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Text Chapter 277 The final madness of the 40th Regiment

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    After watching through the telescope how Komatsuzaki Rikio set the seriously wounded and the extra weapons on fire at the same time, Liu Changshun, who had seen such crazy Japanese troops for the first time, shook his head slightly. He didn't know how to express his displeasure.  The perception of the scene happening before my eyes.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    ???????????Is this move of the Japanese army crazy or an innate bestiality?  But it was something he couldn't say.  Beside him, Wang Xiaoming, who was also seeing this crazy behavior of the Japanese army for the first time, also didn't know how to evaluate this move of the Japanese army.  The two people who had just had a heated discussion about the war were now surprisingly silent.

    Not that they had much sympathy for these two-legged beasts, but they did not expect that these Japanese soldiers were cruel to the Chinese and would also do the same to their own compatriots.  Although the seriously injured people who were thrown into the fire and burned alive by them had lost the ability to move, they were still their compatriots.  They can really do it.

    It¡¯s just that the two people¡¯s sigh didn¡¯t last long before it was interrupted.  Matsuzaki Rikio's desperate struggle and almost missed his counterattack made the two of them secretly sigh that they were the ace unit of the Japanese army. In the current desperate situation, they were still able to fight their own counterattack.  And the attack power can be so sharp.

    Liu Changshun would not be polite to accept the offer of Rikio Komatsuzaki who came to his door for a beating.  He did not mobilize troops to reinforce the two companies of the first brigade on the front. Instead, he ordered them to retreat a hundred meters back to the second-line position. After blocking the Japanese follow-up with firepower, he directly attacked the headquarters artillery assigned to him.  Let Ma Qichang fire a volley towards the front.

    Seeing that the two companies that his opponent had been stabbing at his heart were being beaten back by his own counterattacks, Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio, who seemed to have hope of a successful breakout, was about to follow up, trying to defeat the two infantry companies of his opponent in one fell swoop, giving  When you open a way to break out.  A burst of artillery shells fell from the sky, covering him and his remaining men firmly on the position vacated by the two companies of the first brigade.

    ¡°I never thought that my opponent would fire at night, when the distance between the enemy and ourselves was less than 100 meters, and the unprepared Matsuzaki Rikio and his men were blown to pieces.  After the bombardment ended, Komatsuzaki Rikio sadly discovered that his remaining troops were less than a quarter due to the unexpected bombardment by his opponents.  In other words, the remaining three-quarters were all blown up into the sky.

    Matsuzaki Rikio, who had lost almost all his troops in one fell swoop, saw his opponent who had been beaten by him just retreating and now surrounded his opponent. He gritted his teeth, picked up his rifle and took the lead in facing them.  When the subordinates behind him saw their commander rushing forward, they rushed forward without any fear to face the opponent who had an absolute advantage at this time.

    Matsuzaki Rikio wants to end his life in a hand-to-hand fight, but it depends on whether his opponent gives him this opportunity.  When Rikio Matsuzaki managed to get within fifty meters of the opponent with his remaining strength, a batch of grenades suddenly flew out of the opponent's formation and hit the Japanese troops who launched the final decisive charge.  .

    When the smoke from the grenade explosion dissipated, the light machine gun and submachine gun in the opponent's hands fired almost at the same time.  The dense rain of bullets turned the last few dozen Japanese soldiers who tried to follow their commanders into a final charge into honeycomb.

    Fortunately, he escaped the artillery fire, and he was lucky enough to escape the grenade explosion. When he rushed to less than thirty meters away from his opponent, Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio's good luck finally came to an end.  The opponent's dense submachine gun bullets hit him head-on, and the first one hit him into a sieve.

    Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio, who was unwilling to give up, could almost be said to be stubborn, stared at the opponent who was already close at hand with his eyes that had lost their former luster, unwilling to close his eyes for life and death.

    However, his opponent didn't care whether he could close his eyes or not. After seeing the rank of Colonel on his collar badge, he felt regretful that the credit he had received was gone, took off his collar badge, pistol, and saber, and  Without giving him special treatment, he and his troops were collectively thrown into a big pit and buried together.

    The fighting on General Shishan's front line completely subsided with the destruction of the entire army of the 40th Regiment.  After the fighting here ended, Yang Zhen rejected Guo Bingxun's suggestion to go north for reinforcements. Instead, he ordered Wang Guangyu's brigade to return to the Xingshan area to rest and recuperate, while Liu Changshun's troops immediately went south to recover various places occupied by the Japanese army.

    After receiving the order, Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming led their troops to immediately go south, and successively recovered Tangyuan County, which they had voluntarily abandoned before, and various important towns in the southern part of Tangyuan County.  And small groups of troops crossed the Songhua River from time to time to launch tentative attacks on the south bank.

    In fact, when he received Guo Bingxun's suggestion to go north for reinforcements, Yang Zhen had already launched an offensive across the entire 22nd Regiment.  After the battle against General Shi's front line was over, Yang Zhen could rest assured that he wouldThey had previously stayed at the Heli front line, and several independent regiments that had been prepared to go south for reinforcements at any time were transferred eastward.  The purpose of Yang Zhen's transfer of several independent regiments to the front line of birch tubes was very simple. He had not eaten for two days and had almost run out of clean drinking water. Now he was hungry and cold.  Team practice.

    Chai Shirong and Wang Ruqi's midnight offensive, although not satisfactory, failed to defeat the main force of the 22nd Regiment in one fell swoop.  In particular, the progress of Chai Shirong, who is responsible for flanking detours, is not as great as that of Wang Ruqi, who is on the front.  However, after a fierce battle in the middle of the night, the 22nd Regiment was still compressed before dawn into a small area of ??less than 500 meters long from east to west and less than 200 meters wide from north to south.

    "If the fat Colonel Nishi Ojo didn't want to be driven back to the mud pit in the swamp, he could only stick to this small area and wait for the reinforcements who didn't know when they would arrive.  But he had no idea when reinforcements would arrive.

    That damn swamp swallowed up not only his artillery and heavy weapons, but also backup radios.  Several radio stations of the 22nd Regiment were either damaged by water or had to be thrown away.  In the fierce battle last night, the only remaining radio station of the 22nd Regiment was reduced to parts by a mortar shell from the opponent along with the communications troops.  With no means of communication and all contact with his superiors, Lieutenant General Bo may not even know where he is now.

    He had lost contact with the division headquarters for a long time. He didn't know that Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi and the 24th Division Headquarters had already returned to the embrace of Amaterasu. Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo was still looking forward to Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi.  Rescue yourself and the 22nd Regiment as soon as possible.

    The commander of the army, except for occasionally sending planes over to drop orders to urge him to speed up, has no actual support.  Compressed in a small area and almost unable to move, the fat Colonel Nishi Ojo held in his hand the code book that had just been airdropped that could directly communicate with the military headquarters and another order urging him to move forward. He couldn't laugh or cry.  Now that I don't even have a radio station, what's the use of this code book?  Couldn't it be used to make a fire?

    In the opinion of Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo, this code book is not as good as a few rice balls dropped by air to solve the urgent needs of the 22nd Regiment.  This unit has been out of water and rice for two days and two nights. If we continue to fight like this, we will not get supplies.  Without an opponent to attack, the 22nd Regiment would be starved to death even if they were hungry.

    Regarding the current situation, the excitement of walking out of the swamp, being able to appear on the opponent's flank as a surprise force, cooperating with the main force of the division fighting head-on, defeating the opponent in one fell swoop and making the first contribution to this battle is no longer there.  Now that he lacks everything and can neither walk nor fight, Nishi Ojo, the fat colonel, is almost at a loss.

    It¡¯s not that he hasn¡¯t thought about breaking out, it¡¯s just that although his opponent¡¯s fighting ability is not strong, he can¡¯t get rid of his stubborn persistence.  There was a fierce battle in the middle of the night last night. Not only was he unable to escape his opponent's entanglement, but he was surrounded by his opponents who were outnumbered.

    He took the kettle handed over by the guard and took a swig of water to suppress his hungry stomach. After throwing the kettle back into the guard's hands, he said to the two captains in front of him: "We can't wait any longer.  Even if we are hungry, we will be starved here. After the loss of the last radio station, we have lost all necessary contact with our superiors, and there will be no reinforcements or supplies for a short time at least."

    "If we sit back and wait, we will just sit and wait for death. We must break out, even if there is no air cover. There may be some hope for breaking out. If we continue to be trapped here, I'm afraid we will all be doomed."

    Regarding the idea of ??Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo breaking out of the encirclement, Kono Yohei, the first captain of the 22nd Regiment, frowned and shook his head: "Your Excellency, company captain, breaking out of the encirclement is necessary. But how do we break out of the encirclement now? Each soldier now has an average amount on hand.  There are less than thirty rounds of bullets. The bullets for light machine guns are less than one base. As for heavy weapons, I don¡¯t need to mention them.¡±

    "All our baggage was lost in the swamp. The troops have been without food for two days now, and the soldiers are now just relying on the strong will inherent in the imperial army to barely sustain the battle. If we break through, our soldiers' physical strength will not be able to support it at all.  No. With the shortage of ammunition, we can only rely on the imperial army¡¯s advantage in hand-to-hand combat.¡±

    "But Your Excellency, Captain, you said that considering that our soldiers' legs are shaking when they walk now, what can we do to fight with the opponent's bayonet? It is not impossible to break through, but at least the soldiers must have a full meal.  We can have the physical strength to fight with our opponents. Otherwise, according to our current situation, let alone breakout, even if the opponent opens a big road for us to run, we will not be able to run very far.¡±

    "And where should we break out? We have lost contact with the division headquarters for two days, and the enemy situation around us is unknown. To the north is the enemy's hinterland. To the south, is the main force of the division still under General Shi Yi's command?Wire?  Do we have to turn back and continue walking through that muddy pond?  "

    Regarding what Kono Yohei said, although Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo knew that this was the truth, he was helpless.  There may be a way to survive if we break through, but if we don't break out, staying here will only lead to death.  The fat colonel Nishi Ojo insisted on breaking through, because in his opinion, there might be a way to survive, which was better than sitting here and waiting for death.

    In response to Kono Yohei's objection, Colonel Nishi Ojo shook his head and said: "Kono-kun, I understand what you said. But without reinforcements and supplies, we cannot persist here for a long time. Although the military headquarters has given us  The code can be airdropped to directly communicate with the military commander, but we don¡¯t have a radio at hand, so even if we want to ask for an airdrop, there is no way.¡±

    "The response of the combat army headquarters this time was obviously very slow. In addition to airdrop orders urging us to advance, they did not even give us a report on the enemy's situation. They did not reveal even a single bit of news about the progress of the main force of the division. We  I haven¡¯t contacted them since I received the password, and they still haven¡¯t felt anything is wrong.¡±

    "I really don't know how the Empire chose such a group of losers to form the Fifth Army. They shouldn't be aware of the situation we are currently facing. But you see, from the time we emerged from the swamp to now, in addition to urging us to attack south  We didn't get even a word except the order to move forward."

    "If we continue to wait here, the only thing waiting for us is death. It is the honor of our soldiers to sacrifice our lives for the empire and the emperor. But we cannot all starve to death here. Now it is necessary to break out.  , and there can be no delay.¡±

    "From the encounter yesterday afternoon, I have found that although the opponent has a large number of troops, at least twice as many as ours, its actual combat effectiveness is not strong. Judging from the tactical actions, it should be mainly new soldiers. And when fighting during the day,  Their attack is very cautious. As soon as our aircraft appears, their attack momentum will be greatly reduced. It seems that they are still very worried about our aviation."

    "So when we break through during the day, we have to take some risks, and it is easy for the enemy to see through our tactical intentions. But we can take advantage of their scruples about our aviation during the day and break through with all our strength. Although the enemy's situation in other directions is unknown, there is one direction where I know  I know there will never be an ambush there."

    Having said that, Fat Colonel Nishidai opened the combat map, pointed to the east, and said to the swamp where he had abandoned almost all the heavy equipment and baggage: "It is impossible to say that they are not prepared for our breakout at all. But if  It is impossible to say that they were prepared in this direction. They would never have expected that we would choose this route to break out."

    Looking at the route pointed by the fat colonel of Nishi University, Kono Yohei and the captain of the second battalion, Tabaka Hachiba, were stunned, and then looked at their immediate superiors with a surprised look.  They wondered if Colonel Nishi was starving. The swamp swallowed up more than one of his squadrons, and almost all the baggage of the 22nd Regiment was lost in it.  Why would he want to go back?

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