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Text Chapter 265: The Source of Colonel Qingjin¡¯s Uneasiness

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    Yang Zhen didn't know that just when he and Guo Bingxun were discussing how to eliminate the impact of this incident and making final preparations for follow-up operations, the 25th Division of the Japanese Army of Junde was located at the throat of the Jiahe Railway Line.  Inside, an interrogation is also going on.  [.Com text] The person being interrogated was the squad leader who defected from Liu Changshun¡¯s department last night with a gun.

    When the interrogation confession was handed over to Nemotobo, Nemotobo couldn't help but be shocked when he found on the map the marching route of the more than 10,000 people marked by the division staff based on the confession.

    If this confession is true, then not only his thin flanks, but also his weak flanks have been completely exposed to the gunfire of more than 10,000 anti-Japanese armed forces who did not know when they appeared.  Even his entire division is in danger of being cut off by his opponent.

    Looking at the gloomy face of the division commander, Chief of Staff Kikutaro Aozu said: "Your Excellency, division commander, no matter whether this person's confession is true or not, what we must do now is to withdraw the 40th Regiment immediately.  Come down. Otherwise, if this confession is true, the consequences will be disastrous."

    Hearing the words of the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Nebo frowned slightly and said with some confusion: "Qingjin-kun, do you think this person is a delaying tactic sent by the opponent? He is passing on false news to confuse our army and delay  Our army¡¯s attack on General Shixian.¡±

    "Judging from today's battle situation, the opponent's blocking position on the general stone line has been weakened by the superior firepower of our imperial army. Its defensive position is already on the verge of collapse. As long as we give them a final blow  , we will completely capture the General's Stone line and open the passage north to Luobei."

    "Furthermore, according to the intelligence coming from the Kwantung Army Headquarters, the opponent's main force is on the General Shi front line. On the western front, they also need to deploy some troops to guard against the 25th Division. Do they still have more than 10,000 troops that can be mobilized? More than 10,000 troops.  According to the structure of the Guannei China government army, it is enough for two divisions. How many troops did they bring? "

    Having served as a military attach¨¦ in China for a long time, he can be regarded as a Lieutenant General with a basic background in China. It seems that this person¡¯s words can neither be disbelieved nor fully believed.  In his opinion, this was probably a deliberate trick by his already weakened opponent to gain a breathing space.

    Regarding the strength of this sudden anti-Manchu armed force, the Kwantung Army did not have any intelligence at all.  At least the approximate strength of the troops can still be understood.  According to the intelligence received from the Kwantung Army Headquarters before the war, the opponent's total strength was no more than 20,000.

    And their main force of more than 10,000 people are concentrated on General Shixian in front of them, and the rest have to deal with the 25th Division.  Where did they show up with more than 10,000 troops?  Could it be that they know how to use the magic that spreads beans to create an army in mythology?  Unless the people in the Kwantung Army intelligence department are all idiots, this is absolutely impossible.

    "Besides, even if the Kwantung Army's intelligence is wrong, there is no way there will be no trace of such a large troop movement.  The air force hovering in the sky all day long did not receive any relevant information, which really made it hard for Bo, who had been the chief of staff for a long time and believed in comprehensive intelligence analysis, to believe it.

    Regarding Nemotohiro's skepticism, Colonel Aozu Kikuro shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I don't think this is a trick by the opponent. It should be real. According to my analysis, its credibility is at least  Around eighty percent.

    real.  "

    "Since the 70th Regiment of Yilan Crossing the River occupied Tangyuan County, it has lost contact with Lieutenant General Kuwahara of the 25th Division for several days, and it is very likely that it has encountered misfortune."

    "Even if the 70th Regiment is a bunch of straw bags, it is a complete infantry and artillery coordination regiment after all. What's more, they also have a Manchurian brigade to cooperate with them, with a strength of up to 7,000. If this anti-Manchu army wants to attack them  The idea is to concentrate at least several times the superior force even if we consider the elites of the Central Army in Guannai."

    "If the 70th Regiment has really been completely wiped out, then where are the anti-Manchu forces that besieged him, which should be at least 20,000 strong? They can't disappear out of thin air, right? And Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara is not there.  If something unusual is discovered, it means that the opponent is likely to use the spared troops against us."

    "Of course, unless the opponent wants to attack him first, he won't be able to detect anything unusual based on the current position of Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara, who has been huddled on the front line of the Holiang River for several days without moving a step."

    "Under the premise that the 32nd Regiment and the 89th Regiment suffered heavy losses in the previous battles, and the 22nd Regiment is still wandering in the northeast of Tangyuan, the 40th Regiment is currently our division's  The regiment is the only unit that still has combat effectiveness. Your Excellency, division commander, our current strength is actually not very strong.

    "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I don't know if you have noticed. Ever since we crossed the river, we have been led by our opponents."The 14th Division now seems to have an absolute advantage, but in fact we have been passive.  The initiative has always been in the hands of the opponent.  "

    "This person who surrendered was a member of the original Xuanfu class in Tangyuan County. The empire's strength in Manchuria still has a certain foundation. I don't think this person will tell lies to deceive us. After all, we still have an absolute advantage in Manchuria.  . The Manchus are cowardly and have an innate fear of those who conquer them, so I think this confession should be true at least for the time being."

    These words of Colonel Aozu Kikuro made Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro fall into deep thought.  Indeed, the current situation of the 24th Division does not hold an absolute advantage.  If we take it more seriously, it can even be said that the current situation of the 24th Division, which actually only has one forty regiment with combat effectiveness, can even be said to have fallen into a passive position.

    But when General Shixian was about to make a breakthrough, he was really unwilling to let Lieutenant General Genbo give up.  Moreover, General Umezu Yoshijiro would not allow himself to give up the victory that was already within easy reach without being obviously threatened and having already paid a heavy price.

    After hesitating for a long time, Genji Bo decided to take a gamble.  He raised his head and said to Colonel Aojin Kikuro: "Aojin-kun, we must believe in the fighting power and will of the imperial army. Even if the opponent really has more than 10,000 troops, we can retreat unscathed."

    "But your worries are not entirely unreasonable. I think you can personally draft an order to have the 22nd Regiment move closer to the main force of the division at all costs. In addition, for safety reasons, the division headquarters will be withdrawn to the south early tomorrow morning.  Dong¡¯an area.¡±

    "The tone of your telegram to the 22nd Regiment must be stern. Tell Colonel Xi Datiao that I don't care what difficulties they encounter, but they must arrive at the Hongxiang and Yongyi lines before noon tomorrow.  Receiving the main force of the division. How many days can an elite force of the Imperial Japanese Army survive in a mere swamp? Is the fat Colonel Nishi Ojo an idiot? "

    Seeing Lieutenant General Nemoto¡¯s unchangeable attitude, Colonel Aozu Kikuro opened his mouth, but did not persuade him any further.  Although they have not been partners for a long time, he already has a certain understanding of Lieutenant General Nemoto's character. He knows that Lieutenant General Nemoto is a person who is difficult to change once he makes up his mind and is very stubborn.

    Let¡¯s have a day of fighting tomorrow and see. If the main force of the 22nd Regiment can really arrive at the designated place within the scheduled time, maybe the situation will not be as bad as I expected.  Even if the 70th Regiment is a straw bag, it is, after all, a fully-staffed and well-equipped regiment.  Even if the opponent has the strength to eat up the 70th Alliance, perhaps the loss will not be small.

    The opponent may have just put on a threatening posture and wanted to force the 24th Division to retreat from the general's stone line.  This is the first time that Colonel Aozu Kikuro has used so many weapons in all his years in the army.  Although he knew that in the military, the word maybe should never be used to make a decision.  But the division commander had already shown an attitude that could not be changed, so he could only think like this.

    After drafting the telegram to the 22nd Regiment, Colonel Aozu Kikuro suddenly felt depressed for no reason and walked out of the headquarters. He looked at the dark and gloomy sky outside, with no starlight visible. He didn't know why his heart suddenly rose.  I had a strong sense of foreboding, always feeling that something was wrong.

    Just when Colonel Aozu Kikuro was wondering what was wrong, a thunderous sound of artillery suddenly sounded not far away.  The sound of artillery was so close that Aozu Kikuro thought he was standing on the artillery position.  Along with the sound of the artillery, a dense rain of bullets hit the small mountain village of Junde, where the 24th Division's regiment headquarters is located.

    When the first artillery shell exploded near the headquarters of the 24th Division, Colonel Aozu Kikuro finally found the source of his uneasiness.  That man ran out last night. He was rushing towards the general's stone line. The opponent's troops were also rushing towards the general's stone line.  He didn't dare to stop, and neither did his opponent.  He didn't dare to walk during the day for fear of being discovered, but his opponent didn't necessarily get any rest during the day.

    The surrendered person has arrived, and the opponent's army should not be far away.  It has been four hours since the field detachment on guard sent the man over. The main force of the opponent who should have arrived with him should also have arrived within this time, and may even arrive in advance.

    Colonel Aozu Kikuro, who was jumped by the guards and protected by using his body as a human shield, escaped, but Hiroshi Nemoto, who was still in the room, was not so lucky.  The opponent's artillery fire was so accurate that it hit accurately without any correction of impact point.  The house where the division headquarters is located, together with all the communication equipment inside, the Lieutenant General, and all the combat staff of the 24th Division Headquarters were directly hit by the first wave of artillery fire and exploded into the sky.

    The 24th Division Headquarters set up a high-altitude communication network to communicate with Jiamusi and even Xinjing.The high radio antenna has almost become the best coordinate.  Under the guidance of the first unit of the reconnaissance battalion that had already penetrated into Junde's surroundings, Liu Changshun, who was responsible for Junde's front-line attack, accurately hit the headquarters of the 24th Division with the first round of artillery fire.

    Liu Changshun still understands the principle of hitting a snake within seven inches.  When the reconnaissance battalion found out that the 24th Division's regiment headquarters was set up on the Junde front line, he chose the first wave of attack points here.  To smash the opponent's head and make the opponent lose unified command immediately, they can only fight independently. This is what Yang Zhen repeatedly explained before he faced the battle.

    In order to destroy the headquarters of the 24th Division as soon as possible, Liu Changshun not only used a field artillery battalion and his own brigade mountain artillery battalion.  He also placed the battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness among the entire second brigade and the platoon assigned to him by the reconnaissance battalion here, striving to succeed in one blow.  If the rocket artillery regiment hadn't been transferred to deal with the Japanese artillery, I'm afraid he wouldn't mind using a rocket artillery regiment to deal with the 24th Division Headquarters.

    When he received a report from the reconnaissance unit that the artillery fire accurately hit the target, Liu Changshun put down the telescope in his hand, thought for a moment, picked up the phone and asked to go with the second brigade. At this time, he captured the strong man and personally directed the artillery bombardment at the field artillery camp.  Ma Qichang at the headquarters of the 24th Division.

    To be on the safe side, he asked Ma Qichang to provide some more incendiary bombs to the 24th Division Headquarters.  In Liu Changshun's view, since he has already taken action, he should do it cleanly and it is best not to leave anything behind.  The mountain artillery battalion of his brigade did not have incendiary bombs. Only the field artillery regiment strengthened by the headquarters had such artillery shells.

    After receiving his order, Ma Qichang, who had been leading the main artillery force with the Second Brigade, was not ambiguous and directly ordered to fire half a base of incendiary bombs on Junde, a small mountain village that had been reduced to ruins by his own artillery.  This small mountain village, which had been bombed into ruins at this time, was completely ignited.

    Seeing the raging fire burning in the direction of Junde, which turned half the sky red, Liu Changshun ordered the troops that had been prepared to attack Junde 24, which consisted of a complete infantry squadron from the field detachment and two engineering squadrons.  The division headquarters launched a full-scale attack.

    When Colonel Aozu Kikuro, who was pinned to the ground by the guards, finally stood up when the sound of gunfire stopped, he felt like crying.  There is nothing left in the 24th Division Headquarters except a pile of burning houses.  The radio, maps, and combat plans, as well as Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro and almost none of the division's combat staff came out.

    The opponent was so thorough. After accurate artillery fire coverage, dozens of incendiary bombs were added, so that the 24th Division Regiment Headquarters could not save even a piece of paper.  Aoshi Kikuro, the distinguished chief of staff of a division that once had tens of thousands of soldiers, now has only two engineer squadron captains left with dozens of capable officers.

    The guard squadron leader who was transferred from the field detachment was killed in the first wave of shelling, and he ascended to heaven together with the division commander.  As for the guard force, which has one infantry squadron and two engineering squadrons, in addition to half of the squadron serving as a security guard and an engineering squadron living in tents outside the village, the rest of the troops living in the village were also attacked during the shelling.  suffered heavy casualties.

    Before Colonel Aozu Kikuro, who was looking at the burning division headquarters with tears in his eyes, woke up from his daze, he was frightened by the loud charging horn and the sound of killing outside the village. The only remaining member of the division headquarters was now  The chief of staff picked up the two dead engineer squadron captains and, under the desperate cover of the remaining engineer squadron, led the surviving half of the guard squadron in the direction of the 40th Regiment.

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