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Text Chapter 168 Major General Heiyan¡¯s Elegy (5)

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    No one, whether it was Sawada Shigeru, Kobayashi Asaburo, or even Doihara Kenji, who was furious at Yuhara County because of Sawada Shigeru's delay in returning reinforcements, thought that Major General Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu would actually withdraw on the night of the Fourth Division.  He died in battle.  [.Com text] What¡¯s even more outrageous is that Colonel Taro Kawama, captain of the 44th Regiment of the 11th Division who survived the sudden attack, insisted that the person who attacked the major general was from the 4th Division.

    Because they picked up the documents of the people of the Fourth Division who were left to assist Major General Black Rock at the scene of the attack.  The sentries of the 44th Regiment on duty that night also insisted that the attackers who claimed to be the liaison staff of the Fourth Division must be from the Fourth Division.  Because these officers all wear at least three gold rings on their fingers, and they wear high-end hand-sewn military uniforms even when they are fighting on the front lines.  He looked quite wealthy and noble.

    Among the various divisions of the Japanese army, only the officers of the Fourth Division were so wealthy.  In the past few days of cooperating with the Fourth Division in fighting, the officers and soldiers of the 44th Regiment have become accustomed to the wealth and wealth of the people in the Fourth Division.  Those anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese armed forces who were so poor that they were about to go crazy were not so generous as to wear a few gold rings at once.  More importantly, at the scene of the attack, the security personnel of the 44th Regiment picked up a copy of the Fourth Division's ID, which clearly indicated the identity of the attacker.

    And after communicating with the personnel left behind by the Fourth Division to cooperate in the operation, it was found that these people were indeed among the troops left behind by the Fourth Division.  And these people were indeed sent to the 44th Regiment to liaise with Major General Heiyan in order to coordinate the coordinated operations of the two armies.  However, the Fourth Division told the 44th Regiment that these people never returned once they left.

    The death of Major General Kuroiwa caused a serious estrangement between the 44th Regiment and the so-called Lin Fang Detachment commanded by the 37th Regiment Captain Hayashi Taro who stayed behind to support his operations.  No matter how Taro Renbayashi explained it, he couldn't explain it.  Under the current situation of the enemy, Colonel Tsutsuki Taro Kawama even specially allocated a squadron to guard against Lin Fang's detachment.

    Because in the view of Colonel Hejian, who was angered by the death of Major General Kuroiwa, the death of Major General Kuroiwa was a conspiracy of the Fourth Division.  The Fourth Division's relentless attack during the past few days and its extremely fast retreat have always fallen in the eyes of Colonel Hejian.  Privately, Colonel Hejian called him a disgrace to the imperial army.

    According to Colonel Kawama, who once served as a squadron leader in the Fourth Division and knew these Osaka people very well, after the main force of the Fourth Division withdrew, those who were left behind were absolutely unwilling to stay in the group.  The mountain looks like a dangerous place.  While the main force was still there, they played lazily and half-dead.  Now that the main force of the division has withdrawn, these people may always be thinking about rubbing oil on their feet.

    In order to get rid of the fate of staying on the battlefield as soon as possible, these people can do anything.  In Colonel Hejian's view, if killing Major General Heiyan allowed them to withdraw to Jiamusi, then these people would definitely be able to do it.  After all, the supreme commander was killed in battle, and it was only natural that the troops without unified command should withdraw, and no one could deny it.

    The somewhat rude and even simple-minded Colonel Kajian stubbornly believed that the people of the Fourth Division were the culprits of Major General Kuroiwa's death.  And based on his own ideas, he took necessary preventive measures against Lin Fang's detachment.  And Shigeru Sawada, who was on the way back to the march, could not turn on the radio because of the march, so the dispute between the two armies was never properly resolved.

    "Kawama Tsutsutarou is a bit simple-minded, but Linyang Youtarou is not stupid.  After learning that Major General Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu died at the hands of the people he sent to communicate, he immediately understood that the person who went there must have had some problem on the road and had been impersonated.  Those who killed Major General Heiyan would definitely not be his subordinates.

    Colonel Lin Fangtaro knows very well what kind of character his subordinates have.  He knew that his subordinates were a little greedy for money, and they had the ideal of being loyal to the emperor, but they definitely didn't have much.  Maybe he would run away from the battle, maybe he would find various excuses to pretend to be sick to avoid going to the battlefield, but he would never dare to assassinate a major general out of cowardice.  These people pretending to be officers of the Fourth Division are definitely not members of the Fourth Division.

    However, no matter how Taro Hayashi explains it, Taro Kawama Tsutsuki just doesn¡¯t believe it.  Because he did not believe that those inferior Chinese officers could pretend to look like the officers of the Imperial Army and speak fluent Japanese with a local Osaka accent.  Originally, Colonel Hejian did not believe that the people who assassinated Major General Heiyan were from the Fourth Division.

    But the few dirty words typical of Osaka folk that Sentinel learned so vividly made him believe them.  Having lived in Osaka for a while, he knew these curse words very well.  Knowing that these so-called slang words are actually typical Japanese swear words is difficult to understand unless you live in Osaka for a long time and hang out among low-class people all day long.

    In Colonel Hejian¡¯s view, many Chinese people can speak Japanese.  But I can speak Japanese with an Osaka accent fluently, and I haveThere is absolutely no one who knows all the obscene slang in Osaka.  Most of the Chinese people who can speak Japanese are so-called high-class people who studied in Japan. They will never go to Osaka to learn those vulgar slangs.

    In fact, Lin Fangtaro¡¯s explanation was correct. Major General Kuroiwa was indeed not killed by anyone from the Fourth Division.  The people who killed him were Li Mingrui and the Second Reconnaissance Company led by him, who were ordered to reconnoitre the enemy's situation and find out the Japanese army's movements after the deployment adjustment.

    Li Mingrui is a bold leader, and the company commander of the Second Reconnaissance Company he leads, although a graduate of the Puppet Manchu State High School who joined the army in Weihe, is a bit of a arrogant company commander, is a leader who dares to break the sky.  It would be strange if two daring masters didn't cause some trouble when they got together.

    I was ordered to detect the movements of the Japanese army after adjusting their deployment, but because the Fourth Division was heavily guarded, in order to find an opportunity, I lay down in a bush near the Japanese front line for most of the night. It was not until the main force of the Fourth Division withdrew that I found an opportunity.  Li Mingrui was lucky enough to catch several staff officers and their guards sent by Lin Fangtaro to contact the 44th Regiment.

    These Japanese soldiers, who thought they were safe near their own positions and were somewhat careless themselves, had been painstakingly trained by Yang Zhen. Although due to time constraints, they were not even half-assed in Yang Zhen's eyes, they could still be considered opponents of the scouts who had begun to take shape.  .  He was knocked down before he could make any sound and call for help from the 44th Regiment's security position, which was already close at hand.

    With the style of the Osaka soldiers of the Fourth Division, these few people were ready to use any method before Li Mingrui had brewed up a dozen interrogation techniques in his mind.  The heartfelt confessions of these Japanese military officers made Li Mingrui feel that there was no place for heroes.

    Although Li Mingrui has been learning Japanese, due to time constraints, his progress is extremely limited.  Not to mention fluent conversation, even listening is half-understood.  Fortunately, his second company commander, who graduated from the Puppet Manchukuo High School, spoke fluent Japanese because of the enslavement education of the Japanese.

    It¡¯s just that this guy is somewhat crooked. Not only did he learn Japanese with a fluent Osaka accent from his Osaka-born Japanese teacher, he even learned some Osaka street slang extremely fluently.  If he were to wear a kimono or a Japanese military uniform, judging from his accent alone, it would be almost convincing that he was a Japanese living in Osaka.

    After learning about the mission of these Japanese soldiers, the two bold guys murmured for a while and decided to take advantage of the night to sneak into the Japanese military camp to get a feel for the situation.  For reconnaissance, the best thing is to penetrate into the enemy and conduct a thorough reconnaissance.  Otherwise, what's the point.

    In the eyes of these two guys, if this opportunity is not taken advantage of, they will not even be able to bear the Japanese military uniforms they wore specially when they went out for reconnaissance.  Determined to fish in troubled waters, the two men brought along a few veterans who could at least understand a simple conversation in Japanese. They didn't even need to change their clothes. They picked up the documents found on these Japanese soldiers and swaggered under the cover of the night.  He sneaked into the position of the 44th Regiment.

    Although he was wearing a Japanese military uniform, the company commander, who knew the habits of Osaka people well, still persuaded Li Mingrui to put on the high-end hand-sewn military uniforms worn by the Japanese staff.  He took off the gold rings from the hands of the Japanese officers and picked suitable ones for himself and Li Mingrui to wear respectively.

    In his words, only by doing this can we reflect the upstart attitude of the Osaka Division.  Moreover, these gold rings can be turned over as funds for military activities.  You know, these golds are much more valuable than fake Manchu coins.  Once the troops are fighting on the outside, these things are very useful.

    The company commander spoke fluent Japanese with an Osaka accent, and with the cover of night and genuine documents, the few people got in with almost no effort.  Although the photo on the ID was not of him, under the unsatisfactory lighting conditions at night, no one noticed that the person in the photo was different.  In the eyes of the Japanese sentry, the accent proved everything.

    " Two brave men sneaked into the military camp of the 44th Regiment with two scouts, and under the leadership of a second lieutenant, they found the headquarters of Major General Heiyan without any effort.  There is no other way. People come to communicate about command matters and go to the command center to be fair and aboveboard.

    When they saw Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu, the two of them were not polite.  A major general, three combat staff officers, and two radio soldiers were all killed.  For these people, Li Mingrui was not afraid of using a gun.  He and the company commander who had received strict training easily killed several people with two knives.

    After sweeping through the confidential documents such as combat maps and passwords in the headquarters, he told Major General Heiyan¡¯s guards that the Major General was thinking about the problem and no one was allowed to disturb him.  By the time Tsutsutarou Kawama, who returned from inspecting the position, realized that something was wrong, the two of them had already run away.Can't see it anymore.

    Hearing the descriptions of the sentry and Major General¡¯s guards, Taro Kawama directly pointed the death of Major General Kuroiwa to the Fourth Division.  He never thought that the initiator of all this was actually a student who was taught badly by a teacher from a lower class background in Osaka.  Not only him, but probably no one in the entire Kwantung Army would have thought that a Chinese would actually understand Osaka's most vulgar slang.  Who would have thought that a teacher who is supposed to be highly respected by everyone would open and shut his mouth with so many curse words?  Or the most despicable kind?

    When the two Japanese troops fighting together were busy arguing over who killed Major General Kuroiwa, they did not know that their opponents would not leave them much time.  Just when Kawama Tsutsuki Taro forced Lin Fangtaro to hand over the murderer, they did not realize that their opponent was slowly approaching them.

    On the second day after Major General Heiyan was killed, Yang Zhen, who set out early in the morning and carefully avoided the defense circle of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade whose main blockade direction was northwest, had already deployed the 3rd Cavalry Brigade defense line just completed,  At noon, relying on the cover of the dense forests of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, we made a secret detour to Qunce Mountain, the flank of the 44th Regiment's main position.

    As soon as Zetian Shigeru retreated to the front line of Miaoling Mountain, they were discovered by Dong Ping, who had been staring at them.  Almost at the same time that Sawada Shigeru began to retreat, Yang Zhen immediately commanded the troops to launch a detour without any hesitation.  Neither Sawada Shigeru nor the senior officer An Xian who commanded the advance troops noticed that there was another army running against them less than ten miles north of their retreat route.

    Although Sawada Shigeru transferred two squadrons from the 4th Cavalry Regiment, he also added eight squadrons to the 3rd Cavalry Brigade.  And the independent cavalry regiment in the Seventh Puppet Manchukuo Military Area was left behind, but the entire mountain range to the north of Qunce Mountain was too vast.  The number of cavalry squadrons is almost half less than that of infantry squadrons. Although there are many cavalry squadrons, after deployment, there is still a serious shortage of troops.

    Under the strict order of Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru to ensure the northern flank of the 44th Regiment, the commander of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade had no choice but to leave the Puppet Manchukuo Cavalry Regiment originally used as a search force to assume the responsibility of the westernmost  A line of warning.  In his opinion, the most dangerous place is the line of Miaoling Mountain, because it is right behind the 44th Regiment.

    As for the cordon directly north of the 44th Regiment, it was handed over to the cavalry regiment of the Seventh Military District of the Puppet Manchukuo Army and the two Puppet Manchukuo military camps transferred.  However, although compared to the puppet troops in the Kwantung Pass, the degree of control over the puppet Manchu Army has always been the most proud thing of the Kwantung Army.  However, neither the 44th Regiment nor the 3rd Cavalry Brigade were completely assured of the loyalty and reliability of the puppet Manchukuo army.  Behind the puppet Manchukuo army, two Japanese squadrons of the 44th Regiment were also deployed to monitor.

    ¡°Whether it is according to the ideas of Sawada Shigeru or Kuroiwa during his lifetime, even if there is a problem in this direction and the first-line position responsible for the puppet Manchukuo army is broken through, the two Japanese squadrons behind will be able to support themselves for a period of time depending on the terrain.  At least it can be supported until the entire 44th Regiment completes its turn.

    When Major General Kuroiwa and the Third Cavalry Brigade reported this plan, Sawada Shigeru, who had been urged by Kenji Doihara and was about to get angry, finally approved the combat plan after a brief hesitation.  In his opinion, although the plan made by the relatively stable Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu is not perfect, it is the best choice now after the main force of the Fourth Division has withdrawn.

    After all, even if the attack intensity is reduced, the main force of the 44th Regiment still needs to maintain pressure on the front line of Qunce Mountain.  Especially after the bloody encounters in the past few days, Sawada Shigeru remained very wary of this armed force, which had a completely different style from other anti-Manchu armed forces.

    But no one expected that Yang Zhen's choice of assault point was not behind the 44th Regiment, nor on the southern line, which was most vulnerable to attack, but directly north of the 44th Regiment.  .  That is the direction of defense undertaken by the puppet Manchukuo army.  Because after breaking through the cordon established by the puppet Manchukuo army, they will have a head-on confrontation with the 44th Regiment.

    After communicating with Guo Bingxun, especially after receiving the information provided by Li Mingrui, and knowing that after the withdrawal of the 4th Division, Major General Kuroiwa Yoshikatsu, the highest commander of the entire Japanese army on the Qunce Mountain front line, was killed by Li Mingrui, he started immediately without any hesitation.  Be prepared to fight back.

    After finally determining the breakthrough point, Yang Zhen was not in a hurry to act.  Regarding the details of the operation, especially the cooperation with the other two regiments commanded by Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen still needs to further discuss with Guo Bingxun.  While the troops were resting, Yang Zhen was working out the next battle plan with Ma Chunsheng and Liu Changshun, while communicating with Guo Bingxun on the radio about counterattacks.

    After finalizing the battle plan, Yang Zhen looked at the sky, sent Ma Chunsheng and Liu Changshun back to rest, and then sent the Qunce Mountain Front Line sent by Guo BingxunAs the enemy situation changed, I compared the map and the battle plan, and verified them bit by bit.

    When the battle plan was finally completed, it was already dark.  After rubbing his sour eyes after another night of sleeplessness, and listening to the hurried footsteps of the troops as they gathered to set off, Yang Zhen took a deep breath of the slightly cool morning air in Xiaoxinan Mountains to wake himself up.

    Looking at Yang Zhen's red eyes due to staying up late, Zhang Ting, who came to ask him for advice, handed him the breakfast and said with some distress: "Why don't you take a rest? Look at your look, you haven't been up all night again."  Sleep? How can your body bear it if you keep doing this?

    Zhang Ting felt a little distressed when she heard that

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