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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 172 Beacon Fire Group Ce Mountain (4)

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    As Du Kaishan's most outstanding company commander, Sima Feng did not disappoint him.  [.Com text] While the Japanese army's attention was attracted by the Second Battalion, which launched a frontal assault, Sima Feng led two platoons of his men from the flank of the Second Battalion, taking advantage of the automatic firearms to forcefully attack the Japanese army.  A gap was opened in the second line of defense and headed straight towards the headquarters of the 44th Regiment.

    At this time, the Second Battalion, which had taken over from the First Battalion to launch the attack, was already mixed up, and its troops had been used to the extreme. Even if a small team of troops was withdrawn, the defense line was in danger of collapse. The Japanese troops on the second line of defense could naturally watch their opponents.  A small force tore apart its defense line from the weakest point on its flank and rushed into its position, but could not spare the troops to stop it.

    It was just that this small force, which the Japanese army had not expected, rushed into its position. Instead of cooperating with the troops charging from the front, it used automatic firearms and a large number of grenades to clear the way, and rushed directly to its rear.  After a brief period of astonishment, he immediately understood that these guys were heading towards his headquarters.  People didn't take a fancy to this place.

    With no more troops to block the attack, Masada Moriki, captain of the 3rd Battalion of the 44th Regiment commanding the second line of defense, could only report to Tsutsuki Taro Kawama.  The first is to request reinforcements, and the second is to tell Colonel Hejian that a small team of the opponent has rushed towards his headquarters.

    In fact, there was no need for him to report. Colonel Hejian, who had been carefully observing the battlefield, had already seen the opponent's small force rushing towards his headquarters, which was not a large number.  Taro Kawama knew very well the intention of his opponent's small force to kill him directly, regardless of the obstacles along the way.

    The intention of his opponent's move was very clear to Tsutsuki Taro.  But he once had the strength of four brigades and twelve squadrons, but now his only reserve team has been mobilized to counterattack from the north, and the enemy from the north has broken through his own defenses and is in danger of cutting off his retreat.  The remaining squadron still has to protect its own retreat and deal with enemies from other directions. If it cannot be used easily, it has no troops to send.

    With the force already being used to the extreme, Tsutsuki Taro Kawama gritted his teeth and mobilized two squadrons from the last reserve team that could be mobilized, which was his guard squadron.  He also fired all the combatants in the wing headquarters and sent them out in an attempt to repel or annihilate the sneak attack on his headquarters by this daring little unit.

    Now Tsutsutarou Kawama hates Major General Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu who has returned to the embrace of Amaterasu.  If it hadn't been for this guy's support, each of the 44th Regiment's four squadrons would have brought only three infantry squadrons, so why would he be so passive?  With three squadrons in hand, why would he be in danger?

    It¡¯s just a complaint, but Tsutsuki Taro Kawama also knows that Major General Kuroiwa leaves one squadron for each brigade. This is a common practice among the Japanese army, and it is useless even if he scolds him.  In fact, Colonel Hejian didn't know that these three squadrons were no longer part of the 11th Division at this time.

    These three squadrons were transferred into China Customs as soon as they set off, and preparations were made to form an independent mixed brigade of a garrison nature based on these three squadrons.  The three reorganized squadrons are still being mobilized in Japan.  When he was transferred to the Kwantung Army, he still didn¡¯t know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

    Tsutsutaro Kawama scolded him, but he was still confident that the two teams he sent plus a machine gun team could stop the Chinese team that was rushing toward him.  The opponent only has a few dozen troops, so sending two infantry squads is already a great honor.

    ¡°If the safety of his own headquarters is not involved, things need to be more cautious. In his opinion, sending a small team is enough.  What he didn't expect was that when the two armies came into contact, it was the guard squadron he sent that was defeated first.  The strength of the two teams was actually defeated before they could even stop their opponents for fifteen minutes.

    The result of the battle caught Taro Kawajama somewhat off guard, and he did not understand how his carefully selected guards could be defeated so quickly.  Fifteen minutes, just one face-to-face time, and he was defeated.

    You know, in the opinion of Colonel Taro Kawajana, who participated in the Battle of Songhu in 1937, his two squads of soldiers were enough to defeat a company or even a battalion of China's most powerful Central Army in battle.  The only two platoons of anti-Manchu armed forces that had no artillery support to block them were definitely easy to catch.

    This is a formal face-to-face, hard-to-fight field battle, not a street battle or an ambush battle.  There is almost no opportunity for opportunism.  It depends on the actual combat effectiveness of both sides.

    He really couldn't figure out why his army collapsed so quickly.  You must know that just before, when faced with an assault by an opponent's battalion under the cover of intensive artillery fire, our troopsThe two squadrons on the forward position still resisted for nearly an hour.  It brought huge casualties to the opponent, otherwise the opponent would not have broken through its first line of defense and would rather take the risk of being counterattacked and replace its troops on the spot.

    In fact, Tsuchitaro Kawama never understood where he was wrong.  He was not wrong in sending troops to stop the opponent's attackers from attacking his headquarters, but the tactics used by the troops he sent out were wrong.

    Although he already knew that his opponent was equipped with a large number of automatic firearms, Captain Eiji Nakata, the guard squadron leader he sent out to command the counterattack, was forced by his opponent and reluctantly adopted the stupidest tactic to engage in close combat with his opponent.  .

    There is no other way. In terms of marksmanship, the opponent's marksmanship, which has already reached about 200 meters, is not inferior to his own.  Although there are only a few rifles, these rifles with extremely accurate shooting combined with grenade launchers that also shoot extremely accurately make their main support firepower. Even the 11th Division is the newly equipped Type 96 light  As soon as the machine guns engaged, they lost their say.

    A grenade that was hit by the opponent as soon as it was set up was reduced to parts together with the shooter.  The remaining one was targeted by the opponent's sharpshooter.  Several machine gunners were killed and wounded by precise rifle fire from their opponents.  Even in the 11th Division, which was always known for its strength, no one dared to touch the machine gun that now represented death.

    Not only did the two machine guns fail to fire when they came up, causing Eiji Nakata to lose his main supporting firepower.  Even the grenade, the main fire suppression weapon used by the Japanese army in close combat, was also suppressed by the opponent's two machine guns that fired alternately.  Every grenadier who just wanted to stand up was beaten into pieces by the opponent's precise machine gun fire before he could load the grenade into the launch tube.

    And when Eiji Nakata, who had lost all his supporting firepower, wanted to adopt the same tactics as his opponent, using precise rifle fire to suppress the opponent's firepower, he sadly discovered that his men could not open their eyes at all under the dazzling light of the setting sun.  Eye.

    Damn it, he just realized that he and his opponent were exactly one east and one west.  The opponent located in the west is just under the rays of the setting sun.  Under the setting sun, it was impossible to aim at his side, and it was even difficult to open his eyes.

    Since childhood, this is the first time Eiji Nakata has hated the sun that has always been the symbol of his country.  In his heart, he scolded his opponent for his cunningness.  But here, as the core position of the Japanese army, there is a small piece of flat land that is rare in this mountainous area. There is not even a hidden place where you can be passively beaten.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? With ??Knowing that he can't last long if the fight continues, but Nakata Eiji, who can't run, is still a bachelor.  After suffering heavy losses in just a few minutes of shooting, I realized that waiting here would not only fail to complete the task of covering the wing headquarters, but also let people continue to knock on each other like this, even if they couldn't hold on for ten minutes.  .

    "I know that if we continue to fight like this, it won't take long before the few troops we have on hand will be exhausted."  With the idea that since there was no way to retreat, this guy might as well fight to the death instead of just sitting there and waiting for death, he simply launched an attack.  Trying to use his men's hand-to-hand combat abilities to repel the opponent.

    Although he also knew that this was unlikely, even hopeless.  In the previous battle, he saw the large number of automatic firearms equipped by his opponents, mowing down his comrades who were trying to engage in hand-to-hand combat.  But he also knows that this is his best and only choice at the moment.  After all, in close combat, he might still have a chance.

    However, in order to disperse the opponent's firepower density and reduce casualties so as to retain enough troops to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent, Nakata Eiji still kept the skirmishers wide open.

    Looking at the Japanese soldiers charging at him with Type 38 rifles with bayonets attached, Sima Feng showed a trace of imperceptible contempt on his lips.  Sima Feng put down the gun in his hand, took out a grenade and said to the brothers beside him: "Except for the machine gun, everyone is ready with grenades. When I call to throw it later, don't be in a hurry to throw it out. Wait until the string is pulled and the three checks are completed.  The number is being thrown out. If anyone throws it out earlier, I will go back and kick his ass."

    One hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters.  When the charging Japanese army had reached less than thirty meters away, Sima Feng shouted: "We are all here, use grenades to greet these bastards." After that, he pulled the string of the grenade in his hand and shouted three times  After a few, throw it out hard.

    Looking at the opponent's position getting closer and closer, Nakata Eiji suddenly felt an inexplicable and terrifying feeling in his heart, and he couldn't feel any excitement.  Just when Eiji Nakata couldn't figure out why his opponent's two accurate light machine guns didn't fire, a squad leader next to him shouted in horror: "Grenade, lie down."

    ? ??With this cry of terror, swarms of grenades exploded in the air above the heads of Eiji Nakata and his men.  The large amount of fragments produced by dozens of grenades exploding in the air swept across this small battlefield like a storm.  The Japanese troops who launched the charge were bombed and suffered heavy casualties.  When the rain of grenades stopped, few Japanese soldiers in the two teams could stand up.

    His whole body was pricked by several large and small shrapnel, but his life was saved by the steel helmet on his head. Looking at the few remaining subordinates, Nakata Eiji knew that he was probably going to die here today. His ferocious energy at this time was completely  Got inspired.  He drew out his sword and led the remaining dozen or so subordinates to charge toward Sima Feng.

    Looking at the few dozen Japanese soldiers left in front of him, Sima Feng smiled.  Stopped his subordinates from continuing to greet him with grenades.  Just kidding, this modified Japanese-style 97-style grenade is very valuable.  The money spent on these dozen guys is not worth it.  Even if we fight a war, we should pay attention to cost-effectiveness, right?

    It¡¯s Sima Feng¡¯s old subordinates who understand him.  He waved his hand, and all his old subordinates raised their submachine guns.  As his hand slashed hard, dense rain of bullets from more than 20 submachine guns turned Nakata Eiji and a dozen of his subordinates, who had rushed less than ten meters away from Sima Peak, into briquettes.

    Sima Feng didn¡¯t even look at Nakata Eiji, who was absolutely unwilling to die. His eyes were still wide open when he fell to the ground.  Now that the Japanese blocking force has been eliminated, the headquarters of the Japanese 44th Regiment has been exposed like a naked girl.  A distance of two hundred meters was nothing to Situ Feng and his men who had gone through long-term training with weight-bearing running.

    The almost one-sided outcome of the battle left Kawama Tsutsuki Taro immediately stunned.  It's just that he was stunned by the beating, but his subordinates were not stupid.

    Seeing that the blockade failed, his commander stared blankly at the battle that had just ended. He knew that the distance of 200 meters meant that there was nothing, and the several staff officers who could rush over in the blink of an eye did not say anything, except leaving two people behind.  After an officer led the remaining team to tightly entangle the opponent and dispose of the radio and other items in the headquarters, the rest of the group picked up Taro Kawajama and ran back.

    ¡°It must be said that the 11th Division is the senior division of the Japanese army, and its fighting determination is definitely not comparable to that of the 4th Division.  Although the opponent only left a small team to block the attack, plus a Type 92 heavy machine gun.  But it was this team that brought a lot of trouble to Sima Feng.

    In order to catch this guy, Sima Feng, who was afraid that Taro Kawajama had escaped, immediately concentrated all his troops and pounced on him after breaking the blockade of the two Japanese squads.  He was too careless, thinking that after defeating the Japanese troops of these two teams, his opponents were no longer blocking his ability.

    Sima Feng did not expect that just as he had rushed very close to the Japanese headquarters, a burst of intensive machine gunfire and neat rifle volleys suddenly rang out from the bushes at the foot of the hill on his flank.  .  Along with the sound of gunfire, several grenades fired from grenade launchers also hit everyone.

    The troops who were charging forward, almost unprepared, suffered heavy casualties from the sudden firepower.  An entire squad of soldiers fell under the sudden fire of the Type 92 heavy machine gun and a dozen volleys of rifles.  A light machine gun accompanying the troops' charge was also blown up.

    Seeing that the Japanese troops who had just wiped out two squads of Japanese soldiers without a few casualties were now suffering heavy casualties, Sima Feng's eyes almost turned red.  After throwing a grenade at the machine gun position, he raised his submachine gun and swept across the sudden appearance of the Japanese army.

    While Sima Feng desperately tried to suppress the heavy machine gun with the submachine gun in his hand, he shouted at him: "Use grenades to blow those bastards out for me."

    Sima Feng wanted to use grenades to blow up the guys hiding in the bushes, and then use the submachine gun in his hand to defeat them with the advantage of close combat firepower. However, he did not expect that these Japanese soldiers were determined and would rather take the grenades than hide in the bushes.  I just won¡¯t go out.

    This Japanese army was very cunning. They chose this firepower point to not only tightly curb Sima Feng's charge route to the 44th Regiment headquarters, but also cleverly avoided direct sunlight from the setting sun.  If this firepower point is not eliminated, there is nothing you can do even if you are close to your intended target.  Unless Sima Feng wants to risk the entire army being injured or killed here.

    Moreover, these Japanese troops adopted the extremely rare shrinking tactic, which was clearly intended to hold them back.  Once they are dragged here by this Japanese army, even if they occupy the Japanese army headquarters, it will be of no use.  The little devil is not stupid. His opponents have already hit him and he still doesn't move.

    Knowing that he had no time to delay any longer, Sima Feng gritted his teeth and said to Liu Yandong, the platoon leader attached to the guard company next to him: "Concentrate all your firepower.Use your strength to suppress this firepower.  Let the grenadier pull back and knock off the heavy machine gun.  I took my men, forced their way through, and killed the Japanese headquarters.  If we let them delay it any longer, our trip will be in vain.  "

    Liu Yandong is not stupid and knows the price of forced movement under the nose of the Japanese firepower.  He immediately said: "No, you are the supreme commander here now. You have to stay here and provide unified command. I will take over the Japanese command post."

    After saying that, without waiting for Sima Feng to reply, he crouched down to greet his subordinates. Braving the heavy rain of bullets fired by the Japanese army, he used the tactics he had learned in daily life to the best and rushed towards the 44th Regiment headquarters.  But moving under the little devil's nose, judging from the little devil's precise shooting skills, it is almost impossible to

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