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Text Chapter 255 Western Front

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    Wang Guangyu in the middle line used various tactics to ravage Genbo and his 24th Division to an extraordinary degree, but he was never bitten. The casualty exchange ratio was almost negligible.  [.Com text] On the western front, the Liu Changshun Brigade and the Du Kaishan Brigade commanded by Yang Zhen, with the cooperation of the three-district backbone regiment, have secretly completed the deployment of Kuwahara Shiro's troops.

    The battle plan formulated by Yang Zhen is very simple, which is to concentrate superior troops and firepower to adopt the tactics of advancing hand in hand against the Japanese 25th Division on the Western Front, adopting the tactics of first east and then west, dividing and annihilating them.

    First, concentrate the main forces to deal with the enemies crossing the river from Yilan on the east road, that is, the 70th Regiment, the main force of the Japanese army on the west front, and the 16th Brigade in the Fourth Military Area.  Then he turned around and went west to encircle and annihilate the two infantry brigades of his 14th Regiment and the other two brigades of the puppet Manchukuo army that crossed the river from Fangzheng.

    The reason why Yang Zhen adopted this tactic was because the Japanese Army's 70th Regiment, which crossed the river from Yilan, played a central supporting role when the Japanese army moved north this time.  To the east, it can coordinate the actions of the 25th Division, and to the west, it can support the 14th Regiment that crosses the river from Fangzheng and goes north via Tonghe and Fengshan.  Destroying this 70th Regiment will completely cut off the direct connection between the Japanese troops on the east and west fronts.

    In fact, for the 70th Regiment to be placed in such an important, even critical position, after experiencing the Jiamusi Battle, the impression of the Fourth Division has been extremely bad, and the 70th Regiment from the Fourth Division has been  Kenji Doihara, the commander of the Fifth Army who was also very cold, disagreed.

    Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara has proposed several times to use the 40th Regiment from the 10th Division, or the 14th Regiment from the 12th Division, which is recognized as one of the strongest combat capabilities in the Japanese army, as the central support  use.  As for the 70th Wing, it's better to let them stay.

    But no matter how he persuaded him, Umezu Yoshijiro, who was driven mad by some unknown reason, still insisted on using the 70th Regiment.  In the opinion of General Yoshijiro Umezu, who had not yet suffered the hardships of the Fourth Division, the Imperial Army had no soldiers who were incapable of fighting, but only cowardly generals.  Although the 70th Regiment came from the recognized quagmire of the Fourth Division, it does not mean that the 70th Regiment cannot fight.

    General Umezu¡¯s reason is very normal.  At present, the Nomenhan area still needs to deploy heavy troops to prevent the Soviet counterattack. With the Kwantung Army's current tight strength, there is no reason to leave such a fully equipped infantry regiment behind.  Since the 70th Regiment is the most combat-effective unit among the old divisions of the Fourth Division, then maybe it should be good, right?

    In the view of General Umezu Yoshijiro, as the most powerful regiment of the original Fourth Division, the 70th Regiment from the relatively poor Sasayama area of ??Osaka has a far more powerful fighting style than his colleagues in the Fourth Division.  Much.  At the very least, he wouldn't put his life first like them, or at least he wouldn't do things like ignore the situation or abandon friendly forces.

    Among the original four commanders of the Fourth Division, Colonel Masao Iwabe was also the most powerful one.  He can be called a famous warrior of the Fourth Division.  Of course, at least on the surface, this 70th Regiment and their commander look much better than the other 4th Division Regiments that are so bad that they can't even pull it out.

    It¡¯s just a question of whether the 70th Regiment, who was born in the Fourth Division, can take on the role of General Yoshijiro Umezu, Commander-in-Chief of the Kwantung Army, Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara, Commander of the Fifth Army, and Kuwahara, Commander of the 25th Division.  That's two things to say about the important responsibility assigned by Lieutenant General Shiro.

    It¡¯s just that Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara agrees with General Umezu¡¯s reason in front, but maybe the one at the back should be good, right?  But it almost scared Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara's jaw off.

    "Maybe"?  How can something as serious as war be decided by possibility?  Even though he had been an agent for most of his military career, Kenji Doihara, who was only half a soldier at most, knew that this was extremely unserious.

    Of course, General Umezu placed high hopes on whether the 70th Regiment, which had been entrusted with the important task, could shoulder this responsibility. Masao Iwabe, who didn't know that he had become Yang Zhen's first choice, was of course very excited.  When faced with the questioning of Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara, he almost took out his ancestor who had been dead for hundreds of years and was known as the most famous samurai ancestor in the Toyoda Hideyoshi era and swore an oath.

    It¡¯s just a question of whether his subordinates, who have been hanging out with the vendors of the Fourth Division for many years, especially nearly half of the officers coming from the urban area of ??Osaka, which has a higher level of education, can give him this voice and save the Osaka people. It is already said in the Japanese army.  It's a notorious reputation, it's really hard to say.

    However, the offensive momentum of the 70th Wing was indeed very strong at the beginning. It can even be described as a triumphant song.  First, they conquered Zhulian, an important town in the north of the Songhua River without a fight, and then occupied Tangyuan County, which had become an empty city, without any bloodshed.  It was only after occupying Tangyuan County that the 70th Regiment discovered that they were in a very bad situation.  Except for getting water from Tangwang River outside the city, I couldn't find a single well in the entire Tangyuan County.

      The most fatal thing is not that there are no wells, because outside Tangyuan County is the Tangwang River that flows continuously and has a huge amount of water. The problem of drinking water is easy to solve.  Such a big river is full of living water, so I don't have to worry about what my opponent will do.  The most fatal thing was that the hungry 70th Regiment could not find a single citizen, a grain of grain, or even fodder for horses in the huge Tangyuan County.

    In desperation, Masao Iwabe could only contact Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara, the commander of the electrical division, to urge the rear baggage to be replenished as soon as possible.  At least some of the food should be transferred to meet the urgent need.

    I don¡¯t know why, but Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara only allocated part of the food to Masao Iwabe¡¯s request.  In total, it was enough for the 70th Regiment and the 16th Puppet Manchukuo Mixed Brigade assigned to its operations for two days.  As for the others, they used the lack of transportation capacity as an excuse to let Masao Iwabe act cheaply and recruit them on the spot.

    In fact, in Yilan County at this time, the food and other materials that have just been replenished are not only not lacking, but also sufficient.  The transport capacity is not as scarce as Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara said.

    In addition to the 25th Division's own baggage regiment, there is also a car brigade in Yilan County specially transferred by General Umezu Yoshijiro, who has some foresight against the opponent's tactics of fortifying walls and clearing fields, to specifically ensure logistics supplies.

    Lieutenant General Kuwahara Shiro's strange order made even the Chief of Staff of the 25th Division curious about why the division commander, who had been behaving strangely and often distracted since his wife and daughter were kidnapped, would make such a decision.

    This order also means that if Masao Iwabe wants to feed himself and his subordinates, as well as the stomachs of the puppet Manchukuo officers and soldiers who are fighting together, he can only go north as soon as possible to find the common people hidden by the other party.

    For those businessmen who want to do business but have no other comrades in the regiment, apart from running a small business, the biggest source of wealth is to rob civilians with nothing during the war. For the officers and soldiers of the 70th Regiment who made a lot of money  , the most painful thing is not not having food.

    Because in their opinion, food can be transported from the rear at any time.  For them, they can't find women to vent their anger, and they can't find people to rob.  Not being able to make a fortune is the most painful thing for them.

    The Seventy Regiment is actually not as good as General Umezu Yoshijiro imagined. If compared with other regiments of the Fourth Division, the main difference between these people is that they are less business-minded, but they are not as good at getting rich for nothing as robbery.  But it is far more interesting than fighting.

    The food from the rear was only delivered for two days and could not meet the needs of the imperial army at all.  In desperation, Masao Iwabe could only urge the troops to speed up and go north.  It is hoped that the hidden people can be found as soon as possible so that supplies can be obtained.

    It¡¯s just that the march route given to them by General Meijin was directly from Tangyuan County to the north, passing through the old battlefield of Miaolingzi Mountain and then straight into Heli.  In other words, after leaving Tangyuan County, their subsequent combat itineraries were all in the mountains.

    Colonel Masao Iwabe is arrogant, but he is not stupid.  After getting in touch with the 14th Regiment on the Western Front, which had already reached the Haoliang River line at this time, and ensuring the safety of their left wing, they gathered the troops into a group and rolled all the way north.  The starting point of their attack was in Yilan, southwest of Jiamusi. They were already too far away from the main force in the middle.

    Masao Iwabe, who was in a hurry to join Lieutenant General Hiroshi Nemoto, did not know that in the mountains on both sides of the Jianshanzi line directly in front of him, Yang Zhen had concentrated the main force of two infantry brigades, plus the field artillery regiment,  The main force of the rocket artillery regiment deployed a pocket formation waiting for him.

    As for the main force of the 14th Regiment on the Western Front, Yang Zhen put the 2nd Brigade and 5th Regiment plus the 3rd Division Basic Regiment under the unified command of Zhao Shangzhi, using guerrilla tactics to delay its eastward reinforcements.  The blocking line drawn by Yang Zhen for Zhao Shangzhi is the Daliangzi River.  In other words, no matter how Zhao Shangzhi fights, the 14th Regiment must not be allowed to cross the Daliangzi River and join the 70th Regiment.

    In an extremely hidden mountain col in the northwest of Jianshanzi, except for the constant ticking sounds of several radio stations indicating that this is a relatively high-level headquarters, there is no sound indicating that this is the place chosen by Yang Zhen.  The location of the front finger?

    And in the sky, Japanese military planes kept flying, roaring northward over this mountain col that had been painstakingly concealed.  Occasionally, a few bombs were randomly dropped on several surrounding hills, hoping to arouse the enemy.  Test whether there is an enemy ambush in the vast mountains below.

    Faced with the bombs that exploded on the hills around them from time to time, the headquarters security troops and the direct anti-aircraft machine gun companies were extremely nervous.  The machine gunner's finger was tightly pressed on the trigger. As soon as the Japanese aircraft discovered this place and dived downwards, they would fire without hesitation.

    Military Region Guard Staff Officer Han Renhe, who was called over by Yang Zhen from the First Army, also raised his binoculars from time to time and looked at the Japanese aircraft flying in the sky.??.  Since Han Renhe was named by Yang Zhen from the First Army, he has been serving as the security minister of the military region, the security staff of the headquarters, and the head of the security regiment.

    Although there is only one subordinate in name only, in fact there is only one guard company, one directly affiliated personal guard platoon and a newly formed guard regiment of anti-aircraft machine gun company. The entire security department only has two or three kittens, which is a serious shortage of manpower.  But this does not hinder his enthusiasm and meticulousness in his work.

    The need to ensure the safety of Yang Zhen and others was something he repeatedly emphasized when Wei Zhengmin, the political commissar of the First Army, talked to him before he was transferred from the First Army to the Jidong Military Region.  He has a strong sense of responsibility. Having served as a political commissar in the First Route Army Guard Brigade for a long time, he immediately started working as soon as he took office.  There is no lack of enthusiasm for work due to lack of manpower.

    Having collaborated with Dong Ping in combat, he has always been full of praise for the capabilities of the reconnaissance battalion directly under the military region.  After several requests from him and repeated mentions by Li Mingrui and Dong Ping, Yang Zhen finally agreed with his idea and agreed with him to form a guard regiment, and transferred a platoon from the reconnaissance battalion as the backbone of the newly formed guard regiment.  Moreover, all training of the guard regiment must be conducted according to the reconnaissance battalion.

    It¡¯s just that after working next to Yang Zhen, it was the first time he fought with Yang Zhen, and the situation he faced was completely different from when he was in the First Army, so Han Renhe was somewhat nervous.  When I was in the First Army, I mostly faced small Japanese and puppet troops in combat, no more than a few thousand people at most.  This is the first time we have encountered such a large number of aircraft in the sky, at least in the form of a wing on the ground.

    Compared with the highly nervous security forces and Han Renhe, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun were not nervous in a wooden hideout in the mountain col.  The two people easily made final modifications to the battle plan on the map.

    Although the 70th Regiment gathered all its troops and marched together, they still sent out scouts composed of two infantry squads in accordance with the Japanese army's tactical requirements.  Now that its scouts have appeared in the Jianshanzi area, it means that the main force of the 70th Regiment is not far away.

    After completing the final work on the picture, Yang Zhen dropped the red and blue pencils in his hands and said to Guo Bingxun with a smile: "It seems that the letter from the political commissar was not written to Kuwahara Shiro in vain. The speed of the entire Japanese puppet army's advance from the Western Front is as fast as  Judging from the progress, although this guy did not fully comply with our requirements, he at least made some adjustments. "

    "To be honest, there may be some Japanese who are afraid of their wives, but to be honest, this is the first time I have seen someone as afraid of their wives as this dignified Lieutenant General. For the safety of his wife and children, he actually dared to bring an infantry regiment here  This kind of person can be considered the ultimate in negotiating with us. ¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's emotion, Guo Bingxun smiled and said: "There is no harm in betraying the 70th Regiment to Kuwahara Shiro. First, it can ensure the safety of his wife and children. Secondly, this 70th Regiment was originally in the 20th  Lieutenant General Kuwahara must be happy to take this opportunity to exchange blood for the 70th Regiment, which is very disliked by others. "

    "What's more, Iwabe Masao messed up. It can be said that he underestimated the enemy and rushed in, and it had nothing to do with him, Kuwahara Shiro. With the 70th Regiment as the central support, Kuwahara Shiro did not fail to report to Umezu Yoshijiro and ask for his replacement.  If the 70th Regiment is surrounded and annihilated by us, it will be caused by General Umezu Yoshijiro's wrong decision, and it has nothing to do with him. "

    "The 70th Regiment came out of the Fourth Division. Even if it is the most capable fighter in the Fourth Division, I am afraid that after staying in the mud pit of the Fourth Division for so many years, its combat effectiveness is still lower than that of other Japanese troops.  It's a lot worse. It's gratifying that the 70th Regiment won, but it was also a disadvantage for us. Shiro Kuwahara did not violate the secret agreement with us."

    "If we lose, even if we meet our demands, Shiro Kuwahara can find a hundred reasons to shirk responsibility. As long as the secret agreement between us and him is not exposed, this guy can be said to have no scruples."

    "If not, there will be an emperor in Tokyo with a reputation that puts interests above all else and is willing to kill relatives for the sake of the so-called interests of the empire. I just don't know if his father-in-law, who came from a famous plutocrat in Tokyo, will spare him."

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's answer, Yang Zhen laughed and said: "No matter how Kuwahara Shiro explains to his father-in-law, or how he plots, if we don't eat this plate of food delivered to our mouths, we will be sorry for his hard work.  Wang Guangyu's side is fighting very smoothly, and it's really hard for Jiancao, so we two military commanders can't be too far behind, right?"

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