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Text Chapter 247: The Kwantung Army is strong on the outside and incompetent on the inside

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    Speaking of this, Umezu Yoshijiro said with a wry smile: "In the battle of Nomonhan, the imperial army fired one 150mm artillery shell, and the Soviet army could fire back hundreds of artillery shells of the same caliber. Wasn't the 23rd Division defeated?  Those who were defeated were simply blown up by heavy artillery by the Russian army [.Com text]¡±

    "I don't care about the thin-skinned tanks of the Russian army, which are regarded as death by the Imperial Army soldiers. But their overwhelming artillery fire has caused huge casualties to the Imperial Army soldiers. Facing the Russian artillery, the Kwantung Army was unable to fight back."

    "Yamashita-kun, you don't know that during the Battle of Nomenhan, the entire Kwantung Army's 150mm howitzer ammunition reserves totaled only 4,000 rounds. Even if they were all transferred, it would not be enough for the sixteen 150mm howitzers to participate in the battle.  Five days¡¯ worth of ten-millimeter howitzers. Commander Ueda Kenkichi lost the secret warehouse at Qunce Mountain and also lost 80% of the Kwantung Army¡¯s artillery shells.¡±

    "The anti-Manchu armed forces in Jiangbei relied on the weapons, ammunition, and large quantities of military supplies stored in the secret warehouse in Qunce Mountain to arm three divisions, so that they could grow to the point where they could compete with the elite troops of the imperial army."

    "You must know that Qunceshan Fortress does not count the 150mm heavy artillery shells. Among them, the reserve of only 75mm mountain artillery shells reaches 100,000 rounds. And after losing the largest secret warehouse of the Kwantung Army, the entire Kwantung Army  The army's 75mm mountain field artillery shell reserve is only 16,000 rounds, of which the most important 75mm field artillery shells only have 4,000 rounds. "

    "As for the Eighth Division you named, half of its troops have been transferred to the China battlefield in the middle of this year to form a new division and garrison brigade. Now there is only one brigade and half an artillery regiment in Manchuria. And the 11th  The division has not been fully replenished since the battle at Qunce Mountain, and judging from the current intentions of the base camp, the four infantry brigades left in Mudanjiang before the second division went north will also be transferred. "

    "Yamashita-kun, I have said this, and I have nothing to hide. In other words, before the arrival of the 14th Division, according to the current strategic reserves and actual strength of the Kwantung Army, before the arrival of the additional troops at the base camp  , we can no longer afford any large-scale attack."

    "I can give you the rest time you want, but at least until the Kwantung Army this winter, the Kwantung Army will no longer be able to launch any offensive operations for the time being. Unless all the troops in Southern Manchuria are mobilized, the lack of troops will always restrict us. Former  The losses during the campaign were too great. I didn¡¯t expect the outcome of the Second Division to be so tragic.¡±

    "What I need now is not how to eliminate these anti-Manchu armed forces, but how to prevent them from continuing to expand and firmly control their current control area before the reinforcements arrive to meet the needs. Manchuria belongs to the empire.  It is a lifeline, and Nanman is the top priority. They must not be allowed to expand any further.¡±

    "Ah" Yamashita Fengfumi was stunned when he heard Umezu Yoshijiro's words.  During the two days after arriving in Xinjing, he had been following the commander's request, thinking about how to transform the Fourth Division and how to wipe out these ruthless bandits north of the Songhua River as soon as possible.  But today the commander told himself that he would be on the defensive for a long time to come.

    Yamashita Tomofumi didn't know that just last night in the Tokyo base camp, because the Second Division's troops heading north were completely exhausted, Umezu Yoshijiro Shin proposed to increase the strength of at least two infantry divisions to the Kwantung Army, especially the last one from the Shenyang Arsenal this year.  The request to allocate all quarterly production to the Kwantung Army sent a stern reprimand to Umezu Yoshijiro.  The unusually harsh tone in that telegram is still fresh in Umezu Yoshijiro¡¯s memory.

    Umezu Yoshijiro can understand the anger of the base camp.  Originally, the Second Division had planned to combine the 30th Regiment of the Second Division with the 3rd Regiment of the First Division and the 36th Regiment of the Ninth Division to form the 28th Division.  Well, now the Thirty Regiment only has an infantry brigade left behind in Mudanjiang.  The formation of the 28th Division scheduled to be incorporated into the Kwantung Army has been postponed.  Coupled with the heavy losses suffered by the 24th Division before, this made the Tokyo base camp extremely dissatisfied.

    If someone hadn¡¯t spoken for Umezu Yoshijiro beside the emperor, the base camp would have considered that the Kwantung Army¡¯s continuous changes in commanders in the short term would affect the expansion progress.  Based on the huge losses in the current campaign of suppression, I am afraid that the result of his predecessor, Ueda Kenkichi, will not be any better than that of his predecessor, Ueda Kenkichi.

    The base camp not only severely reprimanded Umezu Yoshijiro in the telegram for losing troops and generals, but also told him clearly that since the battlefield in the pass is getting longer and longer, the number of troops is already extremely tight.  The newly formed troops and various supplies must be given priority to ensure the battlefield within the pass.  As for the Kwantung Army, there will not be any expansion before the end of the year.  If we want to add new establishments, we have to wait until next year.

    Although the base camp finally acquiesced to Umezu Yoshijiro's decision to kill first and then report later, the Fourteenth Division, which was originally transferred to Manchuria for rest and recovery, was transferred to the best position.???s.  However, the 50th Infantry Regiment was blocked and used to form the 29th Division.  Moreover, the base camp has repeatedly emphasized that before receiving direct orders from the base camp, the Kwantung Army can only allow the 14th Division to participate in the blockade mission, and cannot mobilize it to participate in the war at will.

    Although the base camp did not say it directly.  But the meaning of this telegram also told Umezu Yoshijiro in disguise that he had previously proposed a strict blockade to freeze and trap the opponent to death in a narrow area west of the Songhua River, east of the Xiaoxinan Mountains, and north of Laoye Mountains and Zhangguangcai Mountains.  Already approved.  Although it was a bit roundabout, I finally agreed.

    At the same time, the plan for the expansion of the Manchurian Army proposed by the Kwantung Army was also approved by the base camp.  However, when domestic mobilization has not yet been completed, we should not think about equipment. Domestic production of equipment should be given priority to ensure the newly formed divisions and supplement the losses on the Guan battlefield.  As for the expanded tens of thousands of people, all equipment will be provided by the Kwantung Army itself.

    Regarding this telegram from the Tokyo base camp, which was blocked and sent to Miju, Umezu Meijiro, who developed a persevering character due to the difficult living environment at his stepfather's house when he was young, was very angry at being blocked.  But there is no excitement about this candied date.

    He knew that the reason why he was spared was due to the mediation efforts of several friends he had made during his early years as Army Undersecretary.  There is also the factor that when he was serving as Army Vice Minister, he spoke to former Prime Minister Nishio Hisao and Director of Education Sugiyama Gen. whom he greatly admired.  Of course, the reason why the emperor did not punish himself severely was probably because he stood in the right position during the February 26th Mutiny.

    "However, although the base camp has made it clear that it will not increase troops for the Kwantung Army before at least the end of this year, Umezu Yoshijiro is not depressed, nor does he care.  Because of his many years of experience in serving in the Ministry of War, he had already weaved a thick network of connections from top to bottom.  Those close friends in the Army Ministry had already secretly greeted him and leaked to him the base camp and the Army Ministry's huge military expansion plan.

    Among the divisions to be formed by the Army next year, the 28th Division and the 29th Division have been definitely assigned to the Kwantung Army.  In order to strengthen the strength of the Kwantung Army, in addition to considering changing the 14th Division that has arrived in Manchuria to garrison in Manchuria, the base camp is also preparing to transfer the 9th and 10th Divisions that have been prepared to be transferred back to Manchuria to garrison in Manchuria.  Returned to the Kwantung Army.

    In addition, the base camp has decided to reorganize the 23rd Division, which had experience in mechanized combat in Nomonhan and the Soviet Army, into a mechanized division.  In addition, the base camp is also considering transferring the 51st Division, composed of the remaining troops of the 14th Division, and the 57th Division, composed of the remaining troops of the 8th Division, into the Kwantung Army next year.  At the same time, the establishment of five more independent garrison units was added to the Kwantung Army.

    While the military strength was greatly enhanced, the base camp also decided to increase the Kwantung Army's technical equipment on a large scale.  The base camp has decided to add a 240mm heavy howitzer regiment, a 105mm cannon regiment, and two 150mm heavy howitzer regiments to the Kwantung Army.  One each for the 150mm cannon and the 300mm heavy artillery brigade.

    In addition to the greatly enhanced artillery, the base camp has also decided to allocate two armored train teams, three tank regiments, a large number of anti-aircraft artillery brigades and a large number of radio communication squadrons to the Kwantung Army next year.  Moreover, all divisions will be strengthened from the 15,000 men in peacetime to the 24,000 men in wartime.

    At the same time, in order to prepare for the war against the Soviet Union, the base camp is also preparing to add a flying group, three flying corps, two heavy bomber groups, three light bomber groups, three fighter groups, and a transport aircraft to the Kwantung Army in next year's military expansion plan.  Team.

    The goal of the base camp is to reach 1941, which is the year after tomorrow, through successive domestic mobilizations.  The strength of the Kwantung Army must reach at least 16 divisions and 750,000 people.  There are fourteen field heavy artillery regiments, three heavy artillery regiments, and eight independent field heavy artillery brigades.  At the same time, the tank fleet should be increased to nine, with a standard of 400 tanks of various types.

    The number of flying units must reach more than 1,000.  Among them, the number of reconnaissance aircraft, fighter aircraft, light bombers, and heavy bombers must not be less than 1,000.  Moreover, ammunition reserves will begin next year, and efforts will be made to favor the Kwantung Army.

    Although the base camp did not agree to allocate the Shenyang Arsenal's output in the last quarter of this year to the Kwantung Army.  However, the base camp has decided that starting from next year, the output of the Shenyang Arsenal will be prioritized for allocation to the Kwantung Army.

    ¡°And in view of the fact that the battlefield inside the pass has entered a stalemate stage. After two years of bloody battles, the two sides have been exhausted. Apart from local battles, they cannot fight a full-scale war like the previous two years.

    The strength of the Chinese government forces, which have been severely hit by the Japanese army, has been greatly weakened. Although they are still resisting, they are no longer able to form a comprehensive counterattack against the Japanese army in the Guanhai battlefield. The base camp will no longer be what it used to be.??The Kwantung Army allocated supplies for the China battlefield from its reserves.  Instead, starting next year, equipment, soldiers, and material reserves will be tilted towards the Kwantung Army.

    Of course, these equipment and troops are only on paper now, and they still need to wait until the domestic mobilization is completed next year.  Otherwise, given that Japan has only completed part of its mobilization production capacity, it would be impossible to expand artillery equipment to this number until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

    Therefore, Umezu Yoshijiro, who had already received positive news from within the base camp, was not frustrated because the base camp refused to increase the strength of the Kwantung Army.  On the contrary, he knew that no matter whether the base camp absolutely went to war against the Soviet Union or when it decided to start a war with the opponent, it was imperative to strengthen the Kwantung Army as the main force in the war against the Soviet Union.

    Despite the heavy losses in the previous stage of the campaign, the new troops allocated to the Kwantung Army that have been reported privately are still only on paper.  But with the arrival of the 14th Division, although his confidence is not that strong, it can be regarded as making up for the vacancy in strength caused by the loss of the Second Division.

    But even the arrival of the 14th Division made up for the vacancy of the Second Division.  However, before the new troops were formed or arrived in Manchuria, Umezu Yoshijiro was embarrassed to find that as his opponents became stronger and stronger, his current military strength in Northeast Manchuria, although more than adequate to defend it, was unable to enter.  insufficient.

    The Tokyo base camp has drawn up a huge expansion plan for the Kwantung Army, but the Soviet troops on the other side of the Heilongjiang and Ussuri Rivers are not idle either, and are also constantly expanding their strength.  Due to limitations in national strength and the ongoing operations within the China Pass, the expansion of the Kwantung Army will not begin until at least next year.  Jiangbei, on the other hand, has continued to expand its military strength after the Battle of Nomenhan.

    According to the current estimate of the Kwantung Army intelligence department, the total strength of the Soviet army in front of them is at least 600,000, and the number of tanks and aircraft is even more than the Kwantung Army expansion plan currently on paper in the Tokyo base camp is completed.  The number of tanks alone reached more than a thousand, and there were also more than a thousand aircraft.  And this number is still expanding.

    Facing the Soviet army with such huge numbers and equipment, the Kwantung Army simply did not dare to take it lightly.  The Eighth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Divisions deployed on the Manchurian-Soviet border, especially in the Northeast Manchuria area with relatively flat terrain, dared not mobilize easily.  After the Second Division was disabled, only four infantry brigades in Mudanjiang remained. The Kwantung Army had lost its last mobile division.

    And the fourth division is still unable to hold up the wall. The Kwantung Army, which has no reserve, dare not easily use the three divisions.  Otherwise, once something happens in the Northeast Manchurian region, most of the border fortresses have not yet been completed, and even the construction of Fujin Fortress has just begun and is still far from being put into use. Except for a small number of border guards, the Kwantung Army will not have any  The force can resist.

    What's more, the Vietnam War currently entrenched in the Sanjiang area is getting stronger and stronger, and now it is even capable of defeating the anti-Manchu armed forces of a division of the imperial army.  Judging from the limited information currently available, this anti-Manchu armed force has reached at least 50,000, and the number of mountain guns of various calibers has reached nearly a hundred.  There were even field heavy artillery.

    Full mobilization is far from being completed at home. We are now facing hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops externally, and we have another well-equipped, numerous, and powerful opponent internally.  In fact, the Kwantung Army was already under attack from both sides, and its troops were no longer sufficient for use, before it could be fully replenished.

    General Umezu Yoshijiro believed that he would temporarily adjust his tactics, use a tight blockade instead of mobilizing heavy troops for clearing, and use hunger and cold to weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness.  It is appropriate to lure them to go south for food and supplies, and then use the fortified city after leaving their base area to wear off their strength bit by bit.

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