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Text Chapter 233 Major General Katayama is at a loss

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    Five hundred kilograms of explosives is actually not much. But when concentrated at one point and detonated, the power is enough to level a large building to the ground.  [.Com text] With several loud noises, the wall of Wang Foolstun once swallowed up an entire company of the Second Regiment, forcing Ma Fengqi to be almost helpless and the wall was blown into the sky.

    In order to ensure the success of the one-time blast, Ma Fengqi took out all the explosives on hand.  Although five hundred kilograms of explosives were distributed equally to each battalion, he did not allow his three battalion commanders to distribute them equally.  According to his request, each of the three battalions selected a main tunnel and placed three hundred kilograms of explosives.  The other two tunnels were used as auxiliaries, and only one hundred kilograms of explosives were placed.

    Three hundred kilograms of explosives are obviously quite powerful.  The blasting of just one tunnel destroyed most of the wall outside Wang Shazitun.  Not only was the wall almost completely blown away by the continuous blasting, but even the Japanese troops who had resisted tenaciously on the wall were killed and injured more than half.  Less than three or four out of ten could be removed.

    The rise of the wall indicates that Colonel Sugino's resistance is about to come to an end.  Although the remaining Japanese troops experienced a brief shock, they still resisted fiercely and did not lose their resistance due to the violent explosion.  However, the remaining resistance of less than a hundred people was nothing more than a desperate struggle.  No matter how tenacious they resist, they are already helpless at this time.

    Seeing the success of the blasting, Ma Fengqi didn't bother to celebrate.  Immediately command the three companies who had already entered along the tunnel and were less than a hundred meters away from the starting position. Most of the people had switched to automatic firearms and greatly increased the number of grenades. They immediately rushed into the village along the opened gap.  The 90mm mortar company directly under the Second Regiment also moved to the village at Ma Fengqi's request to provide fire support to the attacking troops nearby.

    At this time, most houses in the Northeast are still mainly adobe houses.  Different from the outer granite wall, these adobe houses made of soil mixed with straw are simple in structure, low in cost, and have good thermal insulation properties.  But its ability to withstand blows is far less strong than that of a brick house.  Not even one of them could withstand the bombardment of a 90mm mortar shell.

    Mortars, coupled with a large number of submachine guns, speed machines, and rain of grenades, soon silenced the remaining Japanese resistance in the village.  The real street fighting lasted less than an hour, and the Japanese resistance in the village was completely collapsed.  And Colonel Sugino, who after sending a farewell message to Major General Katayama, personally led the team in the final desperate fight, was shot by more than a dozen submachine gun bullets when he and his last dozen subordinates made a final counterattack.  The rain turned into briquettes.

    Almost at the same time that the gunfire on the front line of Wang Shazitun fell completely, with the cooperation of Tao Jingfei, the brigade and regiment that launched a counterattack from the front line of Fuguitun against the enemy in front of them, under the command of the regiment commander He Zhishan, were also fighting with Ma Fengqi  He ended his war within a matter of seconds.

    Du Kaishan¡¯s estimate was correct. After repeated fierce battles with the First Regiment, the Japanese troops on the front line of Fuguitun caused a full battalion and a half of casualties to the First Regiment, but they also suffered a huge cost of casualties.  After several days of fierce fighting, when Du Kaishan chose the time to counterattack, there were indeed only two squadrons of troops with combat effectiveness left.

    After learning that the enemy group had very little remaining combat power, Yang Zhen decisively picked up the remaining independent regiment troops from Du Kaishan, formed them into companies, and transferred them to  The strength of two battalions of He Zhishan.

    In addition to replenishing enough blood as quickly as possible to the regiment that still had half a battalion of troops in hand at this time, a rocket artillery company was also allocated to the regiment from the rocket artillery regiment that had rushed to participate in the battle.

    The front line of Fuguitun is a plain area. Compared with mountainous areas, this terrain is more suitable for weapons such as rocket launchers with wide fire coverage to participate in the battle.  In order to facilitate insertion, when the regiment forcibly inserted into the front line of Fuguitun, it only carried the regiment's 90mm mortar company.

    "The 120mm heavy mortar battery and infantry artillery battery were left at the brigade headquarters and were not carried.  This is also the main reason why the regiment's blocking battle in the past few days, after Major General Katayama Shozaburo's attention shifted to Chai Shirong, was still fighting so hard when the Japanese army faced only four squadrons.

    After several days of fierce fighting, the Japanese army became accustomed to their opponents only having 90mm mortars, and thought that nothing would happen if they removed their troops from the effective range of these mortars. They were unable to prepare for this shelling.  This rocket artillery company, which was temporarily strengthened to a regiment, only fired a single salvo and destroyed half of the enemy's troops in front of the regiment.  And killed Major Hojo Tsukasa, captain of the 1st Battalion of the 29th Regiment of the Japanese Army.

    Although the Japanese resistance on the front line of Fuguitun, which had lost its command, was still fierce, its intensity did not decrease due to its heavy casualties and the death of its commander.  But as the saying goes, a good tiger cannot stop a pack of wolves.  In the face of superior troops, the firepower is not inferior to that of one's opponent.In front of them, their strength was not maintained longer than that of their comrades on the front line of Wang Fool Tun.

    ¡°If He Zhishan hadn¡¯t been too cautious and didn¡¯t want to pay unnecessary costs, he would have played very cautiously and step by step.  The Japanese troops on the front line of Fuguitun could only rely on organized field fortifications to resist, and they could not even hold on as long as their comrades on the front line of Wangshazitun.

    As early as after receiving telegrams for help from Fugui Tun and Wang Shazitun at almost the same time, and at the same time, he received a report that both of his wings had been broken through by the opponent, and that the opponent had formed an encirclement situation against him.  Whether they were facing Tao Jingfei's fierce counterattack, Major General Katayama Shozaburo, who was already beaten left and right, or Lieutenant Colonel Hattori Takushiro, they almost panicked immediately.

    After analyzing the obviously unfavorable battle situation in front of him as quickly as possible, Major General Katayama Shozaburo keenly discovered that his best choice now was to retreat immediately.  But for Major General Katayama Shozaburo, it was this analysis that put him in a dilemma.

    There is still no news about the division commander. Retreating means completely abandoning the division commander who may still have a chance of survival.  And throwing away the responsibility of a lieutenant general division commander is something he, a major general brigade commander, absolutely cannot afford.  But if he doesn't retreat, the current situation will be very detrimental to him.  If I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect myself.

    ¡°If all eight infantry brigades of the Second Division participating in the campaign were wiped out north of the Songhua River, I would not be able to bear this responsibility anyway.  After hesitating for a long time, Major General Katayama Shozaburo, who always considered himself decisive in killing, rejected Hattori Takushiro's suggestion to retreat immediately, and he no longer cared about the issue of face.

    Major General Saburo Katayama directly reported the current battle situation to the Kwantung Army Headquarters, and after truthfully reporting the disappearance of the division commander Ani Toji, he requested that at least one regiment be provided for the second division within 24 hours.  of reinforcements.  Otherwise, the Second Division will be in danger of being completely destroyed.

    After receiving a telegram from Saburo Katayama asking for help, he had not yet been attacked from the Jiamusi Field Airport. Nearly a hundred aircraft mobilized by the Kwantung Army for this operation were stored at the Jiamusi Airport. Regardless of his face, he dispatched troops from China on the Kwantung Civil War Field.  After recovering from the blow of losing all the aviation fuel and bombs that he had forcibly snatched, Umezu Yoshijiro was beaten so hard again that he slumped in his office chair and could not recover for a long time.

    The current chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Lieutenant General Iimura Jo, the deputy chief of staff, Major General Saburo Endo, the senior staff officer of the Kwantung Army, Colonel Masao Terada, and the one who had been on the bench for a long time since being transferred to the Kwantung Army, were urgently recruited.  Hattori Takushiro was sent to supervise the war, and Lieutenant Colonel Geno Nakayama, the Chief of Operations Staff who finally took office, couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the contents of this urgent telegram.

    The Second Division is a kind of army, and several people know it very well.  At present, this division, which is known as the most powerful fighting force in the Japanese army, is fighting like this.  The main force of the divisions participating in the suppression was almost completely wiped out. There were a total of four regiments and eight brigades. Now there is only one brigade left that is about to be encircled. The whereabouts of the division commander is still unknown.

    Is this unit that fought so miserably still the second division of the imperial army that has always been invincible and invincible?  Why are they not as good as the 25th Division, a little brother who was founded less than half a year ago?

    Several people were muttering here about the outcome of the Second Division. Over there, they had sworn to ensure that the opponent's commander had lost the ability to command, and the only opponents could be the Kwantung Army's intelligence chief, Takeryo Isomura, and Colonel  Colonel Okubo Shunjiro of the Special Intelligence Department looked unusually pale.

    I know that the main reason why the Second Division was defeated and ended up in such a miserable situation is that there was a big problem with my intelligence.  Obviously, the opponent successfully used feints to confuse himself.  Judging from the current battle situation, the so-called commander who vomited blood and passed out this time was obviously a trap that his opponent had set for him.

    Not only did he stupidly jump in, but he also jumped in with the second division.  This time the Second Division ended up like this. Regardless of whether the remnants could be rescued or not, the Kwantung Army needed to give the Tokyo Base Camp an explanation.  And the two culprits himself, plus Lieutenant Colonel Hattori Takushiro, are the best candidates for this explanation.

    Sure enough, just when the two of them were wondering whether General Umezu Yoshijiro would push them out, Umezu Yoshijiro's cold voice came over there: "The huge losses you two have caused to the empire due to your negligence this time, even if  You can't make up for it even if you go to court martial a hundred times."

    "For the sake of your contribution to the Empire and the Holy War, I will give you a chance to apologize in the samurai tradition. You two commit seppuku to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor. No.But as punishment, I won't allow anyone to make excuses for you.  "

    Looking at the two sharp sabers handed over by the adjutant of General Umezu Yoshijiro, the two people did not make any excuses, picked up the sabers that were about to end their lives in front of them, and silently followed the adjutant of the general to the next room.  Everything is ready for them there.

    Umezu Yoshijiro's coldness made other Japanese generals feel frightened.  The mistakes of these two people brought huge losses to the empire and the Kwantung Army. It was not unexpected in the hearts of these Japanese generals who pursued bushido that they committed seppuku.

    For these Japanese generals who pursue bushido, committing suicide to apologize is more honorable than going to a military court.  Moreover, judging from the serious mistakes made by the two men this time and the losses they have caused to the Kwantung Army so far, it may not be impossible to escape heavy punishment by going to a military court.

    But when committing seppuku, without the help of Jie Cuo, the death of the person who commits seppuku will be extremely painful.  Usually, people who commit seppuku will be pained to death while still conscious before their blood dries up.  Although they all consider themselves samurai and pursue bushido as their highest belief, for these Japanese military generals, it only means that they can ignore death.  It does not mean that they are willing to bear the great pain of death.

    ¡°If they were really allowed to feel the pain of being beaten to death without any mistake, it seems that these people would simply choose to commit suicide with a pistol.  At least that way the death would be clean and tidy and wouldn't cause too much pain.

    ??In the view of these generals, especially Lieutenant General Iimura Jo, the chief of staff who has been involved in this matter, killing is nothing more than a nod.  The disastrous defeat of the Second Division was certainly related to the misjudgment of superiors due to confusion in intelligence.

    But as the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Umezu Yoshijiro also has an unshirkable responsibility.  At least he had too much trust in Hattori Takushiro, who overstated his words, to the point of almost obeying his words, which was also an important reason for the failure of this campaign.

    Since Isomura Takeo and Okubo Shunjiro have decided to bear all their responsibilities, why do you, General Umezu Yoshijiro, have to kill them all like this?  Wouldn't giving them a quick solution better reflect your magnanimity as a commander?  It's just that Lieutenant General Iimura Rang said these words in his heart and would never dare to say them openly.

    After Isomura Takeryo and Okubo Shunjiro were led out by Umezu Yoshijiro's adjutant, they turned around and looked at the faces of everyone present, including almost all the senior figures of the Kwantung Army, with some disapproval, and even some expressions of sadness. Knowing that this  Umezu Yoshijiro, who helped the guys think about what they were thinking, said: "Everyone, the Second Division suffered such a disastrous defeat this time. It is really the heaviest blow to our Kwantung Army since its formation."

    "What kind of responsibility should I bear? I will apologize to His Majesty the Emperor and the Tokyo Base Camp afterwards. As for what kind of punishment His Majesty the Emperor will give me, I don't bother you. The most important thing right now is how to rescue the people trapped in the third  The remnants of the Second Division and the search for Lieutenant General Yasui Fujiji. Now please express your opinions."

    After Umezu Meijiro finished speaking, no one stood up to answer him for a long time.  Faced with the difficult battle situation in front of them, both Chief of Staff Iimura Rang and others were almost helpless.  Obviously, the only way to solve this endgame now is to increase troops.  And the number of troops to be increased is not a small amount.

    But now that the tension on the Manchu-Soviet border has not been completely alleviated, and the Soviet Far East Military Region still has hundreds of thousands of troops deployed on the so-called Manchu-Soviet border, everyone knows that it is almost impossible to increase troops on a large scale.  matter.  Unless the Kwantung Army dared to risk weakening the Manchu-Soviet border defenses, it would be difficult to mobilize a large number of troops to rescue the Second Division.

    Unless there are two options, one is to urgently mobilize troops from the China dispatched army in the Guan Nei area.  The other was to use the 14th Division, which had just arrived in Manchuria and served as the Kwantung Army Mobile Division, to join the battle.  It's just that these two options are not good choices for the Kwantung Army.

    Asking for help from the Japanese troops in Kwani not only requires passing through the Tokyo base camp, but also means that the Kwantung Army, which has always supported the Japanese troops in Kwani, will lose all face.  The 14th Division is currently the only mobile division of the Kwantung Army. Once problems arise again, the Kwantung Army will have no more available troops.

    Since the only other option was not a good one, everyone here who could not think of any other solution all remained silent in response to General Umezu Yoshijiro's question.  No one dared to answer this question from Umezu Yoshijiro.

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