japanese troops surrounded by them.  Three 75mm mountain guns, six Type 92 heavy machine guns and a large amount of baggage intercepted with the baggage regiment of the 25th Division were also seized.

    Although they failed to catch up with the main force of the 25th Division, the Western Front troops captured most of its baggage or blew it up themselves.  Except for the small amount of food and ammunition carried by the soldiers themselves, the 25th Division lost almost all its luggage.

    The remnant troops of the 25th Division, who had never experienced any wild survival, this time actually tried it out. During the Third Route Army's western expedition last year, the fire warmed their chests and the wind chilled their backs.  After crossing the Xiaoxing'an Mountains and retreating to Suiling, they were freezing and hungry, and had lost two squadrons of troops.

    You must know that at the end of October, in the late autumn season, the climate in alpine mountains like Xiaoxing'anling cannot be called warm.  Snow has already started falling in some higher areas.  At this time, because they had not had time to change their clothes, the Japanese soldiers who were still wearing autumn combat uniforms naturally had a deep experience of what it means to be in the world of ice and fire.

    With the sound of gunshots falling on the Haoliang River on October 21, it heralded the end of the anti-Japanese encirclement and suppression campaign that officially started on September 1 and lasted for nearly two months.  Although the Jidong Military Region achieved a brilliant victory in this battle.  But it also paid a heavy price. The three field brigades plus one or three military division cadre regiments and local armed forces suffered casualties of nearly 30,000 people.  Among them, more than 11,000 people were killed or missing in action.

    Based on this number, if averaged, it can be said that almost all the three field brigades before the war have been replaced.  Wang Guangyu's brigade, which suffered the heaviest casualties after several days of bloody battles with the main force of the 24th Division under General Shi Xianxian, was supplemented by 70% of its troops when the second phase of the operation was launched.

    In the second stage, the Second Brigade, which took over from the First Brigade to block the Second Division, was no better than Wang Guangyu's First Brigade.  At the beginning of the second phase of the campaign, it had been replenished and it could be said to be a fully equipped infantry brigade.  When a full-line counterattack was launched, a full regiment of troops was later added, and the combat effectiveness was partially restored.  Even for the third brigade, which suffered the lightest casualties, by the end of the battle, the number of additional troops reached 40% of the army.

    When a basic regiment faced a Japanese field detachment from the third division, the casualties reached 70%.  Since it was not the main direction of the battle, although the core regiment of the third division also replenished some troops, by the end of the battle, the troops originally supplemented as a fully equipped infantry regiment had suffered more than half of the casualties, leaving only one battalion.

    During the counterattack commanded by Guo Bingxun, the three-division basic regiment, which had lost its combat capability due to heavy casualties, could only do some escorting and baggage tasks, and at most served as flank cover.

    Holding the statistics and reported casualty figures in his hand, Yang Zhen¡¯s hands were trembling with distress.  These are the basic troops that Qunceshan and Xingshan Fortress have painstakingly cultivated themselves.  Especially the veterans trained by Qunce Mountain who survived the bloody battles at Qunce Mountain, the First World War at Jiamusi, and the bloody battle at Guanmenzuizi Mountain. Nearly half of them were wiped out at once. How could he not feel distressed.

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