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Text Chapter 235 Conversation and High Expectations

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    Seeing Yang Zhen's slightly uncertain expression after hearing the central decision announced by him, Mr. Lin, who is not good at political work, said today: "The reason why Comrade Zhou Baozhong no longer serves as the commander-in-chief and political commissar of the Second Route Army is not  It was not a decision made by the central government alone, but in response to his repeated requests to the central government."

    "He hopes to promote younger, more energetic and capable young cadres, especially military cadres, to more important positions. [.Com text] And he himself serves as the first secretary of the Northeast Bureau and the Jidong Provincial Party Committee  After becoming secretary, we need to focus more on the restoration and reconstruction of local party organizations, coordinating the relationship between the three provincial committees, and the formation of local political power.¡±

    "He has talked to me several times about the current party organizations in the Northeast, especially in the Jidong area, which have been severely damaged by the Japanese army. Almost most of the grassroots party organizations need to be rebuilt. This work alone has also involved him.  Most of his energy cannot be devoted to military work, so he hopes that the central government can select a cadre with both ability and political integrity to replace him, and he also named you to take over his position. "

    "After learning that the central government had decided to abolish the establishment of the Second Route Army, he declined the original idea of ??him serving as the political commissar of the Jidong Military Region. He believed that Comrade Li Yanping was fully capable of succeeding him. He would no longer serve as the political commissar of the Jidong Military Region.  The top military and political chief can allow him to concentrate on local work and improve the organizational construction of the Northeast region."

    "This decision of the Central Committee was made after full consideration of Comrade Zhou Baozhong's request and the specific situation of the Second Route Army. I hope you will not have random thoughts. As for the adjustment of the Third Route Army and the North Manchuria Provincial Committee, the Central Committee has fully considered it."  It was made taking into account the actual situation of the North Manchuria Provincial Committee.¡±

    "Regarding the adjustment of Comrade Kim Chaek's work, the central government, in accordance with the wishes of the Korean Independence Alliance just established in Yan'an, took advantage of the Northeast's proximity to North Korea and its large Korean population to train a group of cadres with overall overall planning and rich military experience for North Korea. In order to provide  It was determined by the requirement to prepare for the independent establishment of Korea after defeating Japan in the future.

    "Not only do the work of Korean comrades within the Anti-Japanese Alliance have to make some necessary adjustments, but the central government will also transfer a group of Korean comrades from various base areas to return to work in the Northeast later. The transfer of Comrade Jin Ce to the Northeast Bureau will only solve the problem of Korean comrades in Yan'an.  The first step required by comrades.¡±

    "Comrade Yang Zhen, I hope you won't think too much. The central government made such a decision not because it wanted to purge certain people or to settle accounts on certain historical issues. It was decided after careful consideration based on the development and changes of the situation in Northeast China.  I don¡¯t look at anyone with a dirty look. I hope you can understand this. The central government will not make such a stupid move as to destroy the Great Wall in the current critical situation in Northeast China.¡±

    "If you have any opinions on the central government's arrangements, you can put them forward directly, and I will report them to the central government truthfully. But I hope you can put the overall situation first and obey the central government's work allocation. In addition, if you need anything, the central government will do its best.  Help you solve it.¡±

    Regarding General Lin's words, Yang Zhen pondered for a while and said: "Mr. Lin, the Second Route Army can be said to have been created by the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief who never engaged in factional struggles had a very high prestige in the original Second Route Army system. Now the commander-in-chief in the army  Almost all political cadres come from the Second Route Army system. Once the commander-in-chief no longer holds a certain position in the military region, some cadres may feel a sense of crisis.¡±

    "It has only been half a year since I joined the Second Route Army at the end of last year. My foundation is still shallow, and my prestige is not enough to convince the public. I was lucky enough to win a few battles, but this is not enough to replace the commander-in-chief among the former Second Route Army officers and men.  The most important thing is that when I was in the 129th Division, my highest position was just a company commander, and I seriously lacked the experience to coordinate the overall situation. "

    "Furthermore, the Anti-Japanese Alliance has just made contact with the Central Committee. If such a big change occurs, it may cause instability in the army. In my opinion, it is better to let the commander-in-chief at least temporarily serve as the first political commissar of the military region or the first secretary of the party committee, even if it is  It doesn¡¯t matter if it¡¯s a false position. At least it will allow the cadres from the former Second Route Army system to have a transition and adaptation process. This is my opinion on the central government¡¯s adjustment of cadres in the Northeast.¡±

    "There are too many places that need help. Now the army is developing rapidly and there is a shortage of cadres in all aspects. In particular, there is an extreme shortage of qualified political cadres. Because they have never accepted direct command from the central government, the political work methods of the Anti-Japanese Alliance are different from  The main force of our army within the pass is quite different, so many tasks are not suitable for the current situation. "

    "Furthermore, the political foundation of the Anti-League itself and the troops developed by the old Red Army in the pass must not be very good. In addition, the situation is severe, the political workers have sacrificed too much, and the political cadres of the Anti-League themselves are also insufficient. This has further caused our current situation.  There is a serious shortage of qualified political cadres in the military.¡±

    ¡°It has been nearly two months since the former political commissar of the Second Regiment was transferred to the political commissar of the first division.But so far, no suitable candidate can be found to serve as the political commissar of the Second Regiment.  I hope that the central government can dispatch a group of experienced political cadres to work in the Jidong Military Region.  "

    "And what we currently lack is not just political cadres. Almost all departments such as enemy workers, anti-special agents, and communications are seriously short of qualified talents. The army has developed too fast, and talent training has never been able to keep up due to limitations of the situation. So in  We are extremely understaffed in almost all positions.¡±

    "Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about the communication capabilities of the troops. Now almost all the codes used in military communications are prepared by Chief Guo, because he is the only one in the entire army who knows how to compile codes. According to our regulations, before each battle,  , the passwords of all the troops must be changed. The contact passwords at the division level will be changed every half a month, or as soon as three to five days."

    "For the sake of communication security, when facing the Japanese army with strong interception capabilities, we can only change the password frequently. This has made the chief of staff who already wears multiple hats have to find time to spare due to the shortage of manpower in the headquarters.  A lot of effort goes into making up passwords.¡±

    "Not only does it involve a lot of energy from Chief of Staff Guo, but putting all the code compilation in the hands of one person is too stressful and not very safe. Once Chief of Staff Guo dies, the communication codes of the entire army will even have to be replaced.  All use will be paralyzed."

    "Although we have consciously selected and trained a group of talents from the Puppet Manchukuo high school students we recruited based on our shortcomings, this takes a long time. Moreover, we lack anti-special cadres and lack screening for these students.  Ability. Even if a few have been trained, many key departments dare not deploy them.¡±

    "Mr. Lin, compared with within the pass, the control of the Japanese army in Northeast China is much tighter. The number of enemy agents and their ability to move are far beyond what can be compared with those within the pass. Now we are in urgent need of a large number of manpower with anti-special experience. We  I hope the central government can send us a group of such people.¡±

    "If our intelligence capabilities were stronger and the enemy's work was better, the rebellion of Chen Shaobin and Shang Liansheng would not have been hidden for such a long time. The Third Route Army would not have suffered because of their rebellion.  Such a big loss.¡±

    "In addition to the above, we are in urgent need of talents who are good at opening up base areas. The anti-Japanese struggle cannot be carried out without a reliable and stable base area, and the difference in actual conditions between Northeast China and Guan Nei further determines the importance of the base area. I hope that the Central Committee  A group of veteran comrades with rich experience can be dispatched to work in Northeast China.¡±

    Having said this, Yang Zhen raised his head and looked at Mr. Lin, who was listening to his words quietly in front of him. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Lin, what we need is someone who has been tested for a long time and can work down-to-earth to develop the Northeast Anti-Japanese Team.  , Strengthen the talents who can make contributions. Well, we don¡¯t need those anti-revolutionary experts. The Anti-Japanese Alliance, especially the Second Route Army, can¡¯t stand the big trouble.¡±

    Regarding the needs raised by Yang Zhen, Mr. Lin was silent for a while and said: "I will truthfully convey these opinions and requests of yours to the central government. Don't worry, the central government will make overall arrangements as appropriate. In addition to these requests and opinions, you also  Is there anything you want to convey to the central government?¡±

    At this point, Mr. Lin paused and said, "Including your personal affairs, if there is anything that needs to be arranged by the central government, you can directly raise it."

    ¡°Obviously, Mr. Lin is very aware of the emotional entanglement between Yang Zhen, Qin Xiuhua, and Yi Jianping.  He is also aware of some of the central government's intentions.  And Mr. Lin is obviously not a political commissar who talks to people. Generally speaking, few people in his position can ask such an almost explicit question.

    It¡¯s just that Yang Zhen may have misunderstood what he meant, or maybe he didn¡¯t think that way at all.  In response to Mr. Lin's question, he just shook his head and said: "I have nothing to ask for. I just hope that the central government will carefully consider the affairs and arrangements of the Third Route Army and avoid causing conflicts between the Second and Third Route Armies.  Even the estrangement from the central government creates opportunities for external forces to intervene.¡±

    "Comrade Zhaolin, who has worked in the Northern Manchuria region for a long time, is far better than me in terms of prestige in the Northern Manchuria region and work experience in the Northeast. I hope the central government will carefully consider whether it is appropriate to only arrange for him to serve as a member of the Northeast Bureau?"

    "After Comrade Zhao Shangzhi left the Third Route Army, at least for now, he is still irreplaceable in the Third Route Army. I suggest that the central government should arrange him at least as secretary of the Secretariat. Otherwise, the three military commanders in the Third Route Army  Comrade Jingyu and I are both secretaries, and he is just a committee member. Doesn¡¯t this seem a bit inappropriate? "

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words, Mr. Lin said without hesitation in a decisive tone: "No, his arrangements will not change. You and Comrade Jingyu are still responsible for the military struggle in Northeast China."?, overall command.  This decision of the central government was made by the leader himself and will not change.  "

    When he heard Mr. Lin say these words, his tone was unchangeable. Yang Zhen knew that the central government was determined to adjust personnel in Northeast China this time.  And judging from the current situation, this determination is very strong.  You must know that the intensity of this determination can be imagined when the environment has not been fundamentally alleviated.

    Seeing that Yang Zhen was silent, Mr. Lin took out one from the bag filled with fried soybeans that Yang Zhen had specially prepared for him on the table, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly for a while.  , and after a long time he swallowed it and said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, the Central Committee hopes that you can appreciate the Central Committee's painstaking efforts in adjusting the Northeast cadres this time. We must fully follow the Central Committee's established policies and independently carry out the anti-Japanese guerrilla war."

    "The central government already knows about your request for assistance from Jiangbei. The central government appreciates and agrees with your idea of ??relying on self-reliance and striving to build your own military production capacity instead of putting all your hopes on foreign aid. The central government hopes to be able to work with Northeast China through you.  We will work hard to reverse the unfavorable situation in Northeast China as soon as possible with the efforts of all cadres of the bureau.¡±

    "The central government and the leaders have great expectations for you. Your replacement as commander of the Jidong Military Region this time was personally selected by the leader. The central government believes that you have the ability to complete the tasks assigned to you by the central government. I hope you will not disappoint the central government and the leaders.  , while maintaining our own independence, we should strive to become proactive as soon as possible.¡±

    "Don't say that I won a few battles by luck. In the military, I rarely convince others, but here today, I still say the same thing. I couldn't make up your mind in those battles you fought. And you and I  We are all soldiers and we all know that there is no such thing as luck on the battlefield.¡±

    "The leader is always very accurate in judging people. After getting detailed reports on the several battles you launched and the current situation of your troops, the leader once said to the commander-in-chief: This person can survive in such a difficult and difficult environment.  Not only can he develop his troops, but he can also fight such beautiful battles, which is enough to show that this person has outstanding ability, strong ability to lead troops, and has the talent of a general. "

    "It is rare for a leader to evaluate a certain person like this. Comrade Yang Zhen, the central government's decision to appoint you not only reflects the central government's high expectations for you, but also places the leader's strong expectations on you.

    "Originally, when the decision was made to establish the Northeast Bureau, the Central Committee had intended to ask you to serve as the fourth secretary in charge of the overall work of the Northeast Bureau. However, it was precisely because of your qualifications that you were changed to the secretary of the Secretariat, and you will be jointly responsible with Comrade Jingyu  Military Struggle Work in the Northeast.¡±

    "You have a high-power radio station in your hand that can directly communicate with the central government. You can directly ask the central government for instructions when necessary. At the same time, due to the special situation of the First Army, in the absence of Comrade Jingyu, you need to be more determined on military issues in Northern Manchuria.  ¡±

    After listening to Mr. Lin¡¯s words, I knew that there was no room for change.  Mr. Lin talked to me today, not so much to ask for his opinion, but to say hello in advance so as not to make him passive when it was announced. Yang Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "I am too praised for this decision of the central government.  I am a little worried that I will not be able to do it. However, please tell the Central Committee, please rest assured that I will do my best to complete the historical mission assigned by the Central Committee, work hard to fulfill my oath of joining the party, and work for the liberation of the Chinese nation.  Work hard for your career and never regret it even if you die nine times.¡±

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