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Text Chapter 260 Du Kaishan who has never had enough fun

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    No one knows what Guo Bingxun thinks about Yang Zhen's words. But for Masao Iwabe, the captain of the 70th Regiment who has always been calculating, he now deeply understands what it means to have the same style and what it means to be at the end of the road.  .  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    He tried to use the blood and lives of his men to find a way to break out of the encirclement, but before he could fully start to implement it, he was pinched to death by Du Kaishan.

    During the battle, Du Kaishan not only used brigade mountain artillery, regiment mortars, and infantry artillery to provide fire support, but also concentrated the anti-aircraft machine gun companies of the two regiments for level fire to cover the infantry charge.  And it was these flat-firing 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns that brought nightmare-like terror to the officers and soldiers of the 70th Regiment.

    Its 12.7mm bullet with huge penetrating power effortlessly tore open the bunker built by the Japanese army with the corpses of their own comrades, and beat the Japanese army to pieces.  As long as the Japanese soldier is unfortunate enough to be hit by such a bullet, it will be easily torn into two pieces by such a huge caliber bullet.

    The tragic images of the hit comrades caused great harm to the still living Japanese soldiers.  No one wants to be exposed to even one such horrific bullet that is almost certain to kill them.  Compared with mountain artillery and infantry artillery, these flat-firing anti-aircraft machine guns are the ultimate weapon that can truly and completely destroy the Japanese army's limited will to resist.

    Seeing that their comrades who were still resisting were torn into two pieces by this most powerful weapon, the surviving officers and soldiers of the 70th Regiment could no longer hold on.  Not long after Du Kaishan launched the attack across the board, the resistance of the 70th Regiment completely collapsed.

    Although he had already expected that the resistance of his men would not last long, Iwabe Masao, who did not expect that it would collapse so quickly, even lost the confidence to resist earlier than his men.

    As soon as the 70th Regiment showed signs of total collapse, he was very ungrateful and took the squadron he specially selected with the strongest combat effectiveness among the remaining members of the 70th Regiment, leaving behind Liu Xi who was still holding on.  Major, quietly walked toward the northwest corner.  Trying to catch them by surprise, using hand-to-hand combat to open a bloody path and escape.

    It¡¯s just that Du Kaishan will give him this opportunity.  Du Kaishan had already made complete preparations for the breakout of a small group of Japanese troops.  He specially deployed a mortar company to form a mobile artillery group, specifically to intercept Japanese troops trying to break through his attack line.

    And Masao Iwabe thought that after the opponent launched a full-line attack, the northwest corner, which had been slightly calm, was not the opponent's main attack direction, and the opponent's troops here would not be very strong.

    But he knew that the direction he chose was the direction where Yang Zhen's headquarters was located.  Moreover, Yang Zhen's headquarters is very close to here.  In order to ensure that small groups of escaping Japanese troops would not threaten the safety of the headquarters, Du Kaishan not only placed the reserve team in this direction, but also placed his own guard company equipped with a large number of automatic firearms in this direction.  As soon as Iwabe Masao set foot in the direction of breaking out, he was discovered by the extremely vigilant Du Kaishan security company.

    Masao Iwabe, who had safely escaped from the position under the cover of night, breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not expect that before he had gone 200 meters, he saw a flare suddenly rising into the sky in front of him.  Before the Japanese troops who broke out of the encirclement could react, a hail of bullets from light and heavy machine guns, like a storm, followed by at least two large-caliber machine guns, instantly covered this small force.

    In just one face-to-face encounter, the Japanese army, which was almost unable to fight back, was half knocked down by the dense bullets fired from both sides.  The remaining people, including Masao Iwabe, could only be pressed to the ground and unable to lift their heads.  He didn't even have the courage to fight back.

    Looking at the Japanese army, which was about a squadron in size and was suppressed by his own intensive firepower, Du Kaishan, whose command post was set up in this direction, showed a contemptuous smile on his lips.  In his early years in the battlefield, he had not suffered less from the Japanese army's absolute firepower superiority. He couldn't help but reveal a sense of revenge in his heart: "Little devils, are you still today?"

    Tao Jingfei, who was standing next to him, looked at Du Kaishan who was carefully observing the battlefield with the hot light emitted by the flares. A strange smile appeared on his face, but he shook his head.  Tao Jingfei, who didn't know what he was thinking, bet that this guy still didn't know how to deal with the Japanese army?

    However, Du Kaishan's next performance made Tao Jingfei somewhat disappointed. After discovering that the small group of Japanese troops in front of him had lost the ability to resist, Du Kaishan just directly ordered his guard company to attack and did not take any other actions.  And he actually just stood in the command post and didn't jump out first.

    After receiving Du Kaishan¡¯s order to completely and completely eliminate this small group of Japanese troops trying to break through, the guard company immediately launched an attack across the board and pounced on them like tigers descending from the mountain. At this time, they were under fire.Under the attack, the number of Japanese troops has dropped sharply from a squadron to a squad and a half. The Japanese army led by Masao Iwabe.

    Seeing his opponent rushing towards him, he knew that his breakout plan had failed and that it would be difficult for him to stand out again. He also knew that he would not be able to retreat to the main position after abandoning all his subordinates. Iwabe Masao was left alone and stretched out his hand on the ground.  Picking up a rifle abandoned by the dead in battle, he tried to make a last ditch effort.

    It¡¯s a pity that he was tough, but the next performance of his subordinates left him stunned.  The remaining Japanese troops, who had already lost all fighting spirit due to the huge lethality of anti-aircraft machine guns, saw their opponents rushing towards them. They actually dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.  There was only Masao Iwabe left, holding a rifle with a bayonet and standing there stupidly, preparing for a hand-to-hand fight.

    Seeing that the subordinates around him actually dropped their weapons and raised their hands in a posture of surrender, Iwabe Masao couldn't help but be dumbfounded.  After looking at the opponent who was about to rush in front of him, Iwabe Masao, who knew that he should be loyal to the emperor, dropped the rifle in his hand, took out the gun on his body, stuffed the muzzle of the gun into his mouth, and wanted to swallow the gun and commit suicide gently.  Pull the trigger.

    Masao Iwabe knew that others could surrender, but he could never surrender.  From the day the Japanese army was founded, although it was not without captured officers, it had no captured regimental commanders, let alone captured officers at the rank of colonel. This example cannot be made from myself.

    It is understandable that Masao Iwabe wants to commit suicide.  But the Japanese Southern Type 14 pistol in his hand was really disappointing.  At this critical moment, it actually got stuck.  When the desperate Colonel Iwabe pulled out the gun that had been stuffed into his mouth and reloaded it to try again, the opponent who had already rushed to his side stopped.

    Exposed to the bright light from the flare, his rank of colonel was undoubtedly very attractive to the Du Kaishan security company who rushed up.  What does a colonel mean? At least he is also a captain.  As long as you can catch this guy and get at least a medal, you won't be able to escape.

    Seeing this guy who failed to commit suicide, he pulled out the pistol again and tried to load it again. The guard company commander, who was afraid that the duck he had already obtained would fly away again, personally took charge of the battle and led three soldiers to pounce on him.  He snatched the pistol from Iwabe Masao's hand that was very embarrassing to him, pushed him to the ground and tied him up tightly.

    The company commander was afraid that this guy was causing some trouble, so he took off the hat of a Japanese soldier who was beaten into two pieces and stuffed it directly into Colonel Iwabe's mouth to prevent him from harming himself.  possible.  As for Masao Iwabe, who was tightly tied but still struggling, he didn't care about other small movements.  As long as you don't die, that's all.

    Iwabe Masao's little move of leaving without saying goodbye was pushed back by Du Kaishan without even raising a splash.  Major Liu Xi, who didn't know that his captain had already gloriously become the first captured captain among the Japanese army, was much tougher than him.

    There were no fortifications for hiding, and the remaining troops were directly exposed on the bare river beach. Under the continuous firepower of the opponent, more than half of them were killed or injured in just half an hour. Major Liu Xi was still leading the last resort.  The remaining troops rushed left and right, resisting with all their might.

    As time goes by, more and more opponents are breaking through the final line of defense of the 70th Regiment, and the number of troops around Major Liu Xi is also getting smaller and smaller.  Less than an hour after the battle started, he was still surrounded by Japanese troops who were still resisting, and their full strength had dropped sharply to less than one squadron.

    Du Kaishan was very impatient with Major Liu Xi¡¯s stubborn resistance.  After having dealt with most of the remaining Japanese troops, and seeing that the sky was about to light up, he felt that the capture of a captain of the Dazuo Regiment was enough to give the commander a report. He lost patience and directly ordered the mountain artillery battalion to attack the last Japanese army that was still stubbornly resisting.  Come on with fire coverage.

    When the smoke from the artillery shells slowly fell, Major Liu Xi went into battle in person and resisted with a crooked machine gun in his hand. Together with the crooked machine gun in his hand, he was shot by a shot made by his country and used to massacre the Chinese.  The 75mm mountain artillery shell exploded into a pile of minced meat that no one could tell who it was.

    Less than half an hour after Major Liu Xi¡¯s last resistance was crushed, the gunfire on the front line of Jianshanzi gradually calmed down.  When the sky lit up again, except for a few stragglers, the 70th Regiment, as a regiment of the Japanese army, had disappeared as an organic unit.

    After receiving the report from Du Kaishan that he had completely eliminated the 70th Regiment, Yang Zhen left this place to Du Kaishan without any delay and ordered him to clean up the battlefield and immediately march westward under the command of Deputy Commander Zhao Shangzhi.  Afterwards, he and Guo Bingxun led the headquarters to quickly prepare to go north to join Liu Changshun.

    As for being caught by Du Kaishan,Yang Zhen was not even the slightest bit interested in being his first prisoner of war as captain of the Major Corps.  In Yang Zhen's opinion, he is just a colonel, not a general above major general, so there is nothing to be excited about.  Yang Zhen showed a lack of interest, which greatly disappointed Du Kaishan, who had specially escorted Masao Iwabe to present the treasure.

    Looking at the frustrated Du Kaishan, Guo Bingxun, who was busy arranging the transfer of the command headquarters, patted his shoulder and comforted him with a smile.  The chief of staff's praise made the somewhat disappointed Du Kaishan feel somewhat interested.

    Seeing that everyone in the headquarters was busy withdrawing phone lines and maps, Du Kaishan, who had already guessed that the commander decided to attack the 25th Division from the headquarters' northward move, swallowed the saliva in his mouth and whispered  Discussed with Guo Bingxun: "Chief of Staff, can our brigade also participate in the battle this time when we go north?"

    "The kid's 70th Regiment is too weak to withstand the fight. It will collapse before I can get enough of it. Do you think our brigade should be transferred north to join the war? Or just two brigades. Isn't the strength of the two brigades insufficient?  A little? Lao Wang has strengthened a regiment of reorganized divisions. Even though the casualties caused by Lao Wang's blockade are not small these days, the air is still there, isn't it?

    "Our military region does not count as local troops. The field armies total only three brigades. Each brigade only has two reorganized regiments. The remaining regiment is just a shelf regiment. After the two days of resistance at Lao Wang's place,  Given the superior ground and air firepower of the Little Japs, the casualties will definitely be considerable. If we fight with one reinforced division of the Little Jaaps, is our strength too small?"

    "Chief of Staff, please tell the commander to transfer our brigade there too. One more person will bring more strength, right? Although one of my regiments is now transferred to Deputy Commander Zhao, I still have one more  The casualties are not too big, right? It would be better to take us as a reserve team."

    Regarding Du Kaishan's salivating expression after hearing that the headquarters was about to move north, Guo Bingxun smiled and said: "Okay, there is progress. At least we can judge the commander's next combat intention from the actions of the headquarters. Yes, quite good.  Not bad. And it¡¯s good to think about the problem from the perspective of the enemy¡¯s and ours¡¯ forces on the entire battlefield.¡±

    "Your initiative to seek war is also quite good. But why don't you tell the commander? As long as he agrees to your brigade going north to join the war, what are you afraid of?"

    Hearing that Guo Bingxun asked him to discuss with Yang Zhen, Du Kaishan shrank in fear and said: "The commander has placed us under the command of Deputy Commander Zhao. If I ask him at this point, I will have to be scolded. Chief of Staff, you are the leader.  Good man, can you talk to the commander and let our brigade go north as well?¡±

    When Yang Zhen was mentioned, the fearful expression on Du Kaishan's face made Guo Bingxun smile.  After laughing, Guo Bingxun shook his head slightly and said: "Kaishan, there is a reason why the commander left you here under the command of Deputy Commander Zhao. Deputy Commander Zhao has an integrated regiment of the Japanese army and two more  A brigade of puppet Manchu troops.¡±

    "Deputy Commander Zhao has only two regiments of troops, even if he adds a regiment transferred from your department. Coupled with the small amount of local armed forces that have just been formed, the strength is less than 5,000. And the fourteenth over there  The regiment is not a weakling like the 70th Regiment, but it is an elite field regiment of the Japanese army. "

    "If you also go north, and there are only two regiments at hand, and Deputy Commander Zhao who lacks heavy weapons does not even have a support force, how can you fight this battle? Once the 14th Regiment breaks through his blockade,  We will be attacked from both sides and the good form we have built will be ruined.¡±

    "Although Deputy Commander Zhao's side is a flank and not the main battlefield, the gains and losses on his side will affect the overall situation. It is for this reason that the commander left your entire brigade. And the reason why the commander left your brigade behind  , In addition to strengthening his troop deployment, there are also reasons for relying on your capabilities. "

    "Don't keep thinking about eating meat or chewing bones. Don't think too much. Go back and organize the troops and cooperate with Deputy Commander Zhao. As long as you fight well over there, the rear of the main force will be safe. Only when there are no worries, Commander  Only then can we concentrate all our energy on dealing with the fundamental boss.¡±

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