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Text Chapter 154 Fierce Battle with Tang Yuan (1)

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    Ueda Kenkichi, who was red-eyed at the loss, sent several telegrams almost a day, and under almost life-threatening urging, he had just been promoted from the director of the North China Secret Service to the commander of the Fifth Army of the Japanese Kwantung Army. He had not yet had time to return to Dong'an.  Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara, who was sitting on the brand-new chair at the military headquarters, had no choice but to follow Ueda Kenkichi's orders and rush to Jiamusi as quickly as possible to supervise the battle in person.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    After receiving a telegram from Kenji Doihara that he had arrived in Jiamusi, Ueda Kenji, who was eager to save some face, ignored the scheduled mobilization of troops and had not yet completed the assembly.  Realizing that the First Battalion of the Artillery Regiment was still on its way, Kenji Doihara ordered Kenji Doihara to concentrate the main force of the Fourth Division that had arrived at the scheduled battlefield. Under the air cover of a large number of mobilized aircraft, he launched an attack on the front line of Gunce Mountain.  .

    Kenji Doihara, who was urged by Ueda Kenji as if he was on fire, had no choice but to transfer the pressure placed on him by Ueda Kenji to Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, the commander of the Fourth Division who was currently on the front line.  It often happened among the Japanese army that people were crushed to death at the senior official level.

    After Kenji Doihara unreasonably transferred the pressure from Ueda Kenji to himself, Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, commander of the Fourth Division, although he was reluctant, could only secretly curse Kenji Doihara for not being loyal enough.  After adding insult to injury, bite the bullet and launch an attack in advance.

    Although Lieutenant General Sasaki was killed in battle and the troops involved in the encirclement and suppression suffered heavy losses, especially after learning that the secret warehouse at Kunce Mountain was lost, Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru was very clear about it, although he was reluctant to admit it. Ueda Kenkichi's Kwantung Army Commander  The position has reached the head.

    The Japanese Army¡¯s first active-duty Army Lieutenant General was killed in action since the formation of the new Army. Especially for the loss of Qunce Mountain, the largest secret warehouse in Northern Manchuria, someone must be responsible.  As the current commander of the Kwantung Army, Ueda Kenkichi, who can retire honorably in one year, is the best candidate for this person in charge.

    What is the secret warehouse in Qunce Mountain? As the first person responsible for daily protection and the first beneficiary during the war, Sawada Shigeru did not know how much equipment was stored there.  But one thing he knew very well was that this warehouse was extremely important to the Kwantung Army.  The loss of this warehouse was fatal to the war preparations of the Kwantung Army, which was committed to preparing for the war against the Soviet Union.

    It is simply impossible for the Emperor and the Army Ministry not to hold the responsibility for the loss of the largest secret warehouse in Northern Manchuria.  General Ueda Kenkichi, who originally had one year to retire, is likely to retire early because of these two things.

    However, although he knew that General Ueda Kenyoshi's days as commander of the Kwantung Army were numbered, Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, like his immediate boss Lieutenant General Doihara Kenji, could be said to have become angry with this general.  The general's orders did not dare to be followed or disobeyed in the slightest.

    As the only Osaka-born general among active and retired generals in the Army, Ueda Kenkichi not only has a military style, but also an extremely cunning businessman style like his subordinates. He has extremely wide connections in the entire Army.  Otherwise, I would not have been able to rise up repeatedly in the Japanese army, which pays special attention to military appearance, with a broken body, and be promoted to Army General, a military rank that all Japanese generals dream of.

    This lame general who studied business in his early years not only rose to extremely important positions such as deputy chief of staff and commander of the Kwantung Army, but he also won the favor of His Majesty the Emperor and some elders and important ministers because he was on the right team during the February 26 incident.  appreciation.  Although he will retire early due to this incident and lose the qualification to be promoted to marshal, no one dares to underestimate his connections in the army.

    If you really offend him, your future future will definitely be greatly affected.  Even if this lame old guy is no longer in active service, no one would dare to look down upon him.  Therefore, Sawada Shigeru, who knew exactly what kind of virtue his subordinates had, was reluctant to do so, but he still had the courage to attack.

    Fortunately, in order to save some face before the dismissal order was issued, Ueda Kenkichi specially mobilized nearly half of the Japanese aviation forces in northern Manchuria to provide air support for the Fourth Division.  In view of the strong support from the aviation force, the first to launch the attack was the 61st Regiment, which had all arrived at the front line of Miaolingzi Mountain and had just been transformed from a corpse collector into a garrison regiment.

    "Compared to the 8th Regiment, which has been completely commercialized, the performance of the 61st Regiment, whose soldiers come from Wakayama in western Osaka, is much better.  The first step was to adopt the standard textbook attack method of the Japanese army, concentrate all artillery fire, and launch a fierce attack on several forward positions in Qunce Mountain under the cover of aviation.

    Wang Guangyu, who commanded the front-line defense, followed Yang Zhen's prior deployment and under the command of Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, did not blindly fight to the death with the 37th Regiment.  Instead, they followed the mountains on both sides of the small railway line leading to the secret warehouse, using the fortifications that had been built in advance to fight back step by step.

      During the battle, Wang Guangyu strictly carried out Yang Zhen's order in advance to move the Japanese troops closer before fighting. He waited for the Japanese troops to cover up the firepower and reached a straight-line distance of nearly 100 meters before firing.  Not only did they make up for the shortcomings in training with close-range intensive firepower, but they also allowed the Japanese aircraft in the sky to use rat traps because the two armies were so close to each other, greatly reducing their ground support effectiveness.

    The Japanese troops of the Fourth Division cannot compare with other Japanese divisions in terms of fighting will, but they still need a lot of training.  Its soldiers are skilled in tactical movements and cooperate with each other very well.  In particular, the long-range shooting accuracy of infantry is far beyond what Yang Zhen's troops can now compare to.  Yang Zhen saw this at the beginning, and in order to reduce casualties, he issued an order that all weapons should not be fired at a distance of less than 100 meters.

    In addition to strictly implementing Yang Zhen's instructions to concentrate a large number of light and heavy machine guns and grenades on the forward positions to kill a large number of Japanese troops at close range, Wang Guangyu also made certain improvements to Yang Zhen's tactics based on his own situation.

    He concentrated all the speed machines in a regiment into the hands of an infantry company, plus an independent company that was over-allocated with a large number of grenades, forming a professional firefighting team that specialized in using the dense rain of grenades and the fast rate of fire of the speed machines.  The characteristics of flexible movements can attack those Japanese attacking troops that break through the interception of machine gun fire and approach the forward positions.  Using this method of warfare, although Wang Guangyu abandoned many less important positions as planned, he also caused considerable casualties to the Japanese army.

    Under the blocking of a battalion commanded by Wang Guangyu, who adopted Yang Zhen's pre-planned response methods specifically for the Japanese attack style, after a whole day's attack, the 61st Regiment had to go through almost every hilltop.  The team's attack operation has made considerable progress, and has even reached a place less than twenty miles away from the secret warehouse in Qunce Mountain.  But an entire squadron was killed or wounded.

    Three hours after the 61st Regiment launched its attack, the previous attack was more like an armed march than a battle. It did not encounter any resistance during the march and has now reached the third line of the Fasi River.  The 37th Regiment also launched an attack on the defensive position of a battalion of the Third Regiment, which was directly commanded by Guo Bingxun.

    Compared with the 61st Regiment, which fought hard from hilltop to hilltop, the 37th Regiment and the 4th Cavalry Regiment launched the attack from the Taiping River line and concentrated most of the artillery of the 4th Division.  The action was more like an armed march.  It was not until they crossed the Fasi River that they encountered strong resistance.

    The two regiments that took the lead in attacking progressed smoothly in the first phase of combat operations, which made Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru extremely satisfied.  Although the casualties of the 61st Regiment were slightly larger, after all, the casualties of a squadron were still acceptable for a Regiment.  Especially in terms of relative progress, this exchange is more tolerable than Sawada Shigeru.

    It was just beyond Sawada Shigeru¡¯s expectations, even though the progress of both Japanese armies on the first day was pretty good.  In addition to the 61st Regiment, which has made great progress and has reached less than 20 miles away from Qunce Mountain, the 37th Regiment has even entered the north bank of the Fasi River, which is within easy reach of Qunce Mountain.  .

    But the next battle was extremely difficult.  The opponent's firepower, resistance, and even cunningness were beyond Sawada Shigeru's expectations.

    The person responsible for entertaining the 37th Regiment is Guo Bingxun.  After all, Guo Bingxun was a top student who returned from studying at the French Military Academy and fought in positional warfare for four years in World War I.  If we just talk about field combat ability, it may be slightly worse.  However, relying on the favorable position, the blocking was relaxed and relaxed, and the rhythm was controlled extremely well.

    The 37th Regiment, which was so high-spirited and had almost an unimpeded journey, thought that its opponent had been frightened by the illustrious reputation of the 4th Division and had fled three feet away. As soon as it crossed the Fasi River, it was met head-on.  Heavy artillery bombardment.  The entire infantry squadron at the head stood up collectively amid the dense rain of bullets.

    The 37th Regiment, which was hit head-on as soon as it crossed the Faji River, immediately adjusted its tactics under the command of its commander, Yoshitaro Hayashi, after encountering the first wave of attacks.  A force was used to attack from the front, while the main force used the Japanese army's usual outflanking tactics to try to open a gap in the defender's flank.

    But I didn¡¯t expect that the opponent¡¯s flank protection was almost watertight.  Although there are not many troops on the entire flank, the firepower is absolutely strong.  The hail of bullets fired by a large number of heavy machine guns that cross-fired at close range, combined with the intercepting firepower network formed by the mortar barrage, was almost perfectly combined, giving Lin Fangtaro a blow to the head without ceremony.

    Fired at a distance of 100 meters, the defenders' heavy machine guns almost didn't need to be deliberately aimed, and they knocked down the attacking Japanese troops in pieces.  Although the grenade launchers caused some casualties to the heavy machine guns of the defenders, the grenade launchers themselves were also shot by some soldiers with accurate marksmanship specially arranged by the defenders to take care of them.Lots of injuries.

    The 37th Regiment's attack on the flanks not only had no effect except forcing the defenders to abandon some unimportant strongholds, but under several attacks, more than one squadron fell to the opponent.  Under this somewhat strange tactic.

    ¡°If it were any other Japanese division that had to pay such heavy casualties, it would have unleashed its ferocity.  But for the Fourth Division, especially the 8th Regiment and the 37th Regiment, which were completely composed of Osaka soldiers, it was completely different.  Seeing their comrades covered in blood, many of them beaten into briquettes, had a great impact on the morale of these Osaka soldiers.

    Similar to the Eighth Regiment, the Thirty-Seventh Regiment, which was also composed entirely of Osaka soldiers, suffered such a severe blow, and its subsequent attack intensity plummeted.  Changed from the aggressive attitude before, almost every step was extremely cautious.  When encountering fire resistance, they either retreated or retreated several times faster than the attack speed.  As soon as there was any disturbance on the hilltop opposite, all artillery fire was organized to bombard them indiscriminately.

    However, the morale of the 37th Regiment dropped so quickly that he had just been promoted from the post of Chief of Staff of the 12th Army to the commander of the 36th Infantry Brigade of the 4th Division, and he did not even have the two commanders under him.  Major General Asaburo Kobayashi was kicked onto the battlefield after he had time to get familiar with him, but there was no surprise at all.

    The only thing that surprised him on the battlefield was that the opponent was just an armed bandit force, and they actually had heavy artillery that even the regular Chinese army in Guannai did not have.  Asaburo Kobayashi, who has been in the army for many years, can clearly tell from the sound of the cannons alone that the caliber of these heavy artillery is at least 150 mm.

    He was also certain that these heavy howitzers, which were pouring firepower on the attacking 37th Regiment, should be the Imperial Army's standard Taisho 4-year-old 150mm howitzers.  He even estimated that the shells that hit the head of the 37th Regiment were at least fired by a heavy artillery brigade.

    Although judging from the extremely messy explosion points of the artillery shells, the back and forth of the gunfire, and the fact that several shellings obviously did not form a salvo, the opponent was not skilled in the use of these heavy artillery.  However, the shells fired by these heavy artillery landed firmly on the head of the 37th Regiment. It was obvious that the opponent had already defined the shooting boundary.

    Listening to the roar of the heavy artillery of the defenders on the opposite side, it has been less than a month since the Kwantung Army was transferred back from the main battlefield in the pass.  Major General Asaburo Kobayashi, who only knew a little bit about the secret warehouse in Qunce Mountain and even Yang Zhen's subordinates, frowned deeply: "What exactly happened to the Kwantung Army this year? They wiped out a bandit armed force and lost all their troops."  Not to mention, you actually let your opponent have a heavy howitzer? "

    Seeing the 37th Regiment's attack being unfavorable and being defeated again, Major General Kobayashi Asaburo did not blame the 37th Regiment which became timid after several failed attacks. It can be said that the performance of the 37th Regiment was poor.  Colonel Lin Fangtaro looked embarrassed.

    Regarding the moral character of the 8th and 37th Regiments, the so-called main forces of the Fourth Division, Major General Asaburo Kobayashi already knew very well when he was the squadron leader of the 70th Regiment.  No need to make a fuss now.

    After learning that Lieutenant General Sasaki Yuichi was killed and the troops of the Eighth, Eleventh and Twelfth Divisions involved in the encirclement and suppression campaign suffered heavy losses, the Kwantung Army Commander made such an urgent decision to dispatch the Fourth Division into the mountains for a clearing campaign.  Major General Asaburo Kobayashi disagreed.  In his opinion, since the elite brigades of the Eighth Division and the Eleventh Division have suffered heavy losses, deploying soft-legged crabs like the Fourth Division will not only not solve the problem, but will make things more likely to go wrong.

    ??????????????? If Tiao should not have been Tiao, they would have lost their courage long ago and had completely transformed into a merchant group. There would be nothing in the world that they would not dare to sell to the Eighth and Thirty-seventh Regiments.  At least it should be the 61st and 70th Alliance who are not from Osaka.

    Kobayashi Asaburo has never understood what General Ueda Kenkichi and Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru were thinking.  The performance of the southbound detachment of the Fourth Division, which was composed of troops from the 8th Regiment and the 37th Regiment last year when participating in the Xuzhou Battle, has almost become a joke among the Central China Expeditionary Forces.

    This southward detachment, composed of two so-called main regiments of the Fourth Division, put the imperial army's bravery above the plunder of civilians.  As for China's regular army, they can hide if they can. If they can't hide, they can just engage in passive combat.

    Even in broad daylight, the southward detachment with several large groups of troops actually turned a blind eye to the Chinese troops breaking out next to them. Later, they even claimed that they had not received combat orders.  Such a unit can actually be used for the main attack?

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? was eating up four entire infantry brigades of the 8th and 11th divisions in one fell swoop, and almost crippled the 24th regiment of the 12th division. This group of cunning and fierce bandits.  Although it cannot be said to be hitting a rock with an egg,But it¡¯s really a bit too much.

    In fact, although I can¡¯t quite understand the reason why Major General Asaburo Kobayashi used the 37th Regiment on the flanks of the division commander, he does know a little bit about it.  The 70th Regiment, the most powerful of the four infantry regiments under the 4th Division, had just been transferred to Harbin five days ago to prepare for the formation of the 25th Division.  The remaining 61st Regiment, which had a slightly tougher style, was assigned to the front.

    As for the flanks, they can only be handed over to the 37th Regiment, which is slightly stronger than the 8th Regiment with only a scientific name.  Compared with the Eighth Regiment, which was defeated in Dunhua and can now only be used by the division commander to protect the supply line, the Thirty-seventh Regiment at least seems to have a little bit of bravery on the surface.  Although only

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