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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 195 Reinforcements have arrived

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    Seeing that the Japanese army finally stopped their offensive, Wang Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief even though he knew that a fierce battle was still to come. Wang Xiaoming, who had almost exhausted the few troops at hand, was almost exhausted.  [.Com text] Although the Japanese artillery bombed Mengmenzuizi Mountain from time to time, after all, they did not face the Japanese infantry directly, so the pressure was still much less.

    When the instructor who went back to recruit troops among the laborers rushed back to the position with nearly a thousand laborers who had been prisoners of war, Wang Xiaoming breathed a complete sigh of relief.  The workers brought back this time were different from the last time they were organized into an independent company. They were all integrated into the army that was almost exhausted by Wang Xiaoming.

    As for the weapons, they are enough, so Wang Xiaoming doesn¡¯t need to worry about them.  Although nearly a thousand additional soldiers came, the guns left behind by the sacrificed soldiers and the guns seized from the killed Japanese soldiers were enough.  Wang Xiaoming has more guns than people here.  Although almost all the heavy machine guns have been lost and there are only two light machine guns left, the number of rifles is sufficient.

    Although there were not many bullets left, the light and heavy machine guns, which consumed the most bullets, were depleted by Japanese artillery fire and grenades. Naturally, all the remaining bullets were given to the rifles.  On average, each person can spread out forty rounds of ammunition.  With these forty rounds of ammunition, Wang Xiaoming could shoot for half the night if he saved a little.

    After arranging for the troops to be replenished, Wang Xiaoming picked up the field phone. He had been hiding the call since the official battle started. Seeing that the troops were almost wiped out and the artillery was not used, he said straight to the point to the artillery company commander Li Rui: "Ruizi, what's the matter?"  So, have you figured out the position of the Japanese artillery? If I give the order now, can you destroy the Japanese artillery for me as soon as possible?"

    In response to Wang Xiaoming's question, Li Rui said unequivocally: "Political Commissar Wang, you underestimate us too much. The Japanese artillery has not moved anywhere this afternoon. If we still can't defeat their artillery,  We really have no choice. In terms of technology, we are not a match for them now, but we have nothing to fear from anyone.¡±

    After hearing Li Zirui's answer, Wang Xiaoming smiled and said: "Li Rui, Deputy Chief of Staff Wang's regiment should be arriving by now. When they arrive later, regardless of whether the Japanese army has launched a new attack before, I will  Launch a full-scale counterattack. If you can't destroy the Japanese artillery positions for me as soon as possible, you can go home and take care of your children."

    Regarding Wang Xiaoming's threatening words, Li Rui was also unambiguous and replied resoundingly: "Don't worry, Political Commissar Wang. If I receive your order and the Japanese artillery positions cannot be destroyed within ten minutes, you will have your head in the game."  Twist it off and take it back as a chamber pot."

    Hearing Li Rui's assurance, Wang Xiaoming smiled but did not answer him.  Putting the phone on his back, Wang Xiaoming said to Meng Ziming beside him: "In the telegram just sent by the commander, where have Deputy Chief of Staff Wang and the others arrived now?" Because although Wang Guangyu served as the commander of the first regiment, he still had the division deputy  The post of Chief of Staff is still held concurrently and has not been removed.

    Therefore, according to the Chinese habit of calling someone with a part-time job, they always call him the highest-level position.  Wang Xiaoming still calls Wang Guangyu, deputy chief of staff, Wang Guangyu, who is now his superior even though they were equals during the Anti-Japanese War.

    Meng Ziming, who was watching the telegram just sent by the firelight on the position, put down the telegram in his hand, turned on the flashlight to open the map under the cover of the trench wall, pointed to a point and said: "A group of main forces passed by two  After an hour and a half of forced march, they have reached the west bank of the south branch of the Xilin River, west of Qingling. In other words, they are now less than fifteen kilometers away from Guanmenzuizi Mountain."

    "In addition, after the main force of our regiment captured Hebei, it was divided into two groups. The two main battalions led by Commander Liu Changshun on one group were heading south quickly and have now reached the Baoquan Ridge line. The other group was strengthened by Chief of Staff Ma.  Battalion, continue north to Luobei. I heard that this division of troops was specially ordered by the commander."

    After listening to Meng Ziming's report, Wang Xiaoming couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "The commander gave the special order? I guess it was these two guys who worked hard to get here, right? The commander attaches great importance to Xingshan Fortress and should order them all to come back the same way.  Go back and reinforce the Shitou Miaozi front line, and we will never allow them to divide their troops."

    Having said this, Wang Xiaoming suddenly frowned and said: "No, the Japs will definitely not send just one regiment for reinforcements when they go north this time. We have thought of this, and so will the commander. It is dangerous in Xingshan Fortress  Under such circumstances, the commander would never send back only two battalions. The so-called division of troops must have been done privately by these two guys without telling the commander."

    Wang Xiaoming wanted to understand, took out his pen, drafted a telegram and handed it to the correspondent beside him, saying: "Immediately send this telegram to the regiment leader as quickly as possible."

    After receiving the telegram from him, the correspondent was worried.He said with a bitter face: "Political commissar, regimental commander, they are marching now, and the radio station has not been set up at all. Even if we send it out now, they can't receive it. If you want to send this telegram, according to the communication regulations, next time  Contact us after at least an hour.¡±

    After looking at his watch, he knew that what the correspondent said was correct. It would be at least an hour before he could contact Liu Changshun. Wang Xiaoming took back the telegram he had drafted. He noticed that the incendiary bombs that had been fired by the Japanese army on the position had not been extinguished yet.  Burn it with the remaining fire.

    Seeing the telegram turn to ashes in his hands, Wang Xiaoming shook his head and said to Meng Ziming: "Forget it, the regiment commander and others will probably have arrived in an hour. It will be useless to send this telegram again. I hope the commander will be there soon."  After knowing the truth, I was too angry."

    Thinking of Yang Zhen¡¯s fiery temper, Wang Xiaoming shook his head.  My young immediate boss is really good at fighting.  But this temper is really hot.  Many times, it was difficult for his subordinates to come to power.  If this matter is exposed, I am afraid that the commander, who is quite dissatisfied with his subordinates' indiscretion, will take care of these two men.

    Wang Xiaoming really wanted to think about what the commander would look like if he knew they were lying to him.  But the Japanese army did not give him this time.  Before Wang Xiaoming could figure out what kind of punishment these two men would receive, a new wave of Japanese offensive had already begun.  The dense artillery shells hit him head and face.

    Seeing that under the cover of the flares fired, they changed their previous habit of not fighting at night and took advantage of the darkness to launch a continuous and violent attack.  The skirmisher lines formed by the attacking troops they invested could reach as many as five or six Japanese troops at a time.  Wang Xiaoming understood that Colonel Matsuno Oakisheng was planning to succeed in one fell swoop this time.

    After the last hand-to-hand battle, through the telescope he had been holding, Colonel Akatsuki Matsuno observed that the opponent had retreated to the position and had very few troops, and knew that the opponent had very few troops that could be used to continue defense.  Matsuno O Akatsuki, who knew that his opponent had almost exhausted all his forces, put all the maneuverable troops on hand into it this time.

    But what he didn¡¯t know was that during the hour he was resting, his opponent¡¯s position was not only enriched with troops, but also nearly a thousand people.  All the gaps in the position that had almost become a fishing net due to excessive casualties have been filled again.

    When he saw the new offensive launched and was knocked down by his opponent again, Colonel Matsuno Akatsuki was stunned when he saw the sudden increase of thousands of troops on the opponent's position.  He didn't know where his opponent, whose health was almost exhausted, could find additional soldiers.

    Wang Xiaoming looked at the Japanese soldiers who were suppressed again. After putting down the rifle in his hand, he let out a long sigh of relief.  Compared with the laborers who were prisoners of war who were mobilized to form several independent companies last time, the military quality of the new additions this time is obviously much higher.

    Especially those whose military uniforms are in tatters, but the original gray color can still be seen. Although due to their physical weakness, their strength and agility are much poorer when making tactical movements.  But his skills in both marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat are extremely high.  Even the hand-to-hand combat of many people is not inferior to that of the Japanese army, which has always focused on hand-to-hand combat training.

    If their bodies were not too weak due to long-term malnutrition and long-term overwork, these people should have performed better in battle.  Wang Xiaoming has made up his mind that after the battle is over, he will go to the chief of staff to work hard and add these people to his regiment.

    Seeing Wang Xiaoming looking at the prisoners of war who had just been added to the army with a thoughtful expression on his face, Meng Ziming, as his old subordinate, could naturally guess what his political commissar was thinking.  Because his men suffered heavy losses, Meng Ziming, who was also thinking about these more than a hundred men, was not polite and said directly to Wang Xiaoming: "Political Commissar, we have agreed in advance that if you want to come with this group of soldiers, you have to give priority to our battalion.  "

    "Our battalion, including those staying at Xingshan Fortress, has been reduced sharply from a company to a platoon, and now it is less than a company. It can be said that it is almost wiped out. The grassroots squad leaders, even company platoons  The cadres suffered heavy casualties. These people are veterans at first sight, so you should keep us in mind."

    After hearing Meng Ziming's request, Wang Xiaoming glanced at him and said: "You want it? Okay, after this battle is over, you can go to the commander, chief of staff, or political commissar yourself. As long as you can say  Move them, make them nod, and I will give them to you."

    When Wang Xiaoming asked him to speak to the commander and chief of staff, Meng Ziming suddenly fainted: "Political commissar, how dare I do that. Now that the commander knows, it's time to accuse me of being selfish. Let alone the commander, I'm the political commissar.  The chief of staff wouldn¡¯t agree either. I don¡¯t want to be scolded.¡±

    Having said this, Meng Ziming took a look.The people around him said: "Political Commissar, how do you think these people are trained? Not to mention the marksmanship, even the bayonet tactics are almost catching up with Little Japan. That person is the old company commander of the regiment leader  , In the melee just now, I stabbed three Japanese soldiers down by myself. That bayonet trick was even better than the Japanese soldiers."

    "As far as I can see, his stabbing skills are almost as good as those of the Commander. The Commander is a rifle that can be used as a weapon regardless of the stock or the bayonet. The advantage is that it is extremely flexible in use. He is always there for you.  He shoots his gun from unexpected places, but if you look at his bayonet fighting skills alone, I¡¯m afraid he¡¯s not as good as this man.¡±

    Wang Xiaoming strongly agrees with Meng Ziming¡¯s evaluation.  This man's hand-to-hand tactics were really good. If his body hadn't recovered yet, and his hand alone was almost superb in hand-to-hand tactics, there wouldn't have been many little Japs who fell around him.  Remembering Liu Changshun's words about his old company commander, Wang Xiaoming asked Meng Ziming to make a trip in person and invite Liu Changshun's old company commander over.

    After he came over, Wang Xiaoming took out one of the two cigarettes left on his body and handed it over and said: "Brother, what a skill. This bayonet fight is almost on par with a little devil. How do you train?"  You came out? I heard Liu Changshun said that you were his old company commander, so you also came out of the 18th Guannei Army?"

    After this man took the cigarette handed over by Wang Xiaoming and lit it, he did not answer his question first. Instead, he took a strong puff and then sighed: "I haven't smoked in almost half a year since I was captured."

    Looking at the way he smoked, it looked like he was a long-time smoker. Wang Xiaoming smiled, put the pack with only one cigarette left in his hand and the match into his jacket pocket, and then stretched out his hand.  He said: "Let's get to know each other. I am Wang Xiaoming, the political commissar of Liu Changshun's regiment. I am currently the political commissar of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the second regiment of the Independent First Division of the Jidong Military Region."

    The man heard his self-introduction, especially after saying the name political commissar that he was very familiar with. He was stunned for a long time before reaching out and shaking Wang Xiaoming's hand and said: "Sun Wenjiu, before he was captured, was the member of the 18th Army Jin Dynasty."  The political instructor of the Third Independent Regiment Battalion of the Chaji Military Region was injured and captured during the anti-mopping up campaign at the beginning of this year.¡±

    After introducing himself, he pointed to the hundreds of people behind him who were wearing the same color military uniforms as him and said: "These people are the cadres and soldiers of the first and third divisions who were captured during the counter-mopping up at the beginning of this year. There are also  More than a dozen are from the third detachment of the New Fourth Army. There were more than 300 people who came together, but now we are the only ones left."

    "When we were fighting, we didn't have as many bullets as you. The main force can carry more than ten bullets per person, which is already very good. We usually put three bullets in and start charging, fighting the Japanese with bayonets. In order to  If we can win the battle, we will learn from the Japanese and learn how to fight with the bayonet from the captured Japanese."

    Just when Wang Xiaoming and the prisoner named Sun Wenjiu were just beginning to talk, a company correspondent who had temporarily changed his job to be his guard ran over and interrupted their conversation: "Political Commissar, Commander Wang is here."

    Hearing that Wang Guangyu finally arrived, Wang Xiaoming excitedly punched the trench wall that had been chipped away by half a foot of shells, and said excitedly to Meng Ziming and Sun Wenjiu: "Lao Wang's group is here, it's time to arrive."  It¡¯s time for us to fight back. Damn, I¡¯ve been angry with the little devil for a long time, now I can make a good move.¡±

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