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Text Chapter 163 Ma Chunsheng

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    After accepting the order, Wang Xiaoming moved quickly.  [.Com text] Just as Liu Changshun launched his final attack on Kitano Takatsu's headquarters, he had already launched his action.  Accompanied by intensive gunfire, Wang Xiaoming commanded two engineering companies to attack Jiamusi¡¯s railway station, telegraph office, Sanjiang Provincial Government of the Puppet Manchukuo Province, Jiamusi Municipal Government, the Seventh Military District Headquarters, the Jiamusi Branch of the Puppet Manchukuo Central Bank, and the Provincial Government.  A large number of explosives were placed in the municipal police stations at both levels, the headquarters building of the Japanese Fourth Division, and all key departments such as the Bank of Japan.

    While placing explosives in key parts of the Japanese and puppets in Jiamusi, Wang Xiaoming commanded the troops to use a large number of captured so-called Japanese people and captured puppet Manchukuo soldiers and policemen as laborers to load all the materials that could be transported onto the three captured freight trains.  train.  Those Japanese businessmen who exploited Chinese laborers to obtain huge profits and the puppet Manchukuo military and police who worked as collaborators never dreamed that one day they would be treated as laborers.

    As an important military location and transportation hub in Northern Manchuria, although the scale of Jiamusi cannot be compared with large cities such as Harbin for the time being, the number of Japanese here is definitely not a small number.  In addition, this is the base where the Japanese army dispatched so-called pioneering groups to the Northeast Manchuria area. All Japanese pioneering groups going to Sanjiang Province must set out here, so Wang Xiaoming mobilized tens of thousands of Japanese laborers.  The physique of these well-nourished Japanese workers is much better than that of the Chinese.

    In fact, under the threat of bayonet, the backbone of these Japanese is no better than that of the Chinese, whom they have always despised and regarded as an inferior race.  In addition, Wang Xiaoming, who received the order, adopted a policy of killing chickens and scaring monkeys against the Japanese who refused to cooperate. He was absolutely merciless in executions, making these previously arrogant Japanese not only extremely dedicated to their work, but also more efficient than those who did  Silent resistance, the efficiency of Chinese laborers who work as foreign workers is much higher.

    In fact, there was not much that needed to be moved. When the machinery and equipment were seized, they had not had time to unload the trucks.  The amounts of precious metals and Manchukuo currency seem to be huge, but apart from returning them to Chinese depositors, there is not much left.  The largest quantity is the hundreds of tons of rails stocked in the freight yard of Jiamusi Station.  With the efficient cooperation of the Japanese, hundreds of tons of rails were loaded in just one afternoon.

    As for the recruitment of pack horses, it went relatively smoothly.  Faced with a price that was three times higher than the actual value, most of those who had previously owned pack horses, who were afraid of Japanese retaliation, readily handed over their horses.  Of course, in order to protect these people, we still have to do the drama that needs to be done.  In addition to money, at least some of the role of the bayonet must be revealed.

    Whether it is Manchukuo, the so-called imperial paradise under the control of the Japanese army, or Japan itself, cars that have long been popular in the West are still a symbol of status for high-ranking officials and dignitaries most of the time.  Not only ordinary people cannot care about it, but also ordinary landowners and businessmen cannot care about it.  Most people use pack horses or horse-drawn carts to transport goods or rush.

    Northeast China is China¡¯s main horse producing area and is rich in horse resources.  Although Jiamusi is a town, it has been an important transportation thoroughfare since its opening as a port and is the main stop for merchants traveling to and from the Xiajiang area.  Therefore, after Yang Zhen occupied Jiamusi, there were many merchants in the city.  With the temptation of money, bayonets, and captured Japanese horses, Wang Xiaoming obtained thousands of pack horses without much effort.

    He even purchased 500 fine Mongolian horses directly from a Mongolian prince's family who was a horse dealer.  The young master of the Mongolian prince knew that when the resistance was ineffective, he was not polite.  I can give you horses, and even ten camels.

    But I have one condition, that is, I don¡¯t want money, I want weapons.  Three 38 rifles plus a hundred rounds of 65 bullets in exchange for a horse.  A crooked handlebar is exchanged for ten horses.  And a Type 92 heavy machine gun can be exchanged for fifty horses.

    After asking Yang Zhen for instructions, Wang Xiaoming directly transferred 600 Type 38 rifles plus 50,000 rounds of ammunition, ten crooked handles, two Type 92 heavy machine guns, and all the weapons seized from the puppet Manchukuo military police.  With his pistol, he replaced all the horses and the slaves driving the horses in this guy's hands.

    As for this Mongolian prince who comes from the border area of ??Inner and Inner Mongolia and has been harassed by the so-called Outer Mongolian People's Army. Several requests for instructions from the Japanese to distribute weapons have been rejected. What is the Mongolian prince who cannot buy weapons due to the strict control of the Japanese doing with these weapons?  It would be beyond Yang Zhen's control to transport it back.  As for the purpose of these weapons, both parties are tacitly aware of it.  As for whether these weapons would be used to hit him in the future, Yang Zhen didn't care at all.

    Judging from the fact that this guy¡¯s so-called most elite guards, trained by the Japanese, do not stand or sit in a posture, the combat effectiveness of these elites is probably not as good as that of the Puppet Manchukuo Army.  If these garbage can also pose a threat to myself, then I can really jump into the Songhua River.

    YangAlthough the tasks assigned to Wang Xiaoming by Zhen were somewhat complicated, the overall volume was not very large.  Among the several tasks, the most difficult was to load the hundreds of tons of rails onto the train as quickly as possible.  The simplest one is tantamount to executing captured traitors, big and small.

    Although Ma Chunsheng declined Yang Zhen's invitation, at Yang Zhen's request, he still tried his best to truthfully explain the addresses and offices of all senior Japanese and puppet officials in Jiamusi City, as well as all the details.  Chu.  With this clue, Dong Ping did not spend much effort in arresting him.

    Jiamusi is the seat of the Puppet Manchukuo Sanjiang Provincial Government, Jiamusi Municipal Government, and the Seventh Military District. In addition to the various administrative and secret service agencies in the city, the number of traitors, large and small, is really quite large, and it can even be said to be overwhelming.  When Wang Xiaoming finished arranging other things and took over the captured traitors, he was really shocked to see the darkness.

    Looking at the hundreds of puppet Manchukuo officials at all levels and military and police officers who were captured in front of him, Wang Xiaoming hesitated somewhat when the handover officer told him that these were only people of high enough disposal level according to the commander's requirements.  It would not be a pity to kill these puppet Manchukuo military and political personnel who sold themselves for glory. But if they execute so many people at once, does it have some bad effects?

    Wang Xiaoming has no sympathy at all for these people who betrayed their country and nation and acted as collaborators.  On the contrary, he also hated these traitors who helped the Japanese invaders massacre and oppress their compatriots.  The reason why he hesitated was that he was worried about whether it would have a certain negative impact on the troops.

    When Wang Xiaoming mentioned his worries to Yang Zhen and asked if he could raise the standard and kill less people, Yang Zhen was a little surprised because there were too many people at his level, but he didn't give a damn.  Hesitant and determined.

    Seeing Yang Zhen's resolute attitude, Wang Xiaoming said hesitantly: "Commander, it is not a pity to die for these traitors. To be honest, I hate these traitors very much, and I wish I could kill them all in one go. If not  These traitors who are familiar with the terrain and climate are working hard, and even the little devils alone would not have brought the Anti-Japanese League to where it is today. Everyone in the Anti-Japanese League hates these people."

    "But if we go on such a killing spree and kill so many people at once, will it give the common people the impression of indiscriminate killing, and will it have any negative impact on you? Where is the commander in chief? And our policy?  You once told us the policy of our army towards the enemies and puppets within the Pass. Will our actions violate the policy of the Communist Party of China? "

    Regarding Wang Xiaoming's doubts, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "In extraordinary times, do extraordinary things. If we want to open up a situation in Northern Manchuria, often the biggest threat we face is not the Japanese troops, but these traitors. Since the September 18th Incident,  The Japanese army has occupied Northeast China for eight years. The Japanese and puppet forces here are much stronger than those in Guan Nei, and they have a more complete puppet regime and puppet army system. Such a change of generals will open up the situation for us.  It¡¯s going to be harder.¡±

    "We cannot follow the policy of facing the enemy within the pass, which will only make us passive. Only by defeating these Japanese invaders' minions, completely destroying their political power and grassroots organizations, and turning the Japanese army into blind and deaf people can we have a chance.  Only by truly defeating the Japanese invaders can we survive, develop and even grow stronger here.¡±

    "I am not a murderous person, but when necessary, necessary measures must be taken. We killed them today to show other people who are dedicated to working for the devils, and to weigh the consequences of continuing to work for the devils in the future. Don't  They thought that with the protection of the Japanese, no one would pursue them, and no one could punish them. Although it might take a long time for them to help the Japanese massacre their own compatriots, one day they would be punished for what they had done.  Pay the price."

    ¡°I would like to emphasize again here today that you can fight for the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Puppet Manchukuo and ordinary military and political personnel, but for those traitors who are hell-bent on selling themselves for glory, as well as these senior military and police personnel of the Puppet Manchukuo, every one of them will be killed when caught. And  No spies, no matter how big or small, will be retained. This is the price they pay for working for the Japanese invaders. We must not only fight rats, but also tigers."

    After hearing Yang Zhen¡¯s answer, Wang Xiaoming opened his mouth, but did not say any more words.  Seeing that Wang Xiaoming was still a little hesitant, Yang Zhen patted him on the shoulder and said: "Go and implement it. No matter what we are doing today is right or wrong, and whether the people understand us or not, I think history will tell us."  A correct and fair assessment.¡±

    Yang Zhen said that for this reason, Wang Xiaoming was not stupid, and he immediately understood Yang Zhen's purpose of killing so much.  , in addition to asking these people to use their lives to atone for the crimes they committed, the commander himself probably wants to use the heads of hundreds of people to warn those traitors, big and small, and let them think about it.  Continue to work for the tigerThe consequences of ?.

    After understanding Yang Zhen¡¯s intention, Wang Xiaoming did not continue to argue, but turned around and was about to execute it.  But just when he was about to leave, Yang Zhen called him back.

    Yang Zhen pondered for a moment, and Wang Xiaoming, who was found again and thought that Yang Zhen had something to explain, said: "After the execution, you ask Zhang Ting to write a notice and stick it in the most conspicuous place of the execution place.  . And the corpses of these traitors are placed on the execution ground.¡±

    "In addition to the words of warning, the notice also states that from now on, we will take all necessary means to punish those who continue to work for the Japanese invaders for a period of time forever. Let those who are determined to work for the Japanese invaders be punished.  It's best to pray that their master never loses, otherwise there will be a nightmare waiting for them that they will never escape."

    "In addition, you will bring those captured Puppet Manchukuo policemen, especially those who are difficult to reform and cannot be replenished by us to join the army, to watch their execution. In addition, you will bring Ma Chunsheng there as well."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen smiled strangely and said: "We were able to capture these traitors so smoothly this time. He is the biggest contributor. This hero should also let everyone know how much he has contributed to the elimination of these traitors."  No? We should also let the common people and the Manchukuo personnel who once served the devils see the difference between serving the devils wholeheartedly and doing whatever they want."

    Hearing Yang Zhen¡¯s last words, Wang Xiaoming couldn¡¯t help but smile bitterly.  The commander took a fancy to the talent of his classmate, and he knew that he had invited him to join the army several times but he declined.  But he didn't expect that the commander would actually use this, uh, this somewhat despicable method in order to force this guy to join the Anti-League.

    ¡°Once Ma Chunsheng is pulled and publicized like this in front of the captured Puppet Manchukuo military and police personnel, I¡¯m afraid it will be difficult for this guy to gain a foothold in enemy-occupied areas.  Even if the Japanese don't kill him, those traitors who know who betrayed them still want to eat his flesh and drink his blood?  Once this matter is publicized, I am afraid that my classmate will have to do it even if he doesn't want to do it.  Unless he really has that powerful ability, the Kwantung Army Headquarters can protect him.

    As a commander, he loves talents as much as his life, especially those who can fight and are capable. There are almost no people who are not valued by him.  Ma Chunsheng was capable and talented, so it was not surprising that he, the commander, would take notice of him.  But in Wang Xiaoming's impression, his commander had always acted openly and aboveboard, otherwise he would not have been able to clean up the troops with mixed internal sources as if they were monolithic in such a short period of time.

    Wang Xiaoming never thought that his commander would also play these tricks when necessary.  And at least it seems to be playing smoothly now.

    Seeing the strange look on Wang Xiaoming's face after hearing that he asked Ma Chunsheng to go to the execution site to watch and publicize his deeds, Yang Zhen smiled knowingly and said: "Old Wang, do you feel that I  Are these methods despicable or underhanded?¡±

    When Wang Xiaoming heard what Yang Zhen said, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said in denial: "Commander, I never thought about it that way."

    Regarding his answer, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "I also know that this method is a bit disgraceful. But you have also seen that I invited several times and even used threats. But this guy just refuses to accept soft and hard advice. I  There is no way. Our army lacks talents, especially qualified combat staff. A qualified and regular staff is the brain of an army. "

    "You have also seen that our staff officers who have been trained in assaults are lacking in many areas, both in terms of business and ability. Many of them do not provide advice in the places where they should be advised, and they do not offer advice in places where they should not be advised. They are really tough.  As the saying goes, advisors are blind.¡±

    "Although our current troops are large in number and have upgraded equipment, they have not yet completed the transformation from a guerrilla force to a regular army. The several times we have fought, it is not so much that the various capabilities of the troops have improved.  It is said that it relies more on the commander¡¯s personal ability and on-the-spot response.¡±

    "Relying solely on the commander's personal ability to command an army is definitely not how a regular army should behave. Indeed, whether an army can win a war is closely related to the commander's personal ability, and can even be said to be the decisive factor.  . But the commander is a human being, not a god. In decision-making, he needs cooperation from all aspects, and a qualified staff officer does not mean that you are the only one."

    "Ma Chunsheng is a talent, and he should not be buried. He is not the kind of person who wholeheartedly serves the Japanese invaders and becomes a traitor. I can see this. With his ability, not to mention anything else, just the drawing  Skill, if you are willing to be a traitor, even if you are in a puppet army, you will not just stay in a small town.Be a police sub-commissioner.  I have never been able to figure out why he would rather bear the infamy than join our army, and would rather be a little traitor.  To be honest, I don't believe the reasons he said.  "

    "Our army is currently seriously short of talents and is in urgent need of people with relatively high military qualities. Since this person is not a hard-core traitor and has the abilities I need, for the sake of the development of the army, I can only ignore his ideas and  The end justifies the means.¡±

    Ma Chunsheng is not a stupid person. If it was already somewhat clear when he returned home after assisting Wang Xiaoming in attacking the Japanese Jiamusi Airport and found that no one was in his home, he fully understood after being dragged to the execution site by Wang Xiaoming.

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