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Text Chapter 245 The Osaka Division brought its own evil

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    When Yang Zhen attacked Jiamusi last time, the walls on all sides of Jiamusi except the west wall were demolished by the Japanese and puppets when building the train station. Among the remaining three walls, except the north wall, which was close to the Songhua River and had a flood control effect, under the sincerity of the people,  Except for the lower part which was preserved, the rest of the east and south city walls were completely blown away by Yang Zhen.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    When the main force of the Fourth Division returned from the front line of Qunce Mountain and recaptured Jiamusi without any bloodshed, because Jiamusi has an important geographical location and has always been an important military town in the Northeast Manchurian region, Zetian Shigeru also planned to rebuild the city wall of Jiamusi.

    In Zetian Shigeru¡¯s view, Jiamusi and the Jiangbei bandits are only separated by a river.  Without the protection of the city wall, as the opponents become stronger and stronger, don't those people just hit them whenever they want?

    Although city walls are not omnipotent, when the Imperial Japanese Army attacked the areas within China Pass, they had seen even larger market towns with city walls.  Although these city walls have never been able to withstand the fierce front of the Japanese Imperial Army.  But for an army lacking heavy weapons, it is nothing more than a natural barrier.  An extra city wall would at least provide more protection, wouldn't it?

    In view of the deteriorating bandit suppression situation in Northeast Manchuria and the extremely important geographical location of Jiamusi to the Kwantung Army.  Regarding Sawada Shigeru's request for instructions to rebuild the Jiamusi City Wall, the Kwantung Army Headquarters immediately gave a consenting reply.

    Not only were a large amount of cement and steel bars specially allocated for the Fourth Division from the materials used in the construction of Fujin Fortress.  The city building funds were also allocated as soon as possible.  There were even more than 10,000 workers specially transferred from the customs to the Fourth Division.

    The support of the Kwantung Army cannot but be said to be all-out.  And adhering to the Japanese's always rigorous attitude, the materials and survey personnel required for the project have always been fully allocated.  But more than half a year has passed and the city wall has still not been repaired. The reason must be found within the Fourth Division itself.

    When building the city wall, Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru made a very serious mistake.  He didn't trust those Manchus, only the Japanese.  And at a time when the Kwantung Army is building fortresses and fortifications everywhere, the number of engineering personnel it can dispatch is limited.  In desperation, he could only hand over the project to the engineering and baggage regiments of the Fourth Division.

    It¡¯s just that he knows too much about the personalities of his subordinates, so he doesn¡¯t dare to completely delegate power.  He explicitly ordered the baggage regiment to keep the materials, and the engineer regiment to escort the laborers to carry out construction and supervise the work, as well as do some technical work.  I hope the two wings can keep each other in check and not go too far.  At least things on the surface have been done well, that is, the city wall has to be built.

    In order to ensure that the steel bars, cement, and city bricks allocated by the Kwantung Army Headquarters, which are currently in short supply on the market, are not sold out by his daring subordinates.  Sawada Shigeru even sent his adjutant to supervise the entire project. The use of all raw materials must be signed by the adjutant before it can be counted.

    "What Sawada Shigeru didn't expect was that if he handed over all materials and projects to the Engineer Regiment, although he would lose some materials, the loss would never be that big.  However, the method he adopted to separate the construction party from the supplier not only failed to stop the two regiments from stealing and selling supplies, but instead allowed the engineers and the baggage regiment to work together to deceive the superiors and subordinates to transfer all the Kwantung Army.  More than half of the supplies were sold.

    He didn't even think about it, that his subordinates would dare to openly sell the 80% new Type 38 rifles, crooked light machine guns, and even grenade launchers and Type 92 infantry guns as scrapped, not to mention these cement  , building materials such as steel bars?  Even before these materials were put into storage, the baggage and heavy duty team had already started pre-selling them with clearly marked prices.

    Thanks to the excellent pre-sale work of the Baggage Regiment and the good foundation laid by the Fourth Division for doing business among the people after it was transferred to Manchuria.  The first batch of 25 tons of cement allocated from the Fujin Fortress Project Area, but after traveling around the city, less than half was left in storage.  And a car full of steel bars sent from Xinjing didn't even get off the train. One-third of it was sold directly by these guys in the station freight yard.

    The baggage and heavy duty team, the material supplier, did this with such great fanfare, which naturally caused dissatisfaction with the construction team's engineer team.  Everyone knows the current price of these steel bars and cement, which are strategic materials and have always been tightly controlled by the Kwantung Army, on the black market.  By doing this, the Engineer Regiment, which adheres to the tradition of plucking geese, and hopes to make a fortune from this project, will not be jealous.

    The supplies were more than half missing, so naturally they had to make false accounts to deal with their superiors.  But without the engineering unit, the construction party, reporting the quantity of consumed materials every day, this account would not be possible.

    Under the strong protest of the Engineer Regiment, they even threatened to stop reporting consumption and not pay for the Baggage Regiment.  Because I always thought that since things have enteredWhat is in your pocket is already yours, and letting them spit it out is equivalent to killing them.  The baggage regiment, which was known as the fourth division that had nothing to lose and was stained with feathers before leaving, finally lowered its head.

    After a friendly negotiation that started with scolding, then fistfights, and even a fight due to uneven distribution of the spoils.  Under the threat that if you don't let me get rich in the Engineer Regiment, I will choke your neck, and at worst the accounts will be published to the world, everyone will die, and no one will be able to make any money, the Baggage Regiment and the Engineer Regiment finally reached an agreement.

    According to the only non-Osaka Engineer Regiment officer who participated in this negotiation, when he revealed the negotiations that led to the complete defeat of the Kwantung Army¡¯s Battle of Xiajiang after the war, he once described that if it were not  Both parties were wearing military uniforms, and just listening to the conversation between them could easily make people think that they were entering a negotiation site of a large company.  Or it would be more vivid to say that two underworld organizations are holding a conference to share the spoils.

    After two full days of arduous negotiations, debates, compromises, and more compromises, what agreement was reached between the baggage and engineering regiments of the Fourth Division, which was fully responsible for the construction of the Jiamusi city wall? Except for those present at the negotiations,  Outsiders have no way of knowing.  But judging from the subsequent progress of the matter, it is estimated that there are four words: "all opportunities." In other words, everyone who sees it has a share.

    After reaching an agreement, the two groups have almost become reckless in stealing and selling materials. A large amount of cement and steel bars were stolen and sold on the spot in the name of damage.  Not only did the managers of the two companies bring the buyers directly to the construction site to view the goods, but in order to prove that they were in good standing, the baggage company also chartered the transportation.  After paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand, laborers were directly used to load the goods into military vehicles of the baggage regiment and take them away.

    As for the adjutant Shigeru Sawada sent to supervise the construction site as the project contractor, he was quickly corrupted by 5% of the shares of the two regiments, a large amount of cash, and a few extremely coquettish Belarusian prostitutes.  Deteriorated.  Supervising the project accounts is just a formality, and he rarely even goes to the construction site. He drinks and has fun with Belarusian prostitutes every day.

    The engineering and baggage regiments worked together, and they were extremely happy to make money.  A few months later, large sums of Japanese yen, Manchurian dollars, and even cash, which had long been banned from circulation in the Northeast, flowed into the pockets of the officers and soldiers of the two regiments. Almost everyone made a fortune.  Windfall.

    It¡¯s just that after 60% of the supplies were stolen and sold, the Jiamusi city fortifications were completed on schedule with quality and quantity guaranteed, except for the deepening and widening of the moat.  However, the city wall was only built to a height of half a person, and it could not even reach the scale of a brick wall. Its size was no more than a earthen fence.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It was a scumbag project built with the remaining bricks of the city wall that were stolen and sold and the residual soil dug out after widening the moat, and not even a ton of cement was used.  Not to mention the 75mm mountain artillery, even one round of mortars, which are not suitable for dealing with solid fortifications, would probably be unbearable.

    Although Sawada Shigeru wanted to investigate severely several times, he even replaced his adjutant who had been following him for many years.  However, they found that unless both regiments were demobilized on the spot, it would be impossible to trace them.  When these Osaka people are making money, they also fight among themselves, and even fight with each other when competing for interests.  But externally, they are surprisingly united.

    Although we have some clues, the more we check Sawada Shigeru¡¯s scalp, the more he becomes confused.  Not only the baggage regiment and the engineer regiment, but almost all the troops of the Fourth Division were involved.  Even my own family members as far away as Xinjing also got involved.  Because at least half of the behind-the-scenes buyers of the stolen cement were partners of his wife and brother.

    The fact that his family acted as second-rate traffickers in what was known as the largest smuggling case in the Fourth Division made Sawada Shigeru, who always prided himself on being an authentic samurai, extremely embarrassed.

    Since he took office, Sawada Shigeru, who basically considers himself a loyal believer in Bushido, has paid no less tribute to his subordinates who appear to be various regiments but are actually no different from several companies.  But it was all a small matter.  The big one never reaches out.

    He would never use any crooked ideas on a project like building a city wall that was the focus of the Kwantung Army Headquarters.  After all, he was about to be promoted. It was not worth it to Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru to risk his own career for a little fortune.  What's more, although the salary of the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Japanese army is extremely thin, it can even be said to be pitiful.

    But high-level military officers, especially those above major generals, earn quite a lot.  It is enough to easily enable a family to live a fairly prosperous life.  His annual salary as a lieutenant general is seven times that of a lieutenant.  Therefore, for Sawada Shigeru, it is not impossible to collect money, but it depends on the situation.

    But Sawada Shigeru did not expect that his subordinates would not be able to win over him, so they turned their attention to his family.  Regarding these abilities to win people over, these people have been obsessed with it since they were young.?The officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division living in Osaka, which has a strong business atmosphere, are extremely skilled at what they do.  It didn't take long for the adjutant who had been following the division commander for many years and had always been trusted to be dragged into the water.  He also dragged the division commander's wife and brother, the retired army captain, into the water.

    Sawada Shigeru, who couldn't continue the investigation after halfway through, had no choice but to give up the idea of ????finding it to the end.  He can't bring himself to a military court.  The boss doesn't necessarily pursue the officer's affairs too seriously.  But something happened to him, the chief officer, and I am afraid he will pursue it to the end.

    Sawada Shigeru gave up the pursuit, and the construction of the city wall was delayed again and again.  The amount of cement and other materials required for the project is increasing day by day, but the height of the city wall is not growing.

    Even when Yang Zhen had defeated the troops of the Second Division heading north and was close to Jiamusi, he did not let these guys stop.

    "I don't know if those Osaka soldiers were crazy, or if they didn't think about defending Jiamusi at all, or they thought that their opponents were incapable of defeating the Songhua River.  On the day when Yang Zhen encircled and annihilated the last remnants of the northbound troops of the Second Division led by Katayama Shozaburo, the city bricks on the half-man-high wall that had been barely built disappeared.  There was only one earth wall left, which was washed away by an autumn rain.

    Without the protection of the city wall, all the fortifications built before were blown up when Yang Zhen entered Jiamusi.  At this time, Jiamusi, with insufficient Japanese troops and could only defend key areas in the city, was as naked as a stripped-off girl.

    Not only was Li Mingrui, who had received professional special training, directly under the reconnaissance battalion, he easily broke into Jiamusi, which had almost no troops.  Even Wang Guangyu's brigade easily entered the Jiamusi city without much effort after crossing the river.

    Facing Yang Zhen's troops who were almost swarming into the city, they could only concentrate their limited forces to retreat to the division headquarters. Lieutenant General Zetian Shigeru, who had the only decent fortifications in the city around Jiamusi City, except for all the staff officers and guards of the division headquarters,  , and even the orderlies were issued with weapons to fight the opponents who had already reached the division headquarters.

    It just seemed like he was going crazy, except for a telegram every ten minutes requesting reinforcements from the Kwantung Army Headquarters.  He desperately called to his subordinates, asking them to abandon all positions and immediately move towards Jiamusi with all their strength.

    But even if the troops of the Fourth Division, which are spread from Yilan in the west to the mouth of the Songhua River in the east, have wings and can fly back to Jiamusi, it will still take time.  No matter how fast the Japanese army moves, it will take at least a day or even several days to gather the troops deployed in the form of a brigade or even a squadron.

    ¡°The trapped beast here, Sawada Shigeru, received a distress call in ten minutes, and over there, Umezu Meijiro was shocked when he received Sawada Shigeru¡¯s distress call for help.  The northward detachment of the Fourth Division, which crossed the river and went north to support the Second Division, was completely destroyed without firing a single shot.  That hateful anti-Manchu armed force not only devoured all the troops of the Second Division going north, but also crossed the Songhua River, and Jiamusi was also in danger.

    ¡° Umezu Meijiro, who knew what Jiamusi meant to the Kwantung Army, did not get as angry as before after receiving the telegram from Sawada Shigeru asking for help.  He knew that it was useless to get angry at this time. The most critical thing now was to rescue the complaining Zetian Shigeru from Jiamusi.

    Umezu Yoshijiro calmly ordered the Kwantung Army aviation force to immediately dispatch a small plane that could take off and land on the spacious boulevard in the courtyard of the Fourth Division headquarters from the nearest airport to Jiamusi, and select the best pilot.  Go to Jiamusi, which is already in danger, to pick up Lieutenant General Zetian Shigeru.

    In Umezu Meijiro¡¯s view, since the fire has burned his eyebrows, he can only treat the eyebrows first.  As for the butt, let¡¯s wait until the fire hits.

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