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Text Chapter 238 Final preparations

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    After Li Mingrui looked at and listened to his report, his face remained calm without any wavering. Yang Zhen, who seemed not to care about these tanks at all, said with some worry: "Commander, the little devil's cavalry is not very good.  But these tanks, which are so well protected that machine guns have no effect on them, should not be underestimated."

    "I heard that during the Battle of Songhu, many troops in ** were not defeated by the Japanese army, but were overwhelmed by Japanese tanks. [.Com text] Even many troops that could resist the Japanese attack before,  They were frightened by Japanese tanks, especially the local troops who had never seen tanks before.¡±

    "You have to think of a way, but don't underestimate these more than 20 tanks. Otherwise, these tanks will cause huge casualties to our army. These tanks are always a scourge to us. Also  There are several warships on the river, although they are not large in tonnage, they are like mobile forts. "

    "But Commander, I can help you deal with those warships hanging alone on the river. Tonight I will take a company into the water and touch them quietly. I will resolve the battle in an hour and ensure that these warships are delivered to you.  But I can't do anything about the tanks. Their station is in the middle of the Little Japanese position. I tried several times last night, but I couldn't take action because the Japanese troops were too tight."

    Regarding Li Mingrui¡¯s report, Yang Zhen nodded with satisfaction.  But regarding his worries, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Don't worry, these tanks will be ours after tonight. As for the old ships of the puppet Manchuria Army, we have no air superiority, so they are living targets. We need them."  Basically useless.¡±

    Looking at Yang Zhen¡¯s confident expression, Li Mingrui scratched his head, but he didn¡¯t know that the commander had such confidence.  You know, these tanks are not that easy to deal with.  Are they all your own?  Could it be that in addition to his own reconnaissance battalion, does the commander have any other mysterious troops?

    Seeing Li Mingrui's expression of confusion, Yang Zhen smiled and did not answer him. Instead, he waved his hand and said, "Put on your gas masks and leave a company behind to lurk back to the front line of Lianjiangkou. Tell them about the movements of the Japanese troops on the front line of Lianjiangkou."  Keep an eye on me. Especially tonight, I must keep an eye on every move of the Japanese army."

    "The radio station of the company you left behind will always be on for me, and we will evacuate as soon as we receive notification from the headquarters. As for your main force, ignore the warships on the river. Your next goal is to cross the river and go south."

    "After crossing the river, you immediately secretly infiltrate Jiamusi. Half of the city wall of Jiamusi was blown up by us last time, and it has not been repaired yet. The Japanese army is empty, so with your training, there should be no big problem in infiltrating. Dong Ping  The company I lead has already arrived here with me, you go and join them immediately."

    Hearing Yang Zhen¡¯s order, Li Mingrui didn¡¯t ask why.  He believed that he should know what he should know, even if he didn't ask, the commander would tell him.  If you don't know what you are supposed to know, it is useless to ask.  The commander doesn't like people who talk too much, and he never says a word.

    Li Mingrui, who knew Yang Zhen's character, didn't say a word. After nodding heavily, he turned around and left to find his instructor.  As for who will be left behind, Li Mingrui already has an idea in his mind.  The task of infiltrating Jiamusi is not easy. Dong Ping will go south with him this time, lest there be no one to discuss it by then.

    Since neither he nor Dong Ping can stay, then Huang Dali, the old scout Youzi, will be the best candidate to stay.  Huang Dali is an old scout, although he has many problems.  But one thing no one can deny is that this guy has extremely rich experience.  Know when to persist and when to retreat.  Keeping him is a good choice.

    After Li Mingrui left, Yang Zhen looked at the sky, which was already getting darker as it was already early autumn. As the seasons changed, the days became shorter and shorter.  After pondering for a while, he did not get into the car but took the reins handed over by Xiao Huzi, got on his horse, picked up the reins and ran towards the artillery position.

    When he arrived at an extremely tight birch forest less than five kilometers away from the mouth of the Lianjiang River, Yang Zhen dismounted and walked into the woods.  Behind him, all the entourage, including Xiao Huzi, were not allowed to enter and were left outside the woods.

    Walking into the birch forest, I looked at the artillerymen who were nervously building artillery bunkers and making final adjustments to the artillery.  And under the command of a man wearing the military uniform of Yang Zhen, but his stature does not look like a Chinese, and behind him are two big-name guards, they are nervously installing fuses on these secret weapons.  , and checked the safety one by one. After a large number of poisonous gas shells were seized from the Japanese army in Guanzuizi Mountain, Yang Zhen was satisfied with the newly established two chemical company officers and soldiers who were fully equipped with chemical protective suits seized in Qunce Mountain.  nodded.

      Seeing Yang Zhen coming over, Ma Qichang, who was doing the final work on the map to once again determine the target, quickly stood up and saluted.

    In order to ensure that in this battle, the artillery could accurately drive these treasures into the Japanese positions in the shortest possible time, Yang Zhen concentrated all the forces of the two field artillery battalions on hand this time, and designated the deputy commander of the artillery and concurrently  Ma Qichang, the leader of the field artillery regiment, personally commanded.

    After Yang Zhen waved his hand to signal Ma Qichang to relax, he carefully looked at the homework on the map that he had basically completed and said: "How about it, can your artillery hit the target without anyone correcting it? Do you know  , Once these things are missed, it is not just the little devil who will be unlucky."

    In response to Yang Zhen's question, Ma Qichang said confidently: "Commander, don't worry. Since the establishment of our military base area, except for the deep mountains and old forests in the west, I have spent a whole month with my people,  Basically all the terrain on the north bank of our Songhua River has been marked on the map.¡±

    "As for the line of Lianjiangkou, which is the most important outpost of our army, it is the top priority. I have come here three times to see the terrain, and I have marked it in the most detailed way on the map. All the terrain and landforms here are here.  In my mind, I now have the most detailed Japanese defense map provided by Battalion Commander Li, and I can shoot these shells into the Japanese positions even with my eyes closed."

    "Also, Commander, although I chose the artillery position here for cover, a rocket launcher battalion was deployed to the east of this forest, in front of the Lianjiang mouth, specifically to suppress possible counterattacks from the Japanese army. At the same time,  , I built a large number of backup positions behind this forest, and I prepared to use artillery to fight guerrillas with the Japanese.

    "Also, I asked the engineering company to dig several nests behind each artillery position to hide all the artillery shells underground. At the same time, I mobilized all two engineering companies from the two artillery regiments to specialize in  With the cooperation of the chemical company, we carried the artillery shells. As you know, if these things are hit by the Japanese counterattack, we will be unlucky."

    After listening to Ma Qichang's deployment, Yang Zhen nodded with satisfaction and then said: "Have you brought all the gas masks for the artillery? If there is a shortage, you must raise it immediately. I will ask Zhang Zhenhua to draw you from the infantry immediately.  . You guys are our treasures, don¡¯t let yourself get hurt by accident.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words of concern, Ma Qichang said with a simple smile: "Commander, I have brought them all. I have personally checked twice, and all the gas masks are quite a few. It's just the shells that were added this time, plus the brigades.  The total number of mountain artillery shells belonging to the mountain artillery battalion is only 2,600, and the number of direct field artillery regiments is only 1,200. "

    "Now the troops are about to cross the river. If we need to fight a tough battle, are the artillery shells a little short? Although we only have two battalions here, we also have twenty-four field guns. On average, each gun has only  Even according to the standards of the Japanese army, this is not enough. "

    "Commander, this cannon is not like a rifle. If the rifle has no bullets, at least it still has a bayonet to resist it. Without the shells, this cannon has become an ear ornament for the deaf. We can't let these things be cultivated with so much effort.  The artillerymen, go and charge with your rifles."

    Hearing this, Yang Zhen smiled and pointed at Ma Qichang's nose and said, "Don't be greedy, kid. These shells were assembled by workers in the arsenal who risked their lives by dismantling the used shells shipped from Jiangbei and using the fuzes.  . Our own production of mountain artillery shell fuzes has always been of poor quality due to raw materials, and we have not yet been able to form large-scale production capabilities.¡±

    After that, Yang Zhen patted Ma Qichang on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, there will be bread and artillery shells. For the fuze, the arsenal is organizing manpower from experts in Jiangbei and ordnance experts transferred from the pass to assist.  As far as the progress is concerned, it is basically ready. As long as the raw materials are in place, large-scale production can be started. "

    "We not only need to produce large-scale 75mm mountain artillery shells, but also 150mm howitzer shells. However, our previous use of artillery shells was a bit too lavish. We are in the Japanese secret warehouse in Qunce Mountain  One hundred thousand rounds of artillery shells were seized, and the embers were consumed in less than a year. This can not but be said to be a waste. "

    "In addition to the tens of thousands of artillery shells consumed in daily training, only Qunce Mountain, Guanmenzuizi Mountain, and Jiangnan, plus this battle. In just a few battles, the reserve of artillery shells were consumed to embers. During the battle, they were easily  Isn¡¯t barrage shooting and coverage shooting a bit extravagant?¡±

    "Of course, this responsibility lies first with me as the commander, because I am too superstitious about artillery fire."?Powerful.  But you and Qiu Jintang should also review it carefully and come up with a revised plan.  Think about it carefully. In future battles, you must not only maximize the use of artillery fire to kill the enemy, but also pay attention to saving artillery shells.  After all, our most difficult time has not yet arrived.  "

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, Ma Qichang nodded heavily and fell silent.  The inventory of artillery shells had actually been exhausted. This was both unexpected and expected for Ma Qichang.  Before he joined the army, whether in the old Northeastern Army or the Puppet Manchukuo Army, he had never seen a commander who was so willing to put in so much effort and spend so much money to train the troops.

    The entire force does not include mortars, infantry artillery, rapid-fire artillery and other direct-fire artillery, small-caliber artillery and light artillery.  For artillery over 75 mm, there is now a direct heavy artillery battalion, a field artillery regiment, and a rocket artillery regiment. Each of the three brigades has a twelve-gun mountain artillery battalion, not counting the ones with guns and no ammunition.  Now more time is spent on operational training of the heavy artillery battalion and rocket artillery regiment.  There are only thirty-six 75-mm mountain guns in the mountain artillery battalions of three brigades, plus the thirty-six 75-mm field guns directly under the field artillery regiments, and the number of mountain field guns reaches seventy-two.

    These mountain artillery are not included in the collaborative training of infantry and artillery. The daily artillery training alone will consume more than a thousand rounds of artillery shells in one month.  Coupled with infantry and artillery collaborative training, tens of thousands of artillery shells were consumed cumulatively.  Not to mention the average army, even Marshal Zhang, who had a lot of money at that time, couldn't bear to part with this number.  When I was in the old Northeastern Army, the live-fire training for each gun was only five rounds per year.

    Although there is a shortage of artillery talents, changes in the situation require the artillery to form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time, resulting in intensive training and more live ammunition shooting.  But Ma Qichang couldn't help but be stunned by Yang Zhen's generosity.  He has never seen a commander who, in order to train the courage of the new recruits, concentrates all the artillery and uses live ammunition to blast both sides of the trench filled with new recruits.  And this kind of training, which in his opinion was just a pointless consumption of artillery shells, was not just a one-time exercise.

    The nearest explosion point of the shell fired was less than five meters away from the trench.  Only the commander dared to do such training.  An ordinary troop commander would be reluctant to part with these shells.  Second, they cannot afford the casualties caused by this kind of training.  Ma Qichang once saw with his own eyes a missed artillery shell falling into a trench, killing more than 20 recruits at once.

    However, Ma Qichang also admired Yang Zhen's courage.  After several trainings, at least those new recruits arrived on the battlefield. They were not like ordinary army recruits who had their legs go weak as soon as they heard the sound of cannons before they even went to the battlefield.  It has never happened in the army that new recruits are afraid of artillery and veterans are afraid of machine guns.

    As for the consumption during the battle, Ma Qichang had nothing to say.  As the commander of the entire army's artillery, he naturally knows the amount of artillery shells consumed in each battle.  Even the battle at Zuizishan in Guan Nei, which consumed the least amount of energy, fired nearly 10,000 shells.

    The battle to encircle and annihilate the 1st Division of the 24th and 25th Divisions in the first stage of this battle, not counting the three divisions on the northern front, only the east and west fronts combined consumed more than 40,000 artillery shells.  In addition to the detour to Jiamusi and the more than 20,000 rounds fired in the battle at Qunce Mountain.  It is normal for the base of the library to be polished.

    Looking at Ma Qichang who was deep in thought, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Okay, stop thinking nonsense. From now on, both you and the headquarters must pay attention when fighting. Don't be afraid of mistakes, as long as we can correctly understand them and correct them  That¡¯s it. Go and find Ozaki-san. Let¡¯s sit down and study the plan carefully to see if there are any omissions.¡±

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