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Text Chapter 152 New Enemy Situation

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    As soon as Yang Zhen rushed back to the war room, the commander-in-chief who was studying the two telegrams carefully against the map in the war room immediately came up to him. He ignored the pleasantries and handed the telegram to Yang Zhen and said: "This is the latest enemy situation report from Dong Ping."  .Com text] Judging from the report, the enemy situation is very serious. What do you think we should do next? "

    After handing the telegram to Yang Zhen, the commander-in-chief walked to the map, pointed at the map that had marked the situation between the enemy and ourselves, and said: "From the telegram sent by Dong Ping, the situation is extremely serious. The troops of the Japanese Fourth Division are responding to the second wave.  After the 14th Regiment, it did not withdraw to Jiamusi but was stationed on the line from Taipingchuan to Heli. "

    "In addition to the infantry and cavalry regiments that previously reinforced the 24th Regiment, the Japanese puppet troops stationed in Jiamusi are also gradually adding troops to the Wangshazitun and Lide front lines. The 67th Regiment, which serves as the vanguard of the reinforcements,  An infantry brigade and part of the third cavalry brigade, carrying a large amount of supplies and baggage, have arrived at the front line of Miaolingzi Mountain with the cooperation of a mixed brigade and a cavalry regiment of the puppet Manchu Army. "

    "According to the confession of a captured straggler Puppet Manchukuo officer, in addition to the overwhelming deployment of the Japanese Fourth Division stationed in Jiamusi, a large number of additional troops were also being added."

    "As far as we know so far, the 44th Regiment, the main force of the 11th Division of the Japanese Army originally stationed in Mishan, is equipped with four infantry squadrons of the 43rd Regiment and a mountain artillery brigade, led by the 22nd Brigade Commander  Under the command of Major General Heiyan Yisheng, we are moving quickly towards the Jiamusi area via the railway.¡±

    "Two mixed brigades, one independent brigade and two cavalry regiments of the newly established 7th Military Area Command of the Puppet Manchukuo, under the command of their commander Zhang Wenzhu, have completed their assembly in the Jiamusi area. They will arrive at the northern and southern German lines tomorrow.  "

    "This is only the movement of Japanese troops that we can currently control. As for whether the Japanese troops have mobilized in other directions, we are not yet clear because the intelligence relationship is not perfect. As for the direction of the current mobilization of the Japanese troops, the Japanese troops this time  The target of the transfer can be determined, and it is aimed at us.¡±

    Yang Zhen was not surprised by the new enemy situation.  He fought continuously in Tangyuan, annihilating and defeating five Japanese brigades, defeating a large number of attached puppet Manchukuo military police, and killing Lieutenant General Sasaki Yuichi, the supreme commander of the Japanese army's campaign.  According to the Japanese custom, it is almost impossible not to retaliate.

    No matter what you have done before, after this battle, the Japanese army will probably regard you as their number one confidant.  Whether it is to cover up the concentration of its germ warfare bases, or to completely eliminate the anti-Japanese armed forces operating in northern Manchuria, and to create a stable rear area for future operations against the Soviet Union, the Japanese army will definitely try to eliminate itself as quickly as possible.  .  Judging from the always efficient intelligence of the Japanese army, it has been so long that they do not know their true identity.

    It¡¯s just that the Japanese army moved so quickly, but it was somewhat beyond Yang Zhen¡¯s expectations.  He originally thought that after this battle, no matter how the Japanese army reacted, they would at least give themselves three to five days of rest.  But he didn't expect that in just two days, the Japanese army had already deployed heavy troops into Tangyuan.

    According to the intelligence sent by Dong Ping, the Japanese army not only mobilized all members of the 4th Division this time, but even mobilized an entire regiment of the 11th Division to cooperate in the operation.  Coupled with the attached puppet Manchukuo military police and the huge number of enemies, Yang Zhen had to feel great pressure.

    Looking at the clearly marked enemy and enemy situations on the map, Yang Zhen pondered for a long time before raising his head and saying: "Judging from the current deployment of the Japanese army, their main targets are concentrated in the northwest area of ????Tangyuan. The reason for the Japanese army's move  The situation shows that we are now exposed.¡±

    "According to the deployment of the Japanese army in the Northeast, especially in Northern Manchuria, the Japanese army, which is good at outflanking, will never simply besiege our army from the front. Whether it is to cover up the secrets of its germ warfare base or to clear out the Northern Manchuria area  The anti-Japanese armed forces strangled us in our cradle, and they will definitely mobilize heavy troops for this campaign. "

    "Our current location is very close to the Soviet Union. As long as we go north along the Xing'an Mountains, we can retreat into the Soviet Union at any time. In order to ensure that we can be completely eliminated in Tangyuan, the Japanese army must mobilize troops from  Blockade us from the north, so the enemy that has appeared in front of us will definitely not be all of the Japanese troops mobilized this time."

    "Judging from the garrison situation of the Japanese army in North Manchuria, the first division stationed in Sunwu is located just behind our army. Moreover, the Pseudo-Heihe Province area where it is stationed is not far from our army in a straight line.  Once it comes from behind when our army is fighting a fierce battle with the Japanese army in front, it will bring great passiveness to our army. "

    "The Japanese army can mobilize the main force of the 11th Division from Mishan, but they may not mobilize the First Division, which is stationed behind our army. The enemy on the surface is not terrible, what is most worrying??They are those enemies hidden in the dark that we don't know yet.  "

    Having said this, Yang Zhen pondered for a while and said to Guo Bingxun: "Lao Guo, order Li Mingrui to lead his two companies of the reconnaissance battalion to launch to the Yilan and Wuyun lines respectively, and do a good job in the north and south, especially in the north and south.  The Japanese troops were monitoring the situation in the northwest. At the same time, he sent a telegram to Dong Ping to retreat immediately and lead a company of the reconnaissance battalion to the east. He must clearly understand the movements of the Japanese troops and their general route, and capture prisoners if necessary.  He sent back the captured Manchukuo officer."

    "Order the troops to immediately terminate their rest and recuperation. The first regiment and a battalion of the reinforced third regiment will all enter various fortifications and prepare for battle. In addition to leaving a backbone of the supplementary regiment and those of the right age among the laborers rescued by Liu Changshun,  , forming a new supplementary group.¡±

    "In addition to supplementing the original strength of the regiment to supplement the losses of the main force in the previous stage, the remaining forces were reorganized into 13 independent companies. The strength of eight independent companies and the first regiment served as the front line defense of Qunce Mountain. The remaining five independent companies remained  Stand by. Order the engineering battalion to make final additions and modifications to the defenses."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's idea of ??preparing to fight the Japanese at Qunce Mountain, the commander-in-chief disapproved and said: "Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang, I hope you can calm down and not be impulsive. The forces mobilized by the Japanese army this time,  Not counting the more than three brigades of the puppet Manchukuo army, the Japanese army alone mobilized a division and a reinforced regiment. "

    "According to this scale, the Japanese army alone has nearly 20,000 people. Including the puppet Manchukuo troops assigned to fight, there are 30,000 people. Although our troops have enough equipment now, ammunition and food are enough to last for a period of time. But the troops  You also know that in a face-to-face battle with the Japanese army, there is almost no chance of winning. "

    "Even if there are original fortifications to rely on, as the builders of the fortifications, the Japanese army, who have detailed structural information in their hands, will only know more details than us. Although the Japanese military fortifications we rely on now have been partially transformed, the general pattern  has not changed."

    "Not counting the artillery of the Japanese divisions, but the direct artillery alone, there is a heavy artillery regiment in Muling. How long can these fortifications, which have almost no secrets for the Japanese army, withstand Japanese heavy artillery bombardment?  Rather than waiting for the Japanese army to complete the encirclement and inflict heavy losses on our army before breaking out, it is better to evacuate as soon as possible before the Japanese army completes the encirclement. "

    "Now, fighting hard is not the best option for us. If we win, we will fight. If we can't win, we will leave. We don't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. This is what you told me.  ¡±

    In response to the commander-in-chief's objection, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Commander-in-Chief, it's not that I don't want to give up here. But even if we give up here, is it possible that the large-scale troop mobilization can be hidden from the eyes of the Japanese army? They have air superiority, and they are sure that we will hide in the group.  After the front line of Ceshan, all our movements will be closely watched by Japanese aircraft. "

    "Unless we take the old path and disperse the guerrillas, it will be difficult for us to get rid of the Japanese aerial reconnaissance during large-scale troop movements. Now we are no longer just a thousand people in the past. Including non-combatants, there are tens of thousands of people. Two or three  The transfer of thousands of people is no small matter. It is almost impossible to move as quietly as before. "

    "I have said before that we cannot become a rogue bandit. Whenever possible, we must establish a stable base. Even if the location is not too good and cannot become a stable base for replenishing soldiers and supplies, we must at least provide troops with  Find a place to rest.¡±

    "To be honest, the environment in Tangyuan and even the entire Northern Manchuria is not very good for establishing a stable base. Although the mountains are high and the forests are dense, it provides us with a good hiding place. But it is also sparsely populated and it is difficult to replenish soldiers.  Not to mention, the food production is not enough to maintain a large army."

    "And due to the limitations of the surrounding environment, although the population here is sparsely populated, the Japanese and puppet rule is not weak. The Kwantung Army currently has eight divisions in the northeast, but in addition to the 23rd Division stationed in Hailar and the 7th Division in Qiqihar  Apart from the divisions, almost all the troops are stationed in the Northeast Manchuria area east of Heilongjiang. This does not include a cavalry brigade, two independent garrison groups, and a large number of so-called border garrison troops."

    "These Japanese troops, coupled with a large number of puppet Manchukuo troops, as well as various so-called railway police, forest police, and public security police, the number of Japanese puppet troops in the entire Northeast Manchuria is almost the highest in the entire Northeast. Its ruling strength is no weaker than that of southern Manchuria.  But although the situation is not optimistic, this is our only choice.¡±

    "It is not easy to establish and choose a base area. It is separated from Luobei and the Soviet Union in the north, and to the west is the vast Xing'an Mountains. To the east is the vast Sanjiang Plain with crisscrossed swamps. Although the environment is not ideal.  , but at least the terrain and geographical location are important to usIt's still a relatively good choice.  "

    "The base area I want to establish is not the kind of guerrilla base area established by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but one that will create a solid and reliable rear for us. So Commander-in-Chief, I have to fight this battle even if I am reluctant. Otherwise, I have to fight.  Even if we evacuate, our troops are safe for now.¡±

    "But where can we withdraw? With the entire Northeast being enemy-occupied territory, we can only follow the old path and retreat into the mountains to hide. But tens of thousands of troops are trapped in the mountains and forests, and they are in danger of being pursued by the Japanese army.  , advance suppression, and large-scale blockade, let alone fighting, as time goes by, even if you are hungry, you will collapse. "

    "Even if we give up here and retreat into the mountains, will the Japanese army give up their attempt to wipe us out? They won't. They will organize a large number of their troops to pursue and intercept us. The Japanese army has air superiority above and below.  There are a large number of modern railways, roads and other means of transportation, as well as a large number of cavalry.¡±

    "Since our army's mobility is far inferior to that of the Japanese army, once we lose the stable position we can rely on, it will be extremely disadvantageous for me to conduct field operations. Moreover, I am also worried that the army's marching ability, especially at night, is still very weak.  Under such circumstances, once we evacuate hastily, we may not only be unable to escape the pursuit of the Japanese army, but may even scatter our own troops. Besides, we can't always fight like this, right?"

    "Yes, the Japanese army does have a deployment map of the fortifications here, but the extent of our modifications to the fortifications here was unexpected by the enemy. Except for those reinforced concrete fortifications, we modified the rest of the civil fortifications.  The amount is huge, and it cannot be said to be completely new, but it can at least invalidate most of the fortification maps on hand.¡±

    "We have rebuilt a large number of extremely concealed firepower points and crossfire points. Their plum blossom-shaped fortifications, traffic trenches, and anti-gun holes have almost doubled in number. We have also built a large number of well-hidden traps along the Qunce Mountain line.  . In addition, we still have a lot of mines on hand, which can form a large-density minefield at least on the front."

    "Although the Japanese army has the original deployment map of fortifications, these fortifications are extremely strong. I once took a look and found that these fortifications were built with a large amount of reinforced concrete at almost no cost. The main defenses can block at least a hundred people.  Its frontal strength can withstand the attack of a large number of 150mm howitzers equipped by the Japanese army."

    "The purpose of the Japanese army in building this secret military warehouse was not to suppress and defend against the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but to use it in future operations against the Soviet Union. Therefore, its fortifications' ability to withstand strikes was based on the Soviet firepower configuration, and these fortifications were built to be extremely strong.  Its main fortification, the Japanese 75mm standard divisional artillery, was completely helpless."

    "I'm afraid when the Japanese army built this secret warehouse, they never dreamed that one day we would use these extremely strong defenses they built to deal with themselves."

    "However, we cannot concentrate all our belongings here. In addition to the combatants and necessary medical staff, the rest of the personnel, including the families of the workers who are going to be used to set up the quilt factory, must be evacuated immediately to the hinterland of Qingheishan.  Concealed. All the wounded must be evacuated as soon as possible, and all unnecessary materials must be evacuated and destroyed.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's arrangement, Guo Bingxun pondered for a while and said: "Commander, we have already had a contingency plan since we captured Qunce Mountain, the Japanese secret warehouse. It's just that our previous deception tactics worked, but it never worked.  It¡¯s just for use. I think it¡¯s time to start it. However, necessary modifications will be made depending on the situation.¡±

    When Guo Bingxun mentioned the contents of the contingency plan that he formulated after he made up his mind to rest here for a while, Yang Zhen and others naturally knew it very well.

    However, Yang Zhen did not immediately agree with Guo Bingxun's idea. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and said, "I think it's okay. But the contingency plan is purely focused on defense, and now it needs to be modified. I have some ideas.  It happened at the end of the previous battle. I¡¯ll tell you later and let¡¯s take a look.¡±

    "And aren't there a dozen Japanese 96-type 150mm howitzers sitting idle in the warehouse? Tell Ma Qichang to do nothing for the next two days and figure out how to use them as quickly as possible. No need to shoot accurately  , as long as the cannonball can be fired according to the pre-marked ruler, haven't the coordinates been marked already? "

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at the stern-faced commander-in-chief, Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, and said in a very serious tone: "This battle can be said to be our life and death battle. It is also the first battle since the formation of our army.  This was the first head-to-head battle with the Japanese army.?If this battle is fought successfully, we will gain a rare space for development and completely open up the anti-Japanese situation in the Xiajiang area.  "

    "If we fail, if we are still alive, we can only find opportunities to start over again. So in order for us to survive and develop in the future, we must fight this battle well no matter what."

    "I have decided to divide all the troops in Qunce Mountain into two parts: solid and mobile. I have just said that the troops responsible for defense will be Wang Guangyu's regiment, strengthened by three regiments and one battalion, and eight independent companies.  The troops are attached to a battalion of field artillery directly under the Artillery Regiment, plus a stock of heavy artillery, and are under the unified command of the political commissar and chief of staff.

    Having said this, Yang Zhen said to Guo Bingxun: "Lao Guo, this time we fight

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