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Text Chapter 227 The Complex Third Route Army

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    When the platoon leader heard Feng Zhongyun's question, he chuckled and said, "I felt something was wrong as soon as Adjutant Ma entered the mountain. He always found time to be alone. I saw him acting strangely, so I sent a person to keep an eye on him."  Com text] But I didn¡¯t expect that he always found a specially selected birch tree every thirty miles to mark it, and stuffed a note exposing our whereabouts into the bark of the tree. "

    "When he complained of a stomachache as soon as he entered Suiling, I knew this guy couldn't wait any longer. When he returned, I sent two people to follow him. As a result, I didn't go twenty miles when I saw him holding a  A map with our marching route was murmuring with this guy, and there were two guards wearing speed machines beside him. "

    "Seeing that these people looked strange, our people captured him easily. After interrogation, we found out that the man who was muttering with him, dressed as a ginseng picker, was actually from Hailun County, Manchukuo.  The police chief. And this adjutant gave all our marching routes to this police chief."

    "Thanks to his gift, the Hailun and Suiling puppet Manchukuo troops mobilized two infantry battalions, a mortar company, the Suiling Puppet Manchukuo forest police brigade, plus an infantry squadron of the Japanese army, with a total of thousands of troops in front of us.  Waiting for us. They have opened a big net, waiting for us to fall into the trap. If we hadn't discovered it in time and changed our marching route, we would have suffered a big loss. "

    Hearing what the platoon leader said, Li Zhaolin dubiously took the Japanese documents marked top secret and the pile of notes and read them carefully. The anger in his heart was gone, but he was half cold.  He did not expect that this main force, who was highly regarded by him, would rebel after being arrested in Tangyuan County as early as 37 years ago.

    He not only betrayed a lot of intelligence about the Third Route Army, but also made the Third Route Army more and more passive in its counter-encirclement and suppression campaign last year.  He also betrayed the Japanese army's plan for the Third Route Army's western expedition.  When the Third Route Army chose the route of the Western Expedition, they were forced to choose hundreds of miles of uninhabited mountains and old forests, and almost all of them starved to death and froze to death in the Lesser Khingan Mountains.

    During the Western Expedition, the Third Route Army suffered heavy losses. Although there were not many battles, almost half of its troops were reduced due to cold and hunger.  And half of the disputes within the Third Route Army were caused by this guy.  The purpose was to break up the three most powerful armies in the North Manchurian Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    It¡¯s not just the Third Route Army. At the beginning of last year, the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Route Army crossed the river in search of the Central Committee but returned without success. He was attacked as soon as he returned home. He, who often fought jointly with the Fifth Army, revealed what happened to the Second Route Army to the Japanese and puppet troops.  The specific itinerary of the military commander-in-chief.

    This is only part of the records of the Japanese army.  How much intelligence did this guy sell out, and how many so-called "special" achievements did this guy make for the Japanese and puppets?  There is no way to know because some of the files have been sent to the puppet Ministry of Public Security in Xinjing, the capital of Manchukuo.  Partial understanding can only be gained after interrogation.

    No wonder he was unwilling to stay behind when he was asked to stay in the river.  After the main force left, it didn't take long for the first division to be greatly reduced in strength, with only more than a hundred people left. Several regiment commanders, political commissars and division leaders, except for him, withdrew from Xing'anling.

    "After he withdrew westward and joined the main force, the Third Route Army's operations, which had been carried out smoothly before, suffered repeated setbacks.  Especially the political and security division of the three armed forces, which was the main force, suffered heavy losses due to ambushes by Japanese and puppet troops in several battles.  Within a short period of time, all division commanders and political commissars were killed.

    During the heavy siege of the Xiajiang area by the Japanese army, a main division unit that was in danger several times but successfully escaped was disintegrated in a short period of time.  I couldn't find the reason before, and thought it was caused by the enemy's situation.  Now it seems that the combat plans that caused heavy casualties to the political security division were most likely betrayed by Chen Shaobin.

    Li Zhaolin was extremely frightened when he thought that he, together with the Secretary of the North Manchurian Provincial Committee and the General Political Commissar of the Third Route Army, the three top military and political leaders in North Manchuria, had almost been singled out by him.  If the three of them really died here, the entire North Manchuria Provincial Committee and the Third Anti-Alliance Army would be leaderless.

    Seeing Li Zhaolin's uncertain expression after reading the information he provided, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Commander-in-Chief Li, don't worry too much. The situation is so complicated now. It doesn't matter if there are one or two bugs in the army."  It¡¯s strange. After all, it¡¯s a good thing for us to find him before he brings any serious harm to the troops.¡±

    "Okay, don't think about him now. The central delegation will arrive tomorrow, and the headquarters of the First Army will arrive in the next few days. In addition to meeting with the central leaders, we should also think more about the future of the three of us.  Let¡¯s talk about the coordination of the troops.¡±

    In response to Yang Zhen's relief, Li Zhaolin, Feng Zhongyun and Beiman Provincial Party Committee Secretary Jin Ce smiled bitterly at each other, and could only nod and obey Yang Zhen's arrangement.  In fact, after knowing that the commander of the Sixth Division wasAfter a traitor who had been rebelling for many years, several people knew that the entire Sixth Division might no longer be reliable.

    Now, except for a few guards around me, I can't even send out any peripheral security forces.  Even if he was unwilling to do so, he could only obey the arrangements of the young and somewhat intimidating deputy commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army.

    After sending someone to send the chief of the Third Route Army to settle down, Yang Zhen summoned Li Mingrui and asked him to immediately start screening the Sixth Army and One Division.  Yang Zhen didn't believe it if Chen Shaobin didn't have any close friends in the First Division of the Sixth Army.  But to say that the remaining old bones of the First Division had rebelled with him, Yang Zhen himself would not believe it.

    Screening is necessary. The central delegation is about to arrive. Keeping them is still an unsafe factor after all.  But we can't get involved, as that will chill the troops.  Yang Zhen meant that before the central delegation arrived, the unstable factors in the remaining troops of the First Division should be eliminated as quickly as possible, and the remaining people would be reorganized into a guard company and returned to the Third Route Army.

    "If the leaders of the Third Route Army are worried and don't want these people, they will be sent to the north, handed over to the division, and incorporated into the division's key corps.  These people are all old cadres, and they will be used as the backbone force to supplement the divisional armed forces that appear to be somewhat insufficient after the summer offensive because the jurisdiction has been expanded.

    But to Yang Zhen¡¯s surprise, apart from Chen Shaobin¡¯s adjutant who was his best friend, among the dozens of people left in the First Division, there was actually a company commander who was secretly instigated by him to rebel.  The rest of the personnel, except that they felt that the division commander was a little depressed and even deliberately avoided fighting after the main force's western expedition, had almost no idea about the rest of their division commander's actions.  Chen Shaobin does not seem to be developing rapidly within the first division.

    What is even more surprising to Yang Zhen is that this Commander Chen not only acted as a Japanese spy after rebelling.  In addition to being a Japanese spy, he also has another background. He is actually a senior agent of the Internal Affairs Department of the Soviet Far East Military Region.  Moreover, he also has a secret rank of major in the Internal Affairs Department of the Soviet Far East Military Region.

    What is ironic is that he was clearly marked on the files seized by the Sanjiang Provincial Police Department of the Puppet Manchukuo Province.  Because of his repeated special achievements and the help of Jiangbei, he got rid of the biggest thorn in the side of the Japanese army in northern Manchuria, so the Seventh Military District of the Puppet Manchukuo specially promoted his military rank.  He was promoted from captain last year to major of the Seventh Military District.

    Looking at his confession, Yang Zhen couldn't help but sigh to himself, there are so many great people in this world.  This guy was able to receive important positions in the secret services of both countries, and he actually picked the rank of major in both countries.  And in the Anti-Japanese Alliance, he actually rose to the position of division commander.  Although he is just an agent, everyone knows that if nothing happens, he will be transformed sooner or later.

    Looking at the special achievements he made to the Manchu Empire and its friendly Kwantung Army in his confession, Yang Zhen couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling.  The former commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army who entered the Soviet Union and was detained was a good show jointly directed by him and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Far East Military Region.  And it was he who played a major role, even a key role.

    The reason why the former commander-in-chief was suspected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Far East Military Region to be a Japanese spy was that he decided to take some extreme measures after receiving several assassinations and even a heavy siege and suppression, but failed to solve what he called the biggest henchman in Northern Manchuria.  The rumor was spread by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Far East Military Region after the Japanese army issued an order.

    He took advantage of his secret special identity and the fact that he could enter and leave the Soviet Union much more freely than other generals of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to slander the commander-in-chief in front of the other party.  Catch the incident.

    Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Far East Military Region will take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of the disobedient former commander-in-chief and replace him with an obedient one.  Yang Zhen even thinks that this possibility is quite high.  Because he knows that this big brother has a dark hand.  It's quite neat to pick up people who don't listen to them.

    Not only was the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Route Army in danger after returning from the Soviet Union in March last year, but he informed the Japanese and puppet troops of the news in advance, which saved the Commander-in-Chief from being sacrificed at the hands of the Japanese and puppet troops.  Even last year, the main force of the Third Army and the Sixth Army failed in the Luobei battle and was forced to withdraw to Jiangbei. After being disarmed and sent to Xinjiang, which almost destroyed the main force of the Third Route Army, he also had his shadow behind it.

    When Yang Zhen handed this guy's confession to the commander of the Third Route Army, he saw that the commander-in-chief's face was blue and purple, and then turned red again.  After a long silence, Li Zhaolin handed the confession to Feng Zhongyun and Jin Ce beside him and said, "How do you think this matter should be handled?"

    "If he was just a Japanese spy, it would be easy to just shoot him. But he is still from Jiangbei. If we execute him, will it affect our current cooperative relationship? I wonder if we should hand him in together with this confession.  Give it to Jiangbei and let them handle it themselves? "

    Li Zhaolin¡¯s words sounded a bit strange to Yang Zhen.  Such a person brought huge consequences to the Third Route Army.The losses almost wiped out the headquarters of the Third Route Army, and the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army almost died in his hands. How could the traitors and spies be handed over to Jiangbei for disposal?

    Although his reasons were very good, Yang Zhen had strange thoughts in his heart when he heard his words.  His words sounded like cover-up no matter how you heard them.

    Send him across the river, who knows what they will do with this guy.  Once he is sent across the river, it means that the Anti-Japanese Federation has no right to deal with this person.  No matter how the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Far East Military Region dealt with him, even if he was directly acquitted, the Anti-Japanese Alliance would not be able to pursue him.  In other words, there is a high possibility that this person will not die.

    This strange thought made Yang Zhen secretly suspicious.  Could it be that Commander-in-Chief Li, the former commander-in-chief of the Third Route Army, was also involved in the incident when he crossed the river and was detained?  Does it also have a certain relationship with him?  He didn't want to kill that guy, because he didn't want him to fully disclose the inside story of the matter?

    Thinking back to later generations¡¯ own knowledge of this historical event, because all the people involved have died and there are no other clues except the memoirs of some people who experienced it, rumors are flying around some of the historical events.  Recalling what Peng Dingjie said in the 731 secret prison about the actions of the then director of the General Political Department of the Third Route Army after the commander-in-chief was detained, Yang Zhen gradually confirmed this guess.

    It¡¯s just that although this matter was discovered on our own territory, it was an internal matter of the Third Route Army after all.  How to deal with other people's affairs is a matter within the Third Route Army's own responsibility. It is not good for them to meddle rashly.  Moreover, Yang Zhen also wanted to see what the rumored general political commissar of the Third Route Army, who was always generous, would answer.

    Fortunately, the general political commissar did not disappoint him. He took the telegram and pondered for a long time and said: "We cannot hand him over to Jiangbei. No matter what his other identity is, there is one thing. He is a traitor to the Anti-Union, and he is  A traitor who has caused huge losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.¡±

    "What will the cadres and soldiers below think of such a traitor who does not enforce military law? Will they say that we are harboring traitors? Once this view is brought to cadres and soldiers, it is likely to cause confusion in the morale of the military. Once the morale of the military is scattered,  It will be difficult for us to reverse the situation in the future. Regardless of his background, this person must be severely punished according to military law."

    After Feng Zhongyun finished speaking, Jin Ce, Secretary of the North Manchuria Provincial Party Committee who had been silent, also said: "I support Lao Feng's opinion. No matter what his background is, this person must be severely punished. Otherwise, the military morale and morale will be difficult to control. There is no way to comfort those people.  The heroes of the cadres and soldiers who died on the Western Expedition and stayed behind because of his betrayal.¡±

    "It turned out that the First Division, which had more than 200 troops before the Western Expedition, lost more than half of it in less than two months after the main force withdrew. Almost all the director of the division's political department and the leaders and political commissars of several main force regiments died. To say this  I don¡¯t believe that people died in the Japanese army¡¯s encirclement and suppression, and the troops below don¡¯t believe it either.¡±

    "Without the contribution of this traitor, even if the situation was critical, it would not have been possible for all the regiment cadres to sacrifice their lives in two months, and not a single one would be left. You must know that these regiment leaders and political commissars are all experienced veteran guerrillas  . He is very familiar with the terrain and enemy situation in the Xiajiang area. How could this situation have happened if he hadn't been involved?"

    Hearing that both Feng Zhongyun and Jin Ce insisted on severe punishment and opposed sending him to Jiangbei, Li Zhaolin's face suddenly turned from red to pale, but he said no more.  He just nodded slightly, expressing his acquiescence.

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