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    Du Ziqi went crazy, ignoring the intensive Japanese firepower that was already within reach, and advanced the heavy mortar company directly under the Seventh Regiment to a distance of less than 200 meters from the Japanese forward position. When his mortar was fired, the barrel  Almost a ninety-degree right angle has been formed.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    For a 60mm mortar that is mobile and is purely infantry support firepower, it is normal to be so close to the enemy.  However, if the relatively bulky 120mm mortars, which are suppressive artillery, are deployed on the front-line positions, it means that this unit is going crazy.  They didn't even care whether the cannonballs fired at almost a right angle would fall on them.

    " Du Ziqi's heavy mortars that were not suitable for front-line deployment were all sent to the front line, and Lei Wanchun, the commander of the 90mm mortar company directly under the Seventh Regiment over there, did not dare to delay.  His six 90mm mortars also rushed to the front line and formed two mobile artillery groups with Du Ziqi.

    After discussion, the two people decided to change their previous habit of allocating tasks according to range, and instead adopted the tactic of division of labor and cooperation.  Lei Wanchun's 90mm mortars suppressed the Japanese front-line positions, while Du Ziqi's 120mm mortar company focused on the Japanese front-line infantry artillery, rapid-fire artillery, and even its mountain artillery squadron.  body.

    In fact, the leading battalion of the Seventh Regiment was almost completely wiped out at this time, which made Du Kaishan's eyes red with distress.  However, the Third Battalion of the 16th Regiment of the Japanese Second Division, which was confronting the Third Brigade and the Seventh Regiment, did not fare much better.  Although the leading battalion of the Seventh Regiment was crippled, the Third Battalion also suffered heavy losses.  After an hour of fierce fighting, the strength of one brigade was scattered and scattered, and even two squadrons could not gather together.

    Among them, in a hand-to-hand battle between the 1st Squadron of the 3rd Battalion and the 2nd Company of the 7th Regiment's vanguard battalion that broke into their position, despite relying on strong individual combat capabilities and almost suicidal counterattack tactics, they defeated the opponent who broke into their position.  Disabled and kicked out.

    But after the battle, although the squadron repelled the opponent, it was also hit by a large number of automatic firearms equipped by the opponent. Even the wounded were added together, and there were only less than twenty people left. Not even a small squadron was left.  Not enough.  The squadron leader and all squad leaders were all killed in the battle, and no one survived.  Major Nishikawa Shido, captain of the Third Battalion who personally supervised the battle, also lost his command ability due to serious injuries.

    Faced with huge casualties, the commander of the regiment, Shigesaburo Miyazaki, also felt miserable.  The 16th Regiment now only has one and a half infantry groups on hand, with a total strength of only six infantry squadrons.  Half the force was lost within an hour.  The losses were not only combat soldiers, but also various equipment.

    The total number of light and heavy machine guns is less than one-third of what it was before.  Although the artillery squadron of the regiment inflicted heavy losses on the opponent's artillery in the previous artillery battle, it also lost half of its artillery.  There are only two of the four Type 41 mountain guns left.  The most important thing is that there are not many shells left.

    ??At this rate of loss, we will continue to fight.  It didn't take long. The opponent launched two more similar charges and the 16th Regiment was completely wiped out.  After much hesitation, Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki still picked up the phone and wanted to report the situation of the 16th Regiment to the Division Commander. He hoped that the Division Commander could at least send some reinforcements to the 16th Regiment, or agree to the 16th Regiment.  The alliance shrinks its defense line.  The opponent has a large number of troops, but the 16th Regiment cannot afford to sustain such casualties.

    But when he picked up the phone, he was frustrated to find that the call would not go through no matter what.  Before Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki, who was furious because of the phone interruption, called in the communications troops, the sound of gunfire that had subsided less than ten minutes resounded through the night sky again.

    Knowing that his opponent was launching another attack, Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki could only put down the damn phone and didn't know what was wrong with the phone. He raised his binoculars and looked at the snow-white battlefield illuminated by flares fired by both the enemy and ourselves.  But the more he looked, the colder his heart became.

    The huge casualties made Du Kaishan calm down, and he changed his previous head-on tactics.  Instead, small-scale, multi-angle, multi-batches, and large quantities were adopted under the cover of artillery, focusing on company- and platoon-scale raids with strengthened machine guns.  At the same time, a force was roaming around the perimeter, like a vulture. As long as it found a weakness in the Japanese defense, it would rush up and take a bite.

    Du Kaishan no longer focused on breaking through and capturing Japanese positions, but adopted tactics that combined large-scale penetration with short assaults. On the one hand, his main goal was to kill the effective forces of the Japanese army and continuously bleed the Japanese army.  In various ways, the Japanese army's already weak flesh and blood was weakened.

    On the other hand, they tried their best to drive nails into the Japanese positions.  However, the Japanese army found that once a nail was drilled by their opponent, they had to deal with attacks from other aspects, and it was difficult to concentrate their forces to pull out the nail.  And these nails that he drove in one after another, with the continuous investment of troops, gradually eroded the position of the 16th Regiment from point to point.

    Du KaiThis tactic of Shan not only greatly reduced the subsequent casualties, but also made Shigesaburo Miyazaki very anxious.  Can the 16th Regiment, which is suffering from serious blood loss, tolerate such a nubuck style of play?  In order to maintain the stability of the front-line position, Shigesaburo Miyazaki sent out all non-combatants such as the baggage squadron of the 16th Regiment.  But even so, the frontline positions are still in crisis one after another.

    After an hour of shocking and bloody battles, Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki, who had lost too much blood, could not even be described as being overwhelmed by Du Kaishan's new tactics. He was completely helpless.  With the phone out of reach, the helpless Shigesaburo Miyazaki could only activate Fujiji Yasui's repeated request to use the phone as much as possible for all communications, and not to use it lightly, so as not to expose the location of the respective command headquarters.

    After receiving a telegram from Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki to add at least two squadrons of reinforcements to the 16th Regiment, or to request a retreat, Toji Yasui was unequivocal and called him back in the shortest possible time: "We are currently under attack from the entire front of the opponent.  , The division now has no troops to send. The battle is not yet fully clear, so the 16th Regiment must hold on until dawn before making plans."

    Looking at the contents of the telegram, Shigesaburo Miyazaki's face instantly turned pale.  What Toji Yasui meant was obvious. There were no reinforcements at all. As for retreat, at least not now.  At least until daybreak, it depends on the situation.

    This telegram from Toji Ani made Miyazaki Shigesaburo's heart suddenly become extremely cold.  Let's first talk about whether the situation will change after dawn. It is still unclear whether the 16th Regiment can hold on until dawn with the troops that it can barely scrape together.

    Several hours of fierce fighting made Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki doubt for the first time the combat effectiveness of the Second Division, which he had always been confident in and considered invincible.  In his mind, even if his troops were at an absolute disadvantage, his sixteenth regiment could still defeat ten with one.  But tonight's battle was fought with equal strength, and both sides suffered losses.

    In the past, Shigesaburo Miyazaki naturally didn't care about this casualty figure.  His sixteenth regiment had thousands of people, and a lot of casualties were caused by the brigade. At most, the pressure was a bit high, and the rest naturally didn't care.  But now, in addition to the first battalion of the 16th Regiment staying in Mudanjiang, a squadron is now on the front line in Fuguitun with troops transferred from other regiments.  And two more squadrons were transferred from Katayama Shozaburo.

    For the 16th Regiment, which now has only one and a half brigades and a total strength of no more than six squadrons, the number of casualties of nearly one brigade, accounting for more than half of the total strength, is overwhelming and unsustainable.  The fight can no longer be fought.  To retreat, but unable to retreat, Shigesaburo Miyazaki wanted to fight but could not, wanted to leave but did not dare, and was in a dilemma.

    Although he had been prepared for the opponent's combat effectiveness before, Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki did not expect that the opponent's combat effectiveness was so strong, especially his fighting will, which he had never seen in other squadrons.  In a one-on-one confrontation, he was able to wipe out almost all of his squadron.

    Colonel Shigesaburo Miyazaki was restless here, but Du Kaishan, who was attacking over there, was also in trouble.  The sky was about to dawn. Although a lot of blood was shed to the 16th Regiment, after a fierce battle in the middle of the night, they still could not defeat the enemy in front of them.  After daybreak, under the attack of Japanese ground and air fire, the casualties of this unit may be even greater.

    What worried him even more was that the outflanking force led by Tao Jingfei, who was supposed to arrive at the designated location at midnight yesterday, was about to get light, but there was still no news at all.  There was no sound at all from the Japanese flank where gunfire should have sounded.  What happened to Tao Jingfei? Several hours had passed and he still couldn't reach the designated attack position. This made Du Kaishan very worried.

    It¡¯s not just Du Kaishan who is worried. Guo Bingxun, who has been observing the battle situation in Du Kaishan¡¯s command post, has been frowning because the roundabout troops have not been able to start.  I tried to get in touch several times but never received a reply.

    While Guo Bingxun and Du Kaishan had been worrying about the roundabout troops who had lost contact, Tao Jingfei, who was leading the roundabout troops, was looking at the map and looking coldly at the commander of the leading company.  The reason why the roundabout troops led by Tao Jingfei never arrived at the designated location is simple because they were lost.

    In order to ensure that the roundabout operation would not be noticed by the Japanese scouts, before setting off in the roundabout, Tao Jingfei strictly ordered not to mention flares and torches, and not even a flashlight except occasionally.  Because of the smear campaign, the result was that the commander of the leading company took the wrong route, missed the designated attack point, and brought the troops to a place nearly ten kilometers south of the original position.

    The follow-up troops followed the front troops, and not only did most of the troops move to the wrong position.  There is also a mountain artillery battalion directly under the battalion and brigade, plus two heavy machine gun and heavy mortar companies of the Eighth Regiment that have fallen out of the team.??I don't know where I went.

    Looking at the commander of the leading company who looked ashamed and didn¡¯t know where to place his hands, Tao Jingfei also calmed down.  He knew that even if he evacuated this guy, he wouldn't be able to recover the lost hours.  The only thing I can do now is to figure out how to recover this loss.

    Listening to the faint sound of gunfire coming from the north, and looking at the sky that was gradually beginning to lighten, Tao Jingfei gritted his teeth and said to the only regiment commander around him, the ninth regiment commander Chi Feng: "I can't catch up if I go back now. In this way,  You and I each take a battalion and press forward in a straight line towards the Japanese position in the west. "

    Chi Feng looked at the sky and said: "Political Commissar, should we wait until the Eighth Regiment arrives? We missed the attack point, and the enemy situation in front of us is unclear. Is it dangerous to attack rashly? We only have two battalions of troops on hand now.  , the mountain artillery battalion has also been separated. There is no absolute advantage in strength or firepower. "

    After Tao Jingfei looked at the pointer on his watch that was already pointing to five o'clock, he shook his head and said, "It's too late. I don't know where the Eighth Regiment has gone, and I don't know when it will arrive. We can't wait any longer. If we don't attack now,  Get involved with the Japanese troops as soon as possible. When the Japanese aviation forces are dispatched at dawn, we will pay a higher price. As for the Eighth Regiment, they will come after hearing the sound of gunfire. "

    After that, Tao Jingfei pointed at the map and said: "You and I will each lead a battalion and move directly towards the Japanese positions on the western front. The brigade commander has already started fighting. Judging from the combat effectiveness of the second division, if we delay  Action, the Seventh Regiment will pay more.¡±

    Tao Jingfei made up his mind to press directly towards the Junde front line, but the battalion of the Eighth Regiment led by Mu Changqiu, the commander of the Eighth Regiment who had separated from him there, and other separated troops fought ahead of them.  After discovering that he was separated from the main force led by the political commissar, Mu Changqiu did not hesitate to command a battalion on hand to use it as an attack point and sweep westward without knowing where the main force had gone.

    In fact, Mu Changqiu did not know that his current location was less than five miles east of the main firing position of the Second Division Artillery Regiment.  In front of them, there was only one squadron from the second division's baggage regiment serving as guard for the artillery. This meant that there was almost no regular Japanese defense between them and the second division's artillery positions.

    Mu Changqiu¡¯s move caught the Japanese army almost off guard.  Facing the opponent that suddenly appeared in front of them, this heavy supply squadron faced it without fear.  However, except for a heavy machine gun that was blown up at the beginning of the battle, this heavy equipment squadron, which had almost no heavy weapons, suffered heavy casualties as soon as the confrontation came under the intensive firepower of the opponent's two heavy machine gun companies.

    Mu Changqiu couldn't help but be overjoyed after receiving the report that the vanguard company had discovered the Japanese artillery position.  Compared with a heavy equipment squadron, the Japanese artillery regiment was placed in front of him like a ripe fruit.  Mu Changqiu immediately adjusted his deployment without hesitation. In addition to using a company of troops under the cover of a heavy machine gun company to engage in a fierce battle with the desperate resistance squadron, he devoted all the remaining troops to attacking the Japanese artillery positions.  on the fight.

    In order to get rid of the Japanese artillery as soon as possible, Mu Changqiu invested all the troops at hand.  Although the Japanese artillery resisted desperately, they blew up the artillery as quickly as possible to prevent these cannons from falling into the hands of their opponents.

    Except for a small number of rifles, most of the Japanese artillerymen were equipped with pistols. Although the resistance of the Japanese artillery was very tenacious.  However, they were quickly defeated in front of an opponent with a large number of automatic firearms.  The resistance of these Japanese artillery units was defeated in the shortest possible time.  Except for a small number of Japanese artillerymen who escaped, most of them were killed.

    Although some of the twenty-four mountain field guns equipped by him were blown up by the dying Japanese artillery, most of the field guns fell into the hands of Mu Changqiu intact.  Although the Second Division, which had lost the cover of artillery fire, still resisted strongly, it was like a tiger with its claws pulled out, and it could only struggle in vain.

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