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Text Chapter 175 Beacon Fire Group Mount (7)

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    In fact, Yang Zhen was not the only one who insisted on continuing to fight at night. The three regiment leaders also meant that the fighting could not stop due to changes in the weather.  [.Com text] Especially among the three people, Liu Changshun, who had made the least progress at this time, was the most resolute in his opposition.  .

    Although Yang Zhen did not show any dissatisfaction with the lack of progress, the change of attack direction by the other two regiments put him under great pressure.  Among the three regiments, whether in terms of division of combat areas or the priority of attack targets, they are the main attacking force.  However, the other two regiments changed their attack direction, which actually pushed their main attack to a secondary direction.

    Especially for him, the most unacceptable thing was that Du Kaishan reached across the border and knocked out the Japanese 44th Regiment Headquarters that was originally divided into his own combat area, which made him even more irritated.  In his opinion, Du Kaishan's move was tantamount to taking food from his own bowl.

    Liu Changshun, who thought he had been robbed of the biggest piece of fat in the bowl, was so stimulated that he wanted to avenge his shame in the night battle.  If Liu Changshun insists on fighting, Wang Guangyu and Du Kaishan will naturally not be far behind.  The three of them all kept calling Jin Na secretly.

    In order to ensure that the night battle could proceed smoothly, Yang Zhen took out more than a hundred rounds of illumination bombs stored in the secret warehouse.  He also personally called the three regiment leaders and personally explained the matters that needed to be paid attention to during the night battle.  After all, there are heavy casualties, which Yang Zhen does not want to see since it is difficult to replenish troops and the capital is not strong.

    Although the three regiment leaders insisted on continuing the fight at night.  But in the previous battle, the three people who had understood the true combat effectiveness of the 44th Regiment knew that they must not fight hard, otherwise they would only suffer casualties that they could not bear.  In a night battle, the three regiment leaders each had their own fighting styles.  Among the three, Wang Guangyu was the most experienced, while Du Kaishan was the most ruthless.

    In order to eat the enemy in front of you as quickly as possible and minimize casualties.  After seizing the surrounding commanding heights and pressing the two Japanese squadrons into a small valley, Du Kaishan followed the mountain slope, poured down all the dozens of barrels of gasoline he had seized, and lit a fire directly.

    It is late spring and early summer, and the grass in the valley has grown extremely high.  In addition, there has been some drought since the beginning of spring, and those grasses and trees are extremely easy to burn.  He lit the fire, and instantly the valley was engulfed in fire.  The fire in the valley was so bright that it could be seen clearly from dozens of miles away in the night.

    The Japanese troops in the valley could not resist the fire and tried their best to break out of the valley, but were killed and injured by more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns and mortars placed at the exits on both sides.  The firepower network composed of more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns and mortars devoured the lives of every Japanese soldier who tried to leave this valley that had become a purgatory.

    The two exits of the valley were littered with Japanese corpses.  This can hardly be said to be a battle, but an out-and-out unilateral massacre.

    Looking at the Japanese troops struggling in the fire below the mountain, Du Kaishan smiled gloomily.  In this afternoon's battle, although the casualties of his second regiment had not yet been calculated, it was only a rough casualty figure, which already made him feel distressed enough.  Of the three infantry battalions, two were disabled.  Nearly half of the entire regiment suffered casualties.

    Especially when breaking through the second Japanese blockade, faced with the obstruction of two Japanese squadrons, the Second Battalion, which took over the attack from the First Battalion, was severely bitten by the Japanese, causing more than half of the casualties.  The battalion commander and instructors all died, and two of the three company commanders died.  When a fully equipped infantry battalion is withdrawn, it can only be compressed into an infantry company.

    In order to take this breath, Du Kaishan organized the remnants of the two battalions plus his own guard company into one battalion based on the three battalions that had just been returned from Liu Changshun, and all went into battle from the beginning.  Adopting the tactic of squeezing from the north to the south, the Japanese army was forced into this small valley.  In his words, I can't sell iron at all.

    Looking at the gloomy expression of the regimental commander next to him, Tao Jingfei, who knew that he was feeling uncomfortable due to the heavy casualties in his troops, didn't know how to comfort him.  The heavy casualties of the troops made him feel even more distressed as a political commissar.  But this is the gap, the gap with the real combat effectiveness of the Japanese army.

    She also didn¡¯t want the troops to suffer huge casualties in the next battle, so although she thought Du Kaishan¡¯s tactics were a bit excessive, Tao Jingfei still chose to support them.  Just the smell of barbecued human flesh coming from down the mountain made Tao Jingfei put down the vomiting feeling in her chest with great effort.

    In order to maintain her authority as the leader, Tao Jingfei resisted vomiting on the spot.  The other warriors watching the battle on the mountain didn't have the need for him.  Many people vomited on the spot when they smelled the smell of barbecued human flesh.  Regarding the performance of the cadres and soldiers around him, Du Kaishan shook his head but said nothing.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Some people among the soldiers whispered about themselvesWhen his own tactics harmed Tianhe, Du Kaishan disapproved even more: "Anything that harms Tianhe is bullshit. The Japanese killed 300,000 people in Nanjing and there was no retribution. I just used it as a excuse.  If a few two-legged beasts are burned to death, then God will be struck by thunder? Then God is really blind."

    Du Kaishan, who set fire to the Japanese troops of the two squadrons and made them into a barbecue, was the first among the three to end the battle.  Du Kaishan, who was clean and tidy and ate up two squadrons of the Japanese army without paying any price except the dozens of barrels of gasoline that had to be handed over, immediately turned around and ran over to grab food from Liu Changshun.

    The fire set by Du Kaishan could be seen clearly from dozens of miles away.  Surrounded by Wang Guangyu on a hill no more than a thousand meters away from here, Tsutsutarou Kawama could naturally see it clearly.  Looking at the flames soaring into the sky, Taro Kawajama couldn't help but feel twitching in his heart.

    Gritting his teeth with hatred, he knew that the fire could not be set by his own troops, but could only be a fire attack by his opponent in order to reduce casualties.  The terrain there was visited by Tsuchitaro Kawama when he took over the position of the Fourth Division.  I know it is a small valley in the mountains.

    No matter which troops are driven in, as long as the opponent uses firepower to contain the exits at both ends of the valley, they will probably be trapped and die inside.  As for the outcome of the troops trapped there, he could even imagine it with his eyes closed.  Especially the fire coming out from there made him know clearly that his troops trapped there might have been completely destroyed.

    Those who saw the fire were not only the surviving officers and soldiers of the 44th Regiment that had been divided into pieces, but also the Lin Fang detachment of the Fourth Division on the southern front. They also saw it clearly.  Unlike the Third Cavalry Brigade, which stepped up its attack after seeing the fire, Lin Fang's detachment, which was already half-dead on the offensive, moved much more slowly.  The Japanese troops who participated in the attack refused to move no matter how much Taro Hayashi urged them to do.

    Although direct contact with the 44th Regiment has been lost, this fire made Lin Fangtaro clearly know that the 44th Regiment may be at the end of its rope.  If he, who was so close at hand, could not rescue the 44th Regiment, not only himself, but also the division commander would probably be severely punished by the Kwantung Army Headquarters when he returned.

    But no matter how Taro Hayashi threatened, or even threatened to send all officers to a military court, it was still to no avail.  His men just couldn't come up with a decent offensive.  He just forced this squadron to attack, but that squadron retreated again.  After being tired for a long time but finding nothing, Yoshitaro Hayashi had no choice but to send a telegram to Shigeru Sawada, reporting the actual situation and requesting that aircraft be sent to support the 44th Regiment.

    After receiving the report from Lin Fangtaro, Zetian Shigeru, who had withdrawn to Jiamusi, did not speak for a long time.  Since I received a telegram from the 44th Regiment before crossing the river, I have not been able to get in touch with the 44th Regiment. Although I have been mentally prepared for the outcome of the 44th Regiment,  Still stunned by the situation of the 44th Regiment.

    As for Lin Fangtaro's report on the performance of the Lin Fang detachment, Sawada Shigeru had already known it. Otherwise, before withdrawing, he would not have told Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu to pay more attention to the southern front and not place his hopes on the Lin Fang detachment.  body.  But even though he was mentally prepared, he didn't expect the development of things, and it still developed in the direction he least wanted to see.

    It¡¯s just that he somewhat couldn¡¯t figure out why his opponent didn¡¯t pick the soft persimmon Lin Fang detachment, but instead turned to the hard-core 44th Regiment.  Sawada Shigeru knew very well that the combat effectiveness of the 44th Regiment was definitely far superior to his own Fourth Division.

    ??If we just talk about the quality of individual soldiers and tactical literacy, Lin Fang's detachment, which is also from an old division, is naturally not bad.  But when it comes to the tenacious spirit of fighting and the desperate spirit of sacrificing one's life for the emperor, compared with the 44th Regiment, Lin Fang's detachment is not inferior to Li Xu.

    Thinking of this, Shigeru Sawada, who had always been puzzled by his opponent's neglect of the soft persimmon of Lin Fang's detachment, but chose to gnaw on the hard nut of the 44th Regiment, figured it out.  If Lin Fang's detachment is attacked first, according to the usual habits of the Japanese army, the 44th Regiment will definitely try its best to rescue them regardless of any previous barriers with the Fourth Division.

    If the 44th Regiment is attacked first, judging from the consistent behavior of the Osaka soldiers of Lin Fang's detachment, they will never go to any lengths to rescue them.  At most, they just do some superficial actions and take care of some errands.  Asking them to work hard to rescue friendly forces would be even more uncomfortable than killing them directly.

    Seeing that it was not so much a report, but actually a telegram asking for help from Yoshitaro Hayashi, Sawada Shigeru smiled bitterly.  They were all ordered to withdraw to rescue Jiamusi. From Jiamusi to Qunce Mountain, except for Lin Fang's detachment, which served as the flank of the 44th Regiment, not a single soldier of the Fourth Division was left.  Except for the whole army to attack Qunce Mountain again, the Fourth Division now has no troops to send.

      And Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, who no longer dares to have any illusions about the Fourth Division, knows that when the Fourth Division encounters a war, they will collectively pretend to be sick. Even if they have been concentrated, they will not be ready for three to five days before setting off.  Unable to do anything, Sawada Shigeru could only forward the telegram to the Kwantung Army Headquarters.  I hope the Kwantung Army Headquarters can urge the First Division starting from Heihe to speed up its march.  Rush to the front line of Qunce Mountain as soon as possible to join the battle.

    This fight has been going on for several days. The troops of the First Division, which was cooperating with the Kwantung Army Headquarters in accordance with the plan, have not shown up yet, making Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru very dissatisfied.  Previously, the main force of his Fourth Division was there, and with enough troops to be used, Sawada Shigeru naturally would not care about the First Division, the most famous division of the Japanese army.  But now that he had no troops to send, he naturally thought of the First Division troops that had not been seen for a long time.

    As for sending a plane, Sawada Shigeru even smiled bitterly.  The planes at Jiamusi Airport were turned into piles of scrap metal.  However, the fighter planes originally scheduled for Qunce Mountain in other directions were temporarily transferred to Hailar by the Kwantung Army to support the increasingly tense situation on the Manchuria-Mongolia border.  Do you have any planes on hand that you can send?

    The Kwantung Army headquarters attaches far greater importance to the polar bear in the north than to Qunce Mountain. Not to mention that all the aviation units have been mobilized, even its own fourth division has been ordered to mobilize.  Because they were ordered to clear Qunce Mountain, the Fourth Division had already completed mobilization and was actually included in the first batch of reinforcements.  The Kwantung Army headquarters has called several times to inquire about the progress of the clearing of Qunce Mountain.

    " Sawada Shigeru didn't know how the brainwashed staff officers at the Kwantung Army Headquarters would think of the Fourth Division. Aren't they afraid that other divisions would be implicated by these Osaka soldiers?  Aren't they afraid that these Osaka soldiers will mess up the entire battle?

    Fighting against a guerrilla-type anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese armed force was a struggle.  As soon as they were withdrawn from Jiamusi, they all asked for leave and were hospitalized, pretending to be seriously ill and about to die at any time.  They were frightened by the tragic sight of piles of corpses of Puppet Manchukuo soldiers and policemen in Jiamusi.

    ??This is how they deal with a ragtag group of anti-Manchu armed forces. If they are asked to deal with the Soviet army, which has planes above, swarms of heavy artillery and tanks below, and weapons and equipment far better than the Japanese army, why can't they turn around and run away?

    ¡°In fact, not to mention those Osaka soldiers who regarded money as their life were frightened by the tragedy in Jiamusi City, even Sawada Shigeru was also shocked.  The original neat Japanese military camps in Jiamusi City, the Fourth Division's division headquarters, which can be called the most majestic building in Jiamusi City, and important buildings such as the Sanjiang Provincial Government of the Puppet Manchuria, the Jiamusi Municipal Government, and the railway station have all become ruins.  .  Either it was reduced to ruins by the flames of war, or it was intentionally blown up by the opponent.

    In a square in the city, the corpses of senior Puppet Manchukuo military and political personnel and Japanese personnel in the Puppet Manchukuo military and police were piled up into a hill with signs hanging on their bodies.  The signs on the corpses indicate that these men were executed for treason after being captured.

    No wonder Lieutenant General Doihara Kenji couldn't sit still after the loss of Jiamusi.  After the opponent did this, almost all the senior Manchukuo personnel in Sanjiang Province were wiped out.  The elite of various military and police officers, that is, Japanese personnel, were also wiped out.  A large number of files, documents and various materials were either burned or looted.  In other words, the entire Sanjiang Province has fallen into complete paralysis at this time.

    For Sawada Shigeru, he didn¡¯t care no matter how many Manchukuo people died.  He was not the commander of the Kwantung Army and was not responsible to the Manchukuo government.  However, the loss of a large amount of materials originally stored in Jiamusi made him feel distressed.  Not to mention the weapons, ammunition, and various money and goods in Japanese-owned banks, not even a grain of food was left.  Everything that could not be taken away was blown up and burned.  It was not just the Fourth Division that had no food to eat, but even the tens of thousands of Japanese in the city were without food.

    But in just one day, the opponent moved almost all of Jiamusi.  After the Fourth Division, which had finally managed to get a dozen ferries across the Songhua River in Tangyuan County upstream, withdrew to Jiamusi, it couldn't even eat.  The loss of all kinds of private property stored in Jiamusi by the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Division also made the entire Fourth Division almost feel so distressed that they almost vomited blood.  Kitano Gaojin, who stayed behind in Jiamusi, almost ate him alive.

    If the Fourth Division had not yet had time to severely beat Kitano Takatsu, who had caused huge losses to everyone, Sawada Shigeru, who was in the hot seat because of the huge losses in Jiamusi, was not polite at all and came up to Kitano who came to report.  Gao Jin had a big mouth.  The beating made this guy who thought he had merit by sticking to his guns so much that his face was swollen and he was speechless.

    After receiving the telegram for help from Yoshitaro Hayashi, Shigeru Sawada became even more furious and stared at Kitano Takatsu with almost murderous eyes.  If this guy hadn't lost Jiamusi so quickly, why would he have been so passive?  If the fourth division is all here, even if it is a little bit bearish, the forty-fourth allianceWhy should the team be trapped in a tight siege?  If the 44th Regiment was really lost, how should he explain it to the Kwantung Army Headquarters and the commander of the 11th Division, Lieutenant General Wata Hisao?

    Seeing the division commander looking at him with red eyes, Kitano Takatsu almost wet his pants without being frightened.  He didn't know that he didn't lose all his troops and barely managed to hold his position. Why was the division commander so angry?

    After a long silence, Lieutenant General Kitano Takatsu said: "Major Kitano, you did finally defend the military camp. But your responsibility is not to defend the military camp, but to defend the entire Jiamusi. After losing the entire city, you only defended one place that was beaten.  What's the use of a dilapidated military camp?"

    "And because of your mistake, the 44th Regiment is now trapped in a conflict with anti-Manchu armed forces.

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