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Text Chapter 212 Frustration in June

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    When they received the telegram from the commander-in-chief regarding the other party's reply, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun had just returned to their headquarters in Xingshan Fortress after completing the summer campaign that lasted more than half a month but did not end very satisfactorily.

    In the just-concluded summer offensive campaign, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun each took charge of one side and commanded the first and second regiments respectively. They cooperated with the basic regiments of the two divisions and strengthened the replenishment of the first and second regiments.  A summer offensive campaign that expanded eastward and southward.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Taking down Suibin and Tangyuan, and taking over all the jurisdictions of the two divisions, was Yang Zhen's long-awaited battle plan.  Now tens of thousands of troops are gathered in Luobei and Heli, two small counties with a combined population of less than 100,000. Even if part of Foshan is included, the total population is less than 200,000.  Within this period, not to mention anything else, the two counties were completely eaten up.

    Most of the terrain in the two counties is the Xiaoxing'anling Mountains, although the landform and topography are favorable to Yang Zhen.  But in other words, this kind of terrain also represents another meaning, that is, it is vast and sparsely populated.  As the last developed areas in the entire Northeast, most of these mountainous areas rely on mineral resources or forestry to attract non-local manpower.

    Except for those gold diggers, lumberjacks and their families, most of the geographical situation here is mountainous. Compared with the Songnen Plain on the west side of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains and the fertile Liaohe Plain further south, there are no attractive places.  not much.  Compared with Guan Nei, the Northeast, which is vast and sparsely populated and rich in land, has many places that attract people from Guandong.

    The fertile black soil in the Northeast grows food wherever it goes.  There is no need for the Chinese people who depend on food to come to this small border county where the climate and geographical conditions are worse than the Songnen Plain and the Liaohe Plain.  Not to mention that it is only across the river from the ferocious Big Nose.

    ??It is obvious that compared to little Japan, the people in the Northeast, who suffered from the invasion, burning, killing, and plundering of Tsarist Russia, have less favorable impressions of the former Tsarist Russia and the current Soviet Union in the north.  If the Kwantung Army hadn't driven some farmers from the northeastern hinterland here to open up wasteland in order to plunder land for the so-called pioneering group, I'm afraid the population here would be even thinner.

    The population is sparse and supplies are difficult to replenish.  The grain produced by several counties north of the Songhua River is not even enough for their own use.  There is still room to supply Yang Zhen's tens of thousands of troops.  Although Yang Zhen wanted to calm down and train his troops.  But the harsh reality forced him to expand outward.

    In the past, the size of the army was small, but it was nothing.  Now the size of the army has reached tens of thousands. Even if these people eat, they can even defeat Luobei, a small resource-based county with a sparse population in the 1930s.

    It is necessary to expand the living space. If the Japanese army cannot be attracted by the situation in Nomenhan to the west at this moment, seize Suibin, and wait for the Japanese army to react, it is very likely that they will be enclosed in Luobei.  Not only supplies, but also strategic maneuver space are extremely narrow.  In Yang Zhen's words, even if I adjust my butt, it still feels like the space is too small.

    Contrary to Yang Zhen¡¯s expectation, who originally thought that the Japanese and puppet troops would put up a desperate resistance, the initial stage of the campaign went extremely smoothly.  On the second day after launching the campaign, Yang Zhen occupied Suibin County almost without any blood.  The Japanese troops in the city had already withdrawn, and the remaining puppet Manchukuo soldiers and police surrendered without any resistance at all.

    After occupying Suibin County, Yang Zhen used mobile ambush tactics with field artillery battalions in the Songhua River Estuary area northwest of Suibin County, with the cooperation of two companies each of infantry artillery and rapid-fire artillery.  After an hour of fierce artillery battle, the puppet Manchurian Army's Jimin, Limin and Jiangtong ships were sunk in one fell swoop.  The two ships Jiangqing and Lisui were severely damaged, and the Datong ship was captured and ran aground during the artillery battle.

    In the three-hour artillery battle, Yang Zhen suffered heavy damage to a field artillery battalion, damaged eight field guns, and cost more than 200 casualties of officers and soldiers. In one fell swoop, he defeated the main fleet of the Puppet Manchuria Army stationed in the Heilongjiang Basin.  They killed and injured more than 700 officers and soldiers of Lieutenant General Yin Zuoqian, the commander of the Puppet Manchuria Army who came to supervise the battle on the front line, and defeated the third Marine Regiment of the Puppet Manchuria Army stationed in Fujin that came to snatch the stranded Datong ship.

    After the artillery battle, the severely damaged Puppet Manchurian Army withdrew from the river section within Suibin, Foshan, Heilongjiang.  Activities on the Songhua River have also been greatly reduced.  Although he paid a heavy price, Yang Zhen ensured the smoothness and safety of the water transportation channels through Heilongjiang in the future.

    While Yang Zhen was fighting a fierce battle with the puppet Manchurian Army at the mouth of the Songhua River, Guo Bingxun, who was also launching a campaign on the southern front at a small cost, had already received a huge increase in the number of the basic cadres of the Second Division by winning over lumberjacks to join the army.  With the cooperation, Tangyuan County was occupied.

    Guo Bingxun's battle to liberate Tangyuan County was almost the same as Yang Zhen's occupation of Suibin.  The Japanese troops in Tangyuan County have also withdrawn, and the remaining puppet Manchukuo military and police have only carried outAfter encountering slight resistance, he surrendered.

    Although the first step of the battle was achieved almost effortlessly, whether it was Yang Zhen or Guo Bingxun, the subsequent battle attempts encountered comprehensive setbacks. It would be nice to say that it was a stalemate.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s several attempts to forcibly cross the Songhua River on the northern line encountered stubborn resistance from the Japanese and puppet troops along the line.  The Japanese army voluntarily abandoned Suibin County, but deployed heavy troops along the Songhua River.  The Japanese army even did not hesitate to weaken the troops in the Eastern Manchuria area and dispatched the main force of the Japanese 11th Division to go north to participate in the war.

    The main force of the group that successfully smuggled across the country south of Suibin County was also besieged on the east bank by the main force of the Fourth Division and the Seventh Military District of the Puppet Manchukuo, which looked like a different person.  Under the all-out encirclement and suppression by the Japanese and puppet troops with aircraft, tanks, and heavy artillery below, Wang Guangyu could not stand at all and was forced to retreat to the west of the Songhua River.

    While Yang Zhen's attempt to advance to the east was met with tenacious sniping by the Japanese and puppet troops, Guo Bingxun, who captured Tangyuan County on the southern line and continued to move south, captured the entire territory of Fengshan, but encountered difficulties whether he was going south to Tonghe or west to Tieli.  The Japanese and puppet troops besieged heavily.  After several hard battles, but still unable to achieve a breakthrough, Guo Bingxun, whose flanks were threatened by the Suilingri puppet troops on the western front, could only switch to defense on the spot.

    Progress in both directions failed one after another, which made Yang Zhen's somewhat heated mind gradually calm down.  He now understands that the Japanese army's current strategic intention is to trap itself in a relatively narrow strategic space in the Lesser Khingan Mountains west of the Songhua River.

    Most of this area is undeveloped virgin forest. Except for Tangyuan, the rest of the area is almost entirely sparsely populated mountainous areas.  The population of Fengshan County alone is less than 30,000, and the combined population of several counties is only a few hundred thousand.  Such a population base simply cannot support an army of tens of thousands.  This situation is what Yang Zhen least wants to see.

    Although the three counties of Fengshan, Tangyuan and Suibin were fully occupied, although there was more room for maneuver, it failed to change the embarrassing situation of sparse population.  Even among the rescued workers who were no longer suitable for joining the army due to age or physical reasons, more than 10,000 people together with their families were organized into production and construction troops.  But it takes time for seeds to grow into food.

    It is almost a fantasy for an army that has reached tens of thousands of people to fight only on captured food.  The food problem has replaced the problem of weapons and equipment and the combat effectiveness of the troops, and has almost become Yang Zhen's biggest headache.

    An army of tens of thousands is not wrong.  After occupying Xingshan Street and Xingshan Fortress, Yang Zhen carefully selected more than 20,000 workers who were rescued from the large and small coal mines in Xingshan Fortress and Heli area and incorporated them into the army.  In addition to making up for the gaps in the casualties of the troops, three supplementary regiments were formed from the rest.

    After rapid expansion, in just over a month, Yang Zhen's troops had puffed up to nearly 40,000 Japanese troops.  The expansion of the army is certainly a good thing, but the subsequent impact has made Yang Zhen, the head of the army, feel quite overwhelmed.

    The matter of weapons and equipment can be said to have been basically resolved after Ma Chunsheng revealed all the secrets in his heart.  Some reserves were even kept.  But for this 40,000-strong army, not counting other supplies, the daily food and drink alone is an astronomical figure.

    Even if it is calculated based on the minimum standard of one kilogram of food per person per day to maintain combat effectiveness.  This 40,000-strong army alone consumes nearly 40,000 kilograms of food a day, not counting military uniforms, non-staple food and other necessary supplies.  This scale is something that, except for Tangyuan, several sparsely populated counties simply cannot afford.

    Although when occupying Tangyuan, Fengshan and Suibin, they seized more than one million kilograms of grain hoarded by the Japanese and puppets.  But even according to the minimum standards, these grains will not last until the end of the year.  Knowing that in order to restore the extremely weak bodies of the rescued workers, the daily ration of one pound of grain was simply not enough.

    When Yang Zhen's attempt to advance eastward failed and he withdrew to his headquarters at Xingshan Fortress, he could only shake his head and smile wryly at Guo Bingxun, who was retreating with him.  It is not easy to feed an army that has reached tens of thousands of people.

    Yang Zhen is not without a solution to this problem, but it all depends on winning the battle.  Although the Japanese army has not made any movement yet, it does not mean that they do not value themselves.  The heavy encirclement and suppression encountered in Fujin and Tieli clearly illustrates the problem.

    Looking at Yang Zhen who was brows puzzled, Guo Bingxun handed him a glass of water and said calmly: "Old Yang, you don't have to be too anxious. The supplies we have on hand are enough to last until winter. It's only six months now.  Month, we still have time.¡±

    "Besides, the fact that we are encountering certain setbacks may not be a bad thing for us. Don't you?Okay, have we been doing too well since we went north?  Whether it is grassroots cadres and soldiers, or some mid-level and senior commanders, there is even a phenomenon of underestimating the enemy more or less in our heads.  If this continues in the long run, it will only be harmful to us.  "

    "To be honest, Lao Yang, if you had made adequate preparations and conducted battlefield reconnaissance many times when you marched eastward to Fujin, it is impossible that you would not have discovered that part of the Japanese 11th Division had arrived in the area north of Fujin County.  Deployment. And the great changes in the Fourth Division were something we had not imagined before.¡±

    "It's not just you, I am also a little too careless. If I had defended to the south, expanded to the west, and attacked Suiling first after taking Fengshan County, I am afraid that the current situation would not have happened. Even if I  After capturing Fengshan County, being more vigilant against the Japanese and puppet troops in the direction of Suiling will not lead to a complete setback for our army on the southern front. "

    "I didn't expect that Suiling's puppet Manchukuo army would dare to attack us at night with a disadvantaged force. A main company of the second regiment, occupying favorable terrain, was unexpectedly defeated by a battalion of the puppet Manchukuo army that had strengthened some forest police forces.  Defeated. Such a result can only be said that we have a careless mind from top to bottom."

    "Seeing that the Japanese and puppet troops in Suiling only had a small military police squad, a small number of puppet Manchu troops plus forest and railway police, I became careless. Ignored the threat of the puppet Manchu troops to our army. Maybe it was because the previous battle was too intense.  By the way, we all despise the Manchukuo military and police too much.¡±

    "These ordinary cadres and soldiers below can be forgiven for not thinking about it, but it is incomprehensible for us commanders not to think about it. The current temporary setback can not only kill the pride of the troops, but also calm our heads. To be honest  This offensive was launched somewhat hastily.¡±

    "The reason for the setback is not just the underestimation of the enemy. Our army suffered serious attrition in the previous stage and has not yet fully replenished it. Now it seems that the strength of the army is not small, but the number of experienced veterans has dropped sharply. And in Xing  Although the number of new recruits in mountainous areas is large, they still need training.¡±

    "The combat effectiveness of our previous troops was based on the backbone trained in the Laoheidingzi secret camp, coupled with short-term but extremely intense training that can be said to be overloaded. But these new recruits now  The effect of one month¡¯s training is simply incomparable to the previous time at Qunce Mountain.¡±

    "When we were at Qunce Mountain, we could almost describe it as not counting work. At that time, recruit formation training was only conducted at night, and during the day, in addition to marching training, there was weapons operation training. Half a month later, we even started to conduct squad tactics.  Collaborative training.¡±

    "But now a month has passed, and the new recruits have only completed the formation and basic weapons operation training. Even the live ammunition shooting has just begun. When such new recruits are added to the army, it is not called an increase in combat effectiveness. It is already a burden even if it is not said to be a burden.  You're welcome."

    "This situation is certainly due to the fact that our current backbone has suffered too many casualties at the front and we cannot allocate too much manpower to train new recruits. But it is also because the situation has eased slightly and there is no longer the same sense of urgency as when we were at Qunce Mountain.  . So Lao Yang, I feel that the current setback is not all bad for us. At least it can help us understand the situation and calm down."

    "Now for us, taking advantage of this rare period of calm, it is more important to train the troops with all our strength than to expand our survival. Only when the troops grow stronger and the combat effectiveness increases can we defend our territory. Otherwise, we will not be able to stand even if we regain those areas.  Don't stand still. Sooner or later, you will have to be kicked out."

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