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Text Chapter 297 Unsustainable

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    Tao Jingfei, who did not have a large number of troops, faced the Japanese army, which was under the personal supervision of Yasui Fujiji and seemed to be attacking like crazy. Although everyone's equipment was only half a pound to eighty ounces, he was still in trouble.  It even has a certain advantage in terms of fire support.  [.Com text] But Tao Jingfei had to admit that the quality of this second division was really not something that could be boasted.

    Although both sides are equipped with the same Type 38 rifles, crooked machine guns, Type 92 heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.  But in rifle shooting, or even light and heavy machine gun shooting, I basically don't get a single advantage.  The Japanese army's grenade fire was very tricky and accurate, with almost no miss.

    If it weren¡¯t for the fact that one¡¯s side had an absolute advantage in the number of automatic firearms, a large number of submachine guns and the intensive firepower of speed machines would have taken a great advantage in close combat.  Moreover, compared with the Japanese army, he also had the fire support of the 90mm mortar company of the 3rd Brigade and 9th Regiment that had been following him.

    In addition, the mountain artillery company directly under the brigade following Mu Changqiu's actions also provided artillery fire from time to time. Tao Jingfei's improvised blocking line may not be able to stop the Japanese army's crazy repeated charges.

    Tao Jingfei suffered very hard under the repeated pig-like charges launched by the Japanese army.  But compared to him who was just having a hard time, Lieutenant General Ani Fujiji at this moment can simply be described as miserable.  The troops of several main regiments were either tightly entangled by their opponents, or suffered casualties under the fierce attacks of their opponents.

    The only two infantry squadrons and one engineer squadron left around them not only failed to break through the opponent's defense line after several attacks, but also used almost no ammunition consumption against the opponent. They could even use raindrops of mortar shells and numerous light and heavy machine gun-intensive attacks.  Under the fire attack, except for one squadron that was held in the hand and dared not move, the rest were almost completely lost in just over an hour.

    Looking at the few troops left on hand, and then looking at the blocking positions of the opponent facing dense rain of bullets, and from the area where the attack was launched to the opponent's position, almost all the way was covered with the corpses of the dead and people unable to withdraw.  , the wounded who could only groan in pain in front of the enemy's position, Yasui Toji's heart became colder and colder.  He knew that his efforts to open a retreat route for the entire army had failed.

    Listening to the urgent call of Major General Shozaburo Katayama on the other side of the radio, after a fierce battle in the middle of the night and less than a day, Toji Yasui, who had suddenly become much older due to the heavy casualties of the Second Division, waved his hand and signaled.  The signal soldier immediately turned off the radio.

    Seeing Toji Yasui's actions, Colonel Baird, the only captain of the 30th regiment who was still with him among the division commanders, said softly: "Your Excellency, division commander, judging from the opponent's firepower and troop deployment,  Look, if we continue to fight, all our strength will be exhausted. Please see if we can concentrate on the remaining strength and turn to the west Helihe line to break out. The opponent's defense force there is weaker. "

    "As long as we can rush out, turn south, and cross the swamps along the Nada River at the Wynn line, we can join Major General Katayama's troops. As long as we cross the Nada River, we will be safe."

    After hearing Colonel Bader's suggestion, Toji Yasui glanced at him and said with a somewhat dissatisfied tone: "We turn west, what about the rest of the troops who are still fighting the opponent at this time? Should we just give up and ignore them?"  ? To abandon our allies and subordinates like this, is this what the Imperial Japanese Army should do?"

    Regarding the words of Anjing Fujiji, Bird shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, division commander, it's not that we ignore them, it's actually that we can't protect ourselves now. We have also tried hard, but you have seen the result. They are now being  The opponent is so entangled that we can't even retreat, let alone break out."

    "You can now ask several regiments how many fighting troops they have on hand? From the fierce battle last night to this morning, the blood of each regiment has been almost exhausted. We can't rescue too many soldiers even if we hold on.  Troops. General, I know that you love your soldiers as much as your own. But the current situation is extremely unfavorable to us."

    "How far away are you listening to the gunshots behind us? The opponent's pursuers are now very close to us. And there are only two engineering teams behind us blocking the attack. How long can such a small force block the pursuers?  , as the division commander, you should know."

    "Once we delay and the pursuers arrive, we will be attacked from both sides. The death of Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi has set a precedent for the first division commander of the Imperial Army to die on the battlefield. You cannot let the second  The division is repeating the same mistakes and becoming the laughing stock of others.¡±

    Having said this, Colonel Bader waved his hands to several guards around him, and regardless of Lieutenant General Ani Fujiji's struggle, he forcibly lifted him up.  Colonel Bader didn't care whether Anjing Toji would deal with him after he returned.  What he knows now is that if he doesn't run away, he will be chased byWhen the opponents behind him surround him, he really can't escape.

    Determined, Colonel Bird led the remaining troops and seized the moment when Tao Jingfei was adjusting his deployment due to casualties. He turned west and tore a large hole in the western front position defended by only one platoon. He discarded all the baggage and wounded along the way.  Running away.

    Tao Jingfei did not expect that the Japanese army would break out to the west. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.  At this time, Colonel Bai De, with a patchwork of less than a squadron of troops, forcibly held Anjing Toji up and disappeared without a trace.  Tao Jingfei, who was in a hurry and unable to take precautions, only caught some of the tails who stayed behind to block the pursuers.

    Tao Jingfei, who was tricked by Colonel Bird and didn't know that one of the escaped Japanese soldiers was General Shi Xianxian, was the only one who spoke after interrogating the prisoners he captured. After learning the truth, Tao Jingfei was so regretful that he was almost killed.  Bite your own tongue off.  If he had known that the previous Japanese offensive was personally directed by the commander of the Second Division, Anjing Toji, Tao Jingfei would have launched a counterattack without hesitation.  Even if you can't catch anyone alive, even if you are dead.

    Tao Jingfei felt depressed when he thought that this old guy, Toji Anjing, had slipped away from him for the second time.  The first time Mu Changqiu took over the headquarters of the Second Division, and although he killed the Chief of Staff of the Second Division, the old guy ran away because of the stubborn resistance of the opponent's guard troops.

    But this time, when the main force was about to encircle him, this old guy still escaped from under his nose. Tao Jingfei, who almost made himself angry to death, saw that dozens of people were struggling for their lives and injured many of them.  They captured their soldiers, so the Japanese prisoners of war who were tied up were angry.

    ¡°If these guys hadn¡¯t refused to speak, that damn old bastard wouldn¡¯t have been able to escape.  If it weren't for his status as political commissar, Tao Jingfei, who was in an extremely angry situation, almost didn't take out his gun and killed all the prisoners.

    Tao Jingfei, who had run away the biggest fish in the entire General Shixian, originally wanted to grab food from Mu Changqiu, but took it out on the 29th Regiment, which was entangled with the Eighth Regiment.  But Yang Zhen's telegram to block the Japanese army's retreat on the spot and block possible Japanese reinforcements could only make him stay.

    Tao Jingfei was depressed because Toji Yasui ran away.  Later, when he arrived with the main force of the Seventh Regiment, he found that Du Kaishan, who had nothing to do, was even more upset.  Seeing that General Shixian no longer had any room for his participation, Du Kaishan turned his attention directly to Wang Guangyu, who was fighting fiercely with the Japanese outflanking troops at the junction of Tangyuan and Heli, and planned to grab food from Wang Guangyu.

    As for Mu Changqiu¡¯s two squadrons who were still resisting, in his opinion, they were just a piece of cake and really did not attract his interest.  It was just the commander's order for the third brigade to switch to defense on the spot, which made him a little afraid to act rashly.

    If you tactically disobey your superiors¡¯ orders, as long as you don¡¯t run away, the commander may not pursue him.  But in terms of strategy, you violated the rules and changed the battle plan without authorization, which affected the unified deployment of your superiors. If the commander knew about this, a scolding would be an irritation.

    ¡°It¡¯s just that I¡¯m not willing to let him just watch here.  After the main force of the Seventh Regiment went south to join the troops led by the political commissar, in addition to Mu Changqiu who was still fighting fiercely with the remnants of the 29th Regiment, there was now another regiment on hand, which obviously gave Du Kaishan a lot of confidence.

    Despite some hesitation, this guy kept encouraging Tao Jingfei to go south to compete with Wang Guangyu for food.  In his opinion, as long as his political commissar agrees to bear this responsibility with him, at least the commander will be merciful when punishing him.  The commander can't withdraw the military and political officers together.

    Tao Jingfei was indeed a little moved by this guy's encouragement.  However, although he was still depressed because Toji Anjing ran away from under his nose, Tao Jingfei's head was at least sober.  There is still some hesitation about disobeying orders from superiors.  Because he is a political commissar, once the superiors investigate this matter, his punishment will probably be higher than Du Kaishan.

    It¡¯s just that the bait thrown out by Du Kaishan really made him a little tempted.  Toji Yasui only has so many troops at hand, where can he run?  It's not yet time to meet up with Shozaburo Katayama.  As long as we take a shortcut and hit the flanks of the front-line Japanese troops in Fuguitun, Xihe, we may be able to catch the fish that has slipped away again.

    After receiving a telegram from Tao Jingfei's Anjing Toji who broke out to the west and asked for punishment, he didn't know that Tao Jingfei was instigated by Du Kaishan at this time. Yang Zhen, who was hesitating, smiled and didn't care.  A commander who had lost all his subordinates, so what if he ran away?  According to the current progress of the battle in General Shixian, although the fight is very difficult, it is basically certain that the battle can be resolved before midnight.

    After the Second Brigade of the Thirty Regiment took the lead in wiping out the entire army, the Seventh Regiment with Du Kaishan fought in the middle of the night and nearly a day.After the war, the remaining one and a half squadrons of the 16th Regiment of the Japanese Army were successfully resolved before being ordered to go south, killing their captain Shigesaburo Miyazaki.  Although the few remaining troops are still resisting, they can no longer reverse the overall situation.

    With the fire support of a battalion from the Field Artillery Regiment directly under the military region, Liu Changshun's place was basically done.  The remaining Japanese troops, less than a squadron, were tightly surrounded by Liu Changshun's battalion with firepower.  If Liu Changshun hadn't been transferred to a battalion to replace Du Kaishan, who had actually ended the battle and ordered the entire brigade to move south, the remaining strength of the Fourth Regiment would have been wiped out long ago.

    Two hours after the remaining troops of the 30th Regiment broke through, only the remnants of the 29th Regiment who were still fighting Mu Changqiu in the fierce battle with General Shixian were left.  Although the remaining two squadrons of the 29th Regiment are still resisting tenaciously, anyone who is not blind can see that their destruction is only a matter of time.

    Yang Zhen can be sure that even if Anjing Toji runs back to Jiamusi, it is unlikely that he will be able to lead troops again in the future.  It is estimated that according to the custom of the Japanese army, they will give this guy a casual job and send him home after recuperation.  The significance of the Second Division to the Japanese army is self-evident.  Not counting Major General Katayama Shozaburo who is still entangled with Wang Guangyu.  The loss of General Shixian alone was enough for the Tokyo base camp to give him a free return ticket.

    Seeing that Yang Zhen didn't care about Ani Toji's running away, he had already joined him. Guo Bingxun, who was marking the progress of each department on the map, pondered for a moment and said: "Commander, this Ani Toji has escaped, and the rest of the Japanese army is now  Du Kaishan's move to force his way south from the Japanese army's formation was meaningless. "

    "After he reunited with Tao Jingfei, he should have one regiment of troops on hand now, not counting Mu Changqiu's 1st Regiment, which is still fighting fiercely with the remnants of the 29th Regiment. Such a large number of troops cannot sit idle.  I wonder if we should let them assume a posture of going south and scare Major General Katayama Shozaburo into retreating without a fight."

    Speaking of this, Guo Bingxun hesitated for a moment and then said: "Commander, we are now exhausted. I just made a rough calculation. Not counting Wang Guangyu's side, in the battle last night and today, Liu  Changshun's remaining regiment suffered nearly half casualties, and Du Kaishan's third brigade suffered more than one-third casualties. "

    "This is the casualty number of the military field troops. The latest casualty figures for the 1st and 3rd divisions that are fighting fierce battles with the Japanese 11th Division and 25th Division have not yet been calculated. The 3rd division is fine, but according to Chen Hanzhang  Judging from yesterday's telegram, after our army launched a full-scale counterattack, a detachment of the Japanese 11th Division crossing the river from Fujin clearly strengthened its offensive. "

    "Chen Hanzhang only has one divisional basic regiment, plus the troops of the two county brigades of Luobei and Suibin. Although the number of troops is not much different from the detachment of the 11th Division, the quality is incomparable. Several days of fierce fighting  At the end of the day, two-thirds of the core regiment of the Third Division has been killed. Now, in order to supplement the strength of the Third Division, the commander-in-chief has even transferred the guard battalion of the Northeast Bureau to the Third Division. "

    "This is only the number of casualties, and the consumption of materials has not been included. Now two-thirds of the ammunition in stock, especially artillery shells of various calibers, has been consumed. In addition to the arsenal currently seizing the time to produce more mortar shells,  The rest of the artillery shells are already being dug up, using our last reserves."

    "Especially now that the 75mm mountain artillery shells that we cannot produce for the time being are almost consumed, and the total inventory is less than 200 rounds. Although the inventory of 107 rocket artillery shells is slightly more, it is also less than a thousand rounds.  After several consecutive wars, our material losses were too great.¡±

    "Since the troops of the Second Division destroyed almost all the weapons and ammunition before the entire army was destroyed, our seizures during the battle with the Second Division were almost zero. Except for the ones captured from Mu Changqiu  In addition to more than a thousand 75mm field artillery shells, the remaining ammunition and equipment seized were far less than the consumption. "

    "Compared with the consumption of ammunition, the most difficult thing now is the replenishment of soldiers. In addition to the only independent regiment that can be used as supplementary soldiers, as well as the small number of Puppet Manchukuo prisoners whose reliability is much worse, we now have  We no longer have any additional troops. Commander, we are now unsustainable. I think the next stage is to focus on deterrence."

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