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Text Chapter 198 The use of landmines requires knowledge

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    ?Wang Guangyu's feeling is still very sensitive, Wang Xiaoming is indeed under great pressure now.  "Registered members of Piaotian Literature recommend this work" Registered members of Piaotian Literature recommend this work. As soon as gunfire rang out on Guanmenzuizi Mountain, the vanguard troops sent by Fukutaro Nishiyama, who had entered less than ten miles away from Xingshan Street, immediately discovered  abnormal.  After receiving the report, Nishiyama Fukutaro, who had already crossed the Daheli River, immediately stopped camping and led the two regiments to rush towards Xingshan Street overnight.

    The Japanese army moved much faster than Wang Xiaoming expected.  It was less than half an hour after Wang Xiaoming had just dealt with the small team of the Third Cavalry Brigade that was left guarding the horses on Xingshan Street and wiped out all their horses.  As the vanguard of the 104th Division, the two squadrons of the Division Search Wing had already entered Xingshan Street, which was in ruins.

    Due to the unknown enemy situation, all communications with the 108th Regiment have been interrupted.  The Japanese troops of these two squadrons were not in a hurry to continue heading north, but stayed in Xingshan Street to wait for the arrival of the main force.

    Less than an hour after Wang Guangyu ended the bloody hand-to-hand battle, the 170th Regiment led by Nishiyama Fukutaro, two infantry brigades of the 137th Regiment, and two mountain artillery squadrons of the division artillery, one hundred  A squadron of 50mm heavy mortars, a squadron of 37 rapid-fire artillery pieces, plus a squadron of Type 98 20mm anti-aircraft guns that the Japanese army had just equipped.

    Originally, according to the wishes of Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, he was to be given the only heavy artillery brigade in the entire Sanjiang Province equipped with the powerful Taisho 14th-year-old 105 mm cannon.  Because of the battle at Qunce Mountain, he knew that his opponent had a 150mm heavy howitzer.

    But neither the Kwantung Army Commander Ueda Kenkichi nor the Chief of Staff Isotani Rensuke agreed. This heavy artillery brigade has decided to transfer westward to participate in the Battle of Nomonhan.  In their opinion, these powerful cannons should be reserved to deal with the Soviet army equipped with a huge number of 152mm heavy howitzers.  To deal with those anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements, the 75mm mountain field gun is enough.

    After several attempts to obtain approval, the somewhat apologetic Sawada Shigeru opened his own subordinates, including all the artillery units temporarily assigned to the Fourth Division, to be chosen by Nishiyama Fukutaro.  In the end, no one expected that Nishiyama Fukutaro asked for neither field artillery nor anything else.

    In addition to a huge number of poison gas bombs, he only wanted a squadron of 150mm heavy mortars, and someone who didn't know what the wrong string was on his head. The ghost of death almost asked for a squadron of 20mm anti-aircraft guns.

    Almost all the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division did not expect that what really caused them huge casualties was the six Type 98 20mm anti-aircraft guns of the anti-aircraft artillery squadron that were lost as soon as the war started.

    No one would have thought that this kind of 20mm anti-aircraft gun, which is usually used for masturbation and temporarily converted to horizontal firing, can be so lethal.  Although the shells used can be used in common with the Type 97 infantry automatic cannon equipped by the Japanese army.  But the same shells fired with this kind of cannon are twice as powerful.  One shell can penetrate an entire squad.

    Although he rushed slowly with the main force, Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro was not doing it for the damn Xingshan Fortress that he had never heard of, but for his own 108th Regiment.

    For the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division who were transferred from the hot and humid South China to garrison in Manchuria at the end of last month, they were sent to Jiamusi before they had even settled down. Nishiyama Fukutaro and the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division were extremely worried.  dissatisfied.

    According to the original plan, the 104th Division was stationed in Manchuria for half a year before being transferred back to China for collective recovery.  In several large-scale battles in central and southern China, especially last year's Battle of Guangzhou, these veterans of the reserve force who were prone to robbery made a fortune.

    These are the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division who are full of cups. Now they are looking forward to recuperating in Manchuria for a period of time and returning to China so that they can enjoy the generous life brought by the rich results they have achieved in mainland China.  .

    But I didn¡¯t expect that as soon as I arrived in Manchuria, I didn¡¯t have time to appreciate the pleasant scenery of Xinjing and the legendary enthusiasm of Russian women in Manchuria.  I was kicked to this damn Jiamusi, whose name I had never heard of before, to wipe out these anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese armed forces that had caused heavy losses to the imperial army.

    Although they were seriously dissatisfied, as soldiers, these Japanese officers and soldiers also knew that the orders that should be executed must be executed after all.  What's more, the vanguard troops are still their comrades-in-arms and colleagues.  These Japanese officers and soldiers marched very hard.

    As a special division of the Japanese army, it has been fighting on major battlefields since its formation. It has no experience in fighting guerrillas. The 104th Division, which is accustomed to the offensive and defensive mode of fighting on the battlefield in Guanhai, played too well.  The army marched along the road. Although there were troops sent out on the mountains on both sides,time, but as long as the opponent is not discovered, it is not taken seriously.

    The same goes for the marching brigade. Although scouts were also dispatched and the marching brigade followed the emergency march mode, the formation was not stretched out.  Engineers were not even sent to clear mines along the marching route.  When the first wave of soldiers stepped on landmines and were killed and wounded everywhere, the remaining Japanese soldiers were stunned, obviously at a loss.

    Listening to the increasingly intensive gunfire on the other side of Mengmenzuizi Mountain, Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro, who had lost all contact with Matsunoo Akakatsu, did not care about how many mines there were on this mountainous road. Without the engineers, he could only  Just go ahead and bite the bullet.

    But even though the marching troops were already very wide, soldiers still stepped on those damn, seemingly endless landmines from time to time along the way.  When the number of soldiers killed and injured by landmines reached a squadron, Nishiyama Fukutaro could no longer bear it. He changed the mode, concentrated the artillery fire and adopted covering fire, sweeping meter by meter along the road.

    Since he did not carry engineers, he did not want to cause too many casualties and avoid being unable to explain to the division commander when he returned, so he could only use artillery fire to clear mines.  Although this method is slower and more wasteful, in places bombarded by artillery fire, soldiers have never stepped on landmines and lost their combat effectiveness.

    Although the price is a bit high, Nishiyama Fukutaro is definitely worth it.  If a soldier is injured, at least two people must carry him.  A squadron was lost in a minefield before, but not many were actually killed. Most of them had their legs blown off.  Since they did not dare to leave these wounded soldiers in the dark northern Manchurian mountainous area, these wounded soldiers who could not walk could only be carried.

    "Half a squadron of wounded soldiers will need one squadron to carry them."  If the injured ratio continues to increase at this rate, I am afraid that I will have to dedicate at least one infantry brigade to carry the wounded soldiers.  Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro didn't know where these ghost mines came from, but one thing he knew was that these mines were definitely not produced by Japanese arsenals.

    These landmines are designed to be extremely inhumane. They are not intended to kill people who step on them, but simply to maim people.  Although the amount of explosive charge is far less than that of conventional landmines produced by the Japanese army, the design and manufacturing can even be described as rudimentary. The shells of many landmines are simply made of wood that cannot be moisture-proof and waterproof.  The fuse, many of which are just a 6.5mm rifle bullet.

    Under normal circumstances, unless someone is very unlucky, most people who step on these landmines will only have one foot or leg blown off, and usually they will not die.  Although many of these mines were not very lethal, their results were even more unethical in the eyes of Nishiyama Fukutaro and the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division.

    ??It is harder to accept that people are intentionally blown to pieces than killed.  If you die, you will die. In addition to paying part of the pension, death will not bring any burden to the other party's country and army.  Although it will have a certain impact on the morale of the troops, it will not be too great.

    But being disabled is different. Not only did the troops have to be carried by some people when marching, which slowed down the marching speed, but the painful groans of the wounded greatly affected morale. After the war, the country also had to feed these people who had lost the ability to work.  people.  It has greatly increased the burden on this country.

    This is what Yang Zhen said. War is not just about winning or losing on the battlefield, it is not just about the strength of weapons and equipment.  It is a science that includes many sciences, including economic warfare and psychological warfare.  These mines, which caused great psychological harm to Nishiyama Fukutaro and all the officers and soldiers of the 104th Division, were the famous American M-49 anti-infantry mines imitated by Yang Zhen in later generations.

    These Japanese troops were lucky, because Yang Zhen ordered the arsenal to seize the time to produce the Type 66 anti-infantry directional mine, which in his opinion was the most cost-effective.  And he hasn't found the time to produce his copycat version of the Type 72 anti-infantry mine with a relatively complicated process.

    And it was also intentional to create panic among the Japanese troops. After all, being blown to pieces was more painful for these Japanese troops than killing them.  That's why we concentrated on developing such anti-infantry mines and directional mines, and consciously postponed the production of jumping mines, otherwise the winning Japanese troops would suffer even more.

    It was precisely in order to prevent these mines from continuing to weaken the already low military morale and morale that Nishiyama Fukutaro decided to adopt a relatively expensive method of artillery mine clearance.  Unlike other Japanese generals, in Nishiyama Fukutaro's view, the lives of soldiers, especially well-trained veterans who have been tested by war, are worth much more than shells that can be remanufactured.

    Due to the rush of time and the fact that it was at night, Wang Xiaoming did not play many tricks when laying mines and laid all the main mines on the highway.  Nishiyama Fukutaro's move made Wang Xiaoming unexpected. Most of the remaining landmines buried on the road that had not been stepped on by the Japanese troops were detonated by Japanese artillery fire.burst.

    Wang Xiaoming felt extremely distressed when he saw the remaining minefields being blasted away piece by piece by the concentrated artillery fire of the Japanese army.  Once the minefield loses its effect, what can you do to hold back the Japanese troops who have strengthened the regiment at the foot of the mountain?  Is it just relying on these more than 500 weak and miscellaneous former prisoners of war and those dozens of directional mines?

    Although he was willing to take out the artillery shells he carried to clear the minefields on the road, it did not mean that Nishiyama Fukutaro, who was always frugal, would be willing to use artillery shells to blow up all the way to Menmenzuizi Mountain.  Although the number of artillery shells carried is large, it is still limited after all.  If all the artillery shells are used to clear mines, how will the next battle be fought?

    After clearing a relatively safe road of more than a thousand meters, Nishiyama Fukutaro ordered all the horses carrying heavy mortars, heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns to be unloaded and rushed to the road, using these horses to continue exploring the road.  As for the heavy mortars and heavy machine guns that were unloaded from the horses, they were all put on the shoulders and replaced by manpower.  The anti-aircraft guns remained in place.

    Watching the packhorse galloping all the way in front without triggering any landmines, Nishiyama Fukutaro showed a proud smile on his face.  Nishiyama Fukutaro had a feeling about these mine arrays deployed by his opponents.  The opponent does not have many troops to stop them here, otherwise they would not think of using landmines to stop their progress.

    Now that all the mines that the opponent has painstakingly laid out have been cleared, there will be no one in front of them until Guanmenzuizi Mountain, anything that can stop them from moving forward.

    ¡° Nishiyama Fukutaro didn¡¯t know that he was much luckier than Major General Naoda Yoshi, who had already encountered a similar situation.  First, Wang Xiaoming did not have so many landmines on hand, and second, time did not allow him to spend more time laying out these minefields.  The most important thing is that he is much more generous than Naoda Yoshi. In addition to giving up the artillery shells, he is also willing to use the pack horses to visit undiscovered minefields.

    ?????????????????? At least this is something that Major General Naoda Yoshi, who came from an authentic cavalry background and loves horses almost as much as his life, is far from able to achieve.  It would be better to kill him than to let him risk the life of his war horse in a mine.

    Just when Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro, who was so proud that he thought that his opponent's mine array had been completely destroyed, he reorganized the long march that he had pulled to avoid the mines and prepared to move towards Guanmenzuizi Mountain to save the situation.  When the 108th Regiment was in trouble, there were suddenly several small explosions on both sides of the road that had been silent just now.

    Accompanied by these slight explosions, tens of thousands of steel balls exploded all over the place, sweeping down the newly assembled Japanese troops.  Before the Japanese army could wake up from the huge casualties caused by these slight explosions, crisp gunshots rang out again on the mountains on both sides of the road.

    Nishiyama Fukutaro, who was pushed to the ground by the quick-eyed and quick-handed guards around him, had a chance to escape. When he saw his fallen subordinates, he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it, where did this come from? Aren't the mountains on both sides of the road already gone?"  Have you conducted a careful search? Why is there still an attack? That search commander, Lieutenant Commander Sugimoto, should commit seppuku to express his guilt to His Majesty the Emperor."

    Listening to the increasingly faint gunshots at Menmenzuizi Mountain, Major General Nishiyama Fukutaro, who had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart, did not dare to delay at all.  In addition to leaving an infantry brigade to clear the mountains on both sides, and pull out those damn Chinese who only lay in ambush and shoot black guns.

    He led the main force and galloped desperately towards Guanmenzuizi Mountain. He had been delayed in the minefield for too long just now.  He has no time to continue to struggle with these sneak attack elements.  He can drag it on, but Matsuno O Katsaki over there may not be able to drag it on.

    "What he did made Wang Xiaoming extremely passive.  Wang Xiaoming, who didn't have many troops at hand, was a little confused by his move.

    Faced with the dilemma, Wang Xiaoming left a small number of troops to be commanded by Sun Wenjiu, the only more experienced one, to hold back the Japanese brigade that was carrying out the cleanup. He took the remaining troops of less than 400 people and fought to the death.  He got stuck on a hilltop, trying to slow down Nishiyama Fukutaro.  To watch without ads, please go to "Registered members of Piaotian Literature recommend this work" Registered members of Piaotian Literature recommend this work.

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