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Text Chapter 231 Night Talk

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    Yang Zhen, who was dining with the central delegation, naturally had no idea that the central government would have so many ideas before the delegation arrived. If he knew that the central government would do such a thing in order to maintain his independence and not be controlled by the north.  Decided, I don¡¯t know whether to cry or laugh because of the central government¡¯s attention?

    The dinner prepared by Yang Zhen was very sumptuous, and it was obvious that he had put a lot of effort into it.  [.Com text] In addition to the fish from the river and the game caught on the way here, a plate of fried soybeans was specially prepared for Mr. Lin, who has a special preference for soybeans.  It's just that the origin of this plate of soybeans is a bit unsettling. Yang Zhen specially took them out of the horse feed prepared for the horses.

    Although Northeast China is the main soybean producing area in China, it is also the largest producing area.  However, the abundant soybeans are regarded as strategic materials by the Japs and are strictly controlled.  Especially in the northern counties where beans are not produced, the amount of soybeans seized is really not that large.  And these few soybeans are also used as ingredients to increase nutrition for the war horses.

    War horses are not those bad horses that drive shafts, plow fields, and pull mills.  It is very delicate and very particular about what it eats.  In addition to the necessary forage, many additional necessary feeds need to be added.  Among these feeds, bean cakes made from soybeans are the best.  And even forage is not just a matter of rolling up a handful of grass. There are many opinions on the storage and allocation of forage, and even its storage.

    If you really only feed grass, your horse may not even be able to stand up in a few days.  If you were to pull up a handful of grass on the side of the road and use it as feed like those rumors from later generations, I'm afraid it won't take long for your horse to have diarrhea and die.

    Even the hard-working Mongolian horses, which are famous for their tolerance to roughage, are due to the endless high-quality wild soybeans, alfalfa and other top-quality forage grasses on the Mongolian grasslands.  If all the Mongolian grasslands grew were weeds that horses didn¡¯t like to eat, there would probably be no Mongolian horse breed.

    When the army didn¡¯t have a single horse, Yang Zhen didn¡¯t understand these things at all.  When there were relatively sufficient war horses, Yang Zhen discovered that raising these war horses and keeping them strong was not an easy task.  Even the so-called Mongolian horses that are resistant to roughage are completely different from what I heard about in later generations.

    In order to maintain the physical strength of the war horses when it was difficult to replenish the war horses, Yang Zhen personally instructed Zhang Zhenhua to centralize and store all the captured soybeans after occupying several county towns.  The soybean cakes produced in private soybean oil workshops are also purchased by the logistics department.

    In order to welcome Mr. Lin, who loves soybeans, Yang Zhen went to Zhang Zhenhua to buy thirty kilograms of soybeans before leaving.  So these soybeans can definitely be said to be grabbing food from the horse's mouth.  Of course, Yang Zhen would not dare to say these words even to death.  If the central government found out that he actually got soybeans from the horse feed to feed this famous general, he would probably be criticized a lot.

    "Compared to Mr. Lin who was delighted to see the beans, the other generals were more interested in the fish from Heilongjiang cooked with authentic Northeastern techniques.  Especially those kinds of fish that are not found in the south aroused their great interest.

    Stewed grass carp with tofu, braised braised bream flowers, fried bream flowers, crispy yarrow, stewed catfish with potatoes, stir-fried roe deer meat with green onions, braised venison, and crucian carp and jeluo fish meat stewed with Heilongjiang water.  The dumplings made several generals feel like vomiting after eating black bread, red sausage, seaweed soup and other tasteless Russian dishes for a whole year or even several years.

    Even Mr. Lin, who is never picky about food and eats whatever is given to him, also ate a lot of fish.  He ate as much of the fish-filled dumplings as Yang Zhen had given him.  Even the rice served for him was not eaten.  While eating, I rarely praised the delicious food.

    A meal was a feast for the host and the guest. After the meal, when Yang Zhen arranged for the comrades of the delegation to rest, he did not expect that he would be left in the single tent specially prepared for him by Mr. Lin.

    Sitting on the camp bed, Mr. Lin looked at Yang Zhen under the bright lantern for a long time before saying: "Can you tell me about your combat experience? I am very interested in those battles of yours. Can you tell me what happened at that time?"  What kind of circumstances were your decisions based on?

    Looking at the time on his watch, Yang Zhen said hesitantly: "Chief, it's already late at night. Would you like to rest first? After you have rested, I will report to you in detail? I'm used to staying up late.  You are still injured and need to be repaired."

    However, Mr. Lin shook his head and said: "You and I are both soldiers, and staying up all night is nothing to us. I'd better listen to your introduction first. As for rest, we'll talk about it after listening." Although he was not nervous when he spoke.  Not slowly, but his tone was firm.

    Seeing his persistence, Yang Zhen had no choice but to start from how he was captured and how he was imprisoned in the Japanese army's germ warfare actual combat base.I wonder how I made the determination to rush out in the first place.  From the Ash River blocking battle to attacking the pioneering regiment to replenish supplies.  From how Wudaolingzi used explosives to annihilate thousands of Japanese and puppet troops to the attack on Weihe County.

    From Zhongfu at the junction of Acheng and Wuchang to rest and recuperation in Lao Heidingzi¡¯s secret camp.  From the sneak attack on the Jingbo Lake Puppet Manchukuo Hydropower Station construction site to the surprise attack on Jiamusi.  From the bloody battle at Qunceshan, where the 44th Reinforced Regiment of the Japanese Army was completely wiped out, to the bloody battle at Shitou Miaozi, where the main force of the Japanese 104th Division was defeated.

    Yang Zhen explained every battle in detail.  He explained very thoroughly how he thought and how he made the determination to fight, including the deployment of troops.  He even talked about some of his habits when commanding operations.

    It¡¯s not that he consciously showed off, but he really hoped to get guidance from this illustrious marshal.  He believed that his ability in mobile warfare was still very lacking, especially that he had very little experience in commanding large corps in combat.  He was looking forward to getting help from this military master.

    Mr. Lin just listened quietly while Yang Zhen was narrating, without interrupting or commenting.  Just listen and nod.  When Yang Zhen finished his story, he looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief for a long time, and then sighed: "You are so young, but you are so decisive. Many of your determinations, I would not have made."

    "The first battle our army fought against the Japanese army was under my command. I was very clear about the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army. In the Battle of Pingxingguan, the 115th Division had sufficient ammunition and the participating troops were all old bones from the Long March.  The ambushes were only the Japanese army's baggage troops, and there were thousands of casualties, almost a one-to-one ratio with the Japanese army. It's not easy to fight like this against the main Japanese army division. "

    "The Japanese officers and soldiers are well-trained, and their combined combat capabilities are extremely strong, far beyond what we can compare with. Even the most well-trained Central Army of the Kuomintang is far from it. Many of the battles you fought were head-on.  It¡¯s a tough fight. If it were me, I wouldn¡¯t be able to make this decision easily.¡±

    "Of course, there is a reason why your equipment is better than our army in the pass. But you can fight like this with a group of rabble, and expand the army to tens of thousands in a short period of time, and continue to fight  Having won so many battles, luck alone can¡¯t explain the problem. It¡¯s hard to achieve without a lot of hard work.¡±

    "First of all, as a commander, you always have a clear mind, and your judgment of the battlefield situation is very accurate. You have developed targeted training based on the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese tactics. Although the time is relatively short, it seems a bit hasty.  But it is your targeted training that enables your troops to compete with Japanese regular division soldiers in a short period of time without falling behind. "

    "You are right. The outcome of a battle or a battle depends not only on the comparison of the enemy's strength and the disparity in weapons and equipment. It also requires the commander's calm mind and judgment of the battlefield situation.  and reasonable tactical arrangements.¡±

    Speaking of this, Mr. Lin smiled and said: "But your fighting style is very strange. Sometimes you are lavish and fight heartily, which makes you look very arrogant. Sometimes you are a little timid and petty.  From this point of view, it can be said that you have not yet developed your own command style.¡±

    "In the battle of Qunce Mountain, you rushed to surprise Jiamusi, used deep penetration to strike at the enemy's heart, mobilized the Japanese army to come back for reinforcements, dispersed their concentrated forces, and created opportunities for you to finally encircle and annihilate the Japanese army. This is quite exciting, and you can even use  The brilliant description can be used as a typical example of mobile warfare. "

    "Being ambushed at the junction of Wuchang and Acheng, he was able to make a correct judgment in such a short period of time, and concentrated his troops and firepower to defeat the Japanese and puppet troops before the main force of the Japanese army encircled them. He changed from passive to active in one fell swoop.  Not only did he destroy one enemy unit at a very small cost, but he also successfully broke out of the Japanese encirclement. This is difficult to achieve without keen battlefield judgment. "

    "But before the battle in Shitou Miaozi, you argued with your subordinates several times, which delayed a main force for nearly a night. As commanders who are personally on the front line, your subordinates have their own judgment. Chapter 1  Disobedience can feel strange once, but the second time you should wonder why they insist on their opinions.¡±

    "Perhaps you think that because your subordinates were promoted too quickly, they still lack command experience, especially in their judgment of the battlefield situation. But since you can select them as military leaders from the hundreds of people who broke out at the beginning, I  I don¡¯t think you will just maintain the balance within the army. They must all be capable and have certain talents.¡±

    "Although the subsequent development of the battle proved that your judgment was correct, you have not personally seen the terrain of the Xingshan Fortress built by the Japanese army. Your understanding of the situation there will never be clearer than the commanders on the front line.""They are commanding on the front line and have a better understanding of the situation on the front line than you who are far away in Qunce Mountain. Although the subsequent battle situation was passive for a time, the facts proved that the determination of the front line commanders was not wrong. And if you are  When they disobey the order for the second time, if they analyze it carefully, they will not waste most of the night in vain. "

    "So, there are many times when, as a senior commander, you not only have to trust your own judgment, but you also have to trust your subordinates. Find out the most beneficial situation for your side from the intelligence reported by your subordinates.  "

    "The way you look at the situation, you can't just focus on tactics, but you can't just focus on strategy. You have to combine tactics with strategy. This is what a mature senior commander should do. You can't overdo it.  , and we can¡¯t let it go completely.¡±

    "You told me that you are crossing the river by feeling for stones now. But I hope that the time for you to feel for stones is as short as possible. Especially in the situation where it is relatively difficult to replenish your troops and supplies. Try to have as few fights with the Japanese army as possible.  In positional warfare, we should fight more mobile warfare and organically combine mobile warfare with guerrilla warfare. We can neither destroy the enemy without paying attention to preserving ourselves, nor can we only preserve ourselves without destroying the enemy.  Be sure to take advantage of it.¡±

    After all, he is a marshal, he sees the problem very accurately, and he hits the nail on the head.  Not only did he point out Yang Zhen's strengths in detail, but he was also very accurate about his immaturity in battle command.  Of course, if someone else criticizes in a more tactful way, but if Mr. Lin can do that, it will not be his style.

    In response to Mr. Lin's evaluation of himself and his pointing out of the advantages and disadvantages of strategic literacy, Yang Zhen, while brushing up his records, kept asking this man who created three groups of problems on strategy, especially tactics.  Ask military strategists for advice on tactics based on the strengths and weaknesses of both the enemy and the enemy, such as the Three Fierce Tactics.

    "As for Yang Zhen's advice, Mr. Lin, who obviously has a good impression of him, also gave everything he could.  All questions are answered almost immediately.  Especially when Yang Zhen asked for advice on whether it was appropriate to leapfrog the commander, he analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages in detail for Yang Zhen.  Tell Yang Zhen clearly what situations can be done and what situations cannot be done.

    Not only did he give Yang Zhen a lot of advice on military affairs, but he also explained many things in detail in terms of political work that Yang Zhen did not ask for advice.  Neither of them expected that their conversation would last most of the night.  By the time the conversation ended, it was already dark and the cook outside had prepared breakfast.

    After Yang Zhen left Mr. Lin's tent, he thought of the enlightening conversation that night and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "No matter whether future generations have myths about this man or not, he has always been respected by leaders, from the commander of the First Red Army to the First Army.  It is absolutely no accident that he became the commander of the 15th Division and later the commander of a million-strong army.¡±

    "Perhaps he has some shortcomings in his character that will be fatal to him in the future, but this will not hinder his military achievements. No one can deny the role he played in the growth of the people's army in later generations.  Yes. Putting aside political factors, in terms of military quality, perhaps only the one-eyed marshal can compare."

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