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Text Chapter 203 The Ending of Ueda Kenkichi

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    If the dissatisfaction of the fifth and seventh corps commanders is due to the major adjustment of cadres at all levels, they have been familiar with it for many years. As a result, their old subordinates who were very comfortable were transferred, and they have some doubts about future cooperation. As well as their new partners  Coming from not understanding.  [.Com text] Then the dissatisfaction between Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming is due to their own reasons.

    Liu Changshun, who was born in the 18th Army Group, knows that in a unit, whether the military chief and political chief can have a harmonious relationship and whether they can achieve good unity is a big factor affecting the combat effectiveness of the unit.  Although I don't work with Wang Xiaoming very often, the relationship between the two of them has always been very harmonious.  Wang Xiaoming, who is several years older than himself, has always been tolerant of himself like a big brother.

    Now that Wang Xiaoming was suddenly transferred, the new political commissar was replaced, although the commander did not announce it at the meeting.  But no matter who the new political commissar is, he will still need a long period of time to get used to it.  According to his own personality, it would be enough to replace him with a political commissar who is as tolerant as Wang Xiaoming or has a temperament similar to his own.

    "If a political commissar with a strong temper or a political commissar with the same bad temper as the commander were replaced, the result of these two stubborn donkeys being tied to the same trough would give Liu Changshun a headache just thinking about it.  No matter who this person is, except for a person with extremely high self-cultivation, it is foreseeable that this person's temper and character will not be very good after years of bloody battles on the battlefield.

    Just like my own commander, a serious college graduate, in the past, he was the number one scholar and a literary star.  According to this statement, his temperament should be very good, at least it should match the ink in his belly.  But now look at the commander, he has only been in the army for a few days, and his temper is getting stronger.

    Thinking of this, Liu Changshun suddenly became wildly imaginative: "How great would it be if the new political commissar were as good as the chief of staff? You can see that the chief of staff has drank foreign ink. This kind of self-cultivation is good. Even if he is very angry, he can still  He rarely trains people. He is not like the commander, and he barely lifts his foot."

    Liu Changshun was thinking wildly here, but Wang Xiaoming over there had a bitter look on his face.  He understood what the military division was doing.  To put it bluntly, the Provincial Defense Force is the same as the Provincial Defense Force in the days of the Young Marshal. The only difference is that the opponents of the Provincial Defense Force in the past were the numerous bandits in the Northeast, while the opponents of the current military divisions are the local police and local organizations of the Puppet Manchukuo.  .

    When Wang Xiaoming was in the Laoer Route Army, due to limited conditions, although the number of troops he had commanded for many years was large, the number was always small, and his talents were somewhat buried.

    However, since the Second Route Army and Yang Zhen's headquarters were combined, although they were only the regiment political commissar who served as the chief political officer, the strength of a regiment of 3,000 people was as strong as that of the previous army, and even more.  .

    Not only are there sufficient troops, but they are also fully equipped, including light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and infantry artillery.  Although the organization of a regiment is no longer what I have on hand now, its firepower configuration cannot be compared to even the entire Second Route Army put together in the past.

    The army is developing rapidly, and now is the time for you to show your talents.  But he didn't expect that when this army was developing greatly, it would be kicked from the main force to a local force with the nature of a security group.

    Although he was promoted one level, he became a political commissar of a military division.  If this was based on the organization of the Second Route Army in the past, it would have been at least one division political commissar.  Moreover, it is still a division formed mainly with the fifth army of his old army.  But in his opinion, this military division political commissar might as well assign him to be a good battalion commander who can fight on the front line.

    We still don¡¯t know how determined Yang Zhen was before he decided to transfer him to the first division as political commissar.  But Wang Xiaoming, who was familiar with Yang Zhen's character, did not dare to show his reluctance to adjust his work.  Wang Xiaoming wisely knew that if he proposed not to work in the division and would rather stay in the Second Regiment, even as a battalion commander or battalion instructor, I am afraid a severe reprimand would be inevitable.

    The dissatisfaction between Liu Changshun and Wang Xiaoming could only be suppressed in their hearts, but the dissatisfaction of Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru was actually written on his face.  For the two integrated regiments of the 104th Division that were ordered to go north this time, plus one battalion, a total of seven infantry brigades. Those who came back and lost almost all their weapons and equipment could barely make up two infantry brigades.  , Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru said he was dissatisfied, almost all of them were minor.

    The three commanders who faced the attack suffered one and a half casualties, and almost all the heavy weapons they carried were lost. Many people even ran away with only a piece of crotch cloth left on them. Even the front-line commander Fukutaro Nishiyama was also killed.  He was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into coma. Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru almost burst his lungs with anger.

    The 104th Division suffered such heavy casualties that it can¡¯t help but be said that Sawada Shigeru was a little angry.  Especially after learning that the 104th Division almost lost in a confusing and inexplicable way. If it weren't for the commander of the 4th Division, Sawada Shigeru, who had become accustomed to blows after the battle at Qunce Mountain., otherwise he would have to follow in the footsteps of Nishiyama Fukutaro and become angry and vomit blood.

    This battle lasted only half a day and a whole night, not counting all the members of the 3rd Cavalry Mixed Brigade, including the brigade commander, Major General Naoda Yoshi, who died in the battle.  Even except for a brigade that stayed in Jiamusi, the 104th Division, which was transferred to Jiamusi by Ueda Kenji against all opinions, almost lost its main force.

    Especially after learning that an infantry brigade of the 104th Division was chasing a small group of harassing troops from the opponent, and was led into the swamp by the opponent and lost most of its troops.  Among the three infantry squadrons dispatched, only one squadron escaped the fate of being buried directly on the spot without even digging a hole.

    The rest were all left without firing a shot, including their extremely stupid captain, in the Shitou Temple, which is the almost endless swamp in the southeast of Xingshan Fortress area.

    This embarrassing ending made Sawada Shigeru, who always considered himself a tough and steady character, unable to bear it anymore.  He directly suggested to Ueda Kenkichi that next time he would encircle and suppress this bandit, he hoped to mobilize elite soldiers such as the Second Division or the Eighth Division, and send puppet Manchukuo troops who were familiar with the terrain to cooperate.  And there must be at least two divisions with strong aviation support.

    It¡¯s a pity that General Ueda Kenkichi will not give him any more answers.  After the Fourth Division, the 11th Division and the 104th Division failed miserably in two consecutive encirclement and suppression campaigns, and the news of the loss of troops and generals was transmitted back to Japan, the Kwantung Army had been unable to completely annihilate this force. It can be said that the so-called  The Empire of Japan's top secret anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements, and the extremely dissatisfied Emperor of Japan ordered that those responsible must be dealt with the harshest punishment.

    A week after the 104th Division withdrew to Jiamusi, a high-level investigation team composed of six army and navy military counselors personally named by the Emperor, led by Japanese Military Education Director Lieutenant General Nishio Hiszo, arrived in Xinjing.  After a detailed investigation that lasted for half a month, a report that was extremely unfavorable to Ueda Kenkichi was released.

    Through this report, the Japanese base camp learned that it was not only the Kwantung Army¡¯s Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department that suffered serious losses from this anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese armed force. It was not only the Fourth Division and the 104th Division that suffered heavy losses.  .  Suffering a heavy loss, they were forced to turn their heads and turn around. Among the heavy losses were many elite members of the Kwantung Army such as the 12th Division.

    In this report, the most disadvantageous thing for Kenkichi Ueda is not only the delay in regaining the Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply, but also the top-secret information that must not be leaked.

    What Ueda Kenkichi had been trying to cover up before was the Qunceshan Secret Warehouse, the largest secret warehouse in the entire Northeastern Manchuria region of the Kwantung Army, and one of the most secret so-called national defense projects of the Japanese army, the ten warehouses built by the Japanese army around the entire Manchurian-Soviet border  The loss of Xingshan Fortress, the largest of the four large fortresses, made the Japanese base camp even more angry.

    After learning that the Kwantung Army had actually made so many mistakes in less than a year, the entire Japanese military hierarchy, including the Emperor of Japan, was extremely angry.  As the first person responsible for these incidents, Ueda Kenkichi, the current commander of the Kwantung Army, received the most severe punishment since the formation of the new army.

    The Japanese base camp even ignored the growing conflict on the Manchu-Soviet border and directly dismissed Ueda Kenkichi from his position as commander of the Kwantung Army and ordered him to retire immediately.

    Even according to the usual practice, Japanese officers above major general and above, regardless of their official position, cannot be promoted after serving for a certain period of time. After retirement, they must be transferred to reserve forces or serve as military counselors. As a consolation benefit, they did not give him a consolation benefit and directly ordered him to retire completely.  Even his rank of general was stripped away and he was directly demoted to major general.

    Regarding this result, Tojo Hideki, the former Army Undersecretary and current Director of Army Aviation, who once served as the Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army when Ueda Kenkichi was the commander of the Kwantung Army, was extremely dissatisfied because the Emperor's Admiral Midori participated in the investigation team.  The result of the mediation of Lieutenant General.  Otherwise, according to the emperor's opinion, he will be completely stripped of his military rank and the general will be allowed to retire as a civilian.

    For Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s direct order to retire from active service, he was not even given a reserve duty or a short-term transfer.  Even the rank of general was deprived of him and he was directly ordered to retire with the rank of major general.  It is unprecedented among the Japanese army. According to the Japanese army's structure and its fine tradition of always giving special care to senior generals, it is also unprecedented.

    He became the most severely punished by the Japanese army since the establishment of the new army in Meiji, and even broke the record as the first person to be eaten by crabs. The 64-year-old Ueda Kenkichi could no longer withstand this blow. Half a year after returning to Japan,  , died of cerebral hemorrhage.

    After Ueda Kenkichi was dismissed, in order not to affect the command of the Kwantung Army that was fighting the Soviet army in the Nomonhan area, the Tokyo Base Camp transferred Lieutenant General Umezu Yoshijiro, commander of the First Army of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force, to his new post as quickly as possible.  Commander of the Kwantung Army.As for the 104th Division, which was privately considered by the Tokyo Base Camp and the Kwantung Army Headquarters to have pioneered the new army since the establishment of the new army by the Meiji Emperor, it suffered the heaviest losses in a battle that could not even be called a battle.  He was also swept away by the typhoon and became another unlucky person.

    Half a month after the investigation team completed the investigation of the person responsible for the Kwantung Army accident and returned to Tokyo.  The 104th Division, which was originally scheduled to be stationed in Manchuria for one year, was transferred back to China for collective recovery after the new division formed its combat effectiveness, and its recovery time was advanced by a full year.  In early July 1939, the 104th Division, known as the shame of the Imperial Army, was transferred back to Japan as quickly as possible, and all its officers and soldiers, including Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro, were restored.

    The severe punishment suffered by the Kwantung Army, especially the outcome of General Ueda Kenkichi, left a deep impression on the newly appointed Kwantung Army commander Umezu Yoshijiro.  Umezu Yoshijiro, who performed extremely well in his tenure as the First Corps of the North China Front, was extremely cautious this time.

    After taking office, Umezu Yoshijiro changed his previous attitude of being extremely sharp and even somewhat sharp-edged in the battle in Shanxi, and changed his style to be steady and steady.

    The Kwantung Army was unable to win the Battle of Nomonhan, and suffered heavy casualties under the Soviet ground and air fire and the impact of a large number of tanks, which made the main force of the Kwantung Army unable to move eastward.  Next, Umezu Yoshijiro changed his predecessor Ueda Kenkichi's strategy of blindly suppressing the enemy.

    This Umezu Yoshijiro is extremely cunning.  Although he also believed that this anti-Japanese armed force, who did not know what situation it had developed now, was his most serious problem.  However, they still did not take immediate action against them. Instead, they focused their main energy on the Soviet army, which was currently fighting a fierce battle with the Kwantung Army in the Nomenhan area.

    Umezu Yoshijiro understood that the main energy was involved in its European part, which was also the most developed Western Front in the entire Soviet Union.  Nowadays, the war clouds are thick and everyone can smell the smell of war on the Western Front. The Soviet army fighting against them in Nomonhan is at best an itching pain.

    Although we know that this battle will not really develop into a war between the two countries, after all, the outcome is still related to the national system, especially to prevent this bear with a good appetite from going north to stab him when he is fighting against China.  Therefore, after taking office, Umezu Yoshijiro focused his main attention on the Nomonhan area.  As for Yang Zhen's troops, they only temporarily adopted a strict blockade and closed them in a small area to the west and north of the Songhua River and east of the Lesser Khingan Mountains.

    In Umezu Yoshijiro¡¯s view, as long as it is blocked and prevented from expanding outward.  Although it has the size of several counties, its total population is not as large as a county in southern Manchuria or mainland China, and it cannot provide enough supplementary troops.  It is also unable to provide it with sufficient supplies, and without effective strategic space, it is simply impossible to develop and grow.

    As long as it cannot develop and grow, after you have defeated the Soviet army, you can free up your hands and mobilize the elite troops of the Kwantung Army, which will be enough to solve it in one battle.

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