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Text Chapter 263 Prelude to the decisive battle

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    Wang Guangyu did not disappoint Yang Zhen. After the additional backbone arrived, in order to weaken the combat effectiveness of the 40th Regiment, the main force of the Japanese army, Wang Guangyu not only went to the front line to personally supervise the battle, but also left the last company as the general reserve team.  , all the troops, including all the service personnel of his first brigade, were thrown into the front-line positions.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Wang Guangyu¡¯s move ensured that behind each position there would be an infantry company with sufficient strength as a reserve team.  Behind the ridgeline of the main peak, Wang Guangyu even arranged for a company to be transferred from the troops urgently transferred by Liu Changshun's command, plus his own guard company as a reserve team.

    However, considering that the battle at this stage is not to defend the position, but to kill the Japanese army to the maximum extent and give the 40th Regiment full bloodshed.  Wang Guangyu changed his previous fighting style of fighting for every inch of land, proactively gave up some secondary positions, and reduced all his limited troops to a few main positions.  And adopted a hedgehog tactic to strengthen the firepower of several main positions as much as possible.

    In order not to always be in a passive position of being beaten, while holding on to the main position, Wang Guangyu also continued to use a small number of troops and multiple batches to implement tactical counterattacks at night, under the full cover of artillery, striving to maximize the destruction of the Japanese troops.  .

    Wang Guangyu's tactic made it very difficult for Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio, captain of the 40th Regiment.  Although the Forty Regiment captured the opponent's position that needed cover, Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio was also sensitive to the fact that he did not capture it himself.  Rather, the opponent consciously gave up due to tactical needs.

    Although it was unclear for the moment the opponent's true intention of giving up these positions that he had fought for one after another in the battle with the field detachment, Xiao Matsuzaki Rikio still keenly felt that the opponent's move definitely contained some kind of tactical intention.

    Because when he was about to take over the attack from the field detachment, Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi kept warning him repeatedly that the enemy force in front of him was the main force of this anti-Manchu anti-Japanese armed force. It was not only very determined in fighting will, but also extremely cunning.  The 89th Regiment lost its combat effectiveness by using extremely despicable tactics.

    And the outcome of the field detachment that fought head-on was not very good either.  Although the field detachment forced its opponents to adopt head-on defensive tactics, it also suffered extremely heavy casualties.  After three days of attack, a regiment-sized detachment was literally beaten into a brigade.  However, they only captured some minor tactical positions and some forward support points.  None of its main positions could be captured.

    Although Genjiro believed that based on the combat effectiveness of the imperial army, the casualties of the field detachment would be high, and the casualties of the opponent would not be light, at least twice as much as those of the field detachment.  However, the total strength of this cunning anti-Manchu armed force is at least 10,000 people. Even if the casualty ratio is one to two when fighting the field detachment, there should be at least several thousand troops with combat effectiveness.  Let him be more careful and not fall into his opponent's trap.

    Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio, who kept the words of Lieutenant General Hiroshi Nemoto in mind, simply did not believe that the opponent's abandonment of some secondary positions was a forced contraction due to excessive military casualties and unsustainable conditions.  He preferred to believe that this was a conspiracy with ulterior motives against the Forty Wing.

    After Wang Guangyu voluntarily gave up some of his flanking positions and changed his tactics in order to shrink his troops, the Forty Regiment's attack instead of intensifying became more cautious.  In addition to using part of the force to hold on to some of the positions abandoned by Wang Guangyu, the main force was devoted to the attack on the main peak in the form of a squadron.  As for its flanks, it only adopted heavy surveillance measures.

    Komatsuzaki Rikio changed his previous all-out attack and adopted a strategy of adding fuel to the fire, gradually increasing his troops to compete for the main peak position, which made Wang Guangyu extremely passive.  In desperation, Wang Guangyu could only mobilize some troops from the front and launch continuous counterattacks from the flanks of the 40th Regiment.  At the same time, the mountain artillery battalion of the brigade was ordered to ignore the Japanese aircraft in the sky and use all its strength to cover the main peak position.

    In previous battles, due to Japanese aircraft, the artillery, which had been silent for most of the day, suddenly fired abnormally during the day, which also caused unexpected casualties to the Japanese.  A Japanese squadron that was launching an attack on the main peak was suddenly covered by the dense artillery fire.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Unexpectedly, except for a few moments of single-cannon fire), the opponent's artillerymen, who had been silent most of the time, would also dare to fire during the day. Some Japanese troops who were unprepared suffered heavy casualties during this period of shelling.  By the time the attacking squadron retreated, it would not be able to make up a small squad even if it was full of troops.

    Although he saw a squadron losing most of its troops without a formal exchange of fire, Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio didn't show anything strange.  After suppressing his subordinates' clamor for revenge, he unexpectedly changed his previous caution and adopted a tactic with a maximum offensive strength of only one squadron. Regardless of his opponents, he continued to launch tactics of varying sizes on his flanks.During the attack, a full infantry brigade was deployed at once to launch a continuous attack on the main peak position.

    Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio changed his previous cautious tactics because he knew that the opponent's artillery actually adopted a daytime mass attack method that was extremely rare in the past few days of fighting, indicating that the opponent was definitely in a critical situation at the main peak position.  Otherwise, an opponent who is very cautious about the use of artillery will not risk his own artillery being destroyed by aircraft and fire in broad daylight.

    After sending a brigade of troops to attack, Matsuzaki Rikio looked at the main peak position where his opponent was reduced to smoke by his covering artillery fire. He touched the neatly trimmed snot beard under his nose and smiled proudly.  I am very proud of the tactics I adopted.

    He knew that his opponent risked his artillery being blown up by air strikes and shot and shelled his attacking troops during the day, because he ignored the heavy guarding of his flank positions and launched an all-out attack on the main peak.  The tactic of making the opponent have to bear the huge pressure on the main peak position while being unable to mobilize troops from the flanking positions to support the main peak position worked.

    ¡°I am not that fool like Nochi Kahei. I only know how to divide the troops equally on the front line and adopt an all-out attack to attack without prioritization.  As a result, even if they managed to capture one or two positions, they would still be under the opponent's full counterattack, and it would be difficult to hold them due to insufficient troops.

    The confident Colonel Rikio Komatsuzaki knew that the key offensive tactics he adopted were not unused by Colonel Kahira Nochi.  They even captured a very important high ground on the right side of the main peak in a short period of time.  But under the opponent's full counterattack, he failed to stand.  Those who lost their troops and generals just retreated.

    Wang Guangyu, who personally commanded the frontline position on the main peak, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Japanese army changed their previous cautious tactics and actually invested an infantry brigade at once.  Knowing that his desperate tactic was successful.  Although the twelve mountain guns of the brigade suffered heavy losses under the bombing by Japanese aircraft, they finally forced out the main force of the 40th Regiment.

    While feeling sorry for the eight mountain artillery pieces lost in the Japanese air raid, Wang Guangyu had to gather his energy and cope with the desperate attack of the 40th Regiment, almost regardless of losses.  Originally, according to Wang Guangyu's plan, as long as the high ground on both sides of the main peak position could be maintained, it would not matter if the main peak position was lost.  Because the firepower on the two highlands on both sides of the main peak is almost the same as the main peak, it is enough to suppress the Japanese troops occupying the main peak position.

    But now he doesn¡¯t dare to execute this plan.  Because Yang Zhen's current headquarters is less than three miles behind the main peak.  Once the main peak is lost, the Japanese army can reach the place with a commanding charge.  The safety of the headquarters prevented him from being careless in the slightest.

    Fortunately, the veterans from the battalion that Yang Zhen temporarily supplemented for him played a crucial role.  After replenishing half a company of veterans, the combat effectiveness of a strengthened company that defends the main peak has increased significantly.  Under the command of the guard company commander Wang Guangyu, who took over the command from the fallen former defender company commander, they all retreated to the top of the mountain after blowing up the fortifications on the mountainside.

    Taking advantage of the steep terrain on the main peak of Jiangjunshi Mountain, we firmly defended the main peak position and refused to retreat even half a step.  Because they know that behind the main peak is the headquarters. If they retreat, the headquarters will directly face Japanese artillery fire.  And their most beloved commander will also be in danger.  For the safety of the headquarters, the main peak guarding troops fought to the death in the face of the superior Japanese attack.

    While the defenders on the main peak fought to the death, the defenders on the two highlands on the flanks of the main peak, in addition to constantly launching counterattacks against the Japanese flanks, also continued to support the defenders on the main peak with mortar fire.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out. Before the main peak guarding force was reduced, the main peak and the two flanking highlands were at horns with each other, and their mutual fire support advantages were still not shown.  When the main peak guarding troops were all reduced to the top of the peak, Matsuzaki Rikio regretted the tactics he had been so proud of just now.

    When the Japanese troops launched an attack on the highlands on both sides, they were rained down by mortar shells. When they launched a charge, the Japanese troops who could only be exposed on the open mountainside suffered heavy casualties.  Its horizontal fire looks like a large-caliber machine gun, which poses a huge threat to the attacking troops.

    After a day and night of attacks, the Forty Regiment launched the main offensive brigade. Although it caused heavy casualties to the defenders on the top of the mountain, it also paid a heavy price for itself. It even cost two-thirds of the casualties, but it still  It just occupied the mountainside that the defenders had voluntarily abandoned.

    Over the course of a day and night, the Forty Regiment launched an average of one squadron-sized attack every hour.  The squad-level assault is basically launched once every half an hour.  However, the countless charges launched within these twenty-four hours were repelled by the defenders with strong support from the flanks.

    Even the Japanese troops who attacked several times have broken intoThe main peak position was still defeated by reinforcements that were suddenly reinforced by the opponent and had a large number of automatic firearms in their hands.  Seeing his subordinates who had always attacked sharply, twenty-four hours had passed but they still failed to capture the main peak position. Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio, who had always been calm, could not sit still.

    The order given to him by Lieutenant General Ben Bo was very clear. He must take the main peak position of Xiaojun Shixian, the last barrier to Luobei, within thirty-six hours, and open up the offensive route to Luobei.  Now twenty-four hours have passed, but the attacking force still has made little progress.  According to this attack efficiency, let alone thirty-six hours, even forty-eight hours, he may not be able to capture the main peak position in front of him.

    Colonel Rikio Komatsuzaki, who had been reprimanded by Lieutenant General Hiroshi Nemoto several times, gritted his teeth and changed his focused assault tactics. He changed back to the full-line attack tactics used by Colonel Kahira Nochi and which he had once made fun of, trying to break through a little bit.

    As soon as the attack started early the next morning, Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio threw in all the troops of the two brigades that had not been used before but were still intact, and attacked the entire General Ishiyama line like crazy, all of which were still under control  The position in Wang Guangyu's hands was fully attacked.

    ????????????????????????????? Colonel Matsuzaki Rikio¡¯s arrival made Wang Guangyu feel a great increase in pressure, but a wave of helpless ecstasy arose in his heart.  He knew that the 40th Alliance was fully committed.  As long as I can withstand today's day, I can basically complete the task assigned to me by the commander to do his best to weaken the strength of the Japanese Army's 40th Regiment.

    The battle on the second day was extremely difficult for Wang Guangyu.  The Japanese army not only concentrated two entire field artillery brigades, but also all the artillery fire of a mountain artillery brigade and two mortar squadrons that arrived later to provide fire cover for the 40th Regiment.  He also changed his stingy attitude in the past two days and concentrated a large number of aircraft on the Jiangjunshi first-line mountainous area to conduct intensive bombing.

    The bombing intensity of the Japanese aviation force not only returned to the intensity of the first two days of fighting against the field detachment, but also dispatched an entire team of Type 93 heavy bombers to drop a large number of incendiary bombs on the defending positions.

    However, after a day of fierce fighting, the forest that was originally extremely dense on General Shixian Mountain was completely destroyed by the incendiary bombs dropped by the Japanese army.  , exposing the bare mountain soil.

    After this battle, the originally lush and green General Shixian became a barren mountain without any grass for decades to come.  It was not until decades later, under the call of the country for large-scale afforestation, that this bare mountainous land was barely covered with a little green.

    While Wang Guangyu was struggling on the front line of General's Stone, he didn't know that in Yang Zhen's headquarters, which was less than three miles behind the front line position, Yang Zhen was facing the Second Brigade Commander Liu Changshun and Acting Political Commissar Wang Xiaoming who came to report.  Get furious.  Not only was Yang Zhen very angry with the two of them, but Guo Bingxun, who was always calm and rarely angry, also became angry at the two people's reports.

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