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Text Chapter 273 Contingency

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    As a local armed force among the local armed forces, the Luobei County Brigade was the first among several counties in Yang Zhen's control area to form a county brigade. However, this county brigade was based on the original surrender of the Luobei County Self-Defense Force.  The regiment was formed based on part of the Puppet Manchukuo military police and a mountain forest team incorporated in Luobei, plus some personnel transferred from the original Fifth Army.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Although the combat effectiveness is formed relatively quickly, the internal components are extremely complex.  Due to the short time of establishment, there has not been time to clean up the internal affairs.  Therefore, not only was the discipline broken, but the combat effectiveness was also far less ideal than the original division team had envisioned.

    Although the first squadron composed of the incorporated mountain forest team was determined to resist Japan, its discipline was extremely lax.  There is also some resistance to political workers.  Moreover, the cadres dispatched from the former Fifth Army who were sent to receive them did not undergo a completely new transformation in accordance with Yang Zhen's requirements, but were still accepted according to the past practice of the Anti-Japanese Alliance's recruitment of mountain forest teams.  Its transformation was extremely incomplete.

    In addition to the relatively complete transformation of the Second Squadron, the Third Squadron, which was recruited from the former Luobei County Self-Defense Force, is even more chaotic.  The team members are brothers and they eat and drink together all day long.  It even progressed to the point of collecting arbitrary protection fees privately and renting the whole place to a brothel to drink wine.

    When Wang Xiaoming served as the political commissar of the first division, he proposed several times to disband the county brigade and re-select personnel to reorganize it.  However, due to the firm opposition of the commander of the first division, he had no choice but to give up.

    From the perspective of the commander of the first division who has no local work experience, this county brigade only performs some local security tasks, such as looking at grain warehouses and prisons, and is actually a police force.  It is almost impossible for such a unit to be brought to the front line. It only needs to be a facade.

    ¡°At present, the military region is recruiting troops in Luobei County, which has made the entire soldier situation tense. The division is unable to find enough candidates to replace these people for a while.  Moreover, a war is imminent. Without any big reason, simply reorganizing the troops can easily cause military morale to fluctuate.

    What's more, the commander of the military division firmly opposed the disbandment of the county brigade, and was still deeply influenced by his more than a dozen old subordinates who were sent to serve as brigade captains, instructors, and squadron captains.  In his opinion, the transfer of these people to that county brigade was a pretty good placement for his old subordinates who had fought with him for many years.

    ¡°These people have been fighting in the deep mountains and forests for many years. There are few of them who are not injured, and some have even become disabled.  Now that the situation is a little more stable, let's enjoy it, talk about food and drink, and as long as you don't go too far, it's not a big deal.  Maybe it will be glorious again one day, but now it's just a matter of eating and drinking, not worth making a fuss about.

    But he didn¡¯t know that those people he sent were just there to eat and drink?  At least half of them had already been seduced by the spies in the county brigade using women and money.  Basically all of these people who were dragged into the water were rotten.  It was his connivance with these people that brought great harm to Yang Zhen's battle plan.

    These people who have been fighting guerrillas in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, faced the crazy encirclement and suppression by the Japanese and puppet troops when the situation was most difficult. They had no food and clothing for several days, and even had to fight in single clothes in the severe cold of 30 to 40 degrees below zero.  The old anti-league members who did not bow their heads too low could not pass the test of being a woman.

    Although Luobei County is not big or prosperous.  However, under the influence of the abnormal economy of the Puppet Manchukuo, brothels and opium dens cannot be said to be everywhere, but they are definitely there.  It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

    These anti-Japanese fighters, who have lived and fought in the deep mountains and forests all year round, were dazzled by the wealth and wealth in front of them as soon as they entered the county town.  In addition, after being transferred to work in a local area, the discipline is not as strict as that required in the main force, and I am somewhat relaxed about myself.  The change in environment has made many people relax.

    Many people assigned to work in the county brigade from the first division were soon dragged into the water by unscrupulous elements in the army.  They learned to amass private wealth, drink wine, visit brothels, and become brothers with some people in the society, kowtow to others, and some even became addicted to smoking.  Among them are many military and political officers such as squadron leaders and instructors.

    Even the captain of the county brigade was seduced by those in society with a few prostitutes in a short period of time.  Not only does it protect prostitutes and gamblers, it also serves as a protective umbrella for them.  He turned a blind eye to several orders from the Northeast Bureau to close brothels and gambling stalls, and even served as a thug for their smuggling and sold arms privately.

    He sold five Italian-made rifles, sixteen British-made rifles, and six pistols among the spare weapons allocated to the county brigade in the first division.  There are more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition of various calibers.  In a word, this county brigade is actually terrible.  Let them monitor the Japanese army and not lead the wolves into the house. It is already good.

    The person who brought the 22nd Japanese Regiment out of the swamp this time was the rebellious Third Squadron of the Luobei County Brigade, a squad equivalent to a platoon-level organization.  The captain himself? He was a former police lieutenant in the Luobei Puppet Manchukuo police.  After the liberation of Luobei, this guy pretended to be progressive and was absorbed into the newly formed local government by personnel who lacked local work experience.

    After the formation of the county brigade, because he had served as a policeman for the Puppet Manchukuo and had certain military knowledge, he was appointed as the squad leader.  After this guy joined the army, he not only used women to drag his squadron leader down.  He used this as a threat to force the squadron leader to rebel.

    If the squadron instructor had not reacted quickly and immediately after discovering the abnormality, he would have taken the initiative and adjusted the third squadron and the most reliable second squad to disarm the unstable troops and firmly control the troops, allowing the squadron leader to take away only  A small team.  This squadron of more than 200 people may all be coerced into rebellion.

    After the coercion failed, that guy did nothing but lead his rebellious subordinates into the swamp and rescued the 22nd Regiment trapped inside.  He took the lead and led the way towards General Shixian directly.  Although he didn't know Yang Zhen's overall plan, as a native of Luobei, he was familiar with every road here.

    "If Yang Zhen hadn't suddenly had a premonition that he didn't know when, based on the marching speed and roundabout direction of the 22nd Regiment that escaped from trouble, General Shi Yixian might have been in danger of overturning the situation.

    After encountering the 22nd Regiment, Yang Zhen was very glad for his decision, and even more fortunate that he listened to Guo Bingxun and transferred a basic battalion from the 2nd Brigade.  And during the march, this basic battalion was used as the vanguard.  Otherwise, the new recruits of the supplementary regiment would be in a hurry after the battle started, and they would have to mess up the encounter if they failed.

    In fact, at the beginning of the encounter, no one thought that the opponent's main force was also here.  When the leading company encountered the 22nd Regiment on the line of birch tubes, both sides thought it was just a small force of the other side.

    As soon as they met, the leading company mistook the Japanese army in front of them as part of the defeated soldiers of the 24th Division who had fled.  When the 22nd Regiment got out of trouble, they had been wandering around the swamp for more than five days. All heavy weapons were lost, and everyone looked as if they had been dug out of a mud pit. They were no better than beggars.

    The embarrassment of the 22nd Regiment naturally led the vanguard company to mistake its vanguard troops for the remnants of the Japanese army that General Shixian had escaped from.  But it didn't attract much attention from the vanguard company.  For the somewhat silly and bold company commander, it cannot be said that he would take a bite of fat whenever he saw it.  But I also made up my mind to fuck him first.  Anyway, there is still a main force behind him.

    As for the fat colonel who had not expected to encounter his opponent so early and wanted to grab some food first, light a fire and eat some hot food to make up for the fact that he had been out of food for two days and was extremely hungry, he did not learn from the opponent.  Reports of new reinforcements from any opponent came from the rebels' mouths.

    Those who led the 22nd Regiment out of that damn area lost almost all their heavy machine guns, infantry artillery and other heavy weapons. They couldn't even find a piece of dry firewood, and their lives for a few days almost became a waste.  The swampland rebels who gave everyone a nightmare in the Twelfth Regiment had sworn to tell Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo that the main force of the opponent was in the midst of a fierce battle between General Shixian and the main force of the division.

    And from what they knew about the battle, it was clear that the opponent had suffered heavy casualties.  At this time, the territory of Luobei, which had gathered a lot of supplies, was very empty. Apart from a key military division group in Binsui, there was only one local police force such as the county brigade that had been instigated and was willing to submit to the imperial army.  Armed.

    Therefore, regarding the report of the encounter between the leading team and the opponent, the fat Colonel Nishi Ojo, who had a figure very similar to his own name and had not lost any weight even after being hungry for several days, naturally thought that he was encountering the opponent's army.  A small group of armed forces from the divisional cadre regiment.

    After eager to grab some food to fill his belly, he followed the order of the division headquarters to attack the flank of General Shixian. Not wanting to get entangled with these small groups of armed forces, Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo mobilized a reorganized squadron with a wave of his hand and tried to  Defeat the opponent's resistance in the shortest possible time.

    But what the two sides, who were not mentally prepared for, expected was that there seemed to be not many opponents, but the more they fought, the more they fought.  First, Yang Zhen's leading company surrounded and beat up an opponent's team.  When the team realized that something was wrong, they reported it immediately. After the reinforcements arrived, it developed into a company-level one-on-one duel.

    As time goes by, the more the two sides fight, the more wrong they feel. Why are there more and more opponents?  They both found out that the two sides were wrong, and called their bosses to come over for reinforcements.  When their main forces arrived, a melee broke out on the birch tube line.  Two full hours passed, but the two sides were evenly matched.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s headquarters is fully equipped and has a large number of automatic firearms.  Not only do they have an absolute advantage in numbers, but they alsoBecause it has a complete set of light and heavy machine guns, it also has a clear advantage in firepower.  This can be seen from the beginning of the encounter, when the squadron of the 22nd Regiment was sent to eliminate the enemy blocking the road and was hit by a large number of submachine guns and suffered heavy casualties and was in a state of embarrassment.

    But the Japanese army was better because of the high quality of its soldiers, their mutual tactical coordination, and their battlefield experience far surpassed what Yang Zhen brought. Except for the company and platoon leader, all the soldiers were rookies who had never been on the battlefield.  After two hours of melee, the two sides ended up in a draw.

    ¡°Both Yang Zhen and Fat Colonel Xi Datiao were quite dissatisfied with the stalemate situation in front of them.  In Yang Zhen's view, he has an absolute advantage in both military strength and firepower. Even if he cannot defeat his opponent, he should still overwhelm him.  Why is it that now there is a tendency to be beaten by the opponent?

    "As for the fat colonel Nishi Ojo, he is extremely confident in the combat effectiveness of his subordinates.  But now the opponents are attacking more and more troops. Now he is not only worried about whether he can arrive at General Shixian on time to join the battle according to the order of the division headquarters, he is even a little worried about whether he can be entangled by the opponent and trapped here.  .

    It¡¯s just that the division headquarters has been unable to be contacted, so Fat Colonel Nishi Ojo even knew that his subordinates had not eaten for two days, and even a considerable number of them suffered from severe diarrhea because they could only drink swamp visceral water.  He can only bite the bullet and fight his opponent.

    After two hours, no one could do anything to win over either side. They could only patiently fight back and forth with their opponents.  Compared to the anxious Colonel Xi Otiao, Yang Zhen, who was confident of victory on the main battlefield of General Stone, seemed more calm.  After the situation stabilized, he immediately adjusted his deployment.

    The two new regiments were split up, organized into battalions, and paired with the old battalion drawn out, and put into battle in turn, so that these new recruits with no combat experience could master in practice what they could not learn in the training field on weekdays.  s things.

    There are a lot of things on the training ground. No matter how your squad leader teaches them, these recruits may not remember them even if they are told ten thousand times.  It's better to walk around the battlefield, even if you only pick out the weak persimmons, and learn quickly.  This may be in response to the old saying that it is better to do something once than to speak a thousand times.

    Although Yang Zhen, who used the 22nd Regiment as a training ground, was a little dissatisfied with the development of the battle, he fought relatively easily.  Even though he had confirmed that his opponent was the main force of the 22nd Regiment spinning in the swamp, he did not look anxious.  Still patient, and grinding against the opponent little by little.

    But after receiving several prisoners of war from the vanguard of the first wave of encounters with the 22nd Regiment, as well as interrogation records, Yang Zhen was no longer as calm as before.  He immediately sent a report to Li Yanping, who was in Binsui at this time, asking him to rush to the first division headquarters to take over the command of the first division.

    At the same time, he sent a telegram to Chai Shirong, commander of the first division, Li Tai, acting political commissar, and Wang Ruqi, chief of staff, who are now on the Suibin front line, ordering them to immediately transfer their troops to the command of political commissar Li Yanping, and he immediately rushed to the birch tube line.  However, in order to appease these people, Yang Zhen was cautious in the words he used in the telegram.  I just told a few people that the military region had important tasks to assign.

    At the same time, Yang Zhen ignored the fierce battle ahead with the main force of the 22nd Regiment. He transferred two infantry platoons from the key battalion from the front line, and supplemented a main battalion of the first regiment and immediately went north. The director of the Political Department, who is currently in Luobei County,  Gao Yumin commanded and immediately disarmed all the Luobei County brigade.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s order to Gao Yumin was very clear. If there was resistance, no matter who it was, it would be dealt with on the spot.  When Chai Shirong and Li Tai arrived, they were immediately disarmed and detained by Yang Zhen along with the guard platoon.

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