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Text Chapter 243 Must be dealt with seriously

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    After Yang Zhen gave the three orders to Du Kaishan Company, he said to Ma Chunsheng, who had not returned to his side and was temporarily left by Yang Zhen at the headquarters as deputy chief of staff. He stayed to assist him and said: "Old Ma, be prepared.  Go to the Third Brigade to replace Du Kaishan as the brigade commander. This bastard is still self-righteous and does not take the orders from the headquarters seriously. He goes his own way. [.Com text] If he doesn't take it seriously, he will soon climb over the headquarters. "

    "Do they really think that the Japanese army will watch our army capture Jiamusi and remain indifferent? Do they really think that the 8th, 11th and 12th Japanese divisions deployed in Mishan, Suiyang and Muling are all  Is it a display? Would the Kwantung Army prefer to watch our army capture Jiamusi, a so-called important town, instead of using these three divisions close at hand for the sake of the so-called Manchu-Soviet border security? "

    "They have repeatedly ignored the unified deployment of the headquarters and acted without authorization again and again. Do they think that the strategic vision of the headquarters is not as good as theirs? Are they all fools and idiots? This time there will be no punishment and all actions will be subject to military discipline.  Isn¡¯t it just a piece of paper?¡±

    Looking at the furious Yang Zhen, Ma Chunsheng calmly said: "Commander, don't be too angry. These three divisions of the Japanese army can indeed be said to be very close to Jiamusi, but the right to mobilize is not necessarily  In the hands of the Kwantung Army, the Japanese found themselves imaginary enemies in both the army and navy. The navy used the US Navy as its imaginary enemy, but the army had long used the Soviet Union as its imaginary enemy.

    "The deployment of these three divisions to the west of the Wusuli River was not decided by the Kwantung Army, but by its overall strategy against the Soviet Union. These three divisions plus the Second Division originally stationed in Mudanjiang and the Fourth Division stationed in Jiamusi  The divisions form a whole that supports and coordinates with each other. It is related to the overall deployment of the Japanese army in the Northeast. If the Kwantung Army wants to mobilize these three divisions, I think it must ask its headquarters. "

    "This back and forth, even if the Japanese army responds quickly, will still take at least three days. Judging from the current strength of the Japanese and puppet troops in Jiamusi, three days is enough for us to seize Jiamusi, which is now an empty city. And you  The intention is not to occupy Jiamusi for a long time, but only three days is enough to seize the supplies that the Japanese and puppet troops have stored in Jiamusi.¡±

    "From the configuration of the three Japanese divisions on the map, I can see that the 11th Division stationed in Mishan is the closest Japanese division to Jiamusi. Of these three Japanese divisions, no matter which one the Kwantung Army chooses to reinforce Jiamusi  , the 11th Division may be the first to bear the brunt. Although the Japanese troops in the Fujin area are not the main force of the 11th Division, they are part of it. "

    "And the most important thing is that the Japanese troops in Fujin are serious field troops of the 11th Division. If the third brigade goes north and cooperates with the first brigade to annihilate this Japanese detachment, it will greatly weaken the 11th Division.  The strength of going north to reinforce Jiamusi. After all, the Northeast is not their Japanese division's area, and the strength of a Japanese division is far from what they were in Japan. It is not easy to replenish troops. "

    "So Brigadier Du's idea of ??sending one force to the north ahead of the first brigade to encircle and annihilate the northward detachment of the 11th Division is not fundamentally wrong. What he should not do is ignore the opinions of the headquarters and act without orders.  Attack. This puts the overall deployment of the headquarters into a passive position."

    "Looking from the map, no matter which division the Japanese army sends north to reinforce Jiamusi, they have to pass through Baoqing and Boli. As long as we block the border area between Jiamusi and these two counties, it will not be easy for the Japanese army to reinforce Jiamusi. Baoqing  , Boli is located between Zhangguangcai Ridge and Laoye Ridge. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. We don¡¯t need to invest too much troops. We only need to hold the key points to contain the Japanese reinforcements. "

    "Compared with Baoqing and Boli counties, which are mainly mountainous, Fujin, which is a flat area in the northeast, is the area where our army must strengthen its vigilance. The terrain there is flat, which is conducive to the Japanese army taking advantage of its firepower and mechanization. Conglian  It seems that the Japanese army has significantly strengthened the weapons configuration of its standing divisions in this battle at Ekou. The fact that a fourth division has strengthened so many tanks cannot help but make us consider whether to change our tactics in the future. "

    Regarding Ma Chunsheng's analysis, Yang Zhen shook his head and said disapprovingly: "If your point of view is aimed at other armies, this analysis is quite pertinent. But for the Japanese army, it is very difficult.  Judging by conventional means. Judging from the previous battles in the pass, and even from the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese army is not the kind of army that follows the rules. "

    "The Japanese army itself is very good at roundabout operations. Although there are many mountains in Baoqing and Boli counties, it is not difficult for the Japanese army. The basic number of ammunition carried by a Japanese soldier is 120 rounds. If he carries it for more than three days  Its supply capability can even reach seven days without depot supply.¡±

    "The mountainous areas of Baoqing are now hundreds of miles of uninhabited virgin forest. Since September 18, the Japanese army has?Build various fortresses in the east, and in order to fight against the Soviet Union in the future, a large number of roads and railways were built here.  Baoqing is very close to Mishan, and each division of the Japanese army is equipped with a baggage regiment equipped with a large number of large vehicles and trucks.  Supplies are not difficult.  "

    "Even if there is no road, for the Japanese army who are good at making detours, Wanda Mountain on the Baoqing front line and Laoye Ridge in Boli are not insurmountable. It is said that we Chinese are the most hardworking nation in the world.  But the Japanese army is better than any of our armies in this regard, and its tolerance for difficult conditions is absolutely top-notch in the world.¡±

    "In the first stage of this battle, our army led a Japanese regiment into the swamp. By the time the enemy and our armies officially engaged in battle, they had been without supplies for several days, and even their hungry legs were shaking.  But the combat effectiveness is still strong. Moreover, the Japanese army¡¯s mountain combat capabilities are not necessarily inferior to ours.¡±

    "If the Japanese army really reinforces Jiamusi from the Fujin front line, I am not afraid of them. But if the Japanese army takes a detour from the rear of our army when our army attacks Jiamusi. Even if our army captures Jiamusi, there will only be one brigade of our army.  It may not be possible to defend Jiamusi.¡±

    "I transferred the third brigade into Baoqing and Boli just to allow them to capture these two counties and broaden our army's defense posture on the sides and rear. Although I did not explicitly state this plan, with the personalities of Du Kaishan and Tao Jingfei, they will not sit idly by.  The two counties didn't take action. But these two guys didn't want to eat the fat in front of them. They didn't know the superiors' intentions and insisted on grabbing what was in other people's bowls. "

    When I heard Yang Zhen talking about Du Kaishan, he expressed his hatred for the iron.  Ma Chunshan smiled and said: "Commander, it's not that they don't know that Baoqing is a piece of fat. It's just that their eyelids are wider now, and the 11th Division in Mishan can no longer satisfy their appetite.  "

    "Judging from the tactical intentions they sent, they plan to use a reinforced group led by Tao Jingfei to contain the main route of the 11th Division's northward reinforcements. Du Kaishan will lead the main force of the brigade northward, and will first sweep away Fujin and Tongjiang with Liu Changshun  The Japanese and puppet troops in the area then turned around and went south to fight against the 11th Division together with Tao Jingfei who stayed in Baoqing. This means that they don't pay attention to the 11th Division at all. "

    "I bet that the escaped Jiangshang Army warship must have slipped downstream. These two bold guys probably didn't leave the artillery behind at all, and were preparing to block the Jiangshang Army's retreat downstream according to the headquarters' orders. Otherwise,  How could a warship of several hundred tons disappear out of thin air when Wang Guangyu's department upstream only found three escaping enemy ships?

    Ma Chunsheng, who wanted to understand what these two guys were going to do, couldn't help but said with a bit of laughter and tears: "I don't know if these two are too bold or too unscrupulous. A Japanese standing division will not let go."  In my eyes, I go my own way and fight according to my own ideas. Although my intentions are good, this behavior must not be condoned. "

    "Although the war is coming and it is unfavorable to change generals before the battle, at least a punishment must be given. It is time to kill their arrogance. Commander, now the army is complacent after just a few battles. I feel that I am the best in the world.  The tendency to be number one in the world must be curbed. It is necessary for an army to have momentum, but too much arrogance is only harmful to us."

    Regarding Ma Chunsheng's thoughts, Yang Zhen nodded with approval and said: "No matter how great their contribution is, they must be dealt with seriously this time. Again, prepare yourself and go to the third brigade to take over the position of brigade commander. The political commissar of the third brigade is temporarily  He will be replaced by Guan Mingshan, director of the Brigade Political Department."

    "Discipline is discipline. Just because a certain person has great military exploits, he will not be punished if he makes a mistake. I can't control others. Military law must be like a mountain in my army. An army without iron discipline is like a pile of sand.  The army must punish those who disobey orders and enforce the law strictly.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's order, Ma Chunsheng shook his head and said: "Commander, I said that I will be punished, but not now. Since the formation of the Third Regiment, the predecessor of the Third Brigade, they have been serving as the chief military and political officers."

    "The two of them have extremely high prestige in the third brigade. It is not a good solution to replace the brigade commander and political commissar who are the military and political officers of the first brigade before the war. I am too junior, I have been in the army for less than half a year, and I have been in the army before.  He serves as the chief of staff and has no experience as a combat force officer.¡±

    "Although Guan Mingshan is senior and comes from the old Red Army, he was transferred from Guan Nei not long ago. If the two of us take over now, the army may not be convinced. If we don't handle it well, it will be self-defeating."

    "In my opinion, it is better to demote the two people. Du Kaishan is demoted to deputy brigade commander and acting brigade commander, and Tao Jingfei is appointed deputy political commissar and acting political commissar. As for other punishments, we will make plans after the war subsides."

    Regarding Ma Chunsheng¡¯s suggestion, Yang ZhenHe looked at Ma Chunsheng, who fell silent with a smile after expressing his thoughts: "Aren't you trying to protect them, are you? The dismissal of these two guys is a light thing, but your suggestion is to give them two gentle blows.  That¡¯s it, deputy brigade commander and acting brigade commander, what¡¯s the difference between this and no punishment?¡±

    Ma Chunsheng smiled and said: "Commander, I am not shielding them. When I participated in the warlord melee in the Northeast Army, I saw those who could not escape and retreated against orders. Judging from the war in the pass, isn't it the same for **  There are many people who retreat against orders, no matter how safe they are, but they still take the initiative to fight the enemy."

    "No matter what their starting point is, although this approach is not worth advocating. However, their initiative to seek war, instead of passively following the instructions of their superiors, and their proactive offensive spirit are worthy of praise. And the commander, if he really withdraws  To be honest, are you really willing to give up these two tiger generals? It¡¯s easy to get a thousand troops, but it¡¯s hard to find just one general.¡±

    Having said this, Ma Chunsheng paused and said: "Commander, this time we have captured so much equipment at the Lianjiangkou line. It would be a pity if you don't use it in this battle. With this batch of equipment, let alone the Japanese army,  You don¡¯t have to worry if you come with one division or two divisions.¡±

    When Ma Chunsheng said this, Yang Zhen remembered that he still didn¡¯t know what benefits he had gained from this battle at Lianjiang Estuary.  Just from the look on the always steady Ma Chunsheng's face when he mentioned the supplies and equipment seized at Lianjiangkou, Yang Zhen knew that this battle would probably result in a huge harvest.

    Sure enough, judging from Ma Chunsheng's report, even Yang Zhen, who had experienced the battle at Qunce Mountain, the Kwantung Army's largest secret warehouse, was surprised.  Although there were not many infantry weapons captured in this battle, there was a bumper harvest of technical equipment.  Judging from the huge amount of captured technical equipment, in order not to repeat the same mistakes, Sawada Shigeru did his best to arrange the front line of Renjiangkou into a fire hedgehog.

    The captured Japanese troops were in at least one artillery regiment, plus artillery from a heavy artillery brigade.  Judging from the number of tanks in at least several squadrons, if he hadn't made a surprise attack, he would have used poisonous gas to retaliate.  If you want to attack by force, you have to pay the price of at least one brigade of casualties.

    Sawada Shigeru, who had never thought that he would play out of common sense, went crazy and tried to increase the firepower configuration of the front line of Lianjiangkou at all costs, trying to make his head hit the front line of Lianjiangkou with bloodshed.  But it allowed him to easily obtain a large amount of equipment that was almost free of charge compared to this battle.

    In this battle alone, the Japanese captured twelve of the latest Type 96 150 howitzers and six Type 92 105mm cannons. The total number of shells for the two types of artillery was 6,000 rounds.

    As for the 75mm mountain field guns, 150mm mortars, infantry guns, and 90mm mortars, there are hundreds of them, and nearly 30,000 rounds of various artillery shells.  With so many artillery pieces and artillery shells, one cannot help but suspect that Sawada Shigeru concentrated all the artillery of the Fourth Division on the line of Lianjiangkou.

    There are also eight Type 97 tanks and 16 Type 94 and Type 95 light tanks.  Six Type 92 cavalry armored vehicles.  There are hundreds of heavy artillery tractors and more than 300 trucks of various types.  Since the Japanese troops on the front line of Lianjiangkou were also responsible for the supplies of the second division heading north, other ammunition, gasoline and other materials seized at Lianjiangkou were almost piled up.  Ammunition alone can fully meet the current needs of the troops.

    Looking at the four Type 99 105mm heavy mountain guns, the twelve Type 91 105mm field guns, and the twenty-four Type 95 75mm field guns on the list of seizures, they were among the Japanese.  Yang Zhen could not but lament that there were people in the DPRK who were easy to be officials.  The prince who once served as the commander of the Fourth Division is no longer the chief of staff, but his power is still there.

    The combat effectiveness of this fourth division was not very good, and the battle was fought in a slippery tone.  Unless they are desperate, they never fight to the end like other Japanese soldiers.  But it can always be replaced with the latest equipment as soon as possible.  As the most powerful Second Division of the Japanese army, it was also equipped with the 38 modified field artillery. However, the rubbish Fourth Division became the first batch of Kwantung Army units to be equipped with new artillery.

    You must know that the Type 99 heavy mountain artillery is a new type of mountain artillery that the Japanese army just installed this year.  As for the Type 91 105mm field artillery, the Second Division did not have any.  As for the 105mm field cannon, the Second Division is still equipped with antiques from the 4th year of Taisho.

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