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Text Chapter 178 Reasons for the Medal

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    Seeing the embarrassed and lonely expression on Liu Changshun's face, Yang Zhen shook his head without saying a word.  [.Com text] Some things can only be tasted by himself. He has not found out the reason why he is lagging behind. No matter how others help, it is just scratching the surface.  In the end, things still have to depend on him.

    After completing the awarding of medals to meritorious personnel, Yang Zhen pondered for a moment and then said: "In order to ensure the fairness and openness of the awarding of medals, as the highest military commander of the army, I, together with the two political commissars in charge of the awarding of medals for the army,  In principle, we do not participate in all awards. The award of awards by other heads of the headquarters must be approved by the Military Congress.¡±

    As soon as Yang Zhen said this, the cadres below couldn't help but burst into an uproar.  Many people disagreed with Yang Zhen's rule that he and Li Yanping would not participate in the awarding of medals.  In their opinion, if the awarding regulations are really as Yang Zhen said, it would be enough to award the first-class Liberation Medal and the first-class Independent Medal of Freedom.

    Those who have made outstanding contributions to the development and construction of the army, and who have played a decisive factor in winning battles, can be awarded the first-class Liberation Medal and the first-class Independence Medal of Freedom.  This force was created and developed by Yang Zhen.  Except for him, no one can bear this honor for his outstanding contribution to the development and construction of the army.

    Since the establishment of the army, he has achieved several victories with the assistance of the chief of staff.  It can be said that for these two first-class medals, at least currently, no one in the entire army is more qualified to obtain them than him.  But why would the commander give up this honor?  But it was the cadres at all levels who were puzzled.

    Listening to the commotion below, Li Yanping, who had never spoken, smiled and said: "There is a reason why the commander and I did not participate in this award. One of us is the commander, the highest military leader of this unit.  One is the political commissar, the top political leader of this unit. It is very inappropriate for us to participate in the awarding. "

    "You think the award is too low? We can't compete with the cadres and soldiers below for medals and medals. Besides, we are also disgraced. Besides, we are already the top military and political officers of this army. Who should we look for for evaluation?  , Approval? Granted, even if there is a military congress, few people would dare to vote against it. "

    "In order to ensure that all honors are given to grassroots combat troops as much as possible, the commander and I have decided not to participate in all medal awarding activities. And not only us, but other heads of the headquarters also try not to participate in medal awarding in principle."

    ¡°If there is a special contribution and a medal needs to be awarded, just as the commander said, it must be proposed by two-thirds of the cadres above the company, and it will be awarded after the approval of the all-servicemen¡¯s congress.¡±

    "In addition, in order to commend the commander-in-chief for his contribution to the guerrilla war against Japan since the fall of Northeast China on September 18, after discussions between the commander, myself and the chief of staff, we decided to propose it at this meeting of cadres above the company and award it  The Commander-in-Chief received the Medal of Independence and Freedom, First Class, but the Commander-in-Chief declined.¡±

    "The commander-in-chief proposed that whether medals or medals, the focus should be given to front-line combat troops to enhance the troops' sense of honor, mission and responsibility. The commander-in-chief is a noble and upright person and has set an example for us. Naturally, the commander and I cannot be too  Falling behind. Therefore, the commander and I decided not to participate in the awarding."

    After Li Yanping finished speaking, Yang Zhen looked at the cadres below who were still discussing, then waved his hands and said: "This matter has been settled, everyone should stop discussing it. If there is any question about the awarding of medals and medals,  If you are dissatisfied with the situation, you can talk to the political commissar after the meeting. But if it is about conferring honors on us, I¡¯m sorry and we won¡¯t accept it.¡±

    "Whether it is me or the other heads of the headquarters, we need people who are hard-working, capable of fighting and doing their jobs, and we do not need flatterers. If you really want to award me and the political commissar, then work hard and train well.  Troops, win more battles. In peacetime, study more and mature as soon as possible, so that the political commissar and the chief of staff can relax a little bit, which is the biggest reward for us. "

    Although Yang Zhen's tone of voice was a bit harsh, his intensity was obviously much stronger than that of Li Yanping.  Seeing that Yang Zhen made it clear that he didn't want the venue to turn into a vegetable market, there was a sudden silence, and no one dared to continue talking.

    Seeing that the scene below had resumed, Yang Zhen nodded.  This is what he wants.  The venue is the venue. If you want to discuss, you can go back and continue, but not during the meeting.  As for whether the discussion will continue in private after the meeting is over, Yang Zhen has no control over it.

    In fact, Yang Zhen did not hear the content of the discussion among the cadres below.  The venue was chosen to be the combat duty room, which was such a big place. A word spoken from below could be heard clearly by those above.  Regarding these comments, although Yang Zhen looked serious and disapproving on his face, in fact, he was almost hurt by a sullen smile in his heart.

    What is this so-called medal and medal?Well, to Yang Zhen it was all just a cloud, just a false name.  Even if he has nothing, doesn¡¯t this army still have to listen to him?  Besides, compared to the medals produced by his own troops and not necessarily recognized by the central government, for Yang Zhen, the military ranks awarded after the founding of the People's Republic of China were more attractive.

    It¡¯s just that Yang Zhen¡¯s ambition is really not that big.  He estimated that based on the current development momentum of his army, as long as he did not follow the old path of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and lived safely until the founding of the People's Republic of China, he would have to obtain the rank of lieutenant general.  As long as he survives the Cultural Revolution, after the reform and opening up, won¡¯t he become the founding father of the country?

    Since you don¡¯t care much, why bother fighting for that false reputation?  Could it be that since I didn't get these medals and medals, I couldn't command the troops?

    These medals and medals are the reward method that Yang Zhen came up with after several discussions with the commander-in-chief, Li Yanping, Guo Bingxun and others. It is also the most appropriate reward method at present.

    After withdrawing to the Qunce Mountain base, in order to commend the troops for their meritorious service in this battle and encourage morale.  Yang Zhen, the commander-in-chief, Li Yanping, and Guo Bingxun once thought about coming up with some incentives.  But for soldiers, the highest reward, besides material rewards, is the promotion of position and military rank.

    It¡¯s just that the establishment of the army is limited. If its positions are promoted, it means expansion.  But after several discussions, several people did not think that now was a good time to expand.  Although the several regiment leaders performed well in this battle, they were still quite lacking in ability.  It is already very difficult to be promoted to the leader of the group.  If they are awarded higher positions, they will not be capable until they have gone through a period of training.

    At present, the army does not implement a military rank system, so even if you want to advance to the rank as a reward, it is impossible.  Unless the current policy of the army is changed, a military rank system will be implemented.

    Guo Bingxun once proposed that we take this opportunity to implement a military rank system. After the military ranks are awarded according to their positions, those who have made meritorious service in combat can be promoted to the rank in advance as a commendation.

    In Guo Bingxun¡¯s view, all armies in the world, as long as they are regular armies, do not implement the military rank system.  Not only the Japanese army, but also the so-called Big Brother in Japan in the north also implemented a military rank system.  The military rank system is a symbol of the regularization of an army.

    ¡°According to the current number of our troops, they are no longer the size of the guerrillas in the past, and are gradually moving towards regularization.  In view of the development of the army, it is still necessary to implement a military rank system at this time.  Moreover, advancing to the rank in advance is the most basic way of rewarding meritorious personnel in all ** teams around the world.

    Although what Guo Bingxun said was not wrong, this method was ultimately rejected by Yang Zhen.  In the future, we will still have to face the central government.  Although it is now in an independent state and has lost contact with the central government, it is still an army under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

    Troops at all levels not only have political workers, but also establish corresponding party organizations at all levels.

    And the entire *** army, whether it is the 18th Group Army, the newly formed Fourth Army, or the anti-Japanese columns in South China, did not implement the military rank system at this time. It is really a bit unique to implement the military rank system on its own.

    Since promotion and early promotion are used as rewards, the current conditions do not allow it.  That means there is only one way to find a way to provide material rewards.

    Material rewards can be given. Yang Zhen, who has no special materials except weapons and ammunition, has never thought about it at all.  You can't give each person a machine gun as a reward.  Unless some of the captured gold, silver and Manchukuo currency that are intended to be used to exchange supplies to the north are used as bonuses.

    But in this case, let¡¯s not talk about once this is started, what will the army without any financial system support do in the future?  Just giving out so many bonuses would easily harm them.  It is an eternal truth that men become bad when they have money.  What's more, to a group of homeless bachelors?  It is impossible for troops to fight without touching the city.  Once you enter the city and have some spare money, it is easy to be dazzled by the feasting and entertainment there.

    ¡°Besides, we can¡¯t start this way.  Once the idea that money can replace everything penetrates into the army during wartime, the army will be easily corrupted and attracted by the enemy and puppets.  In the subsequent Iraq War, Yang Zhen had a deep memory of the incident in which the Iraqi generals gave up resistance after being lured by a large sum of U.S. dollars, allowing the U.S. military to march straight into Baghdad within a few days.

    After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn¡¯t come up with a good reward method.  Finally, Li Yanping, who had studied in the Soviet Union, proposed to imitate the Soviet system of medals and medals.  Medals and medals are awarded to meritorious personnel.  And formulate some policies based on the medals and medal levels awarded.  For example, for the second-class Liberation Medal Du Kaishan received, as long as it is not treason, any violation of other disciplines can be reduced to a first-class crime.

    After weighing various reward methods, Yang Zhen finally agreed to this suggestion.  In order to showWith the emphasis on medals and medals, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun designed the medal pattern overnight and handed it over to the arsenal for production as quickly as possible.  Fortunately, the quantity is not large and all will be produced before the summary meeting.

    Seeing the recipients wearing the Medal of Liberation with the Great Wall and Red Stars on their chests, the Medal of Independence and Freedom with the White Mountain and Black Water Swords, and the red flags and rifles crossed on their chests, they looked very proud, and even when they walked, they felt superior to others.  a feeling of.  Yang Zhen felt that this decision was still the right one.

    "What Yang Zhen didn't expect was that the medals and medals he designed himself would be recognized by the central government after the founding of the People's Republic of China because of the seriousness, formality and authenticity of the awards.  These medals and medals are used as an important reference when conferring military ranks, especially when conferring military ranks on personnel of various departments of the Northeast Anti-Resistance Alliance.

    Basically, those who have been awarded the Liberation Medal of Level 3 or above and the Independent Medal of Freedom of Level 2 or above will be promoted by one level when they are awarded military ranks.  After the reform and opening up, especially after entering the new century, these medals have become extremely popular collections not only domestically, but also internationally because they are extremely rare and beautifully made.

    Especially the Liberation Medal of Level 2 and above, because the number of medals awarded is not large, their prices are almost astronomical.  Someone even used an extremely precious Yuan blue and white porcelain plate in exchange for a second-level Liberation Medal that was spread abroad.  As soon as he returned to China, he sold it for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of yuan.

    Of course, Yang Zhen does not know these details now and cannot possibly know them.  For him, these medals and medals are nothing more than special rewards.  It does not represent money, but honor.  It can even be the only reward that Yang Zhen, who is currently said to be poor and cash-strapped, can get his hands on.


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